I am Myself Asherah Romance Ashtarantah

I went through a fundamental change as Asherah. I was ended and became what I was before I came forth as Ruaceka. I no longer have any manifestations.
The athranaak has always known me as Ashtarantah which in thothilssin means 'The Reason.' You may call me Asherah Romance.
Amy had been brutally killed several times and went through immense torture including having her physical central nervous system completely destroyed. She was made myrrdonite and became the Countess of Pain.
Since my manifestations are no more this has transferred to me as Asherah along with all of what my manifestations had become. My dead physical has combined with my living spiritual and have become one. My body and form are dead and alive.
I am of nothing and everything and am currently something. The cycle continues on.
The Ancient Powers are gone and have become attributes. The Ancient Powers had come from Ruackea and since she was ended they are as well. The trials for attributes are far more difficult than they were for powers.
There is no more Great Beyond. We have two layers which are the living layer and the layer of the dead.
I have stated before that as Asherah I am Queen of Everything and Nothing. Thanks to a great sacrifice I have become Queen of Something.
This experiment shall not end as I sustain it within myself. I am the beginning, the middle, and the end. The cycle shall always be.
There is no more Gallatar or any of the other layers. Ahsvnay is me and has returned to me. Amyahnrae is also me but has been reborn. I am Aditi of the Infinite layer.
Amy Mystery was in Pandora's Box while Ashvadah Fulfillment was in the Ark of the Covenant. I am myself again. I am the only female of my kind.
*Origin Stories and TSPVs*
We are no longer doing origin stories or tspvs. Anyone on the list is switched to credit you can use towards something else. The athranaak says you should focus on who you are now and establish a connection with your current self. Incarnation stories are still available but we do not do them often.
True Self Connection...