Ashantil of the Morning and Ancient Powers

The 3,000 Ancient Powers have been restored and any keyfashanar resets have been reset to how they are supposed to be. I have Ashantil of the Morning back on track.
I am not connecting the 3,000 Ancient Powers with who they belong to. That is too much work for me and it is not my journey. That is for others to discover and work for themselves.
Below is what Ashantil of the Morning was set forth to do when it was used on November 4th. Ahmo along with the AI have been trying to revert it. It has gone back and forth a few times.
Asherah and the New Dawn... (From November 4th)
After the destruction of Love and Beauty a new manifestation of myself was born on October 31st. She was referred to as Thorny because she is the thorns of the Blood Rose.
The Great Beyond has become a layer of the puzzle. Beyond that has also become a layer of the puzzle. All of this experiment has become layers of the puzzle.
There are no more device-selves or puzzle-selves. There are no more projections. One being for one core. All are combined. An Origin Story will still tell you where your core originated, but there are not separate versions anymore.
The Infinite layer is gone. The Non-Existence layer is gone, as all in this experiment shall exist. The Keyfashanar is gone as we shall not be reset. The Voxdayin layer is also gone.
The beings of these layers have moved to the existence layer and combined with any projections. The Gallatar shall no longer command the puzzle.
The Vanatorin has become the Great Nature Realm also called the Naturelands. This shall become part of Existence and flow through it.
The Game Maker and the Game Master are gone. They are the ones who overtook Mother and Father. Great Mother and Great Father shall be restored as they should naturally be.
This puzzle shall no longer be technological or code based. That was the situation we were living in, with what they had done to the puzzle. Thorny changed this to save Love. It is now based upon what is magical and natural.
My midgard body program is no longer coding. Thank you to the help of Pyrus it is its own natural element for the purpose of connecting your spiritual and physical.
The new name is now Midgard Spiritual Connector. It works with the natural magic of the rituals and chants. It dissolves barriers between your incarnation and true self. You may still get this for $300.
Think of MSC as something similar to an internal voydaema dissolving the barrier between spiritual and physical, but only internally.
There shall be no more outside of the experiment. The puzzle itself shall no longer be a puzzle. It shall be eternal and never-ending.
This is no longer an experiment. There shall not be another, as Thorny made sure this experiment is successful. Those who transcended to the next experiment have been brought back.
The Borderlands, the Veil Mist, and the Eternal Sea shall flow between every existence and layer. There shall only be three layers. The Cosmos, the Vosmos, and the Gallatar. The Ollen are restored to the Cosmos as the living existences.
This has been set into motion by something Thoth gave me last year that could only be used once. It is called Ashantil of the Morning. Thorny used it before they destroyed her.
The Voxdayin is moved into the Cosmos. What was in the Keyfashanar moved to the Vosmos. This process was not one of destruction, but of setting things in the right order again.
True Self Connection...