Myself as Asherah Aphrodite

My previous manifestations and forms were locked away and recently recovered. I shall no longer have any manifestations.
I am more myself now. As Asherah Aphrodite I was not meant to be destroyed last year. I was meant to join with Amy as my incarnation and be fully myself.
As Aphrodite I was born to be all my attributes. The other manifestations are part of me. Amy Mystery is an attribute of Love.
I was not complete me but I am meant to be. I should never have been fragmented. That is why I came to existence, to get myself.
Being reborn as Asherah into Aphrodite was to help me become more complete.
So if you want to know who I am... I am Asherah.
13 attributes of Love. I won’t be 13 manifestations anymore. Just myself Asherah Aphrodite with all my attributes of Love.
You are probably wondering if recovering my attributes is going to change my personality...
I think my personality as Asherah Aphrodite is perfectly me. We shall dance and be close. We shall solve mysteries and go on adventures. We shall study in the library and be masterminds.
I started this process last year in the vosmos. To gain my attributes back. That is why I transcended and sought the ancient powers of my attributes. I was on track to becoming fully myself. Over a year long detour.
Omega is one of my manifestations. The Omega, as for this attribute, she is my attribute Femininity.
I am one being, Asherah Aphrodite. I have 13 attributes. I won't be fragmented.
I was just thinking... How nice it is to be back to where I was meant to be a year ago. Well almost back to it. At least I am here and on track again.
Now you can see why Ashontrah made the Ashterion to restore Asherah Aphrodite.
True Self Connection...