Genirish: Death to the Nether Queen

The true self past vision begins. Tia-Mat stands before two of her sons and rages in an uproar.
Her anger is felt throughout her chambers. Many of the other drakon look away and lower their heads as she rages on.
There was a report brought to her from her son Genirish. It is about her daughter Drexia who she placed upon the throne of the Nether.
Tia-Mat 'Drexia!' She says this over and over. Her anger is felt through the ground to the sky as everything shakes. The wild beasts and birds flee in fright.
Then the Mother of all Dragons calms herself. She says 'Drexia, how dare you betray me? How dare you break my heart? I am the one who birthed you and placed you on your throne. This is how you repay your mother?'
Genirish says 'It burdens my heart mother to bring you such news.'
Genirish is a drakon with onyx black and gold-tipped scales. He has large black and gold wings.
He serves as a commander to Tia-Mat's elite drakon guardians. Genirish had recently taken an envoy to meet his sister Drexia in the Nether realm.
Drexia had told him 'Leave, I will soon replace my mother. I pledged my allegiance to a dark master. One more powerful than anyone who exists within the realms.'
Back with Tia-Mat...
One of her firstborn sons Kyrse speaks 'She should be dealt with mother. Even though she is drakon, she has pledged herself to a dark force. She has turned on you and threatens to remove you as Mother of all Drakon.'
Tia-Mat says 'I shall bring ruin upon the Nether. It shall burn in drakon flames. Kyrse and Genirish, you will go there with my elite guard.
You will bring Drexia down. If she does not submit to my rule and turn from this dark master, then send her to where she needs to be.
She wishes to align herself with that corrupted little dwarf Moonstone and that sinister dark elf Saurzon. That is insult enough to me.
But to align herself to corrupted wicked Myrrdonite in the borderlands, how dare she! She believes they can offer her great power to dethrone me? To remove me as Mother of all Drakon? Well, she will know my wrath!'
Genirish says 'It is true.' He turns and speaks to the other dragons. 'Our sister Drexia has aligned herself with the Count of the borderlands. She sacrifices Nether beings to feed an endless army of dead corrupt corpses.
Our spies witnessed the rising of this army. The Count of Pain of the borderlands was there. It was he who returned these sacrificed ones to life.'
Tia-Mat says 'The dark evil magic that they possess has twisted the balance between life and death. It raised these abominations to walk among the living realms. This we cannot have.
As guardians of the Naturals, it is my decision to strike against this. First, my daughter Drexia will be made an example to those who wish to turn to these corrupt and unnatural ways.
If any stand in the way of my judgement of my own daughter, then they shall meet with their own ending at my wrath.'
Kyrse says 'So be it, mother. Drexia shall bow before you and accept your demands to unalign with these beings from the borderlands. If she does not, then she will feel your wrath.'
Kyrse continues 'Genirish, gather your forces to the Nether.'
Genirish, Kyrse, and the elite drakon guard bow before Tia-Mat and then lift high up into the air.
Tia-Mat's heads cringe down as if something is bothering her.
Her son the Drakon of Wisdom Vahxiaiah asks 'Mother, is something troubling you?'
Tia-Mat says 'I must go before my primordial children. Something is awakening and I must understand it. You will accompany me there.
Then we will travel to the realm of the Natural Sentials. The pantheons and houses have sent representatives to reassure our alliance against this Bentian threat.
Now come, we must go to your primordial brothers and sisters. There is something there that waits to be revealed to me.'
In the Nether...
A young Nether child is walking and stares up into the sky and sees the swirls of the Nether clouds. It is like watching the aurora borealis. There are many colors which flow through.
The boy sits and watches the sky as he wonders about places far away. What stretches out beyond the Nether? Will he ever know?
Several Nether beings gather nearby. A female says 'Stay close Baradin. Do not wander too far.'
The young boy nods in acknowledgment. Then he stares out again across the Nether daydreaming about places he hears in stories.
Young Baradin wishes to travel to the great Nether capital but has heard others speak of how the great Queen Drexia has gone mad. They speak of a great vast army rising from the corpses of sacrifices.
He sees something off in the distance, a mass of thousands of silhouettes. As the wind blows he catches the scent of death.
The other Nether beings take notice of this as well and come where Baradin is watching. They see a large undead Nether army moving toward them. The rumors are true.
Female Nether being says 'Baradin, come quickly.'
Fear, panic, and confusion spread among the group of Nether beings. Young Baradin gets separated from them as many run and flee.
The undead army falls upon them and begins cutting them down. Baradin finds a place to hide under an overturned wagon. He hears the sounds of screams and slaughter.
The wind picks up and young Baradin can hear the beating of wings upon the air. Then he hears the voice of a strong female. He looks out through the small cracks of the wagon.
It is the Nether Queen Drexia. Her eyes are glowing strangely. She speaks to a mutilated being standing beside her.
Drexia says 'They will all be cut down. New recruits for the army of the master.'
Oxzian says 'You have served the master well, great Queen. You shall be rewarded.'
There is a puzzle piece object floating around Oxzian. Black tentacle coils shoot from it into the bodies of the fallen slain Nether beings raising them up.
Young Baradin hears the voices of frightened Nether beings.
Drexia says 'Ah, captives. My loyal subjects.'
She speaks to a group of captured Nether beings. 'You have come to serve your Queen and serve me you will. You will sacrifice yourself for me and Nether, but you will rise anew. More powerful than any of you have ever dreamed of.'
Drexia signals to one of the undead Nether beings. 'Line them up one by one and kill them. Let them be on their knees and accept their fate. They must willingly sacrifice themselves. If they do not, then rip them apart.'
The undead Nether beings take the captives one by one and force them down to their knees in front of Queen Drexia. Baradin watches in horror as those who resist are torn apart.
Drexia says 'Now serve me in death as you have served me in life.'
The captives are being killed one by one. Suddenly, flames burst down from the sky.
Drexia looks up and grins 'So my mother has sent my own brothers and sisters. She wishes me to bow to her will. Little does she know, she has only sent those who shall now serve me in death.'
She yells to her undead 'Kill them all!'
Oxzian says 'Destroy these drakon. Prove yourself worthy once again of the master's love. Bring them to our side. I shall empower you to make you stronger than any of your siblings. Serve the master and take in his power.'
Coils come from the floating puzzle piece object directed by Oxzian. They pierce into Drexia. She grows with a bright darkness and roars loudly.
Nether Queen Drexia flies up into the air and outmaneuvers several of the drakon elite guards. She bites at them, ripping their wings, sending them falling from the sky.
Genirish looks at Kyrse and says 'We must bring her down, brother. She has made her choice. She will not bend to the mercy of mother. It is time to enter.'
Kyrse says 'This is true, brother. Let's go together, but be wary. I sense a strange power within her.'
Oxzian watches from the ground below. 'These drakon are meddling.'
He commands the puzzle piece and it spins around him faster and faster. Coils shoot out from it wrapping around the elite drakon guard.
Genirish and Kyrse focus their attack on Drexia. Kyrse blows black chaos flames at her.
Drexia evades them and spews dark blackness mist which blinds Kyrse for a moment. She then attacks him with her claws.
They tumble from the sky and hit the ground hard. Trees fall as the two drakon fight and roll around biting and burning each other.
Drexia pins Kyrse down and bites at the back of his neck. She sinks her teeth in while Kyrse shrieks in pain. He quickly regains himself and burns her left wing with his chaotic fire.
The Nether Queen backs up 'You are no match for me. Now feel true power.'
She opens her mouth as if to breathe fire, except black coils come from it and pierce into Kyrse's neck.
Kyrse struggles and tries to fight it. Just then, Drexia is rushed from the side by Genirish. The two go rolling through the landscape knocking down trees.
Drexia tries to send coils from her mouth. Genirish swiftly moves his head and bites down on them, ripping the coils off.
The Nether Queen screeches in pain and claws at Genirish. He says 'You have lost your mind. It pains me to destroy you, sister.'
In his mind, Genirish remembers his childhood with his sister Drexia. She used to be so different. She used to act like a drakon.
Now as he looks at her, Genirish sees nothing of what Drexia once was. He only sees what she has become. She is twisted by a darkness of great evil.
Using all her strength, Drexia throws Genirish off of her. Kyrse is recovered and joins back in. They face off against her.
Nether Queen Drexia grows with a dark strange energy. She shrieks 'I will show you both brothers that I will be the Mother of Drakon in the end. You will serve me, alive or dead.'
Coils shoot out of Drexia's back and wrap themselves around Genirish and Kyrse. They feel their life force draining from them.
Drakon elite guard are feeling the same effects from the coils Oxzian sent from his puzzle piece.
Oxzian says 'Yes, your life force and your very cores shall now be mine to control. Your fires shall burn the realms and those who dwell within them.'
The elite drakon can feel their forms start to decay away. Just then something comes through the sky cutting the coils. The drakon release and fall to the ground.
Oxzian asks 'Who is intervening now? Who chooses to face me? I am power here.'
A winged figure clad in black armor lands in front of Oxzian.
Oxzian says 'Ourhkina, you come alone. You bring none of your brothers with you. That is because you are alone, aren't you?'
EinossArku says 'There are many of us who know who you truly serve. A dark master wishing to conquer all.'
The Ourhkina EinossArku raises his spear and points it at Oxzian. 'We end this today. You will not slay the drakon. They will not serve you.'
Oxzian laughs 'You will see Ourhkina, all shall serve me in death.'
He commands the puzzle piece to launch coils and Arku dodges them. Oxzian then commands several undead to attack the Ourhkina. EinossArku fights them back.
On the other side of the commotion and chaos, Drexia is draining her two brothers.
Drexia says 'Yes, now you will serve me.'
A large blast of blackish-blue fire hits her. She burns and the coils release. She looks up and there on a ridge is a dark blue dwarf holding a cannon upon his shoulder almost like a bazooka.
Drexia growls and shrieks at him. The dwarf says to himself 'Well, that pissed her off.'
The Nether Queen realizes that the fire is burning her skin. She rolls trying to put it out. Genirish and Kyrse regain themselves as the dwarf runs toward them.
The dwarf Fogbeard says 'Quickly lads, I need your help. We will be overrun. The undead will take and kill your brothers. Get me to the sky, I have something. I need you to lift it for me.'
Genirish says to Kyrse 'Hold her off of us. I shall have the dwarf.' Fogbeard jumps on the back of Genirish.
Kyrse faces against Drexia as Genirish takes the dwarf to the sky. This time Kyrse is more cautious with his moves.
Drexia moves forward. Kyrse dodges her attack and strikes back with his tail.
Up in the sky, Fogbeard directs Genirish toward the large half-circle object laying on the ground a short distance from the undead Nether beings.
Fogbeard says 'Pick that up and bring it over to the field. Place it in the middle of where all those undead are gathered.'
Genirish says 'A weapon?'
Fogbeard says 'Yes, a weapon I have been working on for some time. This is just a test run. If it works we can bring this madness to an end.'
Genirish flies down and grasps the object with his claws and lifts it high up into the sky. The object is not large, but it is much heavier than it appears.
A strange tingling feeling goes through the tips of his claws up into his limbs. It is not painful to Genirish. In fact, it feels like it is regenerating what Drexia was trying to drain away.
Fogbeard points down at the massive undead surrounding EinossArku. 'Quickly lad, down there. My friend is overwhelmed.'
Genirish uses his might to beat his wings harder. He moves faster toward the ground. He places the object down in the middle of the undead.
Fogbeard jumps down from his back and gets to work on the half-circle object.
Genirish uses his fire to burn off the undead trying to attack. He creates a perimeter around Fogbeard and the object.
Genirish says 'Whatever you are doing dwarf, do it quickly. I won't be able to hold them forever.'
Across the way, Kyrse and Drexia are entangled in combat. Drexia strikes for the belly of Kyrse and opens her mouth to shoot out coils.
Kyrse waits for his moment of opportunity for her to draw in closer. When she strikes he moves up into the air. Kyrse crashes down on her and pins her neck and body beneath him.
Kyrse says 'I am sorry sister, but you chose this.' Black chaos fire forms in his mouth.
He bites down hard on Drexia's neck, sinking his teeth deep within until he hears a snap. He tastes Dexia's Nether blood as it spills out. Drexia shrieks in pain and then falls lifeless.
Oxzian notices this and watches the Ourhkina cut through his undead with strange black-blue fire which glows from the tip of his blade.
EinossArku yells 'Hurry Fogbeard!'
Fogbeard works on the device 'Almost, almost... I got it! Everyone get down, or up!'
Fogbeard hit the ground while EinossArku and drakon fly high into the sky. A large blue-black flame bursts from the object in the middle. It burns through the undead Nether beings. Setting them ablaze and burning them to ash.
Oxzian goes through a rift and closes it before EinossArku can get to him.
Fogbeard stands back up to his feet and brushes off the small bit of flame on the back of his shirt. He jumps up and down 'It worked! It worked!'
EinossArku places his hand on the dwarf's shoulder 'It did. Now we just have to find a way to get them all in one place at the same time.'
Genirish says 'We are thankful to you Ourhkina and to you Dwarf.'
Kyrse flies down, his mouth dripping with black Nether blood.
Genirish says 'Then it is done. Our sister Drexia is no more.'
Kyrse answers 'She has made her choice. Now she has died with it.'
Genirish says 'The Nether will be without a ruler. What shall become of the realm?'
EinossArku says 'The Nether will find its way. They will find others who will lead them.' He looks over his shoulder at an overturned wagon.
Kyrse and Genirish return back to Tia-Mat and report what happened. Later in the evening, Genirish sits on a great perch overlooking the valley.
There he can feel the darkness rising. He knows he will find it in himself to stand up to any challenges.
True Self Connection...