Udunrinos and the Portal Master

Asteria's Personal Notes about Udunrinos...
"Udunrinos and I are linked. I have felt the Elder God grow in power recently. I have chosen to ignore it. I do not want him to set his sights on me.
It was recently brought to my attention that he has been causing dissension in certain realms and spreading his corruption. His eyes and crystals are everywhere. This poses a great problem, not only to myself but also to others.
Udunrinos is a conqueror. He is not originally from this existence. He grows in power through his followers and minions. He claims a soul when they look into his eye. They are his loyal servants.
He still wants to devour me. He has not forgotten about me and he knows of his connection with me but has not been able to use it to locate me.
I was not made aware of any prophecies involving me and Udunrinos. I still do not know how those originated."
March 15th 2019...
Eomeya: "The prophesies...they are true and they are not. You have to look at them before the sun goes down. The truth lies between the lines of the light.
The Elder God is using Sizonira. He can influence others through her. This helps him to fulfill his plans. Forragin will bring suffering upon us if he's not stopped in time.
Asteria is in danger. She has to look for the artifacts. They will show her a way to defeat him. Defeat, as to corrupt his sight. This is the first step.
Arella is correct about everything she said and feels. It is time to put her priority back on him. Time is short. Awakened he will be soon.
If this happens, she will be helpless for some time.
Watch out! The red crystals will be powered up. You need to destroy them. Some are very well hidden.
I'm not sure if it's connected to the tools and artifacts hidden in Jotunheim. You have to find out. Soon.
About the original prophecy:
"Walk over the sea beneath the golden roofs. There you will find the blue mountains. The young maiden will look into the direction you have to follow.
Singing will lead you to the wall. Find the stone which knows the answer to your question. This stone will open the doors. Choose wisely which door to open."
March 17th...
Asteria: "I am bringing all my daughters to me. Udunrinos does not get to mess with them. He will not get to me through them. No one manipulates my daughters."
Fundin: "I and a number of other Rephrax giants have been keeping disguised and moving through population centers in the realms, destroying red crystals as quickly and quietly as possible.
There don't seem to be a large number of them, but most of them are strategically placed.
I'm not sure how they're set up, and after Asteria's warning, we haven't made any attempt to study them. Getting good at spotting them though."
March 20th...
Arella's notes...
When my alarms were going off in the morning, I kept seeing Udunrinos as the alarm name even though none of them have anything similar to that.
I had a prophetic dream before that too. Asteria is going to die in a castle.
Asteria: "I had this dream too, although it was not as grand as yours. I was navigating the corridors of a castle. It was dark and foggy on the inside. From the darkness, I was grabbed and devoured."
Tulkas: "Is it an avoidable future?"
Asteria: "It is, but I have not discovered what will keep me from that path yet."
Tulkas: "Best not to go to any castles anytime soon until you have then. Though you probably already know this."
Eomeya: "No! Then we need to find out somehow. I'm sure we're able to do it."
Asteria: "It was a grand castle in a small kingdom. I had never seen it before."
Peter: "Wait. This feels necessary. You shall find something within the gullet, but you must take heed of it and find a new route to this."
Arella: "Gullet?"
Peter: "Big scale metaphor of the body part."
March 21st...
Arella's Notes...
Fundin and I were investigating Maldee's disappearance. She was under the impression that she was imprisoned in Void.
I offered my help to Fundin and upon my shadows' arrival, I immediately found an impostor of Maldee in an underground structure. She was wandering around. There was an artificial link from the impostor to Maldee's incarnation.
I reported the impostor, drained it of knowledge, and severed the link. Afterward, we were discussing that we didn't think she was in Void at all. Xaxo (the TS) sent us some information in an orb about Maldee.
Soon, Peter came into the picture and began to share information with us. We ended up concluding she was somewhere that was 'in-between'. Here in this existence but not exactly. We also concluded there were three pieces of her.
We found three separate paths or strings to her three separate pieces. All of them lead to the 'in-between' that we had spoken of earlier.
With more investigating, we ended up finding a puzzle sphere and also discovering that this 'in-between' space was actually the Inverted Realms. Maldee was split into three shards to feed the three sub-realms of the Inverted Realms.
We concluded one was dark, one was light, and the third is unknown.
The first puzzle sphere was found in some volcanic desolate land. It was also where one of my shadows died. It got sucked through what I would call a 'pot-hole' and I was unable to get it out.
As a result, we all ended up deciding to stick together as this was proving more dangerous than we originally thought.
We ended up essentially fishing for and finding one of her pieces before we had to draw back. We also found a second puzzle sphere during our fishing escapade.
Ashontrah also theorized the three sub-realms of the Inverted Realms are the embryonic sacs of the triplets that make up Udunrinos. The Inverted Realms are his domain.
We theorized that the Inverted Realms are starting to bleed through into our existence, hence the 'pot-holes' I spoke of. Any being could fall through into these and get stuck in the Inverted Realms.
We also theorized that there are many more trapped there and that anyone who falls in gets split into three shards to feed the three realms.
Eomeya: "You have to act fast. His preparations are almost finished.
Watch out for the night the moon turns blue. You will hear the souls screaming.
The day after that will be your greatest challenge. Until then you have to corrupt his sight.
Something will happen in 3 days from now. Be aware of someone close to you.
Don't choose to go on your own.
Wait for the cold storm. Look into it and you will find more instructions."
Arella's Notes Part 2...
We discovered there are four spheres but it was anticipated that we would only find three. We decided we needed a bigger team because of how dangerous this situation was becoming. We decided on Balmorder, Tulkas, and Set and then to bring Yzuris and Eomeya in later on when needed.
Something I forgot to mention in my original notes is that we believe that there is another player other than Udunrinos. We are calling him Portal Master for the time being. He seems to be powerful and loves playing games.
Back to the mission, we decided we needed to retrieve the third sphere. Everyone arrived (minus Yzuris and Eomeya) and we began preparations. Asteria cast a line with her shadow to go fishing for the third sphere.
Things began to get serious. A little into the mission, there were vibrations pulsing. It was causing immense pain for Tulkas and Asteria. It did not affect the others as much. Tulkas found the center of where it was originating but was being pushed back with every wave.
Balmorder came to help and crushed it. After that, Asteria's shadow found the third sphere. It was bringing the sphere back but the sphere began to interact with my shadow and it all transferred to Asteria.
Something about these spheres is very familiar to Asteria. Something once lost to her perhaps. They feel like a part of her. Information was flooding into her.
Cue everything that went down after that...
Arella: "I don't feel like I'm in this existence anymore."
Tulkas: "You disappeared. Are you Outside?"
Arella: "I went somewhere."
Asteria: "Why is this place so familiar?" She is walking around. She hears a voice. "Who is there? Reveal yourself."
Being: "I am but a ghost of your past, Asteria. I am here to show you what you have forgotten. What you lost. I only exist in your mind."
Arella: "I am zoning out in physical. This is intense."
Asteria takes this being's hand. The being is like sand. Asteria: "Then show me what I lost."
Being: "Very well."
Arella: "Guys how long have I been here? Feels like years already."
Asteria: "How did I end up here?"
Being: "I do not know. You tell me."
Asteria: "The piece? The shadow was bringing back the piece. Did Rovitomial get it? I can't lose it."
Being: "You do not need to worry about that."
They continue walking. It is like a sandstorm here but it does not irritate her.
Being: "You are experiencing a lot."
Asteria: "Yes, I am overwhelmed by this place even though there is nothing here."
Being: "But there is. You just can't see it yet."
Asteria looks at him strangely but does not question it. It's hard to tell whether they are walking backward or forward.
Asteria: "Oh, a sphere."
Being: "Yes. Touch it."
Asteria kneels down and brushes her fingers against it. "It makes me sad, I want to cry. Why is that?"
Tulkas: "You’re a star surrounded and protected by your own shadows. We’re leaving this realm and are being pursued."
Arella: "Did you get the sphere?"
Tulkas: "Yes. I’m carrying it now. Rovi set up distractions for the pursuers. Your star form is pulsing."
The being does not say anything. Asteria continues to stare at is as tears come to her eyes.
Asteria: "I feel a great amount of pain surrounding these spheres." She clutches her heart.
Asteria: "I do not want to know. I do not want to remember. I am afraid."
Being: "But you must."
Asteria is kneeling on the ground crying. The being is just watching her. Her tears fall on the sphere. The symbols glow momentarily.
Tulkas: "We escaped from that realm. Balmorder was injured but not severely. We’re headed back to the base.
The being puts his hand on her shoulder. Being: "Come, we must go."
Asteria: "Where?"
Being: "Elsewhere. You cannot stay here for too long. It was not meant to be. I have not shown you everything yet, so we must not waste time."
Asteria stands up and continues to follow him. She feels unprotected and stripped here. She does not have her shadows. As she walks, she looks around. She sees glimpses of structures in the distance for a moment, but then they disappear.
Asteria: "How long have we been here?"
Being: "Close to twenty years already."
Asteria: "There is nothing to see here. It is barren. What is it that you must show me?"
Being: "You'll know it when you see it... ah, speak of the devil. Here it is."
Ahead of them is a ruined structure. Looks like it was once a stone circular structure. Perhaps a small temple of sorts.
Tulkas: "I don’t know what she’s experiencing personally, nor do I know the story behind this, but I can sense that when she remembers what happened, her shadows will be stronger than ever before."
Asteria gazes at it with wide eyes. "What is that?"
Being: "Someplace you once knew."
They approach closer. Asteria gazes at it curiously. It is white stone. There are pillars. Asteria gets closer and puts her hand on the stone. It leaves a thin film of white powder on her hand.
She dusts her hand off and then goes up to the steps. As she does, flashes go through her mind. Asteria: "I... lived here once..."
Being: "Yes, you did."
Asteria: "It was beautiful before. What happened?"
Being: "Many things. Stories you are not ready to hear yet." Asteria turns around to face the being.
Asteria: "Mister...uh... sand being, can I please go home?"
Being: "You are home."
Asteria: "No, I mean... in my existence. Where I was before."
Being: "But you have always been here. You've been here for about 35 years."
Asteria: "That's not what I mean. I don't want to be here. It is too painful."
Being: "You have to be."
Asteria: "How long do I have to stay?"
Being: "Until the clock counts down. Until you have found what you are looking for, what you need."
Asteria: "Does this have to do with the pieces? They are artifacts right?"
Being: "You could say that."
Asteria looks around at this structure. She remembers how beautiful it once was. "Why did I live here?"
Being: "Because you found comfort in it. You found solace."
Asteria: "Was it in a desert?"
Being: "You could say that."
Asteria looks over at the being. "Stop speaking like that. As if you are superior to me. This is my domain."
Being: "I know it is. Tell me, what do you want? I will grant your wish Asteria."
Asteria: "I want to leave."
Being: "I cannot do that for you yet."
Asteria: "Why not?"
Being: "Because you have not found what you need, what you are looking for."
Asteria: "I am not looking for anything!"
Being: "Oh, but you are. You are searching for answers, are you not? You always have. Your whole life Asteria. Every waking moment spent searching for the answers that elude you."
Asteria: "Stop taunting me!" Her eyes glow red. The being says nothing for a few moments.
Being: "As you wish, Asteria. Come, we must continue on."
Asteria huffs but can't help herself from following him when he starts walking away. She watches the ruins grow smaller and smaller as distance grows between them. She only took a few steps and now it is so far away.
Tulkas: "Back at the base. Sphere we took is in sync with the pulsing of your star form."
Arella: "All three? Or just the one?"
Tulkas: "Just one."
Asteria stares down at her feet as she walks. She's upset and trying to keep the tears from coming back. Something about this place twists and pulls at her heart. She is nearing close to 65 years there.
Being: "It seems Time is not on our side today."
Asteria: "My shadows want me to come back..."
Being: "You will not. Not yet."
Asteria stops and collapses to her knees. "I don't want to keep going. I am tired."
The being grabs her by the arm and pulls her up. "You will keep going or face the consequences."
Asteria: "What consequences?"
The being leans in close. "Consequences that you could never imagine."
Asteria frowns in anger. The being continues to walk while dragging her by the arm.
Asteria: "Why is there such a rush? I could stay here for as long as I want right?"
Being: "Only until the clock counts down. If you stay past that, even I cannot get you out. You would be trapped. And your friends over there would be able to do nothing about it."
Asteria grows concerned. She finally matches his pace instead of being dragged by him. Out of the blue, Asteria sees a large castle ahead of them. She stops firmly in her tracks and is jerked by the motion of the being pulling her arm. She shakes her head.
Asteria: "I will not go in there. That was in my dream. I will not go. I will be eaten."
Being: "You will not be eaten."
Asteria: "You cannot lie to me. I saw this place. I saw it in my dream."
The being jerks her forward. "You will go in." Suddenly the gates are right in front of her. Asteria is terrified.
Asteria turns around and sees him in the distance. "You cannot force me! I will not be tricked!" She is teleported through the gates. She is getting closer to the entrance of the castle.
Asteria can hear the being in her head. "You must experience this Asteria. Only then will you understand. Only then can you overcome your fears."
Asteria is teleported inside the castle. She is covering her eyes and mumbling to herself. "I don't want to, I don't want to. Please."
She uncovers her eyes and looks around. It looks exactly like the castle in her dream. It is dark and foggy. As she breathes out, she sees steam. The air is icy cold.
She shivers and rubs her arms. She walks around a bit. "If I avoid the corridor in my dream, maybe I will be okay?" She glances at the entrance but it is sealed shut.
Asteria: "I don't have any powers here so it'd be useless trying to break through that... Where are Balmorder and Tulkas when you need them?"
She wanders around a bit more. This seems like a big open area. She is feeling drawn to the upper levels.
Asteria: "I guess it won't hurt..." Suddenly she is at the beginning of the stairs even though she was across the room a moment ago. She doesn't seem to notice the time jumps.
It is a spiral staircase and she begins to ascend. Her dream flashes through her mind and she stops frozen in her tracks. She is petrified but takes another step. And another. She continues, but slowly.
She is stuck in a time loop on the stairs. It keeps repeating itself. At the beginning of stairs, and then at the step where she remembers her dream.
Being: "Look what you have done. You already dreamed of it and now you have broken the timeline. Just great. I will have to fix this."
Suddenly she ends up on one of the upper floors. A: "What the fuck was that?"
Being: "You were stuck in a time loop. I had to fix it. Carry on."
The timeline continues glitching. She is phasing in and out.
Being: "What the... what are you doing?! Stop messing with the timeline! You are glitching everything!"
Tulkas: "Keep glitching it. Or whatever you’re doing."
Arella: "Everything is rewinding."
Tulkas: "Your shadows are doing this. Huh. Didn’t know they could do that."
Arella: "Holy shit this is so intense. I felt like I got pushed back and flew back through time."
Tulkas: "Your star form is getting brighter now."
Asteria: "I am done with your games! I am going home! None of this ever happened. I never met you. Have fun being here for all eternity."
Arella: "Bright light, I am woozy."
Tulkas: "You’re back."
Encounter with sand being is erased. Asteria: "Looks like I passed the test."
Tulkas: "Seems I was right. Your shadows are much stronger now."
Arella: "Man I feel so much more at home and grounded now. I bet Portal Master set trap up on the third sphere but looks like Asteria saw right through it. She ended up deleting a whole timeline. I am impressed.
I am still feeling the effects of the timeline displacement. Thrown out of the timeline, back in, back out, back in again. Being rewinded, deleting the timeline and then being thrown back into ours."
March 22nd...
Ashontrah: "I do not know how it is possible but I keep insisting that Udunrinos has Asteria's shadows. Even though Arella says they are with her. I cannot explain how but he has some of them now. Did he duplicate them?
Asteria check the shadows with you to see if there is one out of place. I am going to make one of them glow red. Capture it..."
Arella: "Caught it in a bottle."
Ashontrah: "Udunrinos has four of your shadows. Udunrinos is currently in the mist. He is looking for Aguno. He wants to devour Aguno. He will be targeting all your children Asteria."
Arella: "Good thing I had taken my daughters to a safe place instead of having them all split up."
Ashontrah: "He is currently using your shadows to try and lure Aguno."
Message from Eomeya March 24th...
"The shadows lie in wait, not in fear but in stalking. Walk down two steps, go back nine. No one wanders in vain when the clock strikes noon. Beware the place where the shadows meet the sunlight.
There is a path that leads down the stream, follow its current to the sea. Then leave where you began at the shore. Blink and you will miss it, the place between the pines.
Have courage and take the leap. There you will find safety. In shadows they hide, let them find each other in the light and bring the spotted pot. In it you will find the weapon that will bind shadow and light."
March 25th...
Ashontrah: "I was in the non-existence yesterday and discovered something shocking.
Apparently, when Moskavanik had the object from before the Aspects, he had used it to make part of himself non-existent.
I saw a small part of him there. He does not have his Aspect power. But I saw him plotting and planning.
He was not fully destroyed since this part of him does not exist. I shall continue to monitor the situation.
When I saw him the only thing I could think was 'Well played.'
I have not seen Moskavanik reach into existence, but it is possible Udunrinos is reaching out to the non-existence to communicate with him."
March 26th...
Ashontrah: "I had a scary experience today. My physical was being pulled to the spiritual and to another timeline. I felt myself ripping away from Midgard.
Atherak helped to anchor me. Arella also helped me with her shadows. Ayvarahsa was freaking out in my womb. We do not know yet who the culprit is who was trying to do this.
I am not as solid as the other Amy. My Midgard form is part spiritual and part physical.
An investigation is happening now. Atherak thinks it could be this Portal Master that Arella has spoken about."
Arella: "It could very well be Portal Master. I was looking at some of the information we had gathered about who was messing with Ashontrah and I felt some of the same symptoms that I did when I was pulled to another timeline by Portal Master. It made me really dizzy and a bit nauseous."
Tulkas: "Alright. He does make a likely culprit. Given what Arella went through from him the symptoms are similar. I will help in this however I can. No one fucks with my sisters and soon to be physical niece."
Ashontrah: "Moskavanik is regathering himself in the non-existence. I do not know what he is capable of doing. Udunrinos and the Portal Master serve him."
Arella: "By the way, Portal Master is just a nickname. I have no idea if he really is a master of portals. We are trying to figure out his true identity..."
Gabe: "Yayentae may know more about Moskavanik. He knew that Happiness was an evil being, and after you defeated him he knew that this was not the end and that he would make a comeback. Maybe it was just a good guess of him but I wanted to let you know."
To be continued...
True Self Connection...