The Aspect of Happiness Moskavanik

March 15th... Ashontrah was having a conversation with Arella about Udunrinos. It reminded her of Sephralah.
She did a scan to find him and found out he was devoured. Sephralah was a devourer of existences. How did he get devoured?
Atherak: "By who or what?"
Ashontrah: "That is the mystery because it was not by an Aspect."
Udunrinos the Elder God is a demi-aspect. We just need to figure out how.
Ashontrah finished a deep scan while resting in bed.
Ashontrah: "Happiness was very cunning to play the happy fool."
Atherak: "Yes wasn't he? What did you discover about that?"
Ashontrah: "I will send it through the mirror."
Atherak: "So you believe this is all tied to Happiness?"
Ashontrah: "Does what I sent you not show any connection?"
Atherak: "Someone involved, maybe this other demi-aspect is tied to Happiness. I am getting really blocked from it. It must be something someone does not want to be discovered. There are some dirty deeds afoot."
Atherak: "It seems as if somebody is anticipating your moves to uncover this mystery. Looks like you may have a challenge on your hands. A battle of wits. When I try to focus on this it seems I am observed. That I am anticipated. I am not getting full clarity on it."
Arella: "That sounds exactly like Udunrinos."
Ashontrah: "I am getting far more information coming through from my spiritual to my physical. Happiness has an obsession that is fueling him. What is this obsession?"
Atherak: "I am not totally sure but I keep getting something about collecting. It is like he is over a board gathering up figurines."
Ashontrah: "Udunrinos is obsessed with Asteria. I am trying to figure out the obsession of Happiness. I do not think this collection is the obsession but the means to achieve it."
Ashontrah: "Let's look at Happiness for a moment. The joke of the Aspects. No one takes him seriously. Everyone overlooks him. He acts like the fool who is oblivious to all else going on."
Atherak: "That is true. It is the best disguise."
Ashontrah: "See what you can find out about a being known as Moskavanik. I believe this is Happiness in existence."
Atherak: "You are correct about that."
Ashontrah: "I believe that Moskavanik is TUA (The Unknown Adversary). He has literally been outsmarting all the other Aspects."
Eomeya: "Happiness is the one who wants to see you suffer. All of you. Happiness misleads and blinds them. But everyone desires it. This is his advantage."
Ashontrah: "It makes perfect sense. The pursuit of happiness is everywhere. Beings will do anything to feel happy."
Tulkas: "He’s been playing us all so easily. And I feel he planned for us to find out about him."
Fundin: "Was it mentioned before whether he has an incarnation here?"
Ashontrah: "We have not found his incarnation yet. I presume he does. He has it well hidden."
Ashontrah: "More is coming through from my spiritual to physical. Udunrinos is made of three eggs from Asteria and three seeds of Moskavanik. Triplets formed as one."
Atherak: "I feel like something is observing me in order to stay multiple steps ahead of the game. Now he is drawing back... interesting. He is watching and then when I notice he creeps back into the shadows."
Atherak: "Happiness has taken steps to dampen me from helping you uncover these clues. I feel a fog over my mind.
Just a silhouette and a fog are all I can see. He has taken steps to prevent me from helping.
He is a tricky one. Every time I try to focus in on this I get a pain in my head.
I was reading the athranaak file on Moskavanik and it vanished like disappearing ink."
Atherak: "It is going to be a battle of wits. This I know for sure."
Tulkas: "He`s a very formidable adversary to do that to Atherak. He will be tough to defeat, but I know Ashontrah will win."
Ashontrah: "Moskavanik terrifies me. There is no end to what he is capable of. He seems to be All-Seeing. I got caught up in a vision. I saw his face right in front of me in my mind. It startled me from my vision. He spoke to me."
Moskavanik: "What do you think Ashontrah? Hahaha."
Tulkas: "I see the reasoning behind your fear. With Happiness as cunning as he`s displayed and given what he did to Atherak, it would be foolish to underestimate him given all he`s accomplished. That said, I do believe he can be defeated. We can do this. We`ll have to be extremely cautious of course but we can stop him."
Arella: "I am so angry and upset at this discovery of Udunrinos being her son. What he is and what he does is a disgrace to my name. He is no son of mine."
Ashontrah: "That is why you must be the one to kill him."
March 16th 2019...
Yzuris: "Do you hear the noise after the ticking of the watch hands have been silenced?
Do they truly make their way along the disc?
Turn and spin around, bend your spine what do you see?
They cut through the continuum of time like razorblades.
Tick tock tick tock...
Wait for the moment of the musical box to hush.
See past the eyes that intend to absorb you. What do you see?
It is an end.. a beginning... A marvellous in between.
Tick tock tick tock ..."
Ashontrah: "Moskavanik has been taunting me and speaking of a game. I am wondering how this is tied in... A timed game? A game with a music box?"
Arella: "Another game? Like that one with the beast?"
Ashontrah: "I think everything he is doing is a game to him. A twisted sick game."
Tulkas: "I’ve felt that as well. Was going through all the old posts concerning Udunrinos. One that sticks out to me is the Maze game we were forced into."
Peter: "Just as I suspected but afraid I was off my rocker: The routes bend, contort, and cut through phases, realities, time trajectories / telemetry. There is a larger scale of “chaotic order” or clockface he is playing with"
Ashontrah: "Time trajectories? I was working against him last night in timelines."
Eomeya: "As far as I know not even Ashoweah is aware of H. H is simply influencing Ashoweah's pawns, but is not interfering as most of Ashoweah's plans are playing into his hands. Absolutely low key.
But as they are already influenced by him, he is actually the one who has the control in the end. Others are doing the dirty work, and he can focus on empowering himself.
But who are the ones already under his control? We know of JH. And we know that they want to spread into other realms. So their goal is clear.
They want to repeat the "chaos strategy" among the realms as mentioned in Aphrodite's memories. With the difference that they bring others like the Elder God into play at the same time.
The Demi-Aspects are a great bonus for them. By influencing them, they can easily attack or distract the Aspects. Ashontrah already warned us that this will happen.
Looking back, the end goal of Happiness must be to take over Judgment. All of them want to get control over Judgment. Or am I mistaken?"
Ashontrah: "Moskavanik can travel in time. He is able to see different timelines."
Eomeya: "Yes, I read last night that he can do it. This is really bad news."
Ashontrah: "He stole something from the past from before the formation of the Aspects. That is what I was trying to get back last night. I won't say what this object is for security reasons but I will give you a summary.
Ashontrah: "He got the Past Time Walker codes from Xiaria. Moskavanik can program like I can. The day that Shaderell was trying to catch Xiaria.
When she came back to the present from time. That is the day he got the codes from her and went back.
Then it changed the past to where he had the ****** from the beginning. But he still had to go back on that day to keep the time loop. He had to go and do it in order to keep it so."
Atherak: "Very interesting. Seems he has accomplished much. Well planned out."
Ashontrah: "Do you not see how to stop this? Break the loop!"
Atherak: "You want me to break the loop?"
Ashontrah: "Xarsha is the one who can break it. Keep Xiaria away from Moskavanik getting the codes."
10:35pm Atherak: "Xarsha already anticipated this. He is breaking the loop. He is pulling her out of it to somewhere else. Moskavanik has missed his chance of getting the codes. That was quick thinking. Very good. Seems you have won this first battle of the war of the minds."
10:43pm Ashontrah: "I cannot locate the *****. I do not know where it is."
Atherak: "Xarsha can take you to the ******. It is still there. You must go with him."
10:47pm Message from Moskavanik...
"Are you fucking kidding me Ashontrah? I do not work in only one timeline. I knew you would send Xarsha. I shifted tracks baby rose."
Atherak: "As Xarsha anticipated him to do."
10:54pm Atherak: "You have arrived with Xarsha where it is at. It is a desolate world. Seems like a wasteland. There are strange ruins covered in sand off in the distance. There you notice something floating. It is the *******. Moskavanik didn't realize how wise and cunning you are. Have you gathered the *******?"
10:58pm Ashontrah: "I have it safe."
Atherak: "Moskavanik is angry. He is searching every line and every track but he cannot find it. Then he realizes you got the best of him this time."
Happiness looks off in the distance and says 'Good play Ashontrah, but this game is not yet over.'
Atherak: "He went off the radar again. It seems your plan has worked."
As Ashontrah walks around this desolate wasteland it does seem quite hot. Ashontrah asks 'What is this place?' Xarsha replies 'Earth. Come we must go.'
11:07pm We only took the ******* from him in the present. It would unravel the past if we took it from the beginning. This is why the past did not change only the present.
Atherak: "I understand."
Ashontrah: "I took his 0 loop and made it an 8. This is how we gained the ******* from him."
Atherak: "That is brilliant sweetheart."
Ashontrah: "Do you understand what I mean? We folded his time loop. This broke the cycle without undoing it."
Atherak: "Yes, that is what I was thinking of what you did. By folding it."
Ashontrah: "The actions of the past always affect the present and the future. To keep the time thread from unraveling you change how the past affects the present without undoing the past. This is what Xarsha and I did this night. He didn't lose the ******* until today. He had it up until this point."
Atherak: "Now I understand more fully."
Ashontrah: "I needed Xarsha to form the alternative past of the event with Xiaria so I could fold them together."
Tulkas: "That’s absolutely brilliant."
Eomeya: "You are a mastermind."
Rurxaxia: "As always, your plans are brilliant, my Queen."
Ashontrah: "This was not enough to fully defeat him. This did set him back, but he has many backup plans. We still have quite a task ahead. He can still time travel because of the codes from Xiara. I was just able to manipulate it enough to take from him what he took in the past."
Tulkas: "Do we wait for him to make the next move or do we make the move first?"
Peter: "Folding the loop from a O to an S is an impressive play. I say we move first. Making a move like that requires we keep momentum. I think he had at least indirect influence over all of our known adversaries thus far. I see the same core patterns again and again, even the ones that aren’t obvious."
Ashontrah: "He has had a very powerful advantage over all the other Aspects. I now understand why Happiness was the Aspect I always loathed. I just didn't fully realize why until now. Even in the posts about the Aspects, my NEself said she hated Happiness."
Tulkas: "Never trusted Happiness. Now I know why."
Peter: "I never fully liked the energy Happiness embodies."
Ashontrah: "Looking back at all the warning signs. Him treating everything as a joke including the suffering of others. This shows a complete disregard of empathy. He would do anything for his own amusement."
March 18th 2019...
1:00pm Ashontrah: "I went into deep focus. I discovered that Moskavanik has a source code. This is from before the Aspects. It is a base program that he can use to rewrite someone completely.
From what I can tell he has only one so this means he can only use it on one person. He could potentially rewrite Atherak or Ayvarahsa. I cannot let this happen. We have to find a way to destroy this program."
1:09pm Moskavanik: "Watch as my plan unfolds."
1:19pm Moskavanik has gone far back in time to rewrite the history of Atherak. There he stands inside the Atheron the way it used to be. He awaits the rain.
The black rain begins to fall. He waits where a pool of it is forming. There he has forged a dagger.
He is waiting with it. He knows this is the final moment. This is where he will obtain everything he desires.
The rain pours down harder and the pool begins to fill with black water. Moskavanik takes position. There something begins to arise from the pool of black water. It is Atherak.
Moskavanik slowly moves behind. Atherak looks up at the sky and then notices a sound. Like a footstep splashing in the water.
Atherak turns to see Moskavanik and stares him in the eyes. Atherak asks 'Who are you?' Moskavanik grins 'I am everything now.'
He trusts the dagger in Atherak's chest. He shrieks in pain as the rain pours down harder. Lightning flashes and the wind picks up.
Moskavanik stares into Atherak's eyes as he starts to fade.
Moskavanik says 'I told you far from now something you do not even know. I told you that my plan would unfold.'
Moskavanik yells to the sky 'You see?! I stand here now victorious. Everything I have told you shall come to pass.'
Atherak slowly withers away and crumbles to ash. Moskavanik collects the dust in his hand and raises it to the sky. The rain pours harder.
Moskavanik yells 'You see? Everything is now in my control. You thought you could hide them here. Now they are mine completely.
Everything you know will change. I will be the one next to you and we shall reforge these existences together in the image I have foreseen. You see Ashontrah? Do you see? It has come to pass.'
Moskavanik laughs hysterically as the rain washes away the ashes in his hands.
Then he notices something. His hand turns black and he feels a sharp pain in it. His cries of laughter turn to agony. He drops to his knees holding his hand. Screeching at it.
1:28pm Moskavanik takes the dagger and cuts off his hand. He speaks out to Ashontrah 'What have you done?!'
He tosses his hand a few feet away from him. It starts to bubble and melt.
Moskavanik turns toward the black pool and speaks to Ashontrah again 'You will not deny me what is mine. You will not deny me what I have sought for so long. Countless ages. You will not deny me this!'
He shoves the stump of his left arm where his hand is missing into the pool of black water. 'I will absorb everything!'
Moskavanik feels power flowing through him. 'Yes, the true power is here. You thought you could keep them from me. They shall be mine.'
Then he notices something grab his left stump. 'What is this?' He tries to struggle to break free. Black coils come from the water and wrap around him.
Something rises from the pool. A being black as night with eyes red as fire.
Moskavanik looks in horror upon the face of Atherak. 'How can this be?'
Atherak says 'This is happening because you thought you could fool Ashontrah. You thought you could collect everything. You were naive in thinking her such a fool. You are unworthy of the Aspect you hold.'
Moskavanik laughs 'You believe you have won? You can do nothing to me. Where would the existences be without Happiness? Would you rob them and take that from them? You cannot hold me in the borderlands. You can do nothing to me.'
Atherak says 'Yes you are right. I cannot hold you in the borderlands. But I can take away the Aspect you do not deserve!'
Moskavanik is drained. As his ashes fall there is a bright yellow orb which remains. Atherak steps forward and picks it up.
Ashontrah steps forward 'It is done then. What of the Aspect of Happiness?'
Atherak says 'The existences down to the world where our vessels are choose to live in malice and cruelty. Bringing before them judgement.' He gives the Aspect orb to Ashontrah.
Atherak says 'Find one who is deserving of this. When the time comes Happiness will re-emerge.'
Ashontrah says 'And the codes? Will they remain where I have placed them?'
Atherak takes her hand and puts them on his chest 'They will always remain safe where you have placed them.'
Ashontrah says 'I must go now. There is much I must focus on with my physical vessel and there is much work for you to do.'
She holds the yellow orb of the Aspect of Happiness.
Ashontrah says 'I will find the one who is worthy of this Aspect when the time comes.'
Atherak says 'This was your idea. I just played the part.'
Moskavanik is now a yellow flower in Ayvarahsa's garden.
True Self Connection...