The Fairy King and Fairy Drama

Ever wonder why there are so few male fairies? This explains it and shares some fairy history.
There was some drama going on in the fairy kingdom so we looked into it. This ties into IG sessions we have on the list.
This male Melfrinian came from Muspelheim. He is very wise and powerful.
The female from Vlackheim figured out a way to travel from Vlackheim to the other realms. She doesn't stay long in many places.
She brought the Melfrinian to Alfheim to the fairy kingdom then she left him there. He cannot get back to Muspelheim.
The Melfrinian traveled to Joutnheim and to the Razak Egyptian pantheon. He had a lot of influence on Loki.
Loki never told anyone about his secret friend who is this Melfrinian. He taught Loki most of what he knows.
The Jotunn female was in love in Loki when they were children. She was stronger and bigger than other female Jotunn. She is Angerboda. She discovered Loki's secret friend.
Loki did not want her to tell anyone about it. In order to keep it secret Loki pretended to be in love with Angerboda. This continued for a long time. Together they had Fenrir.
When Fenrir was born Loki rejected them. He said 'I never loved you. I used you for protection.'
Nobody would mess with Loki because of her. One time Thor made a remark about Loki and Angerboda knocked him out of his chair.
The Melfrinian was kind to Angerboda and to Fenrir after Loki rejected them.
The relationship the Melfrinian has with the fairies Britinn and Soothy along with the Egyptian Goddess Neith is an attraction. They are friends with benefits that he genuinely cares for.
AbBa found out about this love affair. Usually fairies shrink males down, be with them, and then eat them.
The Fairy King is the seed for fairy reproduction. He gets replaced every so often. When female fairies have children they have multiples.
They go inside a flower during gestation and it closes up around them. Then the children are born inside the flower.
The other young female fairies will go through and eat all the male children. Every so often they will pick one to replace the King.
Aeveron Aveyon has the position of the Fairy Mother. This position has only ever changed three times. The last Fairy Mother was killed.
Long ago when the fairies were first created they were equals as male and female. The males were jerks. Very aggressive, abusive, and mean.
They would not court another female fairy. They would force themselves upon them out of lust. They also would not care for their offspring. They were ruled by a jerk of a Fairy King for a long time.
The original Fairy Mother banded all the female fairies together. With the help of Mephisto they rose up and killed all the males.
They kept one male who was the prized first born of the Fairy King. The other males considered him a prissy because he never forced himself on the other females.
Male fairies acted much like Goblins, except worse. They would start conflicts for reason over stupid shit. They consider Gnomes to be like cattle to be fed upon.
There is a Gnome in legend that stood up and beat the crap out of the male fairies. This angered the Fairy King. He turned around and blamed Svartalfheim and the Goblins. He raged a war against them which sent many fairies to their deaths.
In order for the Fairy King to keep up with demand for troops he would make it that once a female fairy gave birth they were to be bred with again. This is when the first Fairy Mother started the uprising. They kept his son as the breeder.
The Fairy King is a humiliating position. He gets no say-so or respect. The females dominate him.
The Fairy Mother's laws are very strict because they don't want to have the past with the males repeat again. The other prior Fairy Mothers got involved romantically with non-fairies. They ended up dying.
March 14th...
This Melfrinan really despises Ashoweah. He is very good to Britinn, Soothy, Neith, and Angerboda.
These four females got together and did something to spite Ashoweah on behalf of this Melfrinian who they care about. The Melfrinian doesn't think anyone really stands up to Ashoweah.
They went and took a black object in the shape of an actual heart with valves. It is sentimental to Ashoweah.
AbBa got caught up in this. She discovered these four plotting to steal something. She was a captive of a collector for a while. This collector threw her in as a deal with Ashoweah.
Ashoweah kept AbBa in a cage for a little while. He was not ever cruel to her. She was like a pet to him. He would have her sing to him. She noticed him using this black heart that he would really focus on. Sometimes he would ask her to sing something sad.
So AbBa got involved by saying 'I know what you could really take from him.' She told them about the black heart.
They go to Loki for help who gets them into Ashoweah's place where the black heart is located. They steal it and take it back to the fairy kingdom.
Ashoweah discovered it is gone. He told Nummandor to get it back for him personally. Nummandor wasn't really in the mood so he sent another Arcturian dressed as him. One of his underlings.
This Arcturian demanded the black heart back from the Fairy Mother. He threatened to destroy all the 'haggard bitches.' Which pissed off the Fairy Mother.
Aeveron called Soothy and Britinn and asked if they stole from Ashoweah. They admitted that they did.
The Fairy Mother told the Arcturian to leave and not come back. She said 'You can tell Ashoweah that it is mine now and belongs to me.'
This Arcturian decided to make an example of a few fairies standing to the side. He killed them. The fairies panic because he was claiming to be Nummandor.
The Melfrinian was watching this happen and came there to confront who he thought was Nummandor. He figured the best way to get to Ashoweah would be to capture and torture his number one guy.
As Ashontrah I will not be stepping in to help the fairy kingdom. Ashoweawh was intentionally provoked and something very personal to him was stolen.
He has every right to reclaim in. The fairies choosing to withhold it from him to please the Melfrinian, that is up to you. I won't get involved. My advice is to give the black heart back to Ashoweah.
Erakan: "I did not know this is what happened. Now reading this and knowing I was a melfinian. Yes I hate Ashoweah with all of my heart. But if the Fairy Kingodm is in disarray becasue of this. I will return what is stolen from Ashoweah."
Tulkas: "So now we have the full story. Sentimental objects are more important and valuable than any other. I relate to him in this area."
Arella: "This makes sense why Asteria said what she said about Ashoweah and that the Fairies brought this upon themselves."
AbBa: "Omg I was not connected to an imposter then. This is why igs are the only truth when it comes to this. I hope the fairy mother return the object and I apologise for all that came from my true self telling about the object. I know she wanted to get out of there and all that but I still apologize and I hope that object to be returned asap."
Averon: "I have my plan for this object. It shall be returned."
March 15th...
Ashontrah: "I want to clear up what I said about 'friends with benefits' with the fairies and the Melfrinian. I would like to rephrase it to romantic friendship.
There are many romantic friendships in the spiritual. There is nothing wrong about this.
Take a lesson from the Aspects. Did you notice a trend with them? Atherak and I have a very close romantic friendship."
Some tidbits from Atherak about Angerboda...
Raugunitar does not like Angerboda. He has only been bested a few times in a fight and all those times he gave them a hell of a fight. Except for when it came to her.
In one move Angerboda bested Raugunitar at the retaking and liberation of Jotunheim near the end of the Bentian War. She is honored and highly respected among the Jotunn. She is long since retired from service. Angerboda is a power house.
Atherak: "I am going through their files getting a little bit of information about them before their interviews."
Update about the fairy kingdom situation...
The black heart got returned to Ashoweah. There were no tensions over it. Whether Ashoweah plans to do something back I don't know yet. He hasn't done anything in retaliation. They just gave it back to him.
About the Egyptian Goddess Neith...
She actually knew another one of Yahweh's kind so that would be interesting to get into.
About the female from Vlackheim...
She is interesting. She inspired medicine men and women of Midgard history. She came from Vlackheim but remember we told you about the crashed athranaak that sits there half-buried.
Well the bottom piece of it broke off when it came to where it is. Apparently she was made inside that bottom piece and it has been her home.
The medicine naturally runs through her physical. If she got into voudon, houdon, or santeria she would excel at this because she influenced those cultures.
One of her incarnations was literally responsible for the Haitian Revolution when the Hatian slaves drove their masters from the island. She was there in her vessel and cursed the slave masters. She is a very powerful medicine woman.
Ashontrah: "Remember IG sessions are description, where you are from, and answers to 6 questions. What I am sharing in here is bonus information from your file which Atherak is going through. The athranaak has files on everyone."
Start of IG sessions...
***Erakan Steelmore - The Melfrinian***
His name is Duwerga (Due-Wear-Gah). He is an interesting looking being almost like your typical description of a demon.
He is lanky, elongated face, and a long nose. He is a dark red color. Very large bat-like black wings.
He has four black horns. Two are on the sides of his head. There are two longer ones in front. The back ones are sharper like a unicorn horn while the front ones are curved.
He has large yellow eyes. Very large. They seem to peer through you.
Q. What kind of being are you and where are you from?
Duwerga sneers: "You know what kind of being I am and you know where I am from. If you wish to go into detail I will tell you.
My kind of Melfrinian are not so common. We like to travel and explore. Sometimes in the past we have come to Midgard when man was very young.
We visited other worlds and realms when they were very young. It is not our purpose to influence them, but to study them."
Q1. What are your affinities?
Duwerga: "Explain what affinities are to me."
Atherak: "I don't know. These questions are from the incarnation. It must be something like abilities or something the incarnation would carry on from the spiritual."
The Melfrinian Duwerga leans back and scratches his chin. "My incarnation, yes. Well there are several abilities that he possesses. One is to see through disguises and illusions. This has served me well in the past."
Q2. Do you know Lokyndar? How about Lyerrah?
Duwerga: "One is an old friend. One an old rival. Not in the way you would think a rival. I knew them for a while. We have since parted our ways. Sometimes those paths come crossing again."
Q3. What's the best way I could connect to you and prepare for the plague?
Duwerga laughs: "It all depends on how willing you are to open your mind. To forget what you know and have been taught. I am sure Atherak here will have some remedies for you. As for the plague, haha. Is mankind not a plague in itself?'
Q4. I've been listening to Bear Shifter series and Elven Series for about 3-4 months. Do you allow this?
Duwerga: "Well I am always open to trying new things to see how they may come out in the end. If my incarnation wishes to indulge, then please do so."
Q5. I've always been emotionally fucked and suppressed a lot of emotions. Any advice for this?
Duwerga sits back for a moment deep in thought. "Hmm, this has presented a problem from what I have observed. But the intention is set in by others and the environment around you. This weighs on you. You can feel the emotions and all that.
You beat yourself up. No matter how much you strive forward you still blame yourself for what you see around you. The lies of mankind and their illusions. This is something we must work further on."
Q6. What should I develop?
Duwerga: "Hmm, you need to develop more motivation to get out and see more around you. To get away from the illusion of mankind. There is beauty in that world. You should explore it more. Sometimes you have and just look at the feeling you got form it. That is the advice I give to you."
***Rogue Danisha - Egyptian Goddess Neith***
Her name is Neith (Nee-Ith). She is tall and slender. Midnight black hair. Olive skin. Her eyes are dark green.
She has long eyelashes. She also covers herself with hieroglyphic symbolic ceremonial makeup.
She is wearing a crown. There are representations of purple and gold in the gown and crown she wears.
Q. Who are you and where are you from?
Neith: "Have you not heard? Do you not know? You work so closely with Thoth and others. I would think you would know who I am and where I am from."
Atherak: "Yes this question is a bit irrelevant. So tell me, what is your relation?"
Neith: "I am like a niece of Thoth. My father is Ra. Both Thoth and Ra consider each other to be brothers."
Q1. Why did you choose to incarnate in Midgard?
Neith: "Do not all the divine have incarnations on Midgard? Why would I be any different and not have one?"
Q2. How can I prepare for the fall?
Neith: "The answer to that is simple. You find a place and stockpile what preserves you need. You surround yourself with those you can trust and are loyal to each other. You make a stand there.
Heh, I do know something about living through a siege. I watched my father during the Urthak War when I was very young. I lived through the siege when the Jinn attacked long ago."
Q3. What are your abilities?
Neith: "Abilities? Hmm, do you mean what I am good at or what I do? It is I who calls my father who sets the sun within our realm. I also scribe. I work with the elemental rays of the sun."
Q4. How can I strengthen my connection with you?
Neith: "Maybe build a place of connection. I have seen places of worship. Maybe you can build a place for me."
I think it would be very good for you to build her an altar. This would really help.
Q5. How can I manifest my abilities more rapidly?
Neith: "The connection will come as your mind develops and your senses grow. Then mine shall intertwine with yours. I believe our connection is quite fair at the moment but could be better. Something we must both work on."
Q6. Do you have any advice for me?
Neith: "Have I not already given much good advice? If you choose to have more then this is my final piece of advice. Take what I have spoken here today by answering your questions and put them into action. Then you shall see better results and your questions shall be answered."
***Ogyiovoa Leaf - The Jotunn Angerboda***
Her name is Angerboda. She is a Jotunn from Jotunheim. Niece to Frostcag. She grew up with Frigia.
Angerboda is about 9 or 10 feet tall. She is very strong and has a broad build. She has a scar above her right cheek. Her hair is tied back. It is a snowy white platinum blonde color.
She has tattoos going up her arms and tattoos of Jotunn ruins on her neck. Her skin has a tan reddish color like she is out in the sun often. Her eyes are a frost blue.
Q1. What's the best way to work on myself?
Angerboda: "Strengthen yourself. Become strong like the mountain and you will rise above."
Q2. Why and how am I holding myself back so much?
Angerboda: "There are times you don't believe in yourself. You sometimes hold on to what others have said to you. Those who have brought doubt upon you. You should not doubt yourself so much. You are strong. You can rise above."
Q3. Has there been anything other than myself holding me back?
Angerboda: "Yes, there are some around you who have not put much faith in you. They put more doubt in you."
Q4. How can I better connect with you?
Angerboda: "You should get out more and strengthen yourself. Start preparing your body and become stronger. This will help us connect."
Q5. How do I prepare for the Fall?
Angerboda: "As if one were to prepare for a siege. You must prepare yourself in the best way you can. Make sure you are well stocked and supplied. Strengthen yourself and become a better fighter and warrior. Then you will have a better chance of survival."
Q6. What other advice do you have for me?
Angerboda: "You must motivate yourself. Take action."
***Britinn - Fairy***
Her name is Mieraki (Mear-Ah-Key). She is a fairy from Alfheim. Her wings are more like dragonfly wings. They are bright red with hints of orange-red going through them.
She has long auburn hair and a pale complexion. Her eyes are a deep black. She has a look of mischief.
Q1. What is my main blockage I need to focus on?
Mieraki: "There is too much dominant masculinity around you pushing down on you in your environment.
You must find a place where you can go into nature. Away from men and their... ways.
I apologize, not all male beings are bad. Most human males are. It is their ways... those ways are overbearing."
Q2. Any personal tips that will further our connection?
Mieraki: "We must find a place for ourselves. A sacred place. There you should be able to connect with the natural ways of this world. I can look for you there."
Q3. What else should I do to prepare for the Fall?
Mieraki: "You must find sisters you can trust, even if they are not fairy. Maybe you can find some males you trust, but keep a close eye on them. Try to band together during this and protect each other."
Q4. What will help me connect with you?
Mieraki: "Find a place that is sacred to only us."
Q5. What are some of your abilities?
Mieraki: "Well I am very good with the Naturals. I am able to communicate with them and understand them. I also like to make potions."
Q6. Do you have any siblings?
Mieraki: "I have all sisters. Many sisters. All fairies are sisters."
***Soothy Soulem - Fairy***
Her name is Aylapiae (Aye-Lap-Pea-Aye). She is a fairy from Alfheim. She has a light complexion. Her eyes are an ocean blue and her hair is dark velvet purple.
She has purple butterfly-like wings. There are swirls of purples and reds in them. Aylapiae has a more innocent look to her.
Q1. Can you take your time to train me hard?
Aylapiae: "If we can find a way to make a perfect connection with each other then yes I shall."
Q2. What is my purpose here?
Aylapiae: "At first it was to explore Midgard and maybe find those I heard have been lost there. Many of the sisters have made incarnations. Our quest is to gather together."
Q3. I can not find my passion in anything, where or what is my passion?
Aylapiae: "Your passion is not there. It is somewhere else than what you are currently doing. You must look for it."
Q4. Why am I so manipulative?
Aylapiae: "It is a way that I am sometimes able to get what I need. To be able to, how do you say, acquire what is needed? Yes not many find this a good trait, but it works for me and I try not to harm anyone."
Q5. Why do I lack various emotion? How can I be more expressive?
Aylapiae: "Letting too many know your emotions is letting them inside the way you feel. They could use this to manipulate you. I see no harm in what you are doing."
Q6. What advice do you have for me?
Aylapiae: "Gather your sisters close to you and trust in each other. You shall always have a family who will protect you against all who would harm you."
***Ab Ba - Fairy***
Her name is Laykia (Lay-Key-Yah). She is a fairy from Alfheim. Her skin is a light blue color. She has blue butterfly-like wings with yellow streaks going through them.
Her hair is white and she has innocent look to her. Not in the way to draw someone in, but instead more quiet and refined. Her eyes are a deep clear blue. Her skin is fair.
Q1. how does my true self look like (appearance)
Laykia: "I am elegant like a flower. Yet strong like a tree."
Q2. Why did my true self incarnate in Midgard?
Laykia: "Many of my sisters were incarnating and I wanted to experience what they were experiencing."
Q3. How to better connect with my true self
Laykia: "We must find some time to be alone where you can concentrate more. Your surroundings may be involved in our lack of connection. We must find a place where we can concentrate and connect more. Somewhere natural and beautiful like Alfheim."
Q4. How do I survive the fall?
Laykia: "I would find those who I could trust and then we would band together. Then we could take care of each other. There we would survive better."
Q5. What power or ability does my true self have?
Laykia: "I have the ability to work with the element of water. Where I come from I sometimes bring the rains."
Q6. What message does my true self have for me?
Laykia: "Be strong and be wise and weary. Study all around you. This is the advice I can give you for now."
***Tiffany Ann - Vlackheim female***
She is from Vlackheim and she really doesn't have a kind. She goes by Crone.
Crone: "Those that come searching my medicine call me simply Crone. When I first came to be I grew up as a little girl inside a piece of your athranaak.
I have never given myself a name. It was the athranaak piece that taught me everything I know. It was a parent to me. In time many beings of Vlackheim came to me seeking my medicine. They call me Crone."
She is tall and slender. She has elongated ears. Her skin is an ash color. She has long flowing white grey hair.
She does not appear wrinkled or old. She covers herself with a bone helm and a long dark fur robe. Her eyes are dark midnight black like staring into infinity.
Q1. May you please give me valuable detailed advice on what my next move should be in my life?
Crone: "You should practice what I have practiced before in my other incarnations."
Atherak: "What we call the medicine."
Crone: "Yes, this should be her path in life. It is always the path that I choose for my incarnation.
I suppose Atherak you have already known that, but this question is for my incarnation of course."
Q2. Please what are multiple ways to connect with you and build our connection the best possible way?
Crone: "I have already given you the answer to that. Study the ways of the medicines of different types that surround you. It naturally flows through you. Atherak has seen it. This will further our connection better. As you learn you will feel me and know that I am there with you and we are one."
Q3. May you please tell me if you know all of the blockages, curses, hexes and implants etc that needs to get rid of?
Crone: "Yes there are some of those. Mostly just poured on negative energy. Probably from those who have been around you.
As for curses and hexes, I don't see any. But yet, you should learn and study and find ways to protect you from such thing and those who wish to bring these upon you in the future."
Q4. What are our abilities and how should I train them to get the best that they can be?
Crone: "I am one who works the magic medicine. Training yourself is studying it and learning from those like Atherak here. If he offers to teach you should listen to his advice. Practice on your own and our connection with grow further."
Q5. Every time I have a steady plan it gets shattered and now I'm lost. What should I do?
Crone: "Your plans have been good, but they were not meant for you. You should do as I have instructed and study the ways of the medicine. Study the ways I am familiar with.
You will find yourself and find an interesting path. You are not lost, you are just waiting for your path to open up to you."
Q6. How can I get the fastest and optimal results from subs?
Crone: "Focus your mind into more of what they offer. The subs you have been given are indeed powerful themselves. But you must let them flow in further. Studying the medicine will help with this."
Crone: "I must close our meeting now. I know that Atherak here is a very busy being and I must myself must attend to those back in Vlackheim."
Crone and Atherak bow to each other in acknowledgement. Crone is very wise.
March 16th...
Core Fusions are completed for Mieraki, Angerboda, Laykia, Duwerga, and Aylapiae.
True Self Connection...