Origin Story for Mieraki: Saved by Darkness

During the Urthak War, in the deep dark forest of Alfheim, a young fairy opens her eyes. She stares up into the blue eyes of her mother who stares back down at her, she smiles. She is the third born to her mother that day, her two sisters have also come into the realm of Alfheim. Her mother smiles and then speaks 'Mieraki, your name will be Mieraki. Daughter born under the silver moons.' Mieraki smiles up at her mother, Aeveron stands at her side. 'They are beautiful, all of them, and I welcome them into this world as sisters.' Aeveron then tells Mieraki's mother 'You should rest now, we must move soon. For I fear that the wicked King Yserah's armies are close, they will come through this forest.' Mieraki's mother then looks down at her 'Must this war continue? Must such slaughter proceed onward? And for you my children to be born into a time of bloodshed and such cruelty. Oh Aeveron, how I wish for things to return to the way they were. When all...