Helfga and Varrikhan in the Void

This is a true self past vision for Tia-Nan who used to be Helfga before she became Mother of Dragons. Varrikhan is who Vustik used to be known by...
Urgues approaches the Void King Umbranathor. At her side is a small Void Dragon. This is Helfga whom she has named.
Umbranathor speaks ‘Ah. I see that Varrikhan has sent me another little treasure. This one shall not be kept as the others are. This is special to me.’
Urgues says ‘Yes. I have brought her safely here to you. It is what my master wishes. She will serve you, and you shall teach her. I am permitted to stay, I hope, Great King Umbranathor.’
Umbranathor says ‘Of course you are permitted to stay. One like you. You could be quite an asset to me in other ways.’
She winks at him, smiles at him and says ‘I can serve you in so many ways.’
Umbranathor rears back in disgust ‘I do not mean serve like that! No desire to even indulge you in my presence in my own chambers.’
Urgues embarrassingly rears her head back and says ‘Yes. Yes of course. I meant in more ways than-‘
Umbranathor says ‘Balance yourself. I will find good service for you. As for this young one... Helfga it is. Well, come with me. I have so much to show you.’
Umbranathor then tells Urgues ‘Make yourself here at home in my kingdom.’
He tells one of his guards ‘Show her one of our finest chambers. Make sure she has all that she needs. Bring her some of our finest wine.’ Then he leans in and whispers ‘And report everything she does back to me. I wish to know.’
Umbranathor then looks down at young Helfga and says ‘Come with me. I have so much to show you. So much that you will find interesting.’ He turns and grins.
Helfga looks to the throne room. As they walk and exit toward the back of the throne she notices a large mirror. Umbranathor then stops. He changes himself into his humanoid form. There he rubs his fingers through his hair and then touches his eyebrows.
He smiles and says ‘So perfectly beautiful I am. So perfect in every single way. Do you see this, child? You stare upon the face of pure perfection. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful before?’
Helfga says shyly ‘No I have not.’
Umbranathor then leans in closer with a wicked grin and says ‘Are you sure? Are you sure you are not just telling me that just because you are in the presence of the Great Void King Umbranathor?’
Helfga replies ‘No. I am sure. You are the most beautiful creature I have ever set my eyes upon.’
Umbranathor rears back ‘Creature? I am a King of the Void. I am no mere creature. You have much to learn child. Come, I shall show you something.’
Helfga follows Umbranathor down a long corridor. All the way he is speaking of himself and how great he is. How he is the most powerful, wisest, and strongest Void King there has ever been.
Helfga, however, isn’t interested in listening to Umbranathor brag about himself. Instead, as she walks down the corridors with him, she notices the strange carvings and paintings upon the walls.
She goes to a painting that seems to be that of a Drake that almost resembles her. It is a Nether Drake. There below her is a dwarve.
Helfga stops and stares at this strange painting of the dwarve. From the dwarve’s hands, it looks like there are strange tentacles coming from it, and piercing into the Nether Drake.
Umbranathor steps up behind her and says ‘Ah one of my favorite paintings. Do you know who that is?’
Helfga says ‘No, but the painting fascinates me. Tell me Great King Umbranathor. Who are they?’
Umbranathor replies ‘This was so long ago. That right there is the Nether Queen. The last Nether Queen. She became Queen after her mother perished at the hands of Tia-Mat.’
Helfga says ‘Tia-Mat herself? Did she kill her?’
Umbranathor laughs and says ‘Haha. Tia-Mat, she does nothing herself. She calls herself Mother and Queen of all Dragons, but it was not her that struck down the Nether Queen. She sent two of her own to do it. Do you know of Tia-Mat?’
Helfga replies ‘Yes I do. I have never met her, but all Drakon know of the Mother of Dragons.’
Umbranathor says ‘Huh. That is quite surprising. Tell me, what do you think of the Mother of Dragons?’
Helfga says ‘I do not know what to think of her, but somewhere deep down I have a great dislike for her. I do not know where it comes from.’
Umbranathor laughs ‘Hahaha child. Most Drakon have a dislike for her. She is not much of a mother to them. But she is always angry, and so so, just bad company. I have invited her to the Void many of times, she has never come. Now she was not a great queen like this one here in this painting. She is the daughter of Drexia who Tia-Mat had her minions kill.’
Helfga asks ‘And what is happening to her here?’
Umbranathor replies ‘She met her end at the hands of the most powerful and wisest of all Dwarves, Moonstone, during the Bentian War long ago. Come child, I have something more to show you. Something more impressive than this.’
Helfga stares long at the painting of the Nether Queen and her demise. Inside she thinks to herself she longs to be Queen of the Nether. For there have always been great stories of the Queens of the Nether, the Drakon Queens and how powerful they were. But they have all met their demise in some end.
Helfga thinks to herself ‘If I was the Drakon Queen I would never let a dwarve slay me.’
She then turns and begins to follow Umbranathor down a long corridor. There he comes to a secret chamber. There is a mark upon the door. This strange symbol is familiar to Helfga. She remembers this strange visitor that would come called Varrikhan. He also wore this mark upon a robe that he wore.
Umbranathor speaks an incantation and the door opens. He says ‘Come. Come inside and see my most prized possession.’
Helfga follows Umbranathor into the chamber. There within the middle of the room, surrounded by mist, is a large Void crystal. Inside it, there seems to be a figure of someone.
Umbranathor then grins and smiles. He says ‘Do you know who this is? Step closer and look.’
Helfga looks inside the Void crystal. Inside there is the imprisoned Aphrodite. She does not know the name, but she has recognized the face.
Helfga replies to Umbranathor ‘I do not know her, but I have seen her before. Like the symbol upon the door to this chamber. I have seen this woman with a man who wore the same symbol upon his cloak. A man who my caretaker called Varrikhan.’
Umbranathor laughs and says ‘Yes you have seen her. But the woman you have seen with Varrikhan is not the one that you see before you. This is the real one. This is the real Aphrodite. The one that some call Asherah.’
Helfga says ‘I have heard of Aphrodite, but is this the same woman who I see before me now? Is it the same one that came with Varrikhan?’
Umbranathor begins to grow quite angry and says ‘This is the real one. She is real and she is all mine. She is my most prized possession, and I keep her here. But you have looked long enough. Come.’
Helfga looks back at Aphrodite imprisoned within the Void crystal. She looks into her eyes and sees the sadness. She turns and leaves with Umbranathor.
Helfga follows Umbranathor back to the throne room. There he sits upon his throne. Many servants rush up around him all holding mirrors. They are surrounding him in a half-moon circle. He looks into each mirror and adjusts his hair, fixes his eyebrows, smiles at himself, and takes different poses.
Umbranathor says ‘Beautiful. Yes, so beautiful.’
Helfga stands quietly as Umbranathor takes several minutes admiring himself.
Umbranathor then says ‘You can go now.’
Helfga looks around. She wonders if Umbranathor is speaking to her or the servants. She does not answer.
Umbranathor then says again more angrily while staring at her ‘I said you can go now. When I wish to speak to you again I will call for you. Now my servant will escort you to your chambers. We will speak again soon.’
A Void being walks up and escorts Helfga out of the throne room. Helfga looks back to notice Umbranathor admiring himself again in the mirrors.
Helfga thinks to herself ‘One day I will be a great queen surrounded by servants.’
Part Two...
Umbranathor and Helfga head down a long corridor. As the two walk, Helfga notices strange engravings upon the wall again. She asks once more 'What do these mean?'
Umbranathor answers 'These came before, when the Void was very young. They speak of different times, different places, far beyond the realms that we know.
I have my scholars try to decipher them and bring me what they find so that I can speak of the glorious early days of the Void to all those who dwell within this realm.'
Helfga bows her head 'One day there will be images of me upon the walls of every realm speaking of my greatness.'
Umbranathor and Helfga continue on their way. Umbranathor walks ahead and stops before a large black door.
Umbranathor changes himself into his unicorn form then places his horn into a key slot causing the door to glow with dark energy and open. The two continue on into a misty place, all around Helfga can see strange floating objects.
Umbranathor says 'Do not delay beautiful young one. Follow me, I have someone I wish you to meet.'
As the two continue on through the mist they can see the silhouette of a figure standing in front of an object before them. The figure turns and Helfga stares upon his face, she's almost familiar with it. She feels as though she has seen this face before but she cannot quite place her finger on it.
Helfga then says 'It is a pleasure to meet you.'
Umbranathor says 'This is an associate of mine and a dear friend and colleague. May I introduce you to Varrikhan.'
Varrikhan bows 'The pleasure is all mine.'
He takes Helfga's hand and kisses it. 'I sense so much deep within you. Power and greatness just from your touch alone, it surges through me like a jolt of powerful energy.
Tell me Umbranathor, where did you meet such a lovely powerful creature? One whose energy radiates throughout the whole room.'
Umbranathor replies 'I found her. She has come to me seeking my wisdom. I have shared much with her. Much of who she was... and maybe you can share much with her of who she will become.'
Varrikhan smiles at Helfga 'Why yes, she will become something great one day. If only she had those who would guide her, show her the power that exists within her, unlock it.'
Helfga steps forward 'I am waiting for someone, someone to unlock what is inside. Tell me Varrikhann, do you hold the key to the power that lays within me? Can you unlock it for me?'
Varrikhan places his arm around Helfga 'I am a man of many talents. It would be an honor to show you the way, to guide you upon a path that will lead to your greater self.
I sense tremendous things coming for you. Your name will be remembered Helfga. Look at this power. Can you feel it here within this chamber? Now come, I have something to show you.'
Helfga looks around and feels the powerful energy in the room. She begins to follow Varrikhan as he walks up to a large object and places his hand on it.
Varrikhan asks 'Do you know what this object is and what it holds?'
Helfga stares at the object. Inside this large crystal, she can see the foggy image of a woman. She cannot quite make it out but she stares at it for a long time.
Varrikhan then smiles 'You can feel it can't you? You can feel the power of the being inside this crystal. Do you know what it is?'
He leans in closer and whispers into her ear 'Do you want to know what is inside?'
Helfga with wide eyes and an eager grin says 'Yes, tell me.'
Varrikhan says 'It is Love and Beauty. You see Helfga, I have Love and Beauty all to myself. In here, inside this crystal. It's where I keep her. I admire her, but yet it's so lonely.'
Varrikhan places his hand upon the crystal and slowly brushes his hand over the surface. He says 'So lonely. All this Love and Beauty in front of me, and yet none inside me.'
Helfga then takes the arm of Varrikhan 'Yes, I know how you feel. I see love and beauty all around and yet I feel there is none for me.'
Varrikhan looks at Helfga and smiles 'Maybe together we can find what we're looking for. Something to fulfill us both.'
Helfga replies 'I would enjoy that. It sounds like a grand adventure.'
Varrikhan takes a step back and bows formally 'Then come with me Helfga. Come with me on an adventure that you will never forget. Let me unlock the power within you.'
He steps forward and takes Helfga's hands in his 'And we will see along the way what else might be unlocked, what else we might find.'
Varrikhan looks at her for a long while then smiles 'Are you ready then my child?'
Helfga says 'I am ready.'
Umbranathor looks on and smiles. A servant comes to him and says 'Umbranathor, my lord. Someone has come to see you.'
Umbranathor replies 'Tell them to go away. I am not interested at the present moment. I am preoccupied with other things.
The servant moves in closer and whispers in Umbranathor's ear 'There are Ourhkina here. They wish to speak to you.'
Umbranathors expression turns serious 'Hmm... They come once again thinking I am keeping secrets from them. Well, there are many secrets within the Void. And the Ourhkina well... They are not as they once were. Their numbers are thin.
Only seven remain and most of them are preoccupied with the realm of Midgard and humans. What do they seek from me I wonder, I guess I should find out.'
Varrikhan, you will have to excuse me. I must leave you both now. I leave young Helfga in your care. I have visitors that have come to take in the grand spectacle of my Void.'
Varrikhan says 'Then I shall take her if you do not mind. There are some things I wish to show her. But first, let us dine together Helfga and you can tell me of your life here.
Let me hear everything about who you are, I will listen with intrigue and stare into your enchanting eyes and hear every word that comes from your beautiful lips.'
Helfga smiles shyly and takes Varrikhan by the hand. Umbranathor watches them walk away then turns to his servant 'Now let us go to the Ourhkina and see what they wish of me.'
Umbranathor and his servant then leave the chamber and head for the main audience chamber of the Void Capital.
There he sees two Ourhkina. He greets them 'Ah Gabriel, EinossArku, what a pleasure to see you within my Void.'
EinossArku responds 'The pleasure is all mine. But I have come here not to take in the splendor that you call this place, but to ask you something Umbranathor, King of The Void.'
Umbranathor bows 'I am at your service EinossArku. Tell me, what can a great king like myself help you with?'
EinossArku steps closer, the welcoming grin on his face disappears. He is nose to nose with Umbranathor and he says 'I know you have secrets here Umbranathor, King of the Void. I know there are things you hide.
I know your influence among the humans is growing. You said, like others, that after the Urthak war you would not intervene in the affairs of Midgard and yet you have.'
Umbranathor laughs 'I have nothing to do with the divine's little pets. Isn't that your job? So tell me EinossArku are you all losing control of them yet?
Have they begun killing each other like all beings of every realm do? Have you lost control of your little monkeys? Shouldn't they behave properly?
You could make them, you and your brothers. But yet here you are coming to me, making accusations that I am influencing the humans upon Midgard. Is that why you've come, EinossArku?'
EinossArku says 'Your influence among the humans of Midgard, that I cannot stop. I have no authority in such matters. I know that you do, I can feel your deceiving presence upon the world they inhabit. The only thing I can do is to try with my brothers to teach them not to follow the ways of beings such as yourself.
But that is not why I'm here. What secrets are you hiding Umbranathor? Something, something is here within the Void. Something you keep for yourself and in the company of other unsavory characters.
I can sense the Candelabra, Umbranathor. Tell me now, are they working for you or are you working for them? And to what end?'
Umbranathor replies 'I seek no end EinossArku, the end has already come. The wars have been over for a long long time.'
EinossArku steps closer 'There is another war upon the horizon, one not yet foreseen by many of the divine or the houses. Something comes and in time we will all sacrifice to it, including you.'
Umbranathor grins and says 'I will forever be Void King. I will sacrifice nothing that does not empower me. So what you are saying EinossArku, it means nothing.
You are still bent and determined to bring everything down, expose truths as you did during the Urthak War. Oh who was the silly little Olympian?
The one you were so much in love with. Aphrodite yes? Some called her Asherah. What happened to her? Gone, disappeared during The Urthak War.
Everything she tried to say, all her words and then when push came to shove EinossArku, where was she? Up and skipped town on all of you. And left... well, if you have one, left your heart in the ground like so many others.'
EinossArku grabs Umbranathor and slams him against his chamber walls. Several Void Guards draw their weapons upon him. Umbranathor raises his hand to signal to the guards to refrain from attacking.
EinossArku looks, then looks back to face Umbranathor 'Asherah never abandoned any of us. Something happened to her, something that none of you are telling me.
So if I am hellbent on finding her, I will search across oceans and time to do so. And I know Umbranathor that her disappearance has something to do with you, something to do with the houses.'
Umbranathor grins and laughs 'Why don't you go tell the houses that then? You know what? I can imagine the conversation now EinossArku.
You go before the great houses spewing whatever fantasies you have in your head about a missing Asherah Aphrodite. She's gone EinossArku. She abandoned all the others.
And when she came back, which she is back, maybe she realized her place. Are you telling me that the Aphrodite who is standing there upon the great mountain of Olympus is not Aphrodite?
Oh EinossArku, a broken heart, is that what it is? Your broken little heart. She up and left you all alone during the Urthak War then came back and paid you no notice. Oh EinossArku, with all your wisdom you know nothing of love. That is how it works.
Maybe she just didn't care for you anymore, maybe that's what it is. Why don't you go up there and ask her yourself? Why don't you go crawl on your knees and plead to her. Tell her how much you loved her, the forbidden love of an Ourhkina and Divine, maybe you can convince her of this.
Or are you too afraid to find out that she cares not for you? Maybe you should go back to your humans.'
EinossArku says 'The Aphrodite upon Mount Olympus is not her. That is not Asherah. No matter what illusions there are in the realms, I feel deep inside that she is out there somewhere.'
Umbranathor scoffs 'You chase false hope EinossArku. Now, go back to your humans. Asherah Aphrodite is on Mount Olympus and cares nothing for you.
So go, and leave my Void. Never come here again making accusations towards me or The Great Houses will hear of it. And then who knows, maybe they'll give you punishment in return for your lack of loyalty to the realms and to the houses.
Maybe they can put you on your little planet with your little humans, permanently.'
EinossArku then says 'I will go now. But one-day Umbranathor, one day all your deception all your lies all your trickery will come back on you. No one escapes the sins and misdeeds and cruelty and malice they have done. One day your time will come.'
Umbranathor replies 'And on that day EinossArku I will see you there, and I will be the one standing over you. Now go.'
EinossArku turns to leave, Gabriel follows him.
Umbranathor turns to his servant 'I must speak with Varrikhan when he has the time, and the time is now. Find him and tell him we have a problem.'
True Self Connection...