Story of Asherah Chapter Two

Asherah, Manubre, and the Norak pass through a rift. When they come out the other side Asherah drops to her knees. The energy is overwhelming to her.
The Norak goes to her side and helps her back up 'What is it Asherah?'
Manubre says 'She is feeling the overwhelming energy of suffering here in the borderlands, for she is not a Myrrdonite like I am. Here...'
He places his hand down upon Asherah's head. A strange dark energy surrounds her. For a moment she feels a tingle inside her, then she feels a burst of energy run through her that rejuvenates and revives her. The Norak helps her back to her feet.
Manubre says 'There, how do you feel now?'
Asherah replies 'Much better, thank you. But what was that?'
Manubre responds 'It is something that I have been saving for a long time for such an occasion.'
Manubre then reaches around his neck, he takes off a necklace with a strange object attached to it.
This strange object is familiar to Asherah. It is the same kind of object that she saw in her walk with Manubre through the past of this layer, the same type of object that she also saw within The Gallatar.
Manubre places the necklace around Asherah's neck and the object turns from black to pink.
Manubre says 'This will help sustain you on our journey through the borderlands. Stay close to my side Asherah for this place is dangerous.'
Asherah replies 'What is this place? What is within here? I feel so much agony, pain and suffering.'
The Norak answers 'And that is what it is dear Asherah, a place of pain and suffering. created long long ago by forces unknown. It stretches between all the existences and layers.
And some say long ago it was the Master Atherak who created this place to house all those he had judged and deemed wicked and full of malice.
Those he hunted down and destroyed during the first judgement were brought here, their cores and souls forever imprisoned here within the borderlands.'
Manubre reaches out and places his finger under Asherahs chin, raising her head so their eyes meet as he speaks 'There are things within here that have not forgotten that time. What I have given you will protect you from them sensing you from a far distance.'
We must make our way to the center, to the athranaak. There we will speak to others who will help you along your way and help you find the shards that you seek.
My masters Amler and Ahkra, they will explain more to you of the power of these shards. And I have been waiting a long time for you to come, many of us have.'
Asherah smiles at Manubre 'It seems that I have been awaited here by so many. Thank you for coming and finding me, and for helping me in my quest for these shards.'
Manubre replies 'It was the master's will long ago. Be forewarned, there are those who desire the power that is within you. There are those who would hunt you across this layer to the very end of it.
There are those who seek the same thing you do. We must be cautious through our journey here, for I fear that your presence upon this layer has not gone unnoticed.'
Asherah nods in agreement 'I will stay close to you and listen to everything that you tell me to do. I do not wish to bring any harm upon myself, or you, or the Norak. May our journey through this place of suffering go unnoticed.'
Black lightning cracks across The Borderlands, a dark energy begins to grow as a rift opens. The Vorak and a Garg step through.
The Vorack is a being of red and black stripes. He is the same kind as the Norak.
The Garg has red skin, black wings, and large horns. They are greeted by four of the Myrrdonite. Garg is the name of his kind.
The female of the group of Myrrdonite steps forward and bows her head. 'Vorak, I am here to serve.'
The Vorak asks 'Tarkia, loyal to me as always you are. Tell me, what have you found out? Have you seen them? Manubre and his little pet the Norak. Have they come here? Do they have a girl with them?'
Tarkia replies 'Yes, I have watched them. They cross the desolate waste now, they will enter the forest of bones soon. We will be there waiting for them.'
'Good' The Vorak says 'The Garg, my assistant, he shall accompany you.'
The Garg roars 'I will bring you your prize my lord. But what of Manubre and the Norak?'
The Vorak then says 'I care nothing but for the girl, do not harm her. Bring her to me unscathed and unsoiled. As for Manubre and the Norak, make sure they never leave this place again. Kill them both and destory them completely.'
The Vorak raises his hand. Dark energy flows into the eyes of the Garg.
The Garg pauses a moment then roars aloud 'Thank you my lord. I accept this gift of power and will bring you your prize.'
The Vorak responds 'See that you do. And remember, unharmed and unsoiled. So keep your filthy mitts off her or I shall wear your skin.'
Tarkia steps forward 'And when the prize is claimed, tell me Vorak will you keep your word to me and restore my beauty?'
Tarkia, once a beautiful being in her own right, devoured and bathed in the blood of many innocents to retain her beauty. She was punished long ago by Atherak. Now she is hideous and mutilated.
Deep down in her core her only desire is to be beautiful again, to be sought after. For once she was as much sought after as Mokunae, her bitter rival in beauty.
The Vorak looks at Tarkia 'I will give you everything I promised. Once I have taken what I want from the girl you may have her skin, so fair and beautiful.
I would say she is the most beautiful creature upon all this layer, and it can be yours. But first, bring her to me, do not claim anything from her. I wish to have her unscathed.'
Tarkia replies 'I will bring her to you in one piece, that I can assure you.'
The Vorak says 'Good, now go. They will make their way through the forest of bones. Take them, kill the others and bring the girl to me. Do this and the rewards I have promised you will be granted.'
The Myrrdonite and Garg bow. The Garg crouches down on all fours and begins running like a wild dog, the Myrrdonite flying not far behind him.
The Vorak stands grinning, just then a shadow forms behind him.
Eternal Death asks 'Will they bring us this girl?'
The Vorak replies 'Yes master, this girl will lead us to the shards. The shards that will make you all powerful beyond any layer and any existence. Your dream of continuing the master's work will come true once we have her.'
Eternal Death asks 'And what you promised to Tarkia and the Garg, do you plan on keeping that?'
The Vorak responds 'When they have brought me the girl I will deal with them myself.' He scoffs 'Tarkia, such a pitiful creature she is. Her lust for her own beauty has lead to her own demise, and will lead to it once again. Do not worry my master, all will come to us in good time.'
The Forest of Bones...
Manubre, Asherah, and the Norak travel across the great waste of the borderlands. Asherah sees what appear to be trees off in the distance. 'This is strange.'
She looks to Manubre and asks 'A place of pain and suffering yet I see a forest. I do not understand, why would there be such a place here?'
Manubre grins 'Hold your thoughts young Asherah, until what is in front of you is in total sight. Then you will understand more.'
The three continue traveling on their way closer and closer to the forest of bones, when they arrive what had seemed to be trees to Asherah finally appear before her eyes.
She is shocked, they are not trees at all, but mangled corpses that are formed together with bones to look like trees. She can hear the whining and crying of the suffering as they are molded together in this forest of bones and flesh.
The Norak places his hand upon Asherah's shoulder 'Do not worry, once we pass through here we will be closer to the athranaak.'
He whispers to her 'Be careful Asherah, eyes forward in here. Do not listen to those souls who are tormented, they will try to lead you close to these trees. If you venture too close to them they may pull you in and you will become part of them.'
Asherah nods her head 'I understand.'
Manubre says 'I think it's best if you walk in between us.'
Asherah nods 'I will, I will keep my eyes forward.'
The three walk and enter the forest of bones, they can hear the wailing and moaning of the tormented sewn into the bone trees.
One of them cries out 'Pretty girl, pretty girl come here. Let me just look at you pretty girl. Ah, your face, it reminds me of my daughter. Please, come closer.'
Asherah turns to look at the decaying face of the being sewn within the tree of bones. He has elongated ears and four eyes, his eyes seem to have been sewn shut.
He cries out again 'Pretty girl, pretty girl come closer. Let me look upon you.'
Asherah quickly shakes her head and returns her attention to what's before her. She begins humming a melody. Other voices begin to cry out, calling for Asherah to come closer to them, beckoning her.
Asherah hums the melody in her head louder in an effort to drown out the moaning and antagonizing voices of the tormented souls.
As they continue onward they begin to hear another voice. 'Little girl, such a beautiful one. Ah you have come, you have come just to see me. And I have come to find you.'
Manubre places his hand in front of Asherah motioning her to stop. Before them what appears to be one of the bone trees begins to rattle and shake, and then it's ripped apart as the Garg tears through it.'And I've found you, I have.'
A thin coil pierces through the hand of Manubre, he looks down through his hand. The one directing the coil is Tarkia. She raises her hand and another coil pierces into the his shoulder.
Tarkia turns her glare over to Asherah. 'Ah, The Vorak was right. You are beautiful, beyond words. I shall enjoy taking your beauty for my own.'
The Norak suddenly jumps in front of Asherah, he draws a red bladed dagger from his cloak and says 'You will have nothing today you wretched Myrrdonite. Your beauty has faded, and so shall you.'
Tarkia laughs 'You have no power here.' She raises her hand and coils rush forward towards Asherah and The Norak.
The Norak makes a slicing motion with the blade in the air and a field surrounds him and Asherah, the coils bounce off.
Manubre takes notice of this, he breaks free from Tarkia's coils and sends his own racing towards her.
Tarkia moves to dodge the attack. 'So it's a fight you want. Then it's a fight you will get.'
The other three Myrrdonite accompanying her come out of the shadows, each drawing blades as they move in on Manubre.
Manubre draws his own blades from his side. 'I'm always ready for a fight. Especially against those who are unworthy of being Myrrdonite.'
The three Myrrdonite advance towards Manubre and the fight begins.
Tarkia looks towards the Garg 'Break through that shield. Catch our prize and be done with it. Kill that one.'
The Garg pounds down upon the shield, the Norak fights with all his might to hold back the Garg's attack as he speaks to Asherah 'I cannot hold it much longer. I must do all I can, I will try to blind him. Once I do, run for it! Run as far as you can, I will find you.'
The Norak's eyes begin to glow with a bright pink color which then turns to black. A blinding light flashes out from the shield knocking the Garg and Tarkia back. The Norak falls to his knees.
Asherah stands there almost motionless in shock until she hears the words of the Norak 'Run child, run!'
Without hesitation Asherah turns and runs through the forest of bones, dodging through the trees that are reaching down trying to grab on to her.
The tormented souls are screaming 'There she goes! There she goes! She went this way!'
The Garg bears down on the Norak 'All that has left you weak. I will come back and finish you once I have my prize. Come Tarkia.' The Norak collapses to the ground, his energy spent.
As the fight between Manubre and the other Myrrdonite persists Manubre makes a sudden move and cuts two of the Myrrdonite at the throat, decapitating them.
The final Myrrdonite drops his blade and tries to melt back into the forest of bones but is stopped by Manubre who commands coils that pierce the Myrrdonite and tear him apart.
Asherah runs faster and faster through the forest of bones. Behind her the Garg and Tarkia are in pursuit. Asherah in mid run is grabbed by the decaying figure of a tormented being and falls to the ground.
The Garg stands over her. 'Ah, you put up a good fight. But your time for running has come to and end.'
He reaches down and snaps off the limb of the tormented soul then lifts Asherah up into the air.
She hangs upside down and before her hands leave the ground she grabs onto a piece of bone and hides it behind her arm as the Gorag lifts her up to his face. 'The Vorak claims you have so much power, I see nothing but a scared little girl.'
Asherah's expression turns from fright to anger 'I will show you how scared I am!'
With one thrust she plunges the bone into the eye of the Garg, he drops her and rears back in pain. Asherah falls to the ground and collects herself, she starts running again.
Tarkia catches up to the Garg and scoffs at him 'Ha, blinded by her. Let me finish the job.'
Asherah keeps running, she can see the edge of the forest of bones. She makes her way through it. Clearing the forest she runs towards a large cluster of black rocks that protrude out of the grayish sand of the borderlands.
As she nears the black rocks she feels the ground give way beneath her. She falls down into a hole. When she hits the ground she is knocked out.
Tarkia and the Garg catch up to where Asherah has run. The look down into the hole. Tarkia says 'She's down there alright.'
The Garg speaks angrily 'She cannot stay hidden for long. I will have this little bitch for what she has done!' The Garg starts digging down into the hole, spreading the grey sand everywhere.
Asherah slowly regains consciousness but the fall has weakened her. Her eyes are blurry but she can hear The Garg bearing down upon her. 'I almost have her! I can see her!'
The Garg reaches in with his hand, Asherah tries to crawl away but she is weak from the fall. She can't help but wonder why it feels like the energy has been sapped from her.
She reaches down towards her chest to feel for the necklace that was given to her by Manubre but when she does she realizes that it's gone, she must have lost it in the fall.
Her energy grows weaker and weaker. She can feel the fingertips of the Garg upon her back and then hears his voice. 'I have you now.'
Just then something comes out of the darkness and bites on to the Garg's arm shredding it, ripping it back and forth. The Garg screeches out in pain and pulls his arm out from the hole. There a spirit wolf is latched on, a large spirit wolf.
The Garg rears back as the wolf turns her attention towards Tarkia. Tarkia's eyes widen, she opens a rift and quickly steps back through it.
As the spirit wolf turns her eyes towards Garg and prepares make the kill the Garg backs away, he spreads his wings and lifts himself up into the air. 'This is not done, we will come back! You wretched beast!'
The Garg flies off and the spirit wolf turns and heads back down the hole where Asherah has woken up. The wolf sniffs her.
Asherah turns herself over to see this large mutilated spirit wolf looking down upon her. She is frightened for a moment when the spirit wolf leans forward, her snout close to Asherah's face.
Asherah thinks to herself 'This may be the end. Will I be devoured by this beast?'
The spirit wolf leans in and licks her on the face. Asherah is surprised by this. She places her hand upon the spirit wolf's head and caresses her.
Asherah says 'For a moment I thought I was going to be your dinner, but I see it is you who has saved me. I cannot thank you enough.'
The wolf whimpers as Asherah strokes her head and scratches her ears. Then voices can be heard and the spirit wolf lifts her head up into the air and perks her ears up.
Asherah can hear the voices crying out, it is Manubre and the Norak. They are calling for her. 'Asherah! Asherah where are you?'
The spirit wolf turns and runs off into the darkness of the cave. Asherah watches her as she disappears then lifts her head and calls out with all her strength. 'I am here! I'm down here in this hole!'
Manubre and the Norak appear before the hole, Manubre's hand then stretches down, longer and longer it seems to stretch until it grasps the hands of Asherah. It then picks her up and pulls her up out of the hole.
When she is back up on steady ground again she wraps her arms around Manubre and hugs him. 'Thank you. I thought for a moment they may have gotten me.'
The Norak asks her 'What scared them away?'
Asherah explains how she ran through the forest and then fell into the hole, about how she was knocked out for a moment and that she could feel the Garg's hand bearing down to grab her.
She tells them of the strange type of wolf that came to her rescue, and how she had thought when the wolf returned and grew closer that it would turn upon her but it did not.
She tells them that it took off into the darkness when Manubre and the Norak's voices could be heard.
Manubre says to Asherah 'I see, it is a good thing that you fell into her lair.'
The Norak adds 'And it is a good thing that she did not devour you. It seems that your tender nature persuaded her, wooed her in a way. Maybe it is the power within you, that of love and beauty that was able to win the wolf over.'
Manubre looks down into the hole. 'And I feel that her tale, this beast, is a tale of pain and suffering.'
Asherah looks down into the lair of the spirit wolf, she nods her head and says 'Such things should not have to endure suffering, such things should not have to deal with pain. I feel for her, and I thank her. May she find her peace one day, beyond this terrible place.'
Manubre says 'May we all find peace beyond this terrible place. Come, we are close.' He takes Asherah by the arm and says 'Look, the athranaak.'
Asherah raises her head to see the large black object floating high within the sky, she recognizes it and her eyes widen, it is the same type of object that she has seen before. She asks 'Is that the athranaak you speak of?'
Manubre replies 'Yes, it is a control center for the borderlands, one of many that exists. But this one is different from the others, for the Count of Pain Ahkra resides there, as well as an old friend of mine Amler. They will be able to help you find the shards that you are looking for. They have been waiting for a long time like I have for you to come.'
Asherah then smiles 'Then I must not keep them waiting. Please, let us continue our journey.'
The Promise of the Master...
Manubre, the Norak, and Asherah make their way below the large floating object called the athranaak. Below it there are bones scattered everywhere along with strange looking carvings on black rock.
Manubre says to Asherah 'Wait here, the Norak will stay with you. I will return shortly.'
Asherah nods her head in agreement. Manubre then steps away while raising his hands and up through the grayish sand.
Bones appears a diamond shaped object covered in black, almost identical to the athranaak itself. The object opens and Manubre steps in, the object then closes and disappears beneath the sand and bones.
Asherah speaks to the Norak 'Tell me of Manubre, how is it that he became the way he is? He does not seem like the others.
The other beings in this place, the ones you call the myrrdonite, they seem cruel. But not him, tell me Norak how is it he became the way he is now?'
The Norak replies 'Manubre's tale is sad. Long ago his kind was invaded by the ones known as the Savage Gods. They tore through his realm and his existence, he was the only one to escape. He ran from them, far across the existences of this layer until he was trapped and cornered by the wicked Savage God the Bishberrin.
The Bishberrin tried to devour Manubre's core but could not, so he tore him apart. As Manubre's pieces were scattered it was the master Atherak who found him and remade him into the Myrrdonite he is.
Manubre swore to serve Atherak and helped in hunting down the Savage Gods and bringing their cruelty and malice to an end. When the master Atherak burned away at the end of the first judgement Manubre was then employed by Amler and Ahkra who also served Atherak.
He spoke of your coming for a long time. I believe it is something that the master instructed him to do long ago. However he has never fully told me of how he knew of your coming besides from his conversations with the former master Atherak.'
The Norak places his hand on Asherah's shoulder 'But you can be sure that he will protect you and guide you. He would sacrifice himself to assure that you gather the shards you come here to seek.'
Asherah smiles 'I know, I feel deep inside he cares for my well being.'
The Norak replies 'And he does, he will guide you and help you find these shards. Trust in him Asherah, always, as you can trust in me.'
Just then the sand starts to shake and the strange black object rises again from the sand. It opens as if beckoning for the Norak and Asherah to step inside.
Asherah asks 'Is this the way into the athranaak?'
The Norak replies 'Yes, apparently Manubre has gained council with Amler and Ahkra the Count of Pain. Come Asherah, we should go to them now.'
The Norak waves his hand towards the object and Asherah with reluctant steps walks forward and inside the object alongside the Norak.
The object closes around them, there is pitch blackness around Asherah and she can feel the object spinning.
The feel of the spinning in the object stops and it opens. When Asherah and the Norak step out they are inside the athranaak.
Many coils and chains hang everywhere, and within the center there seems to be a swirl of black energy and light shooting up through the top of the athranaak.
Asherah notices that within the energy it seems that there are spirits moving, she sets her gaze on it for awhile until she hears the voice of Manubre.
'This is where the souls of those who die are sent through to transcension, and for those who's deeds have been wicked and cruel they are judged. The athranaak is the gateway between life and death.'
Asherah turns around 'There seem to be so many, so many.' She notices all the spirits swirling around within the dark energy flowing up through.
Manubre places his hand on Asherah's shoulder. 'In these times so many have come through, these are dangerous times Asherah. Many suffer under Eternal Death, the Bishberrin, and others. Their souls forever lost and the athraaak unable to transcend them all, sends them here into the borderlands. We call them the unfortunates.'
Asherah says 'So they are not guilty of being wicked or cruel. Their only crime is that they were innocent and suffering was brought upon them by those who should be judged.'
Manubre replies 'As I said, these are dangerous times.'
Asherah turns as she notices two other strange Myrrdonite figures standing in the background, her eyes widen.
Manubre says to her 'Do not fear child. May I introduce to you Almer, and Ahkra the Count of Pain.'
Ahkra speaks 'So this is her, we have been waiting a long time for you child. The master said you would return, and return you have.'
Amler then adds 'And the time is short. Many enemies look towards you Asherah, and the power within you. A power that you have yet to understand, but in time you will.'
Asherah responds 'Manubre told me that you can help me find the shards I seek. Tell me, can you lead me to them? And what is so special about these shards?'
Ahkra replies 'The shards come from long ago before the layers and any existences were ever formed. As you are of the Omega, the shards are the pieces of The Alpha.'
Ahkra then raises his hand, strange light seems to flash from the coil core of the athranaak and images start to form.
The first image is that of a pinkish-white being, a female. With her is a black being, a male. They are standing and facing each other, then their hands come together.
Asherah sees a flash of bright light and watches as the black being shatters and disappears.
Ahkra then continues speaking 'Long ago the Alpha shattered. The shards came through the layers down and down into existences each time shattering more. What you seek are the shards of the Alpha.'
Amler says 'But be wary child, you are not the only one who does. Many forces seek them out and will stop at nothing to possess them.'
Asherah responds 'Then we must get to them before they do, we must stop them from obtaining these. Whoever these forces are, I feel inside that they are cruel and they are responsible for much of the suffering within this layer.'
Amler replies 'Yes they are. If those who bring suffering upon the layers and many existences were ever able to obtain the Alpha shards their power would grow great and then I fear none could challenge them.'
Asherah asks 'We must hurry then, is it true that you can help guide us to these shards?'
Ahkra replies as he turns his attention to Manubre 'It is true, but first there must be a promise kept to your friend Manubre. Long ago you swore to serve the master.'
Manubre nods in acknowledgement 'I did.'
Ahkra says 'To find this one and protect her, to bring her to us. You have fulfilled your word and now the promise of the master shall be fulfilled.'
Ahkra raises his hands and coils come from everywhere, piercing into him, lifting Manubre up. Then out of the floor of the athranaak appear two objects.
They seem to be two halves of an object that looks like the athranaak and resemble the other objects Asherah has noticed. The object closes around Manubre and start to spin fast. When the object stops spinning it sets gently down on the ground and opens.
Manubre then falls from the object to his knees, he is no longer mutilated. He raises his hands to his eyes and touches his face, a tear falls from his eye. 'I am whole again, I am alive.'
Amler says 'Yes, long ago the master promised you would live again and here you are. His word has been kept even long after his demise. You live again Manubre.'
Asherah helps Manubre to his feet and the Norak hands him a robe. He puts it on 'I thank you, thank you for returning me to the world of the living so that I may feel the blood flow through my veins and the warmth of my skin again.'
Ahkra responds 'And you have completed the task the master has set forth for you. You may go now, return to the realms of the living if you choose.'
Manubre looks down at Asherah who returns the glance back up to him. Manubre says 'If I was to return to the realms of the living I do not know what I may find. I choose to stay, I choose to help Asherah.
If she is able to gain the Alpha shards and stop Eternal Death and the Bisherrin from obtaining them themselves then my task is not yet complete. I shall see it through to the end.' He turns and smiles down at Asherah.
Amler says 'Very well, you have chosen your path. But remember if you are to die this time you will not come back.'
Manubre replies 'If I am to die and to never return I shall die defending Asherah.'
Amler responds 'Remember what you have sworn here today. The first shard that you seek lays within a firey realm here within this layer. It is a dangerous place that is buried deep within this realm covered by the dark fires that surround it to protect it. You will all need something to protect you from this flame.'
Ahkra steps forward with a box in his hands, he opens the box and shows them the three small objects inside, one is shaped like a triangle, one a circle, and one a square.
Asherah selects the circular object while the Norak takes the square and Manubre the triangle. As soon as they touch them the objects float and swirl around them. Asherah smiles as the circular object changes from black to a pinkish color.
Amler says 'These objects will protect you in this dark fire realm. You must go there soon, for I feel the Vorak and others are already on route to find you. They will even come here again. The Vorak does not fear Ahkra or myself, you should go now.'
Ahkra speaks 'Go through this rift.' He raises his hand and the rift opens 'The objects will protect you from the dark flames but be wary, I feel an old kin of mine has now entered into this hunt for the Alpha shards. Be wary of the Bishberrin, he is the devourer of cores.'
Amler steps forward to Asherah 'You may face the enemies and they may stare down upon you. They are terrifying, and their cruelty is legendary.'
He places his hand upon Asherahs chest 'But within you Asherah is a power far greater than they have ever known. You will learn to unleash it when the time has come.'
Amler turns his attention to Manubre and the Norak 'Protect her with everything you have, even if it means sacrificing yourselves. Now go, there is no time to lose.'
Asherah nods her head 'Do not worry, I will find this shard in the realm of dark fire. But when I go how will I know where to look?'
Ahkra answers 'It passes through, deep within this realm of dark fire look towards the moon.'
Asherah replies 'A moon, in a realm of dark fire? I'll remember that. Thank you both, and I hope to see you soon. I will return with the shard.'
Ahkra and Amler nod. Manubre, Asherah, and the Norak step through the rift and it closes.
Ahkra says to Amler 'We brought Manubre back so that he may sacrifice himself once again.'
Amler replies 'It is a shame, and I shall be sad at his loss. But we have forseen this, and so has he.'
The Moon Shard...
As Amler and Ahkra turn, a small eyeball with legs like a spider crawls away. It crawls through a hole and drops down the side of the athranaak.
The small spider-like creature then crawls across the ground of the borderlands, a hand then reaches down and picks it up placing it back within her skull.
Tarkia laughs 'Such a fool this girl is. She goes to the realm of dark fire, to the Sha'Grark, she has led us right to the shard. We shall take her and it for ourselves Garg.'
The Garg looks down and a deep rumble comes from within him 'I will have that little bitch. For what she did to my eye I will take hers.'
Tarkia says 'Not before I take her beauty. Her flesh will be mine, then you can have her eyes. And we will have the shard.'
The Garg asks 'And what of the Vorak?'
Tarkia replies 'He will be at our mercy once we have the shard and her. He will serve us then and not the other way around. Think of it Garg, you the master and he the servant. Too long have we done his dirty work for him, this time we will obtain this power for ourselves.'
The Sha'Grark Realm of Dark Fire...
Asherah, Manubre, and the Norak step through the rift. When they come out they are in a realm that is covered in dark black fire. The objects given to them spin around them protecting them from the black flames.
All around them is black smoke, it is hard to see and not much is visible. Asherah says 'This place, it is overwhelmed by darkness. How will we find what we are looking for?'
Manubre replies 'The answer must be here somewhere, we will search.' He raises his hand and the triangular piece splits, one piece flies off in a bright flash of light.
Manubre says 'There, this way.' The three make their way through the black flames and smoke following the trail.
As they make their way through the black flames and smoke Asherah says 'These shards, so many seek them. And as they said they are pieces of this Alpha... But the Alpha itself, if it shattered there may be hundreds, thousands of pieces. How will we find them all before the others do?'
The Norak replies 'The pieces may be spread among many existences and many layers. We must find the ones we know of now Asherah, they will lead us to the others. This one is only the first. If we are able to obtain it it will lead us to many other shards that may be lost upon the existences of this layer.'
Asherah tilts her head and looks in deep thought 'But we must find this one first. What did they say to me back in the borderlands? Look towards the moon.'
Asherah looks up through the black flames and smoke. She sets her hand over her eyes, and then her eyes begin to widen. With excitement she points and says 'Look, high up there! Look!'
The Norak and Manubre then look up in the direction that Asherah is pointing. There is a strange dark light, but it glows over the black flames and smoke.
Manubre then laughs 'Asherah you have done it! There it is, we must go to it.'
The Norak looks around 'But how to get there? I wonder what these little objects do, what power is inside them, these objects that have been given to us by Ahkra.'
The Norak then grabs the square object that is floating around him in his hands. When he opens his palm the object begins to spin rapidly and the three begin to float upwards.
The Norak then says 'I understand now, you control these through the mind. They are almost like extensions of yourself.'
Asherah laughs 'These are the perfect gift, when we return to the borderlands I will have to thank Ahkra again.'
They start to float up towards where the light can be seen. As they approach closer they rise above the black flames and smoke. There on a high peak they spot a glowing object.
Asherah grasps the circular object in her hand 'I wish to see it closer.'
She closes her eyes for a moment and then opens them again. To her astonishment her eyesight has improved ten-fold and she can see the strange black glowing shard lodged within the rocks high above as though it was thrown or it crashed there.
The three continue to float until they are just below the shard. Asherah says 'It is within our grasp.'
The Norak replies 'Yes, without any trou-'
Before the Norak can finish what he is saying something tackles him sending him flying to the ground not too far from the shard.
Asherah and Manubre make their way to the Norak. When they get to him they see a strange being standing above him.
When the being turns to show his face Asherah is shocked, it looks almost to be the same type of being that Ahkra was, but not mutilated. Who is this? What does he want?
The Savage God turns and laughs 'So you're the prize that everyone is after, such a tasty little prize. Come to me, let me see this power that is within you.'
Manubre then steps in front of Asherah 'Stand back, you will not have her.'
The Bishberrin turns 'I know you. I killed you long ago. How is it possible that you stand before me again?'
Manubre says 'What you destroyed before was me, and long have I suffered. But now life flows through me again, and this time Bishberrin it is you who will be brought to an end.'
Manubre commands the triangle object floating around him, it spins faster and faster and seems to shatter into a million other pieces like itself which race towards the Bishberrin with the command of Manubre's hand.
Manubre tells Asherah 'Quickly, get the shard! I will hold him off.'
Asherah makes a run towards where the shard is lodged in the edge of the cliff, with both hands she grasps it and tries to pull it free.
As she struggles with it, images begin to appear in her mind, flashes. She is seeing the time of the first judgement of this layer and the existences and there is the being known as Atherak.
She can see him ripping apart beings that resemble the Bishberrin and impaling the others. And as if the image has become real Atherak turns back and he looks at her, his eyes glow red.
Atherak's hand reaches forward and he speaks in a strange language. Asherah's eyes widen with fear. But then she feels something shaking her and she comes to as the image disappears. It is the Norak, he says 'Quickly, we must free it!'
The Norak and Asherah struggle to free the shard from where it is embedded within the cliff. Behind them the fight rages on between Manubre and the Bishberrin.
Back and forth they strike at each other Manubre is then knocked back by a blow from the Bishberrin which knocks him to his knees.
The Bishberrin laughs 'I see this time you have a little more fight in you, good! That means you have grown stronger! That means your core is more powerful than it was, I shall enjoy devouring you!'
The Bishberrin rushes forward his wide jaws opened up as if to bite down on Manubre. Manubre grasps the jaws of the Bishberrin with both hands.
They struggle back and forth as the Bishberrin's teeth pierce into the hands of Manubre. Manubre then shreaks out in pain yelling back 'Hurry Asherah! Hurry!'
Asherah turns her attention towards Manubre and sees him struggling with the Bishberrin biting down on him. Asherah rises and screams 'Let him go you beast!'
She commands the circular object to rush forward, it splits into four pieces striking the Bishberrin and knocking him back.
The Bishberrin regains himself 'You little bitch! I don't care what power is in you, none so small and weak shall ever strike me!'
He rushes forward and with a wave of his strong arm he strikes Asherah knocking her back, she falls landing hard on the ground near the edge of the cliff.
The Norak draws a dagger from within his robe 'How dare you!? You will die for this!'
He begins striking at the Bishberrin who grabs him by the throat with one arm and lifts him high into the air.
The Bishberrin says 'I don't care where you came from, here I am power. Here I rule.' He tosses the Norak into the air and sends him flying over the edge of the cliff.
Asherah tries to grasp his hand but it is too late. She screams out 'Norak!' as she watches him fall into the black flames and smoke below.
Asherah with all her remaining strength commands the circular object to strike the Bishberrin in the back of the head as he was laughing. It hits him hard knocking him to the ground.
Manubre seizes the opportunity and strikes at the Bishberrin but his blow does not land successfully as the Bishberrin moves to avoid it.
The Bishberrin then strikes back, spinning around with a closed fist and backhanding Manubre across the face, lifting him off of the ground and sending him flying into the air before he rolls past Asherah, his hands grasping at the edge of the cliff as he goes over it.
Asherah reaches down grabbing his wrist 'Hang on!' she says 'I wont let you go!'
Manubre is trying to hold on with all his strength, Asherah is peering into his eyes. She can see in the reflection of his pupils the Bishberrin bearing down on her.
She rolls over just in time as the Bishberrin strikes for her chest 'Now little one lets see how powerful you are!'
He strikes down, his blow aiming for the heart of Asherah. When it comes in contact as if by some strange force his blow stops, Asherah's eyes begin to glow bright pink and a strange pink lightning flashes all around her.
The pink lightning goes up the arm of the Bishberrin. His eyes grow wide and he shrieks out in pain as lightning strikes all around him. 'Aaaaaargh!' The Bishberrin falls to his knees.
As The Bishberrin is on the ground, Asherah rolls back over grasping down with both hands on the wrist of Manubre. With all her strength she helps pull him back onto the cliff.
Manubre, down on his knees and trying to catch his breath says 'The shard, get the shard.' Asherah then turns, she can still feel the strange lightning flowing within her body. She concentrates, and with both hands grabs the Alpha shard.
Lighting strikes all around and into the shard and it breaks free. Asherah falls backwards landing on her bottom. She catches herself, then raises one hand and in it is the shard. She smiles and says 'I have it. I have it.'
Manubre regains himself and stands 'You've done it, you have the shard. And not a moment too soon.'
Asherah smiles, but her smile quickly fades 'But Norak has fallen into the black flames and smoke below...'
Manubre looks over the edge of the cliff 'If I know The Norak he will be safe.' He then turns his attention back towards Asherah 'let us regain outselves and we shall look for -'
His voice is cut off in mid sentence, his mouth drops open and his eyes widen. Asherah looks on in horror as a hand pierces through his chest ripping his heart and his core. Asherah screams out 'Manubre!'
Manubre's eyes focus back down on Asherah. He says to her in a dying voice 'Beautiful one... I am sorry...'
Manubre falls to the ground, behind him stands Tarkia and the Garg who has his hand thrust through the chest of Manubre. The Garg picks up his body with the other hand and tosses it into the black fire below.
Tarkia speaks 'You're all out of friends little girl. Give us that and come with us and no one else here will die.'
Tears flow down Asherah's face, but anger swells within her. She says in a defiant voice 'I will not give you anything, I would rather die than surrender to you or give up the shard.'
Tarkia replies 'You defiant little wretch, you have no choice in the matter!' Tarkia raises her hand as if to command coils.
Asherah lifts her head and in an angry voice she says 'You do not know the power I possess.' Her eyes then flash pink, lightning surrounds her.
Asherah stands 'You will not claim the shard.' She turns and with a great burst of strength and energy casts the shard, it goes flying off far beyond the realm of dark fire.
The Garg rushes forward 'No!' The lightning then disapates and Asherah and her eyes change back to normal.
The Garg turns to her 'You wretched little wench!' With one hand he strikes her and Asherah falls unconscious.
Tarkia then says 'There will be more, we will find through her. This great power and the rest of these shards. But first I will have her beauty, I will take her skin and replace it with mine.'
The Garg replies 'Not before I have my eye.' He reaches down with one hand grasping a hand full of Asherah's hair and lifts her head up towards him.
with the other hand he makes a fist moving his thumb and long black nail towards Asherah's eye. 'An eye for an eye little girl.'
Just then a rift opens and the Vorak steps through. Tarkia quickly turns her attention towards the Garg and with one swift move she draws her blade slicing the Garg's neck.
The Garg rears back dropping Asherah, with another move tarkia decapitates him. His body falls off the cliff down into the black fire.
Tarkia then turns to the Vorak 'He was going to kill her and take the power for himself. But I stopped him.'
The Vorak asks 'And the shard? Where is the shard?'
Tarkia replies 'She cast it away. Strange power came from within her, a power like I have never seen before.'
The Vorak then says 'It is of no matter, we will have the shard again. But we have the greatest prize, Asherah.' He laughs 'All the power within you shall be mine.'
The Bishberrin regains himself, he then looks down upon Asherah 'And what will I have for my time hunting this one?'
The Vorak responds 'You shall have the core that you were denied before.' With a wave of his hand coils go piercing down into the black fire, when they return they bring up the body of Manubre.
Tarkia says 'But he is dead, the Garg has killed him.'
The Bishberrin laughs 'You foolish Myrrdonite bitch, his core is still warm.'
The Bishberrin thrusts his hand into the chest of Manubre and pulls his core from it. 'So tasty, this time Manubre you will not be coming back.' The Bishberrin devours the core of Manubre. Manubre's body withers and turns to dust.
The Vorak asks 'Are you satisfied Bishberrin? Do you feel you have been rewarded?'
The Bishberrin replies 'Yes, but how I do hunger for this little one. But she is yours, for now.'
With a wave of his hand the Bishberrin opens a portal, before he leaves he looks back over his shoulder and says. 'If there is true power within this one, Eternal Death will wish to know of it.'
The Bishberrin then steps through and the portal closes behind him.
The Vorak says 'Oh he will know of it, I will show him. Tarkia, gather her. We will return to my place of sanctuary. There I will find a way to unlock the power within her, and it shall be mine.'
Tarkia then asks 'And what of that which you promised me? Will I have her beauty?'
The Vorak responds 'Now Tarkia you will, but be patient. First the power within her must be mine. Bring her. We will discover the secrets hidden within you Asherah, and your power.'
The Vorak opens a rift, and he along with Tarkia holding Asherah in her arms step through.
At the edge of the cliff a hand can be seen, pulling himself up is the Norak. When he pulls himself fully onto the cliff he looks and he cries out 'Asherah! Asherah I will find you! I will find you. I will save you.'
True Self Connection...