Origin Story for Mieraki: Saved by Darkness

During the Urthak War, in the deep dark forest of Alfheim, a young fairy opens her eyes. She stares up into the blue eyes of her mother who stares back down at her, she smiles.
She is the third born to her mother that day, her two sisters have also come into the realm of Alfheim.
Her mother smiles and then speaks 'Mieraki, your name will be Mieraki. Daughter born under the silver moons.'
Mieraki smiles up at her mother, Aeveron stands at her side. 'They are beautiful, all of them, and I welcome them into this world as sisters.'
Aeveron then tells Mieraki's mother 'You should rest now, we must move soon. For I fear that the wicked King Yserah's armies are close, they will come through this forest.'
Mieraki's mother then looks down at her 'Must this war continue? Must such slaughter proceed onward? And for you my children to be born into a time of bloodshed and such cruelty. Oh Aeveron, how I wish for things to return to the way they were. When all of us of Alfhiem were at peace, lived with each other in harmony.'
Aeveron's face goes stern 'I wish for those times too Keyarray, but as long as King Yserah sits upon the throne we will know no such peace. These little sisters will grow fast, but you should rest now. Do not trouble yourself with such things, we must move soon.'
Keyarray holds her three daughters close and rests, fairies grow quite fast. Mieraki rests next to her sisters close in her mother's arms. She stares up at the silver moons hanging high within the sky of Alfheim.
As the sun rises, Mieraki opens her eyes. She has grown more, she is now more of a young girl. She and her sisters sit upon a branch and test their wings, they start to fly. As her two sisters jump forward, they nearly fall to the ground but are caught by Aeveron and Keyarray.
Aeveron says 'Good try. You must make your wings strong, for you will be needing them.'
Keyarray and Aeveron then look up at Mieraki, Keyarray then says 'It is your turn my daughter, do not be afraid. Just remember, your wings are part of you.'
Mieraki closes her eyes, she jumps forward. She feels herself falling but then after a moment feels herself lift into the air. With all her strength she begins to fly.
She cries down to Aeveron and her mother 'I've done it, look at me!' This inspires her sisters to gather their strength, they jump up into the air and begin flying around with Mieraki.
Keyarray smiles 'Look at them, oh Aeveron to be them again, to be children. Young fairies with no worries of the realms or what has transpired throughout them, only joy and happiness.'
Aeveron smiles as she glances up at the three young fairies in flight. She says 'One day this war will come to an end, one day we will be like them again. Happy, and free. And that day will come when King Yserah's head is on a spike.'
Keyarray hangs her head in sadness 'I wish there were other ways instead of violence.'
Aeveron then says sternly 'It is not as if the other races didn't try to bargain or plead with King Yserah. He knows nothing but cruelty, that is all he knows. And besides that-'
Aeveron is cut off before she can finish speaking, a fairy has approached calling her name 'Aeveron, my mistress Aeveron please, I bring urgent news.'
The fairy lands before Aeveron and then bows 'My General, we must-' The fairy almost passes out from exhaustion.
Aeveron lifts her and signals for another fairy to bring her some water. The fairy drinks it and regains herself.
Aeveron places her hands upon her shoulders and asks 'What is it?'
The fairy looks into the eyes of Aeveron with fear 'The armies of the King, lead by Raugunitar himself. They have come here, they have found us. They will burn this forest down and kill all within it. Raugunitar has given the orders to his men to slay every fairy that he finds.'
Aeveron's face grows angry 'They come here for bloodshed, then it is bloodshed we will give them. Assemble everybody, we must prepare for them. We will lay in wait in an ambush.'
Aeveron says to Keyarray 'Gather the children and the others, we will try to slow them down. You must make your way through the forest to the Great Mountain. There you must find the Queen and tell her Raugunitar comes with blood on his mind, that he wishes to slay all fairies.'
Keyarray asks 'Is there no other way? Must we keep running? And what if you were to fall at the hands of Raugunitar and the elves? Who will protect us then?'
The fairy scout then says to Aeveron 'My General, mistress, Alakin Silverleaf is with them. If we are to seek parley and speak to him, he is more rational. I do sense within Alakin goodness, not cruelty like Raugunitar or Yserah. We should try to speak to him.'
Aeveron lowers her head and sighs 'I too know that the heart of Alakin Silverleaf is true, but there is no other way now. This is war sister, and in war, you are either the victors or the victims. Now, everyone, prepare. Those of you who must flee you must make your way through the forest and to the great mountain.
Sisters, the rest of us shall meet this Raugunitar and either bring about his end or it will be the end of our kind. We fight today, not for ourselves, but for all of our sisters. Those who live, and those who have fallen.'
Aeveron turns to Keyarray and says 'Good luck to you sister, may the great Queen and the silver moons guide you.'
Aeveron turns her glance to Mieraki and says 'Protect your mother and your sisters, I sense strength within you. One day you will unlock this strength and you will become a great fairy.'
Mieraki and her mother along with other young fairies start to flee through the forest. Aeveron and the others lay in wait in the trees in ambush. There below them they can see Raugunitar and his army of Elves along with Alakin Silverleaf.
Raugunitar raises his hand and signals for all the other soldiers to stop, he then says to Alakin 'They're here, I can smell the little demons. Everyone, make ready! Defensive positions, now!'
The elves go into a form of defensive position, Aeveron high up in the trees looks down. 'They know we're here, now is the time.' She gives the signal, the fairies begin to draw their bows and their dart guns.
As she raises her hand and lowers it swiftly, small darts and arrows begin to pierce into the vulnerable spots and exposed areas of the elves, striking some of them in the eyes.
The darts find their way into the chinks in the armor the elves wear, they are highly poisonous. An elf soldier who is pierced by one of these pulls off his helmet. His eyes glow white, dark veins begin to peer through his skin and he starts to vomit. Then he falls to the ground dead.
Raugunitar then draws his bow and fires arrows up into the trees. A fairy next to Aeveron is struck, she shrieks out in pain as the arrow impales her into the tree.
This angers Aeveron, she draws her blades and cries to her sisters 'Let the silver moons rain with blood! The blood of those who would try to destroy us!'
Aeveron and her fairy sisters attack the elves. They are swift and fast like the elves themselves are. Aeveron herself focuses her attack upon Raugunitar, she cries out 'Raugunitar! Your death shall be at my hand!'
Raugunitar turns to see Aeveron 'So it is the leader of the fairy armies, I shall enjoy killing you.'
The two begin to clash back and forth. Despite Aeveron's small size compared to Raugunitar, she is a formidable foe and is quite skilled with her blades.
Raugunitar makes a swift strike at Aeveron with his blade, she blocks it, but the impact of the blow knocks her back. As Aeveron looks around she can see that her fairies are beginning to lose, the elves are too many.
Many of her fairy sisters have fallen, one of them cries out 'Mistress General, the battle is lost! We must flee!' Just as the fairy warrior calls out she is struck and falls lifeless to the ground.
Aeveron charges forward towards the elf who killed her sister, slicing his throat with one swift pass.
Raugunitar launches an arrow directly towards Aeveron. She places her two blades in front of her to deflect it but to no avail, the arrow strikes hard cutting through one of Aeveron's wings.
Aeveron falls down through the branches of the trees and hits a branch. Her primordial energy has made her stronger than some of her sisters but the blow from Raugunitar's arrow has knocked her unconscious.
Just then an elven scout runs to the side of Raugunitar, he kneels and says 'There are others fleeing deep within the forest.'
Raugunitar sheaths his sword and says 'None of them can escape, find them, hunt them down.'
Alakin Silverleaf steps to Raugunitar's side 'They're fleeing, the battle is over. The rest of them are not warriors.'
Raugunitar then turns to him 'We have orders from the King, and you will obey those orders. Now gather your warriors.'
Alakin Silverleaf hangs his head, he makes the signal to the other elven warriors to begin their pursuit.
Mieraki and the other fairies are fleeing as fast as they can. They begin sensing the approach of the elven warriors not far behind them.
Keyarray then lands upon a branch. She is tired, and so are her daughters. Mieraki tells her mother 'We must continue, if they were to catch us...'
Keyarray replies 'Just a moment, I must catch my breath.'
Those are her final words, for she is struck by an arrow. Mieraki screams out in anguish as she watches her mother's body fall lifeless to the ground below.
Raugunitar then draws another arrow and takes aim, he shoots it striking one of Mieraki's sisters, impaling her to the tree.
Mieraki grabs the hand of her last remaining sister and begins to fly. Raugunitar jumps up into the trees, he quickly moves from limb to limb pursuing the two small fairies. He draws his blade.
Mieraki is pulling her sister in flight, she yells to her sister 'Hold on! Keep flying!'
Just then she can feel what seems like a gust of wind come upon her and the weight of her sister seems to be lighter.
When she pulls her sister's hand forward to see if she is okay, there is nothing in her hand but her sister's arm. Mieraki drops it in horror, she can see Raugunitar following a short distance behind her.
Her sister lays on a branch, Raugunitar grabs a dagger and decapitates her. Mieraki is horrified, with all her strength she flies back striking towards Raugunitar who takes notice and swings his arm.
Mieraki is struck by the back of Raugunitar's gauntlet. She goes flying across the forest and smashes against a tree before falling to the ground. There she lays beneath a tree, barely conscious.
Raugunitar draws his blade and moves in for the final strike. Mieraki looks up in horror as she sees Raugunitar's blade coming down upon her. She closes her eyes anticipating her last moments.
Then there is a loud clank. Mieraki opens her eyes to see that Raugunitar's sword has been stopped by another elven sword, that of Alakin Silverleaf.
Alakin Silverleaf pushes Raugunitar back 'Enough! These are children, I will not have any of us kill children.'
Raugunitar responds 'They are fairy scum, they have chosen their side. Better to kill them now than to have them grow and strike back. Think of elven children.'
Raugunitar grows angry and says 'What is it Alakin, do you find what you are doing here to be wrong? Do you disobey your King? You are here upon his orders. So whom do you serve Alakin? Do you serve your King, or do you serve them?'
Mieraki regains herself and takes advantage of the opportunity. She flies up into the air and into the forest. Raugunitar gets ready to go after her, Alakin stops him by placing his hand upon the breastplate of his chest.
He looks long into the eyes of Raugunitar, then Alakin Silverleaf finally says 'I serve the good of Alfhiem.'
He thrusts his sword into the ground, then turns to walk away. 'And I will not be a part of such meaningless slaughter.'
Raugunitar says 'So be it, you are a coward.' He signals for several other elves to follow in pursuit of Mieraki.
Mieraki is flying through the forest, she sees a clearing at the end, there is a field. She flies faster and harder, as she looks back she sees Raugunitar and the other elves in pursuit.
Mieraki flies out of the forest and into the open field. Raugunitar draws an arrow and takes aim, he shoots the arrow and Mieraki is knocked out of flight when it clips her wings and sends her falling to the ground.
Raugunitar says 'Ah, I guess I'll have to finish this by hand.' He draws his sword and begins to walk with the other elves in the direction that Mieraki has fallen.
Mieraki lays upon the ground, she is in pain. She tries to fly up but cannot do so, she flutters her wings as she begins to run. Raugunitar sees this and he draws another arrow. 'This time I won't miss.'
He shoots the arrow and it goes flying towards Mieraki. She looks back in horror as the arrow of Raugunitar bears down upon her. Just then the arrow bounces off what appears to be some form of darkness.
Mieraki finds herself surrounded by a dark shroud, huge, as tall as a mountain it feels. She looks up and sees a face, the face of a large being. The other elves come to a halt, they stare up in horror.
One of them cries out 'Hungali!'
Raugunitar says 'Make ready to defend yourselves!'
The elves begin to draw and loose arrows at the Hungali but they bounce off the Hungali's long black cloak. With a wave of the Hungali's hand, sharp black objects go flying through the air, piercing through the elves.
Raugunitar runs towards him, he draws his sword and jumps towards the head of the Hungali. As his sword bears down against the face of the Hungali, it shatters.
The Hungali with one swift blow knocks Raugunitar back. Raugunitar then lands on the ground, he takes a silver horn from his belt and blows into it. Other elves hear the horn and begin making their way towards Raugunitar's position.
The elves make their way through the forest and stare, eyes wide with fear, up at the Hungali.
Raugunitar regains himself 'We must call out to the Ourhkina, the Hungali are here.'
Danaark, who is the Hungali, says to him 'You call for aid, yet you hunt down those who could not defend themselves. I should destroy you all here. But there will come a time when you will bring about your own destruction.'
At that Danaark lifts into the air in a black cloud, Mieraki still within his grasp. She holds on tight to his robe.
Although this Hungali is terrifying in stature, she feels safe. They fly through the air of Alfhiem and to the great mountain. Once there, they come to rest on a ledge.
The Hungali Danaark then takes on a smaller form so that he may stand before the small Mieraki.
Danaark says 'For one so small you show so much strength, it is within you, one day you will know it. It will rise, and you will rise with it. Farewell, small one.'
Mieraki looks up with tears in her eyes, she is thankful to this Hungali who has saved her. As the Hungali begins to fly away Mieraki raises up her hand 'Please, at least tell me your name.'
As the Hungali flies up to his last words to Mieraki are heard 'I am Danaark, and you will know me again.'
True Self Connection...