Origin Story for Urisia: Nutariah the Realm of Serpents

There is the crackle of thunder and lightning, it shakes the ground. Within this realm, a Nutarian mother surrounds her eggs and pulls them in close to protect them.
There are shrieks of terror, as though a battle is going on around the realm and the mountain that she dwells within. The Nutarian mother pulls her eggs in tighter, protecting her unborn young.
The Nutarian mother says 'Be still my children.' She is a serpent with a dragon-like appearance, with large silvery-white feathered wings and deep blue skin. Her eyes glow a bright yellow.
She speaks to her unborn 'Do not fear my little ones. We are safe within here.'
Far across Nutariah, there are fierce battles raging, beings that came here before are being hunted down.
The mother remembers such times, a strange faceless being came with many and began to hunt her kind for the power that lays within their hides, their skin, to be used as armor and other such things. This strange faceless being of malice and cruelty.
The mother remembers her mate, for the Nutarian mate for life and for all eternity. When one is gone the other slowly begins to die, this Nutarian mother is weak but she will live on long enough to see her children come into this existence.
The sounds of battle are getting closer. The mountain that she has made her lair begins to shake, pieces of it begin to fall.
The Nutarian mother wraps herself completely around her eggs as pieces of the mountain fall and strikes her.
Just then voices can be heard, voices from the long dark corridor leading to her lair. The Nutarian mother begins to sense the air with her tongue, she peers through the rock with her eyes.
She sees strange beings beyond the rock, tall and slender with one eye. She can tell that these are the minions of Ashoweah for they wear the skins of her kind. They seem to be fleeing into the chamber as though trying to escape something.
She is weak, but she finds enough strength within her to defend her unborn young. She rises to meet the challenge of these invaders coming into her chambers.
The beings finally make their way into the chamber, they have spotted her. They speak a strange language to each other and then ready themselves to attack.
The Nutarian mother gathers all her strength, rears up, and then strikes at one of them. The beings are quick and very agile, they dodge her strike and begin to pierce the Nutarian mother with the lances that they carry.
One of the beings says to the other 'It has children, unborn eggs. That is its weakness, strike them!'
As the being begins to attack the Nutarian mother, the other begins to move towards the eggs, his lance held high in the air. He strikes downwards smashing several of them. The small Nutarian's inside the eggs begin to squirm.
They have been broken free from the eggs, yet were not fully developed. The Nutarian mother notices this and in a bout of rage, she strikes down upon one of the beings.
The being turns quickly, forcing his lance into the Nutarian mother's mouth. She still tries to bite down on him.
His comrade then attacks from behind, piercing her through the head, the Nutarian mother falls to the ground lifeless.
The beings regain themselves and one turns to the other 'There is no time, they will be here soon. We must escape.'
Just then the chamber becomes pitch black, the beings begin to panic. They cannot see anything around them, their senses have been dulled. They stand close to each other back to back, one of them says to the other 'They're here.'
The other replies 'We must find a way out, we must escape.'
A voice can be heard from within the darkness 'There is no escape for those who serve Malice, your time of judgement has come.'
Two red eyes can be seen within the darkness, as the darkness begins to fade a Myrrdonite stands before the two.
Amler raises his hand and coils come from out of the darkness, piercing the beings and ripping them apart.
Other Myrrdonite appear from out of the darkness, Amler raises his hand to them 'There are more upon this mountain, find them. For their kind has been judged, bring them. Tear their souls apart and send them to the borderlands.'
The other Myrrdonite fade back into the darkness. Amler looks at the Nutarian mother that lays dead upon the floor, he places a hand upon her head.
Amler says 'A natural, last of your kind. It is a pity that a natural so unique as yourself, that your kind would come to an end in a cold dark chamber within a mountain. Know that your suffering will not be in vain.'
Amler then places his other hand upon the head of the Nutarian mother, energy comes from within and it surrounds him before flowing into the her.
Her body then turns grey, she has become ash. When the process is complete the ashes crumble and blow away.
Amler opens a rift, before he steps through he looks at the pile of crushed eggs and the young dead. He waves his hand over them and the same dark energy fills the bodies of the young dead, they begin to turn grey and crumble to ash.
But then Amler notices something, there is a single egg left. He walks over to it and picks it up, inside he senses life.
He says 'Peculiar. This is not a safe place for you little one, you should come with me.' Amler places the egg within his robe and enters through the rift.
Time passes, Amler has kept the egg inside his robe until one day it hatches into a young Nutarian serpent with reddish golden skin and bright blue wings.
Amler reaches his hand down into his robe, picking up the small Nutarian. He looks at it, as it stares back into his eyes it shows no fear.
Amler speaks to it 'You little one are quite special, the last of your kind, all alone without your mother. And with no name... Your name and who you are will be discovered with time, but for now, I shall call you Sayrennen.'
Then a voice is heard from behind Amler, and he turns and bows.
Atherak says 'Keeping the unfortunate ones who are left all alone? Amler, I would not suspect that of you.'
Amler replies 'My Lord Atherak, yes, this unfortunate one I have brought here. Something about her I have yet to fully comprehend. But I feel that she shall be a part of something greater in times to come long after the judgement has ended.'
Atherak responds 'I trust your judgement in such things, however...'
Atherak steps closer, Sayrennen is within the palm of Amler's hand. Atherak takes her from him and says 'However, when the time comes, take this one to the Great Father. There is a place for her, in a time far off from where we are now, in an existence not yet formed. There she will find her place.'
Atherak hands Sayrennen back to Amler who takes her within both of his hands.
Atherak says 'The time has come Amler, everything is in place. You must go now and fulfill what I have asked of you.'
Amler asks 'Has the time of judgement ended?'
Atherak replies to him 'Yes, I have dreamed Amler. I have dreamed of her, she calls to me.'
Amler bows his head 'I have had the same dreams too, master.'
Atherak responds 'Then I trust in your visions Amler, and I trust in you. When the time comes, you will find her.'
Amler bows once more 'When the time comes Master, I will serve you as I always have.'
Atherak says 'Very well Amler. Now, one more thing. You must search for the time walker. Find him Amler, you hold the key to my rebirth.'
Amler then asks 'But what of Eternal Death, master?'
Atherak replies 'He will continue on, you must let him continue, do not intervene. You will understand in time Amler.'
Amler bows his head 'Yes, master.'
Atherak turns and opens a rift, he steps through it.
Amler is alone with Sayrennen and says 'And the time will come for you to journey beyond from where you are now, but until then you may stay with me.'
The time of the first judgement has come and gone... Sayrennen has grown a little at a time, always with Amler, she stays close by him and travels the borderlands.
As Sayrennen grows she learns the language of the myrrdonite, it is called thothilssin.
She is there when Amler and the time walker meet, she watches as the time walker Xarsha, Amler, and the Count of Pain Ahkra set forth many different events.
She does not fully understand what these events may come out to be, but she remembers a time peering out from Amler's robe at the beautiful girl she saw that day.
She believes fully within herself that this girl would have something to do with events yet to unfold. She remembers peering out from Amler's robe staring upon the face of Asherah.
She thought to herself 'How beautiful. How kind and warm.' This Asherah reminded her of the warmth of her mother, she remembers that warmth.
Time passes and Sayrennen stays with Amler and Xarsha. As things begin to change and more existences come in to play, she continues to stay with Amler within the borderlands.
Until one day, Amler gathers several things. He then goes to Sayrennen within the place where they reside in the borderlands.
Amler says to her 'The time has come, time for you to journey beyond.'
Sayrennen raises her head and asks 'Where am I to go?'
Amler replies 'There is a path set forth for you, you have walked this one with me long enough. I am taking you to the Great Father, you will become part of a new existence, be given a new form, and a new mother.'
Sayrennen then asks 'And what will happen to this form?'
Amler answers 'You will no longer have this form, but a new form in a new existence.'
Sayrennen lowers her head 'I understand, I think.' She then looks into the eyes of Amler and asks 'Will it hurt? Will it be painful?'
Amler replies 'No, it will be as if you are being born again. Now come.' Sayrennen follows Amler.
Amler and Sayrennen pass through a rift, when they leave the other side there is Father waiting to greet them. He looks at Sayrennen 'This must be the one you spoke of Amler.'
Amler says 'Long ago, yes I did, and I see you have kept your word. This is the one who will go to a new existence, born to a new mother.'
Father looks at Sayrennen and says 'Step forward child.'
Sayrennen slithers forward and Father places his hand upon her head. He says 'Relax now, dream. For when you awaken, you will find a new life.'
Sayrennen closes her eyes and she can feel herself lifting, there is strong warmth around her, she feels calm.
Sayrennen's outer form begins to shine and glow brightly. The brightness is overwhelming, and when it is finished there is a ball of beautiful blue light in the palm of Father's hand.
Father puts the ball within his robe, he looks at Amler and says 'The first part of her journey is done, now I shall place her with the others. Her story will continue and begin anew.'
True Self Connection...