Story of Asherah Chapter One

Inside the throne room the Omega holds a puzzle. She stretches forth with her hand, her words can be heard throughout the chamber. 'Shards, shards that have gone across the layers. I must search for what I've lost. I must go forth to find the shards.'
The Omega stretches out with all of herself into puzzle. Bright Pink light fills the throne room and the Omega goes forth 'Search for them, and find them.'
The Gallatar...
In a lush forest within the Gallatar layer two Madaerka, young children, are at play. They are running when one notices a bright light shining throughout the forest and stops.
The Madaerka child calls to the other 'Look! Something, something is beyond the trees!'
The two Madaerka children run towards the light as it fades. When they make it to where the light had come from they find a young maiden laying within a circle of pink and white light.
The two Madaerka children rush over to her. One of the children takes their robe and places it around her to hide her nakedness. As she raises her head to look the Madaerka child in the eyes she asks 'Where am I?'
One of the Madaerka children responds 'You are in the Gallatar.'
Asherah says 'The Gallatar? Is this where I must search?'
The Madaerka children look at each other puzzled, then one of them asks 'What are you searching for?'
Asherah seems confused, as though she cannot remember. All she can remember is 'Shards... Shards, I'm searching for shards.'
One of the Madaerka children asks 'Shards of what?'
Asherah replies 'I cannot remember...'
The Madaerka children help Asherah to her feet. One of them says 'We will take you to the Commander, she will know. She can help you.'
Asherah asks 'The Commander? Who is the Commander?'
One of the Madaerka children replies 'She is the Gallatar Commander. You are strange. You are unlike any being that we have ever seen in the Gallatar. It is our duty to take you to her, for you are from outside and the Gallatar Commander will want to know of this and she will want to meet you. Maybe she can help you find these shards you are looking for.'
Asherah and the Madaerka children travel to a nearby settlement. There the Madaerka children gather their parents and all that are inside the settlement. They explain how they found Asherah in the deep forest while they were playing.
The Madaerka look at her strangely, one of them asks 'You are not Mondeo are you?'
Asherah replies 'I don't know what Mondeo is.'
The Madaerka elder then steps forward, he raises his hand and a light comes from it as he says 'No, she is not Mondeo. But she is not from the Gallatar.'
The elder then instructs two male Madaerka 'You must take her to the Gallatar Commander. She will know where this Asherah has come from and if she is a threat to us. Or if she is simply one who is lost.'
Asherah thanks the elder Madaerka, she asks 'This Commander, will she be able to help me?'
The elder Madaerka replies 'The Gallatar Commander is the protector and ruler of all the Gallatar. She is the wisest of all of us. If there is any help available she is the one who will be able to. I have assigned two of my best men, they will see you to the Gallatar Commander's palace and assure that no harm befalls you.'
Asherah smiles and agrees 'I feel safe, and I trust in your word.'
Asherah and her Madaerka escorts travel on through the Gallatar layer to the Commander's headquarters, her capital city.
Along the way the two Madaerka tell Asherah of the Gallatar Commander and the Mondeo invasion and about how the Gallatar Commander fought back and saved them.
Asherah seems entranced by these stories. 'The Gallatar Commander sounds so fascinating, strong and kind, I cannot wait to meet her. Maybe she will be able to help me remember these shards that I am searching for.'
They travel for a few days and then reach their destination. Asherah looks upon the Gallatar Commander's beautiful city, where she watches and rules over the Gallatar.
It is splended, it is unlike anything Asherah has ever seen before. But Asherah begins to think to herself 'What have I seen before? Where have I gone? And where have I been?'
When they arrive Asherah is escorted to the palace of the Gallatar Commander. As she enters the grand hall she can see the Gallatar Commander standing there instructing several other Madaerka around her.
She turns around around and looks at Asherah, word must have reached her of the strange being that has come as the Gallatar Commander addresses Asherah with familiarity 'Ah, there she is, Come, I have been waiting for you.'
Asherah replies 'Waiting for me? I don't understand. I have only just met you now. How did you know that I would come?'
The Gallatar Commander looks thoughtful for a moment, she then proclaims in a loud voice 'Everyone, leave us.'
The Madaerka leave the chamber and the Gallatar Commander says 'Come, walk with me Asherah. There is much you must understand, for you see you and I are the same. We are of the Omega. We are a part of her.'
Asherah replies 'The Omega. This sounds so familiar to me.'
The Gallatar Commander says 'Yes, this should be familiar to you. For you are of the Omega, and the Omega herself is far beyond anything that anyone in any layer can understand. You see Asherah, you are the Omega. As am I, and this is my layer. I know what it is you search for, I came here once in search of it as well, but when I came it was gone.'
Asherah asks 'The shards you mean?'
The Gallatar commander replies 'Yes, the shards that you are searching for. They were once here, but now they are gone.'
Asherah then asks 'Can you help me find them?'
The Gallatar Commander says 'I cannot seek them out for you. This is something you must look for on your own. And it may take you ages, and in time you may forget. But nevertheless I can send you on your way to where they were last known to be... A layer that is far beyond the Gallatar. Come, I can show you the way there now.'
Asherah follows the Gallatar Commander up into the tower into a secluded room. In the middle of the room is a pink and black diamond shaped object quickly spinning around.
The Gallatar Commander lifts her hand and the object stops. She places her hand upon the object and says 'Come Asherah, this is the way that will lead you to what you seek.'
Asherah then steps forward, before she places her hand upon the object she turns to the Gallatar Commander and says 'Thank you.'
The Gallatar Commander replies 'I hope you find what you are searching for Asherah.'
Asherah places her hand upon the object and there is a flash before her eyes. She can feel herself floating, shooting forth as if going through a tunnel.
Brilliant light surrounds her and there are images flashing before her eyes, millions of beings and hundreds of thousands of different places. As if stuck in a time reel she watches as time goes by in these places.
Then she notices something, a black figure, his eyes glowing red, behind him spins a large black object similar to the one she had placed her hand on in the chamber of the Gallatar Commander.
A voice can be heard speaking thothilssin 'Find what has been shattered and you will find me.'
There is a blinding pinkish white light and Asherah opens her eyes. She is laying upon brightly colored blue grass staring up at a beautiful blue sky with three suns.
She raises herself up and catches her breath 'Am I here? And, where is here?'
A voice speaks in response 'You are where you are meant to be.' Asherah is startled by this, she jumps to her feet and turns around. There stands a black and red striped figure.
'Who are you?' Asherah asks
The being responds 'Do not be frightened child, I am the Norak. I have been waiting for you to come for quite some time. I am a friend to you, and I know what you seek.'
Asherah replies to the Norak 'How do you know what I seek?'
The Norak replies 'Manubre told me everything, he said that you would come again. Once you were here and then you were gone. You are everything and within everything, you are part of every layer. I know much of you Asherah, I know much of the Omega.'
Asherah's eyes widen 'You know of the Omega? Please tell me, tell me more. What are these shards that I am searching for?'
The Norak says 'Manubre will have all the answers. Come, I will lead you to Manubre. But we must travel in silence and secrecy for this layer has changed and there are many dangers Asherah. There are those who would try to find you and harm you.'
Asherah looks around 'But this place looks so beautiful. I don't understand, who would wish to harm me?'
The Norak replies 'Once long ago there was a judgement here and when the judgement came to an end those who served him still lingered. One in particular knows much.'
Asherah asks 'And who is this being that I should fear that knows so much?'
The Norak answers 'His name is unknown, but like me he is known as the Vorak. He is the whisper in the ear of the most feared being upon this layer, Eternal Death. Once long ago they both served the same master. Now the Vorak and Eternal Death seek out other things.
The Vorak knows of you. I must take you to Manubre, he will be able to help you. We have been waiting a long time for you for you to come again. I will take you to him and you will be safe. But it is a long journey and many dangers are ahead of us.'
Asherah replies 'Whatever dangers are ahead I will face them. I must find these shards I have been searching for, please lead on.'
The Norak says 'Oh Asherah, you will be ready. And your story has only begun.'
Asherah travels with the Norak across the existences until she comes to a place where the shore touches a great sea.
The Norak says 'Behold Asherah, a place that may strike some familiarity to you.'
Asherah looks out across the great waters, something deep within her feels that she is familiar with this place although she has never seen it before. Something stirs within her, as though she has been here before.
She looks to the Norak and asks 'What is this place you brought me to?'
The Norak replies 'This is the edge of the Eternal Sea. It touches many parts of the existences, across many layers. But this is not where I wish to take you, there is another place deep within the Eternal Sea. Come, we must go there.'
Asherah looks out across the sea and sees a mist in the distance. She asks 'How will we get there?'
The Norak then raises his hands into the air, and up from the Eternal Sea comes a boat, it crashes through the waves. The boat appears ancient, as though it has been at the bottom of the Eternal Sea for an eternity. As it comes closer Asherah can hear the sounds of the wind and the boat creaks at it touches the shore.
The Norak takes Asherah's hand 'Come, we must sail. For our journey through the mist will be long.'
Asherah looks out across the waters as she and the Norak step aboard the boat. It leaves the shore as if under its own control and sails towards the mist.
As the boat approaches the mist the waves become more rough. Rain begins to fall and lightning can be seen within the sky and within the mist itself.
Asherah wraps her arms around one of the arms of the Norak, she seems a bit worried. She asks 'What is this mist? Why does it frighten me so?'
The Norak replies 'This is the Veil Mist, it is what separates the existences and keeps the borderlands contained within.'
Asherah then asks 'The borderlands? Is that where we are going?'
The Norak responds 'No, the borderlands is a place created long ago to house the souls of the wicked and the damned. However in recent times it has become a place where souls may become lost, forever wandering in an empty wasteland.'
Asherah says 'It sounds like a terrible place.'
The Norak replies 'It is quite a place of pain and suffering. But do not fret Asherah, the borderlands is a place we will not be going. Instead we will cross through the Veil Mist to the sacred heart of the Eternal Sea.'
The boat enters the mist and the waters calm. All around her Asherah can see nothing but gray mist surrounding everything yet she can hear voices, voices alone whispering throughout the mist.
Asherah steps closer to the edge of the boat and stretches, trying to listen and hear what the voices are saying.
The Norak places his hand on her shoulder and says 'You must not lean out too far, for things travel through the mist. Very vile, wretched, horrible things. We do not want to gain their attention. Come, sit. You should rest, I will wake you when we reach our destination.'
Asherah nods her head then sits down in the boat and leans back 'It's so strange to me, but yet somehow it is if I have seen this before.'
She stares out into the mist across the Eternal Sea, her eyes weigh heavy and before long she falls fast asleep. The Norak looks down on her and smiles 'Rest now child, your journey has just begun. And it will be a long one.'
Just then The Norak lifts his head as though he has noticed something. It seems that eyes are watching him and the Norak noticing this raises his hands into the air, the boat begins to glide faster through the waters and disappears into the mist.
Two beings watch the boat as it disappears. One of them asks the other 'Garg, I cannot see them anymore. Should we continue to follow?'
Garg, a large being with a demonic appearance, large horns, red skin, large black wings and deep blood red eyes replies 'No, we will inform our master that they have entered through the mist, that she is here. Come, the Vorak must know of all we have seen.'
They enter a portal to another realm, in this realm there is nothing but desolation where a large black tower stands alone. All around it are wastelands, bones and rotting corpses of beings long slain.
Garg tells the other being 'Stay here, I will inform the Vorak myself.'
Garg waves his hands and the large tower gates open. He makes his way up the tower into a chamber. There sitting on a throne peering up into the blackness of the tower is the Vorak. He is a being like the Norak, with red and black striped skin. Yet he has been altered, mutilated and twisted.
Garg enters and kneels. The Vorak addresses him 'Garg, tell me what you have found. What is the Norak up to?'
Garg replies 'He has found her, she is here.'
The Vorak suddenly rises from his throne 'Ah, excellent. And tell me, where has the Norak taken her?'
Garg responds 'They cross the Eternal Sea into the Veil Mist. We lost them there. I believe the Norak found out we were following him. I ask for your mercy master, for I chose not to pursue.'
The Vorak then speaks 'You need not ask for mercy, you did right by not following them. I know where he is taking her, in time we will come for her. Until then Garg I want you to watch and report back to me and to me only. Do not speak a word of this to anyone.'
Garg asks 'But what of Eternal Death? He is sure to find out in time.'
The Vorak replies 'Do not mind him, I will deal with Eternal Death. It is I who whispers into his ear, my words he trusts. Eternal Death seeks power and I can give it to him. This one who has come, what is her name? What did the Norak call her?'
Garg replies 'He called her Asherah.'
The Vorak says 'Ah, so Amler was right. Manubre will soon be on his way to find her.'
Garg says 'Will you have me stop him before he does? Manubre will certainly reveal to her the power within her. Power that even Eternal Death should fear.'
The Vorak replies 'No, let Manubre go to her. Things are about ready to change once again. And there are shards, shards that she can lead us to. We will bide our time and watch.'
Garg then bows 'So be it master, your will is my service.'
The Vorak then says 'Yes, and my will shall stretch beyond when the time comes. But for now let this Asherah find what she is looking for. Let her see what is here in these existences. Let her feel all the emotions of everything here in this layer. Let her understand what it has become.
This Asherah I sense is kind and compassionate. Let her see these existences, let her see the ways of Eternal Death. This will break her down, but it will also make her stronger. And it is this strength she needs to find what she is looking for, so that we can take it, so that I can take it for myself. Now go Garg, watch her and report back to me.'
Garg bows once more and then leaves.
The Vorak sits upon his throne 'Long ago he came and judged and I served him, but now he is gone. But shards remain, shards that I will have, and even Eternal Death will bow before me. Asherah, what a blessing you will become for my desires.'
This is Home...
Asherah is awakened by a thud as the boat jerks. She gets to her feet and notices the Norak tying off the boat. He leans back reaching for her hand 'Come Asherah, come and see.'
Asherah takes his hand and they both step off the boat. She asks him 'Have we reached the end of our journey?'
The Norak replies 'Why yes, look for yourself.'
Asherah looks out across a beautiful island where many plants and trees grow. Beautiful flowers in shades of pink decorate everywhere, she can smell the sweet fragrance of their blossoms. She says 'This place is beautiful.'
The Norak responds 'Yes, beautiful like you. But it has sat alone for so long, abandoned.'
Asherah asks 'Alone? Why would anyone want to abandon this place?'
The Norak replies 'It was long ago. Long ago she had to leave.'
Asherah asks 'Who was she?'
The Norak looks at Asherah and smiles 'In time child, save your questions. In time you will understand. Now come.'
The Norak and Asherah head up a path, there covered by the overgrowth of plants she can see light pinkish columns, it is a palace.
As they open the door many beautiful birds fly out across the Eternal Sea. Asherah looks back and watches them as they disappear. Then she turns as the Norak speaks an incantation and torches light up all around them.
As she looks around the room she can see strange paintings upon the walls, she walks closer to them and looks at them. The images on the wall seem so familiar to her yes she cannot yet place where she has seen them before.
The Norak asks 'They are familiar to you, these images.'
Asherah replies 'Yes, as if I have dreamed of them before. Tell me Norak, what is this place?'
The Norak answers 'This is the place where you came before. I know you do not understand now, but in time you will. But for now, this is home.'
Asherah smiles 'Home. Yes, this does feel like home.'
The Norak says 'Now rest Asherah. There will be an old man who comes to see you soon, but do not worry he is a friend and he will look after you. I must leave you now for some time. I must go to my colleague Manubre and let him know you have come.'
Asherah asks 'Manubre? Is he the one who sent you to find me?'
The Norak replies 'Yes, he is the one. Now I must go to him and tell him you have come. As for the old man, he will come to watch over you.'
Asherah asks 'The old man, what is his name?'
The Norak answers 'Ah, he has gone by so many it's hard to go through them all. But you may call him Father.'
Asherah replies 'I see, then Father is what I shall call him. When will I see you again?'
The Norak responds 'Soon enough Asherah, but for now settle in. This is your home after all. I will return as soon as I can.'
Asherah smiles as the Norak opens a rift and steps through it. The rift closes and Asherah is alone. She looks around at all the strange paintings, she walks through the palace and the gardens on the island.
As she reaches the shore she can see a small boat making its way towards the beach. In it stands a tall gray robed old man with a long white beard.
Asherah walks down towards the shoreline. The old man waves to her as his boat lands steadily on the beach. He ties it off and then as he departs he nearly trips before catching himself.
Asherah giggles a little bit and then apologizes 'I am sorry, I did not mean to laugh.'
The old man says 'Do not worry, I am getting old in my age and sometimes it is hard for me to move about.' He takes her hand and smiles 'You must be the one they call Asherah.'
She smiles and nods her head, The old man begins to speak 'I am -' Asherah interrupts him saying 'You are Father. Yes, the Norak told me you would come.'
Father replies 'Good, good. Shall we go? I am quite thirsty and I would like to sit for awhile, the journey has been long. Come.'
Asherah smiles and she and Father make their way up towards her palace. She says 'The Norak, this place, so much seems familiar to me.'
Father then pats her hand and says 'Well, it should be. You have been here before.'
Asherah stops with a surprised expression on her face and asks 'I have been here before? How is that?'
Father responds 'Well, not you as you are now specifically. But you as you once were.'
A puzzled look crosses Asherahs face 'As I once was?'
Father says 'Now child we should wait for the Norak to return. I am sure that his friend Manubre will be able to explain it better than I. Until then come, sit, I shall tell you stories of the existences and of what is beyond the Eternal Sea. Would you like that?'
Asherah smiles 'Yes, I would like to hear the stories of this place and beyond the Eternal Sea.'
A Power Greater...
Upon a hill stands Eternal Death. Before him are the withering corpses of millions. The last being living is in the grasp of Eternal Death, his hand around the being's throat.
Eternal Death says 'You could have saved them all but instead you desired to resist. Now their suffering is yours. Live to know that you are the last of your kind.'
Eternal Death lifts the being into the air, then throws him down into the pile of corpses. The being is withered and weak.
Just then a rift opens from behind, and out steps the Vorak. Eternal Death glances back 'Have you come to see my work? Isn't it beautiful? Like a canvas, all mine to paint. And I have painted it with death.'
The Vorak replies 'It is splendid, you are a true artist. But my Eternal Death, I have something that will inspire you even more. Something I have discovered.'
Eternal Death raises his hand signaling for the Vorak to step closer. He leans his head to the side 'Tell me Vorak, what is this that you believe will intrigue me so?'
The Vorak responds 'You stood beside the master through the judgement, even to the very end.'
Eternal Death replies 'Yes, I was there. I was there when the master burned away. And I remain here now to continue his work. Tell me, why is this memory of significance?'
The Vorak says 'The power that brought the master, that burned him to ash. That power has returned.'
Eternal Death sneers 'Impossible. That power was gone when the master burned away. How is it possible?'
The Vorak replies 'There are many things the master did not explain to you.'
Eternal Death becomes angry, he turns and grasps the Vorak by the throat. 'He explained everything to me! Why would the master hide such things? Tell me! And why, why would I not have all the power from him? Are you suggesting there is power greater than mine?'
The Vorak pleads 'Release me and I will tell you what is unknown.'
Eternal Death says 'Very well.' He releases his grip.
The Vorak drops to the ground where he catches his breath 'The master was only a part of something greater, something that came before all of us. All of you anyway. The Norak and I followed it here from a layer called the Gallatar.'
'Ah a layer.' Eternal Death says 'I do not know of such things. What is a layer beyond what is before me?'
The Vorak replies 'A place far beyond these existences. We have been watching for a long time. We followed the power to the Gallatar and then from there. That is why the master chose me and turned me into what I am now.'
Eternal Death says 'I feel as if you are lying to me Vorak. Why would the master only share these secrets with you?'
The Vorak responds 'Because it was I who lead him to the Savage Gods, I served him as well as you. But I serve you now, and I have had a change of heart. The master once instructed me that if this power was ever to return that it should be protected until the time when the shards he spoke of would all come back together. But that was long ago Eternal Death, I wish for you to possess this power, and I know where it is.'
Eternal Death turns and says 'So you would betray the trust the master placed in you now that he is gone?'
The Vorak says 'Look around you. The master would wish this power to be used in kindness, compassion, that is what this power is. It is why he wanted me to protect it when he returned. But think about it, in your hands you could spread to every existence there is.
The Veil Mist and the borderlands would be yours. Ahkra and Amler would bow to you. Instead they look at you as an equal or lesser, as they do me. But with this power all would bow to you. All would serve you as I do.'
Eternal Death asks 'And what would you want in return?'
The Vorak responds 'Only to watch you possess a power greater than anything any existence has ever known.'
Eternal Death then asks 'Ah, you are loyal. Tell me, when will I have this power?'
The Vorak answers 'In time, give it time master. Continue on as you do and I will deliver this power to you.'
Eternal Death looks away and says 'Very well, bring this power to me and I will reward you beyond anything you could ever want. Now go.'
The Vorak bows, opens a rift, and then steps through. Eternal Death looks upon his canvas of corpses and destruction that spreads outward before him. 'Power greater than the master's, I will have it. And I will have everything.'
Cruelty is Kindness...
Asherah and Father sit upon the beach, they stare out across the Eternal Sea. Father continues to tell Asherah his tales of the existences and the different realms within.
Asherah sits back and smiles, taking in all of what Father tells her. Images begin to form in her mind, they laugh a little and share a nice time together.
Out across The Eternal Sea the sky goes black, storms pick up. Asherah and Father stand and she asks 'What is this? I have never seen this before.'
Father places his arms around Asherah 'Something comes, something from a place of the dead.'
There is a crack of black lightning and a rift opens. Through it steps the Norak and another figure. The figure is tall with grey skin, his eyes are large and black. On his head is a crest resembling a crown. His face is half torn away exposing the inner tissues, his body is covered in stitches and metal plates.
Asherah steps back for a moment, horrified by the look of this being. Father takes her hand and says 'There is nothing to fear child.'
She whispers back to him 'What does this mean? I look upon him and I feel fear, I feel deep within me nothing but pain and suffering.'
'This being is a Myrrdonite' Father says 'From the borderlands.'
The being speaks 'You have no reason to fear me Asherah. A long time we have waited for your coming. I apologize to you for not revealing myself earlier and coming to you. I have been preoccupied with many things. My name is Manubre, and I have been searching for you. Myself and others. You have questions deep within you, and I have the answers.'
Asherah looks into the eyes of the Myrrdonite Manubre. She can see that there is something within him. Something that stirs her imagination and wonder. 'Yes, I do have questions. And if you have the answers then please, share them with me.'
Manubre opens his arms and says 'Yes I have the answers you seek, but first we must walk. Walk with me. You must see the past of this layer to understand what it is you're looking for.'
Manubre turns to Father 'You have watched over her well, and you may go now.' Father bows his head.
Asherah turns and embraces him 'Thank you Father for spending time with me, will I see you again?'
Father smiles 'I am sure of it. Now go, there is much Manubre will show you. I wish you luck.' Father returns to his boat and unties it from where it is anchored. He rows off across The Eternal Sea.
Asherah then turns to Manubre 'I am ready.'
Manubre reaches out his hand to take hers 'Then come child, come and learn. You will see what it is you seek. But first you will see the past and what has brought us all here now.'
Asherah takes the hand of Manubre and begins to walk with him up the shore of her island in the Eternal Sea. As she walks black mist begins to surround them and it seems as if they have left her place of sanctuary.
Manubre says 'To understand what you are looking for you must see the past. There were thirteen existences within this layer. And all was peaceful for a time, until beings began to consolidate, desiring power. They spread among the existences conquering them one by one, slaying many.'
Asherah watches and she sees the scenes of the invasions of the existences. As she watches these scenes play out before her she can see the Savage Gods praying upon the other beings, and another faceless being directing them.
'Who were they?' Asherah asks
Manubre responds 'They were the Savage Gods. And the faceless being is the one known as Ashoweah who is Malice and Cruelty. They spread across the existences devouring so many. Slaying all those in their path. Little did they know they were being watched by a certain being.'
The scene changes, and there is the shrouded black being. Manubre says 'He walked among the existences, the one who is known as the master. He endured the cruelty and suffering brought upon those who would tear the existences apart.'
The scene changes again and the shrouded being is standing before two great lights. Asherah watches as these lights pour darkness into the being and he changes.
Manubre says 'The time judgement came this being was empowered to bring judgement upon those ravaged the existences. His name was Atherak.'
Asherah watches as Atherak punishes those within the existences. Manubre continues 'He brought many of us together, and we served him. I myself served him.'
Manubre waves his hand, the images and scene change. There is Manubre, but he does not look as he does now. A Savage God bites in to him and Manubre shatters.
He explains 'I was lost for so long floating. My core almost destroyed, shattered into pieces.'
The scene changes again, and there is the black figure of Atherak gathering the pieces of shattered core and forming them together. A flash of black darkness comes before Asherah's eyes blinding her for a moment before she looks again.
Manubre continues speaking 'It was he who reformed me, that I would serve him as he went across the existences judging all.'
The scene changes again 'But there came a time when judgement ended and Atherak shattered.'
She watches a scene where Atherak and several others stand upon a hill, there is the faceless being on his knees staring up. Atherak holds within his hand a black diamond shaped object. Asherah notices that it is very similar to the one within the Gallatar. As Atherak closes his hand there is a flash of bright pink and white light. Atherak burns away.
Manubre says 'And the time of judgement ended. Now, lets step forward into times after.' The black mist then surrounds them again. 'But even after the great judgement there were those that were left. More existences formed in this layer and new oppression and cruelty arose. And Atherak was gone.'
An image of Atherak appears before Asherah, she stares at him and says 'He is cruel.'
Manubre replies 'He was, but his cruelty was his kindness. When he was gone those who sought to devour the existences and conquer them for themselves continued upon their way forging new alliances and taking what they wanted from those who would not stand against them.'
The scenes change as Manubre waves his hand 'Now lets go back further, before this layer came to be.'
With a wave of Manubre's hand there is nothing but blackness, a large object, the same familiar object that was in the hands of Atherak and similar to the object held within the Gallatar floats in a sea of darkness.
Manubre explains 'What you seek came here, inside there. That is the Atheron. Inside there are the shards, they came together. For you see, Atherak was the first sential being of the existences. Inside was his world, but it slowly decayed. There are shards still left within there, and that is what you seek. Don't you, my Omega?'
This takes Asherah by surprise, she asks 'Omega, is that who I am?'
Manubre speaks again 'You are part of the Omega, and you came searching for what you have lost long ago. I traveled down through the layers, through the Gallatar, to here. The Alpha shattered long ago. But his core remained inside the Atheron.
His other pieces formed the Aspects and other beings. And now those shards are being sought by those who wish to possess them for themselves. You are in danger Asherah, you must find what you are looking for before they do. I will help you along this path.'
Manubre waves his hand and the blackness fades away, they have returned to the little island on the Eternal Sea.
There the Norak waits, he asks 'Have you shown her?'
Manubre replies 'I have shown her what she needs to know for now. But there is a long journey ahead of her and we must be there to guide her and to protect her.'
Manubre leans in closer to the Norak 'The Vorak knows of her coming. He will come for her and try to take what is within her.'
The Norak replies 'But we cannot let that happen. With the combined strength of both of us the Vorak will not be able to subdue her.'
Manubre says 'It will not be that easy, the Vorak is the voice in the ear of Eternal Death and has most certainly promised him great power.'
The Norak then lowers his head 'This will present a problem. Eternal Death wishes to continue and finish his former master's work, to judge all within the existences. To turn all the layers into the borderlands.'
Manubre nods his head 'Yes, and if he is able to obtain what Asherah has come searching for he will fulfill his promise to his former master. But even worse, if the Vorak is able to get a hold of Asherah he will have a power even greater than Eternal Death could ever possess and he will find his way to the Omega. This we cannot allow to happen.'
Asherah stand looking out over the Eternal Sea. The Norak and Manubre stand several feet away from her. The Norak looks at her 'Do you think she is ready for this?'
Manubre then replies 'She will have to be. For she will be our last hope against the Vorak. She is the only one who can stop him. If she fails then all may be undone.'
The Norak asks 'And where shall she go first?'
Manubre responds 'We must take her far across this layer, we must take her beyond but the journey will be long. We must find our way back to the Atheron. We must get her inside so that she is able to recover the core shard of the Alpha.
But there is an even more pressing matter first. One of the Alpha shards has come through this layer and the Vorak already knows of it. If he were to gain it he would become more powerful and it could possibly give him the chance to enter the Atheron without burning away. If he were to collect the core shard of the Alpha he would find his way and he could overpower Asherah.'
The Norak asks 'Is that possible?'
Manubre answers 'It can be, but inside Asherah is the power to stop him. But she is not yet ready, for this journey will be long and we will need to seek help from old friends of mine.'
The Norak asks 'Where shall we go first?'
Manubre replies 'We must show her the borderlands. We will cross through there to the other side through the mist. We must hurry, I fear the Vorak is employing the help of a vicious being. A Savage God.'
The Norak says 'Then there is no time to lose.'
They both walk towards Asherah who is continuing to look out upon the Eternal Sea. The Norak asks 'Are you ready Asherah? Are you ready to find what you have come looking for?'
Manubre says 'I cannot gurantee you that this path will be easy. There are those who wish to harm you and there are those who wish to take what you've come searching for.'
Asherah replies 'Whatever it takes I must find what I came for. Whatever dangers are ahead, I must face them. I am ready to go.'
With a wave of his hand Manubre opens a rift 'Then come child, we will cross through the borderlands to the other side of this layer through the mist. There is something we must find, something that can lead you to what you seek.'
Asherah then says 'I am ready.' The three then step through the rift and it closes, leaving the island on the Eternal Sea silent once more.
Enough to Go Around...
In a distant realm in a far existence upon the layer there are beings who flee in terror. Those who surrender are rounded up and brought before a Savage God known as the Bishberrin.
One by one, he devours the beings brought before him until he has gorged himself. Then he sits back upon his throne as his armies slaughter those who have surrendered. All captives are slain.
It is then that a blackness surrounds him. The skies upon the realm turn black and crack with black lightning. The Bishberrin stands suddenly as if he has seen this before.
His senses go wild, he calls out to his soldiers 'Make ready! Stand firm! I can smell Myrrdonite scum.'
There is a flash of black lightning and a rift opens, through it steps the Vorak.
The Bishberrin prepares himself for a fight. 'Finishing your master's work I see. So long I have been expecting this. Now come, take me if you choose. You are nothing without your Atherak. You are forgotten Myrrdonite. So if you wish to finish what he started then by all means, come for me.'
The Vorak raises his hand 'I have no more quarrel with you Bishberrin, times have changed. I come seeking your help instead.'
The Bishberrin scoffs 'And what help would I wish to offer an old enemy like you?'
The Vorak laughs 'If I wanted you destroyed Bishberrin I would have done it a long time ago. Eternal Death and I, we do not prey upon you. Instead we let you freely conquer and devour as much as you like.'
'Eternal Death?' The Bishberrin replies 'I have not spoken to him in so long. Tell me, what is it you wish of me?'
The Vorak says 'Just for you to devour one who protects her. One you have known before, Manubre.'
The Bishberrin cackles and laughs aloud 'Manubre is long gone, dead. Why would I need to destroy him twice?'
The Vorak responds 'Manubre was saved by Atherak, reformed into a Myrrdonite. He has become powerful with his allies within the borderlands. Think of it Bishberrin, ultimate revenge for the destruction of your kind at the hands of Atherak. To finish off what was left of those who served him.'
The Bishberrin then grabs the Vorak by the throat 'All of those who served him, including you!'
The Vorak gasps for air as he replies 'And if you kill me now you you'll never know the great power that you could possess!'
The Bishberrin releases the Vorak 'Great power you say? What kind of power?'
The Vorak responds 'Power even beyond Eternal Death. Power that comes from long ago. Power that is even greater than Atherak's was. And there's enough of it to go around.'
The Bishberrin then pauses for a moment before he speaks again 'Enough to go around huh? And this is what you offer? What else?'
The Vorak answers 'Vengance Bishberrin. Vegance on those who served Atherak that destroyed your kind. Vengance upon Manubre, Amler, and Ahkra. I can lead you to great power that will bring them down. Power that is in the one they protect. One known as Asherah. Within her is the power to reform your kind. Bring them all back. Take back what Atherak stole from you.'
The Bishberrin then pauses once more before speaking 'Enough to restore all my kin. You promise me this power and enough to go around, but what is in it for yourself?'
The Vorak answers 'I only wish to return to my place within the borderlands where I will rule as Judgement. And think of it Bishberrin, if you help me Judgement will never come for you again. I will be the final say-so in everything. And with our alliance, we will even bring Eternal Death to his knees, along with Ashoweah and the others. You could rule over everything Bishberrin.'
The Bishberrin cackles 'Then we have a deal. I will find this Asherah. I will destroy Manubre again, and even those who choose to protect her. And when it's all said and done, we will share this power. You and I, my new friend.'
The Vorak replies 'Oh yes, we shall. My new friend.'
The Bishberrin turns to his army and speaks in a strange language. He tells them to gather themselves for they are going on a hunt.
The Vorak then smiles and whispers to himself 'I am coming for you Asherah, I will possess the power inside you. And then I will trace it back all the way to the Omega. And in the end she too will be mine.'
To be continued in Story of Asherah Chapter Two...
True Self Connection...