
Showing posts from December, 2018

Ashontrah in the Misty Forest

I have been in the Misty Forest for a while. Atherak was unable to do rituals on others while I was there. There is much focus on bringing all my forms here to the physical. This is why I went to the Misty Forest at this time... Ashontrah: "Can we win in the 3rd existence with what we currently have?" Atherak: "No and judgement cannot intervene. What you face is unlike Asherah and any of you have ever faced before." Ashontrah: "Could I die?" Atherak: "All of you could die. These beings have held onto these existences for a long time. You are a threat to what they have. They will throw everything at you." Ashontrah: "What about the Myrrdonite Hungali?" Atherak: "Judgement cannot intervene. However, I will give you my Athernites for this. As for myself and my Myrrdonites, they will not intervene. Everything has to play out in a certain order. We shall see if balance can truly be restored or if it will be crushed. You

Transcendence and Immortality

A recent discussion in the War and Battle chat about transcendence and immortality... Kamilla: "So when we are reconnected with Nature Realm here will me mortal beings as humans and immortal beings, understandable. But what about Midgard nature, animals, this all will still remain mortal as I understood? It will not change because its the nature of Midgard? It just will exist in tune with immortal beings, animals, nature maybe?" Madison: "May I ask if Midgard is meant to transcend and become a spiritual realm? Or will the most favorable possible outcome for Midgard is to be a physical realm with spiritual inhabitants? I remember Queen Ashontrah saying something about if we become Moon Tribe by being our true selves fully, we'll still be stuck in this realm with the other Moon Tribes." Ashontrah: "If Midgard transcends it is because it was destroyed and all the life if it was killed. Do you know what transcension is in the cosmos? Humans will always be morta

Who is Ashontrah Asherah Aphrodite Astarte?

This is a very important post about who I am. I debated for while if I should share it or not. This is very serious advanced information and knowledge. December 9th... I was listening to some old voice recordings from May 31st on my cell phone. It was about Asherah going out of existence. In one of the recordings Asherah said she was imperishable. So I thought.... 'If Asherah is imperishable and she ceased to exist she must be in the non-existence.' Sure enough... I go to the non-existence and she says “I have been waiting for you.” She has no form. No body. Do you know who she is? This is going to start getting really complex... When the piece of the Creator from this existence formed into Asherah Aphrodite a piece of the beautiful voice went into her. When the voice died long ago she went outside of existence. When Asherah died she rejoined with the voice. She is the beautiful voice. This is why Asherah and Ashontrah are so deeply connected. But what she is outside of existe

Midgard Cut Off from the Realms

Midgard was not originally created just for mankind. Beings of all kinds could come here. Where man, Gods, and mythological creatures fully interacted. An Elf could come here from Alfheim and fully interact here in Midgard then go back to Alfheim again. Before the Urthak War there was no barrier between the Midgard and the spiritual realms. The Moon Tribe nature folk on Midgard are not incarnations. They are themselves in full. This is how the humans during that period were able to look into the sky to see the Gods and others fighting. The Hindu religion and many other regions speak much of it in detail. War in the Heavens. The Urthak War caused Midgard to be sealed off. The Moon Tribes are the ones who were on this side when the separation happened. This is why mankind has mythology of so many different kinds of creatures. These were the Nature Folk who were left behind from the Urthak War. *Post picture: Pegasus by Jan Boeckhorst. Painted in the 1600s.* This is why in most mythology

Thothilssin Drawing: Thee Paths

  After my post about my three forms Rurxiaxia felt inspired to draw a thothilssin symbol drawing.   Interpreted by Atherak. This is what it means... The right side from bottom to up is the Voice's path. The left from bottom to up is Asherahs path. The center from top to down is Ashontrah's path. The top center is something I will share more about later. Three Forms: Voice Asherah Ashontrah.... More thotilssin drawings by Rurxaxia...

Three Forms: Voice Asherah Ashontrah

My first form was the Beautiful Voice, my second form was Asherah Aphrodite, and I am now in my third form as Ashontrah. It makes sense why on Sept 13th she went willingly. From May 28th 2018 with Ekkam Prometheus... Ekkam: "For you shall never be destroyed or terminated. You shall never be killed. When you die you shall be reborn." Asherah: Is there any death which could hold me? Ekkam: "None. You shall never be held by the hands of death." Asherah: Would it be harmful for me to be immune to death? Ekkam: "Yes, you must be able to die to be reborn as higher forms." Asherah: Every time I die I am rebirthed into a greater more powerful form? Ekkam: "Yes because you can only die in a way that would make you immensely more powerful. Nothing else can cause you to die. It would be you willingly going through it." I as Ashontrah the Blood Rose am the more powerful form. I have taken on all the powers of the Voice and Asherah. I am st

Still in the 3rd Existence

We are still in the 3rd existence so I cannot share what is happening with us yet. We are up against the slavers guild of 17 billion. That is just their army. They also have billions of slaves. They have ruthless generals that are extremely powerful. Like that bone skeleton general who was indestructible. They have beings worse than the Unseen. They are backed by the Dark Collective, Purifiers, the Seven Houses of Harsva. There is not much in the 3rd existence. Little bands of escaped slaves. It is easier to hide here because not many beings come here. It has already gotten back to the slavers guild that we are there. It has put them on alert but they have not made their moves yet to attack us. They don't really care about the 3rd existence. It is just a wasteland to them. Slaver board: "Maybe she just went there to get Gorvag. She may just leave. Put everyone on standby. If she makes makes a move against us then attack." If we leave outside the 3rd existence to go agains

Taking Down Gorvag and Yarvax

This involves several from the IG session list... Bounty Hunter Stradith - He looks like a humanoid leapord but looks like he is made of citrine stone. Kailia - Female purple humanoid, long ears, black bat wings. Tytoae (Tie-Toe-Ay) - She has pure white skin and four eyes, long ears, fang teeth. Gorvag used to hire those three to go after runaway renegade slaves. Duwaiae - Male Centaur Kahleekah - Female Centaur Tusrelyn - Male Centaur Flamebeard - Male Dwarf. Fogbeard's brother. He has been working on the citadels. Greymountain - Female Dwarf Brahasha - Male Savage Unicorn Nexfei - Female Savage Unicorn This is a continuation of First Born of the 3rd Existence... The citadels we took from Kammakay and Dunka are sitting in Jotunheim. This is where Flamebeard has been working on them and building other ships like what Blacklace has. They were only able to make seven of them.