
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Unveiling of the Blood Rose Ashontrah

Ashontrah the Blood Rose Queen was unveiled from her pink light exactly one year to the day that Asherah came forth from Void imprisonment. October 31st... PST timezone... 1:40pm Many are gathered in the area around Ashontrah's temple in Alfheim. The temple is beautiful and elegant. It is carved from the finest rose quartz and glistens in the sunshine. It was made from the fine craftsmanship of many nature folk. Fogbeard constructed a statue of the Blood Rose cut from the most beautiful pink jewels. He had the tools he used to craft it blessed by the wisest dwarven shaman. Lyindrinar and Eeaynna are on the center platform where the Blood Rose statue sits. There is a throne made of rose quartz with pink primal stones with roses carved into it. Lyindrinar created the design and Nastazil crafted the throne. Beneath the throne is a grand pink rug that leads down the stairway. This was woven in Volheim. All the Great Kings and Queens have arrived. Many nature folk and e

Rovitomial Faces the True Order

Shaderell and his True Order go to where the Great Wind is. They intend to use Yisch to bring more of them here. Shaderell is more than what we discovered before. He invaded here long ago. It had seemed that Shaderell was from this existence because he has the same type of spiritual body as Asteria, Vustik, and the Shadis'Arth except he is lighter in color. Shaderell had jumped into a spiritual body a long time ago. When the True Order fled from the judgement of Atherak he came here and took over one of First Ones of our existence. He is from the 8th existence like the others. They are pure white skinned like they are powered. Their eyes are white. Atherak: "They spread like little ants. I should have exterminated them all long ago, but not doing so was Mother's decision." 8:00pm The True Order arrives at the Great Winds... Rovitomial is resting with Yisch. Yisch senses something is amiss. As she leaves the chambers she is taken by Shaderell and the other 7 males of t

Blood Rose Empire of North America

The Blood Rose Empire has expanded through all of North America, Central America, and the Caribbean. I am Ashontrah the Great Balancer. I hold the power of judgement in my hand. October 28th... PST timezone... 10:39am Ashontrah continues the expansion of the Blood Rose Empire through Montana and Wyoming. 12:28pm Ashontrah wakes up an Ancient Guardian in south eastern Wyoming. He looks like a man with a decayed stag head. He carries two antlers. He is very aggressive and war-like. He has been sleeping for a very long time. Stag Guardian: "I was calling to warriors of my tribe to rise up. I was enchanted to fall asleep. Thank you for awakening me. I feel the great power inside you." He kneels down on one knee. Stag Guardian: "Would you help me restore my land? I would be forever in service to you Ashontrah the Blood Rose." Ashontrah: "I shall help you. The desecration and defilement of your land will not go unpunished. I Ashontrah the Great Balancer condemn those

Euravasiah: Females of the True Order

Euravasiah hunted down and took out the 14 females of the True Order last night. With Hi'Léna Kitsune... Oct 28th... PST timezone... Ashontrah: "I want the females of the True Order hunted down. I haven't decided with the males yet. Atherak: "As you wish." Ashontrah: "The True Order currently has 8 males and 14 females. I am going to start hunting them down. I don't care if I have to go into the 8th existence and yank them out." 9:47pm Euravasiah: "Ashontus, no fun. Don’t you want to see my deadly kisses at work...? Don’t you want to send your Lioness on a hunting spree? That is why you are sending your deadliest weapon. Let me have my fun. Please...? I promise it will be worth it." 9:50pm Ashontrah: "I Ashontrah call judgement upon these 14 females of the True Order." Atherak: "It shall be carried out." Euravasiah: "Fine fine. What is the point of having me seduce if I have to beg for my chance to

Missing Mist Weaver Memoirs

There are True Order here among us in Midgard. They got their hands on the memoirs of a Mist Weaver. This has many details about Atherak and how he is put to rest. Atherak goes to visit with the Mist Weaver... He is sitting alone at his studio painting by candlelight. Weaver: "Is it still too bright in here Atherak?" Atherak: "No the lighting is fine." Weaver: "What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Atherak: "I come on a personal matter." Weaver: "Please continue while I paint if you don't mind." Atherak: "In fact I do mind." Weaver: "Something troubling you?" Atherak lifts the Mist Weaver into the air and causes pain throughout his physical body. Atherak: "You are always troubling me Mist Weaver. I grant you such gifts. Such joys and pleasures. I let you create your art and sell it so you can live lavishly." Weaver: "You took my only love from me." Atherak: "

Ashontrah on the Air: The Great Awakening

The epic expansion of the Blood Rose Empire through Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Montana and Wyoming. October 25th... PST timezone... 11:00am I am speaking with the Primordial Water Elemental off the coast of Oregon. She is hundreds of miles in size. One of the biggest elementals I have spoken with. She is massive. We are meeting a little over a hundred miles off the Oregon coast. 11:30am She has a sacred site on an underwater ridge about 200 miles out that has been desecrated by man. I restored this sacred site for her. You can see it on Google Maps. The ridge is kind of L-shaped. 12:24pm My meeting with the Primordial Water Elemental of the Oregon Waters just finished. She has vowed loyalty and service to the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah. 12:37pm The Blood Rose Empire starts to expand into Oregon... There are some native wise men and women in the area noticing what is happening. An Elder came out from his home. He stood on his porch and his wife joined him and brought him a

Ashontrah Meets with Wealthy Executives

I just had a wonderful meeting. These executives have flown in and gathered from different parts of the country to Los Angeles to meet with Ashontrah. October 25th... PST timezone... 5:43pm They are about to call upon me. They are waiting on a few key people. Their female sensitive is setting up a ceremony. 5:53pm They are all there. A group of 16 executives. They are gathering in a room. They have their very expensive high-tech equipment and instruments. They are speaking the unprecedented energy readings. A woman: "Have we traced the origin of these?" A man: "We have not located the origin at the moment." 5:55pm The female sensitive calls out to me... "Ashontrah I call out to you. Hear my voice. Bless me with your answer." Ashontrah the Blood Rose arrives in the room. The sensitive's eyes roll back into her head and she levitates off the ground. She speaks with Ashontrah's words and voice... Ashontrah: "I am Ashontrah th

Mevinah The Cutter

Posted in True Self Connection by Mevinah Singaree Excerpts from email exchanges with Ashontrah on October 21st PST… …Would you be willing to become a Myrrdonite? The Cutter girl was transcended. It was her time to go to the afterlife. She was never meant to be in the borderlands. Would you become the new Cutter? …You will be unlike any other Cutter made before. You will be Judgement upon those who harm the innocent. Your children can either transcended or you can choose for them to reincarnate. You need to understand this is a very giving offer that Atherak is almost hesitant to offer. Because you have shown your worthiness he is willing to offer this to you… …You may become an Athernite if you choose. You would be like Moidaybe, Fenrir, Dollo, and Danaark. Xarsha was the first Athernite. This allows him to keep an incarnation. You would be the 6th Athernite. He will only make 9 Athernites in total. Atherak: "I wil