Three Forms: Voice Asherah Ashontrah

My first form was the Beautiful Voice, my second form was Asherah Aphrodite, and I am now in my third form as Ashontrah. It makes sense why on Sept 13th she went willingly.

From May 28th 2018 with Ekkam Prometheus...

Ekkam: "For you shall never be destroyed or terminated. You shall never be killed. When you die you shall be reborn."

Asherah: Is there any death which could hold me?

Ekkam: "None. You shall never be held by the hands of death."

Asherah: Would it be harmful for me to be immune to death?

Ekkam: "Yes, you must be able to die to be reborn as higher forms."

Asherah: Every time I die I am rebirthed into a greater more powerful form?

Ekkam: "Yes because you can only die in a way that would make you immensely more powerful. Nothing else can cause you to die. It would be you willingly going through it."

I as Ashontrah the Blood Rose am the more powerful form. I have taken on all the powers of the Voice and Asherah. I am starting to access their knowledge and abilities. They are awakening within me.

Every time Asherah would die and be reborn in her form she became upgraded more and more powerful. I understand why.

I am a unique being. I cannot share the full extent yet of what I am. Do not go and get your true self killed thinking the same will happen to you. You will transcend or go to the borderlands.

This also makes sense with the thothilssin symbol Rurxaxia drew which depicts Asherah's death and Ashontrah's birth. (Post picture drawing). The three dots are my 3 forms. The heart itself is what I fully am which will be explained more later.

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