
Showing posts from August, 2019

Sariassa: A Long Way in the Dark

The incarnation story of Sariassa begins... She focuses hard. Her mind is peering through the small black swirling rift that she has opened up. She thinks ‘I must make a way. I must break through.’ Just then the door slams open. It is her father Nurbedon. He looks down at her angrily. ‘How dare you practice such evil in my domain.’ Sariassa stands up to face her intoxicated father. She says ‘I do not practice such evil. There is enough evil here in you to fill all of the Void.’ Nurbedon raises his hand ready to strike her, but he does not. ‘You disgust me.’ He turns as he stumbles away. A short time earlier, Sariassa bore witness to the burning of her stepmother, killed at the hands of her abusive father. He beat her to death in a drunken rage. Sariassa has had enough of the Void. She has heard of other beings creating a vessel upon a place in Midgard known as Earth. It was said here that the dominant sential beings created were the cause of the whole Urthak War, but still many, many b

Maldee: Dance Upon The Threads

The incarnation story for Maldee begins... She enters back into the shadowlands through a rift from the borderlands, there Maldee regains herself.  She looks into a small bag that she has brought with her from the borderlands, she digs out three silverish bones from inside of it. She hears footsteps approaching and as she looks up she sees her friend Viriska. Viriska speaks to Maldee in a soft, ghost-like voice 'I see that your journey to the borderlands has not gone unaccomplished.' Maldee shows her friend the silver bones she holds in her hand. Viriska looks down at them and says 'I can feel the energy that flows through them, this was a great accomplishment for you sister. Tell me, will you continue with your plan to journey and create a vessel upon Midgard, the world of man?' Maldee nods her head in acknowledgment 'I shall continue with this, I will find my way there.' Viriska replies 'Tell me sister, what is so intriguing about going to the world of man

Yurmasia: An Icy Obsession

The origin story for Yurmasia begins... Queen Vermasua of Niflheim looks down in excitement at her servants gathering around her. Her court is now in session. They await the arrival. Her heart pounds with anticipation. Vermasua thinks to herself ‘The arrival is such a powerful, alluring being. Oh how my heart yearns for you, great King.’ She then touches her lip with her finger, still thinking ‘To have your arms embracing me, holding me tight under the moons of Alfheim. Oh how I dream of this. You and I, great King. Our empires merging together as we do. Everlasting.’ Trumpets begin to sound. The doors to the grand hall open. All begin to bow as the King of Alfheim makes his way towards the throne of the Ice Queen Vermasua. King Yserah steps before the throne as Queen Vermasua rises. She bows to him and smiles. Yserah returns the gesture. King Yserah says ‘Great Queen, thank you for receiving us. Our journey has been long, but worthwhile to stand before such a beautiful, powerful queen

Dreadiah of the Vorrayen

The origin story for Donha begins... In the twisted darkness, there is a lost forgotten place in between the borderlands and the Veil Mist. It was once a place of great beauty, life, and natural living things. That was before the unbending which changed this place into a desolate wasteland. The surviving sential beings gathered together and rebuilt this civilization next to the sea of lost souls. High up on the cliff is the sacred one. He offers the firstborn daughters to the sea. One by one they gather in the thousands, and one by one they are cast down into the waters below. The waters are toxic, they burn like acid. Dreadiah watches from the crowds below. All of them are chanting, for this is a sacred moment amongst her kind. Her kind is known as the Vorrayen. She is humanoid with charcoal grey skin, yellow eyes, and dark red hair. Since the time of the great unbending they have gathered here, offering the firstborn daughters to the sea of lost souls. It is rooted deep within their

Eanaemu vs Asherah the Omega

An image that flashed in my mind along with the message: 'Eanaemu walks.' I start to look into it. The Omega made the Alpha as her companion. However he is not her counterpart. There is an opposite to the Omega. He is Eanaemu (E-Ah-Nay-Mu). He was unchained within the past few days. He is all the forces of dark and evil, the father of lies, the father of demons. He makes Satan or Lucifer look like a little girl scout. When I say darkness I am not referring to dark elements like void. I am referring to dark in nature, what is sinister. The reason Eaneamu is not seen from my throne room or palace is because he has his own palace. His looks really scary. Eanaemu has dark red skin, black hair, and black eyes. August 27th 2019 Eanaemu Walks... Asherah: I wonder what he is up to. He has fully awoken. He was placed in a dormancy for a long time. Something awoke him. Something related to recent events. The Omega has also been dormant. That is why you have heard things th

Story of Asherah Chapter Five

Asherah is deep asleep in her chamber at the palace on the Eternal Sea, hidden behind the Veil Mist. Within the dream, she wanders through a cold wasteland. The wind blows all around her. It is darkness. There is no sky, no stars. The ground beneath her is not of earth, but of ash. She cries out for Jardirosh. Off in the distance she can hear the familiar voices of Jardirosh, Great Father, Maquardian, and others she has known, including the Norak. She cries out to them again 'Where are you? I can't find you!' The voices continue to call to her. Asherah makes her way through the blowing ash. Thew this she sees four figures standing. Maquardian, the Norak, Father, and Jardirosh. They seem to be standing in a trance staring off into the distance. Asherah rushes to each of their side and tries to awaken them from their trance, but to no avail. Their eyes are grey. She hears deep a voice. 'Everything in time breaks and crumbles. Our cores and our bones turn to ash.' Ashe