Fall of the Mondeo Layer

The Gallatar Commander Ahsvnay has sent many in the past to deal with the Mondeo layer but they would always get caught up in a lust and never return.
No male or female she sent could resist the allure, temptation, and lust of the Mondeo. The creatures there are blobs so they don't have gender. They can take on any form of lust female or male.
There is one she chose to send who is unlike all others. Who lusts for something the Mondeo has never known. This was a recent event which happened on May 30th 2019...
The Blackened Sea of the Borderlands
Atherak and his Myrrdonite are gathered in a place within the Borderlands known as the Blackened Sea, where the River of Bones begins. The sacrifice is being contained by a smaller athranaak. Coils are piercing into him like large hooks biting into his flesh.
The sacrifice speaks 'I accept my fate. I will walk forever in the layer of the damned. But please, let it end here. Whatever wrongs I have done I have paid for and accept my fate now.'
Atherak replies 'It's more than that Mark, or whatever you wish to call yourself. Whatever appearance you choose to take. It was you, long after I was gone. Or was it shortly after the time of the first judgement? You brought them here, the Mondeo, to this layer. Yes, you are responsible for their spread of infection.'
The sacrifice says 'Then judge me and let me walk forever in the torment and the pain and the suffering of the layer of the damned.'
Atherak responds 'No, you will not walk upon this layer. You will walk no more. I need what you are, I need your core.'
Xaxo speaks 'What is this place? I have never seen a sea in the Borderlands.'
Dolloiandea says 'There is no record of a sea ever stretching here to these far parts within any of the athranaaks. Tell us master, why have you brought us here?'
Atherak answers 'To witness the rebirth. This place, this is where the Eternal Sea touches the Borderlands. The Blackened Sea.'
As Atherak speaks of this, Dolloiandea, Xaxo, and Thrax look to him in surprise. Atherak signals for Mevinah who steps forward carrying a small pyramid shaped box.
Xaxo says 'I do not understand master. What is this rebirth?'
Xarsha answers 'There is much you have yet to learn. You have not walked as long as we have. I myself know of this time. Long ago the layers upon layers of things that hold existences.
It is beyond you, but if you prove yourselves worthy of the master and whom he serves, then this knowledge and wisdom may be passed. As for now, keep quiet. The rebirth will begin shortly.'
Atherak takes the pyramid shaped box from Mevinah and opens the top, pouring out what looks like black dust.
Atherak says 'Long ago a being took his first breath of life in this existence, and then his last. A being many feared, one of true power. One that came from beyond. One who serves undyingly, loyal without question.'
The ash begins to form back together and swirls in Atherak's hand. As it combines it forms a black crystal shard.
The sacrifice says 'It is you. I know you.'
Atherak responds 'And I know you.' Before the sacrifice can speak any further, coils pierce his tongue and pull it out. Others bite the side of his mouth, almost like fish hooks.
Atherak says 'Now it is time for you to serve your purpose'
Atherak walks forward towards the sacrifice, his coils stretching his mouth. Atherak then shoves the black shard down the throat of the sacrifice.
He swallows it, coughs for a moment, and then he begins to convulse violently. His shape begins to change over and over again into that of many different beings, creatures, and even different shapes and forms of plants and animals.
He shifts over and over again but is beginning to wither away. He then returns to his original form. It begins to decay. As he screams upwards two small hands grasp his mouth from within. The sacrifice slumps forward as a being resembling a small black fetus rips its way out.
The sacrifice's form crumbles to dust. The black fetus-like being lays in the sands of the Borderlands. It trembles and shakes.
Atherak walks over to it and picks it up, then turns and walks into the Blackened Sea. He places the fetus beneath the waters and says 'Hear me Omega, accept my sacrifice. Return this one to life, and I will bring you the Mondeo.'
As Atherak holds the fetus beneath the waters it begins to grow and take shape. By the time he lifts the being from the waters, it has taken on a form resembling a dwarve with black skin.
Atherak carries him to the shore and sets him down. The being begins to cough up the black water, then raises his head as Atherak asks him 'Whom do you serve?'
The being replies 'I serve the master, and the one he serves. I always have.'
All of the Myrrdonite except for Mevinah and Xarsha look shocked. They know this face, they know this being.
Atherak says 'Then arise Moonstone. Serve us once again. Live again.'
Coils come from the black sea and pierce into Atherak, and Atherak's own coils pierce into Moonstone, making him stronger.
Moonstone says 'And what would you ask of me master? What would she ask of me so that I may serve as I once did?'
Atherak replies 'Go to The Mondeo, and bring them what you lust for the most.'
Moonstone says 'I will bring them what they have never known.' He opens a rift and steps through. The rift closes behind him.
Atherak and Xarsha begin to walk away from the Blackened Sea.
Xaxo then says 'But Master, what would the realms think when they hear of Moonstone's return? You know how they fear him.'
Atherak responds 'Well Xaxo, I guess we will find out what they think when he achieves his task and returns.'
In the Mondeo...
Many voices can be heard speaking and whispering in unison. They all begin to surround Moonstone and ask 'Who is this? Look at this man. Such a little man. Such a little man, yet so much energy flowing through him. Who is this man? Who is this?'
Moonstone says 'So, this is the layer where pleasure, desire, and lust dwell strong. I have come to the right place then.'
The various Mondeo speak to Moonstone and amongst themselves as they gather and take on the nude forms of various female beings.
They say 'Who are you? Such a little man. But who is he? I think he's cute. Oh, feel the power and energy flowing within him.' They surround him, flirting with and smiling at him.
Moonstone replies 'My name is Moonstone.'
One of them whispers 'Moonstone, like the great moons.'
Another says 'That is strong. I can feel his power, his power growing.'
The Mondeo continue on 'What is he? What kind of being are you? Such a little man, yet so alluring.'
Moonstone says 'I am a dwarve.'
The Mondeo say 'Dwarve? Oh I have heard of those, but I have never seen one here. How did you get here? Where did you come from?' They all begin to ask him questions, all around him flirting.
Moonstone replies 'I am just a simple traveler in search of new things, new places. I have a desire deep within me, a lust that I cannot fulfill.'
They all begin to giggle and laugh. One of them steps forward and says 'Then you have come to the right place, weary traveler. Let us show you, here.'
She reaches out her hand to touch his and says 'Let us show you.' She tries to entrance him, but as she touches him she feels a stinging pain and draws back.
Moonstone chuckles 'My dear, you can look but you cannot touch.' He places his finger under her chin and whispers to her 'Not yet at least.'
The Mondeo female smiles 'Such power I sense in you. Come, come with me and my sisters. We have so much to show you. So much I know that will fulfill your every desire, and the lust that is within you.'
Moonstone replies 'I would be delighted. Show me, show me this layer. Fulfill my every need and desire.'
The Mondeo begin to lead him away, but they don't touch him. They are entranced by the power within him. They don't fully understand it, but they desire it.
All the Mondeo think to themselves as they walk with Moonstone 'I will be the first to have this. I will be the first.'
Moonstone says 'Don't trouble yourselves my beauties on who will win this race, there is plenty of me to go around. But first, let me see what you have to offer. I hunger, I lust for power.'
They lead Moonstone to a pleasure palace. Many of the Mondeo are around him. They try to touch him but he moves away. They get a sense of stinging pain if they get too close.
He looks at them and smiles and tells almost each and every one of them that tries 'Soon enough my pretty, soon enough.'
Just then the doors leading to the chambers burst open, and in steps a massive dragon-like humanoid with red skin.
This being says 'I am Hikgar. Who is this puny one who gathers so much attention? I laugh at him, one so small.'
Moonstone then replies 'And I laugh at the size of your intelligence. I'm sure it matches your manhood. Quite small, almost microscopic.'
Moonstone makes a gesture with his fingers to signify something tiny. All of the Mondeo laugh.
Hikgar yells 'You make a mockery of me! I shall crush you!'
Hikgar rushes forward to where Moonstone stands and tries to smash him with both of his fists. Hikgar's fists land upon Moonstone's head but Moonstone still stands, not crushed by Hikgar's blow.
Hikgar then begins to shake. His skin begins to burn as though he is being incinerated. He screams loudly but is burned away. The Mondeo are impressed by this. They move forward, each of them thinking 'I must have him now. I must have this power inside him.'
Then a voice is heard in all their minds, paralyzing them. They drop to their knees, placing their hands upon their heads.
The voice of Tokunae speaks 'None shall have him before I, bring him to me for he will be mine.'
All the Mondeo females in their many forms begin to bow and when the voice is no longer present they stand.
Moonstone looks around at every one of them 'Do not worry my pretties. In time you will all feel my touch.'
Tokunae's Palace...
The Mondeo have brought Moonstone to Tokunae. Mother of all Mondeo, the great Mother as they call her.
As he enters the grand palace, Moonstone notices all the other beings that have come here only to be entranced by her power. Many masculine beings, all with great power themselves.
As they enter the grand chamber, a voice can be heard. All bow, except Moonstone.
The voice of Tokunae says 'So this is the one. The one of great power that has come here searching for what he desires. Well, you're not much to look at.'
Moonstone replies 'My beautiful lady. It is not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside. Search yourself. Tell me, what do you find?'
A red mist appears and swirls around. Out from it steps a horned succubus-like being with pale white skin and red hair wearing clothing akin to red lingerie.
Tokunae says 'Ah little one, you are powerful.' She leans forward showing her cleavage to Moonstone, trying to entrance him in her sexuality.
She says 'But what power is in you, I can sense it. You are welcome here in my layer, weary traveler. Upon one condition.'
Moonstone asks 'What condition would that be? Great and beautiful lady of the Mondeo.'
Tokunae responds 'That you allow me to fulfill your every desire. What do you lust for?'
Moonstone says 'At the moment just companionship with you, my grace. What my true core lusts for, I will reveal to you. And then I will let you have me.'
Tokunae giggles lightly before speaking 'Delightful, the rest of you begone. There are others here you may enjoy yourselves with.
This one is special, and he is mine. Come little one, let me show you that I am the Mother of the Mondeo. Now, come with me and let me fulfill your every desire.'
Moonstone replies 'With pleasure, beautiful one.'
Moonstone bows, then he and Tokunae leave the grand hall. She leads him back to a chamber with a large red bed. She lays herself down on it seductively and undoes her top, exposing her breasts to him.
Tokunae asks 'Tell me little one, what do they call you? And where do you come from?'
Moonstone answers 'From somewhere insignificant, not a place great like the Mondeo or the one who rules over it. It is a realm within existence known as Jotunheim. Ah, but as I said beautiful one, it is nothing compared to this place.'
Tokunae laughs 'You flatter me.'
Moonstone grins and stares around the room 'Ah, I am a man of curiosity... and this place, I can feel much power within it.'
He notices a strange black pyramid spinning in circles, he walks over to it. He says 'Like this little thing. Curious. What does it do?'
Tokunae answers 'It keeps the layer of the damned at bay. It keeps the ones who dwell there out and us within. It always has.'
Moonstone says 'The layer of the damned, sounds like a terrible place.'
Tokunae chuckles lightly 'So I am told, but I would not know. Nor shall my layer the Mondeo, nor myself. Now come. Sit beside me.'
Moonstone's attention turns towards another spinning object, it is pink. He asks 'And what of this? Another layer? Another protection? Or something grander, as yourself?'
Tokunae's face becomes sterner and she says 'That is none of your business. Now come, sit with me. What you desire and lust for is here.'
Moonstone replies 'Yes, I believe it is. Now I shall let you fulfill it within me.'
Moonstone takes Tokunae's hands in his, their fingers lock together.
Tokunae says 'Your hands are so small, but I bet they know how to work wonders.'
Moonstone replies 'That they do. But I know of you Mondeo, and this is not your true form. Please, indulge me. Let me see what you truly are.'
Tokunae shies back 'I could never. For what you would look upon would horrify you. You would feel ashamed to be in the same place as me.'
Moonstone places his finger under her chin and turns her head towards his. He says 'I wish to see. Believe me, when we finally embrace, you will see what I lust for. You will be fulfilled as you have never been before.'
Tokunae backs away. She bows her head and begins to change to the form of a dark blood red blob. She says 'Now that you have seen me, tell me. What do you think?'
Moonstone replies 'I think that you are the most beautiful, enchanting thing I have ever seen. The most elegant of all creatures I have ever laid eyes upon. In all my travels, I have never beheld such beauty.'
Blob-like tentacles come from her body. She says 'Then embrace me, and I will fulfill your every desire.'
'Yes...' Moonstone says as he reaches his hands towards the blob-like tentacles 'Fulfill what I lust for.'
As they touch, there is a power surge. Tokunae draws in Moonstone's power and gasps 'I have never felt such power! I am pleasured beyond anything!'
She begins to ooze red liquid. She says 'More, I must have more. Give me what you lust for.'
Moonstone replies 'I will give you that and something you have never known. Tell me, is that what you desire? For what you have never known?'
Tokunae asks 'And what have I never known, little one?'
Moonstone grins 'Judgement.'
Black mist comes from Moonstone's hands as he holds Tokunae's tentacles. It begins to pour through her.
Outside the chamber, all the Mondeo begin to freeze. The appearances they have taken are broken and they revert back to their true forms as they crystallize. Then they shatter.
Tokunae cries 'What have you done!? My children! My babies! Myself! What have you done!?'
Moonstone releases her as she begins to harden and crystallize. He says 'I have brought you what you have never known.'
Moonstone then turns to the pyramid and says 'But there are more who have come here to escape judgement.'
Tokunae begins to cry out loudly enough to be heard throughout the Mondeo layer 'Hear me! Save us! Save me! I have shown you and given you all that you have desired, save me!'
All the males that have come to the Mondeo layer seeking pleasure begin to rise up and make their way towards Tokunae's grand palace.
Tokunae cries out again 'Kill the little one!'
Moonstone says 'Ah company. Well, I enjoy company too.'
Moonstone then grasps the black pyramid and crushes it in his hand. A rift opens and through it steps a being with silvery skin.
Tokunae recognizes him and cries out 'Govendar!' Her words become unintelligible and she shatters.
The pink object begins to stop spinning, floating down gently until it rests upon the floor. Other beings begin to step through the rift, Atherak and Xarsha.
Atherak approaches the pink pyramid on the floor and takes it into his hands. It then begins to change shape into a pink blob, and then into a female with pink skin.
Atherak wraps her in a black cloak and hands her to Govendar. He says 'Take her to the Gallatar. The Commander will know what is to be done.'
Govendar bows his head 'A long time I have waited for this. A long time I have wanted to see this happen. Thank you...' He steps through the rift.
As Govendar leaves, the other Myrrdonite step through the rift. Atherak speaks to them 'Now this is loyalty that you should all take an example of.'
Moonstone bows 'I have always served you Master and whom you serve. I will always serve The Omega.'
Dolloiandea says 'And what of the beings of this layer? The males who remain here, what shall be done with them?'
Atherak replies 'I have something for them and the rest of this. The Mondeo are gone, but the ones who remain here who have tried to escape judgement can no longer hide.'
The rift grows larger. Through it steps a tall black shrouded being, enormous in size.
Xaxo recognizes him and says 'Danaark, it is you.'
Atherak says 'No, he is now Decimation.'
Outside the males are trying to break their way into the palace. Behind them, darkness grows and a large dark figure appears.
As they turn, one of them shouts 'They are trying to attack us from behind! Kill it!'
Coils begin to fly in every direction piercing many of the beings, raising their bodies up into the air as other coils bite down decapitating them.
The large dark being Decimation unveils his cloak and from it, many hellhounds, decrepit and dark, rush forward. They tear down the beings as they try to flee.
The coils of Decimation go everywhere throughout the Mondeo layer. They pierce into the cores of the beings, killing them and sending them to the Borderlands, to the layer of the damned. Decimation of the Mondeo layer is complete.
Asherah says 'So the Mondeo Omega projection was trapped in that pink pyramid. The crumbling was her trying to escape.
Tokunae and the others drained her form away. Turned her into a pink blob and trapped her.
They only took on female forms and appeared attractive and desirable because of what they stole from the Omega projection.
All their allure was a corruption of what they took from her. They would have remained blobs without her. It has been recovered from those disgusting creatures. No more corruption of Love and Beauty.'
True Self Connection...