Mondeo Invasion of the Gallatar

We are all within a great puzzle. The Gallatar and the Mondeo are two layers of this puzzle. This true self past vision for Govendar is split into two parts. It includes the shattering of the Gallatar Alpha, the Mondeo Invasion, the Fall of the Gallatar, and the coming of Ahsvnay.
The Gallatar Long Ago...
Govendar and Ahmaklear enter the great throne room of the Gallatar Commander. There sits a being, with skin resembling obsidian.
He raises his head to the two as they approach the throne, and there is a sound akin to the cracking and shattering of glass.
Ahmaklear and Govendar kneel before the Gallatar Commander. They notice his ever fading form, they have noticed for some time now.
The Commander of the Gallatar, once strong, has now become weaker. Something is happening beyond the Gallatar itself. Something that is only known to the Gallatar Commander himself. Yet still, Ahmaklear and Govendar search for the answers.
Govendar speaks 'Commander of the Gallatar, we have searched the entire system to find a way to end what is happening to you. We have come up with nothing.'
Ahmaklear then speaks 'Great Commander of the Gallatar, I fear that what is ailing and shattering you is beyond what we know here.'
The Gallatar Commander says 'My time is coming to an end. There are things beyond, things that are changing in places far beyond where we are now.'
Govendar asks 'But what will become of the Gallatar? Will it crumble? Will it shatter? Will it fall?'
The Gallatar Commander replies 'The Gallatar will remain as it always has. I shall not, for this was inevitable from the beginning."
Ahmaklear asks 'The Beginning? You mean beyond the Gallatar itself?'
The Gallatar Commander says 'Yes, the same beginning I once showed you. Long ago before anything, there was the Omega."
As the Commander of the Gallatar says this, he raises his weak and withered hands.
From beneath the floor from within the throne room rises a puzzle engulfed in pink flames, its shape forever changing.
The Gallatar Commander says 'You see before you, this is what I speak of. The Gallatar shall always be, for this is the Gallatar herself.
Find me and heal me, that is your quest Ahmaklear. As for you Govendar, you must awaken her... find a way to awaken the Gallatar herself.
I go now beyond the Gallatar, I fade from here and will arise elsewhere. Search me out, Ahmaklear. Find me.'
With those final words, the Commander of the Gallatar shatters like glass, the shards themselves form into dust.
There is a reaction from the changing puzzle in the middle of the room. Its pink fire roars and as the shards shatter to dust, the fire absorbs them.
There is a bright flash of light. Ahmaklear and Govendar are blinded by this. When they regain themselves they notice that the puzzle is still changing shape, but it is still pulsating with the same pink fire.
Ahmaklear looks at Govendar and says 'The time has come. We must search for the ways. Within the Gallatar itself, we will find the answers to what the Commander asked of us.
Search my friend, Govendar. Find the answers to unlock this puzzle of the Gallatar herself, I will search for a way to find the former Commander. We may meet again in time.'
Govendar says 'If the answer isn't here in the Gallatar to awaken the Gallatar herself, then this will not be an easy task for one to undertake. But I shall undertake it nevertheless.'
He places his hand upon Ahmaklear's shoulder and says 'Good luck to you my friend, until we meet again.'
The Mondeo Invasion...
Govendar walks with his companion Nerradid, he is a Madaerkakai. These are the large beings that were seen in the other vision clad in silver armor.
They are larger humanoid creatures, their forearms are long and their bodies are shaped like those of primates. They have large yellow eyes and grayish silver skin. They have no mouth.
Govendar then stops, he looks behind him and Nerradid has also stopped. Nerradid looks high up into the air as if he is sensing something.
Govendar asks him 'What is it, my friend?'
Nerradid looks at him. Govendar then replies 'We shouldn't go that way? What's that way? What are you sensing?'
Nerradid then looks again off into the distance. Govendar asks him 'Does what we seek lie in that direction?" Nerradid then looks down at Govendar.
Govendar stares at him, puzzled for a moment. He says 'So what I am searching for lies in that direction. But there is a sense that we should not travel that way. I'm not quite understanding you, my friend. You sense danger...'
Govendar places his hand upon the bicep of Nerradid 'There are many strange things that have been happening lately.
There are strange things, settlements that have not been heard from in a while, ever since the Commander's death.
All that have been sent to investigate have never returned. If this is one of those cases, one of these settlements that lie just up ahead; if the same thing has happened there it is our duty and we must investigate this.'
Nerradid then nods his head in agreement. The two begin to travel on. They make their way to a Madaerka village. They do not hear the sounds of anyone.
As they travel through, they are shocked and horrified by what they see. The ground all around them is littered with the bodies of dead Madaerka.
Nerradid looks down at Govendar as he rolls over one of the bodies of a Madaerka elder.
Govendar replies to Nerradid 'Yes, it is strange. There are only young and old here.'
Govendar then says 'We must look around for any survivors. If there are any, they may be able to tell us what has happened here.'
Govendar and Nerradid begin searching the buildings and dwellings of the Maderka settlement, though it is all in vain.
All those they find there are dead, young and old. Even the smallest laying in their cribs. All have been slaughtered.
Govendar speaks to himself 'What madness is this? What has happened?' He pulls a small pyramid shaped black crystal from his pocket.
Govendar begins to speak into it 'Ahmaklear, Ahmaklear can you sense me? Can you hear me? There is something I must show you.'
Govendar's eyes begin to light up, the images that he sees are projected through the crystal to Ahmaklear.
Ahmaklear sits someplace far in distance within the Gallatar Layer. He is in a secret place in isolation since the demise of the Gallatar Commander. Ahmaklear does not respond to Govendar, he only watches.
Nerradid then joins Govendar by his side. Govendar says 'I cannot raise Ahmaklear. He still has not answered. Whatever has happened within the Gallatar seems to be happening everywhere. This must be the answer, this is the farthest settlements have gone unheard from for some time.
There is something killing Maderka young and old and taking the others somewhere. Something has come into the Gallatar my friend, and we must find out what.'
Nerradid nods his head in agreement, but he looks at Govendar for a moment.
Govendar replies to him 'Yes, we will find what we were sent for. But right now we must uncover what is happening here.'
Govendar and Nerradid then begin to leave the village. Off in the distance, Nerradid notices something, something moving through the tall black-purple grass.
Nerradid then takes off running at full pace. Govendar notices this and yells for his friend 'Wait! Come back!'
Nerradid stops only a hundred yards from where they were. He is looking down into the long grass as Govendar catches up to him.
He notices that Nerradid has knelt down. He picks up in his hand a small Madaerka child who is crying and terrified. Govendar notices the child and takes her in his arms.
She is too frightened, too in shock to even speak. He asks her what her name is but she does not reply. He asks her again what has happened here but she is still too shocked and terrified to reply.
Govendar says to her 'Hush child, relax.' He places his hand upon her forehead and sees through her eyes what has happened. He can see through her eyes that she is out in front of a dwelling and playing.
Then the child notices that many Madaerka have begun to gather. She goes to catch up with her mother and notices that the Madaerka have gathered around a strange red skinned being. She has nine long tentacles in the place of her hair and bright yellow eyes. She is a Mondeo female.
The Mondeo female then begins to raise her hand as the Madaerka gather. As she does so, red pedals resembling flowers begin falling from the sky.
The Madaerka are intrigued by this. They look all around joyfully as the flowers reach the ground.
As the flowers land, they begin to sink into the soil below. All the Madaerka cheer this strange being and bow to her, they ask her to show them more.
The Mondeo is a layer full of lust and desire. The Mondeo creatures are able to take on any form of lust.
The Mondeo female tells them 'I have so much more to show you. But you must be willing to give me something.'
Many of the Madaerka begin to ask 'What is it that you wish us to give you? What do you need from us?'
The Mondeo female replies 'Just your company.'
Many Madaerka look at each other, they seem to be confused about what the being is asking for. Just then, out of the soil where the petals have fallen, red flowers begin to bloom.
The Madaerka look down and are amazed by this. The Mondeo female's eyes begin to grow more brightly. She says to them 'Your company, forever.'
A strange reddish-yellow gas comes from the flowers as they bloom. The males and females stand there entranced by it. The old and elderly, as well as the children begin to cough and gag. They start to collapse and die.
The young child that was playing begins to run, horrified by what is happening. She tries pulling on her mother's hand, but her mother does not move. She runs far from the village.
As the child looks back she can see that the strange Mondeo female has changed shape into a large reddish blob. Tentacles pour from the blob into the heads of the Madaerka that are left entranced.
The child is frightened, she huddles down in the grass. She listens as many of the Madaerka begin to leave the village. They walk away as if they were unconscious, unable to control their own bodies.
Govendar removes his hands from the child's head. He hands her back to Nerradid who wraps her up in a warm blanket. Govendar is left speechless.
Govendar sits and tells Nerradid 'It is as I feared. Something has come to the Gallatar. Something that is enslaving us, killing our old wise elders and our young. This must be what the commander warned of.' Nerradid looks at Govendar.
Govendar replies 'Yes, you are right. We must find out what the Commander has sent me for. The answers will lie there. Come, we must keep traveling. No place is safe to rest.'
Across the Gallatar, the same thing that happened in that small settlement is expanding everywhere.
Young and old are killed. Those who try to flee or run or are not entranced by the Mondeo gas flowers are slaughtered and cut down by their own kind.
The entranced Madaerka lose their skin color and change to a fiery red and their eyes turn to yellow.
There are other strange beings alongside the Mondeo. Other beings that serve them. They go through, and any in the Gallatar who resist are killed.
Those who do not conform or become their slaves are all but annihilated. The Madaerka and the Madaerkakai begin to flee and hide in places where the Mondeo cannot find them, they live in fear.
Ahmaklear watches this all unfold as he sits. He says to himself 'My master, what has become of you? Where can I find you?'
The Fall of the Gallatar...
The Mondeo have completely conquered the Gallatar. Their Queen, their Mother, Lokunae speaks before all the Madaerka who remain.
Lokunae says 'Hear me, Madaerka of the Gallatar. Serve me, and your children shall no longer die. They will grow and serve me as well. Resist me, and those that do shall meet a bitter end.'
She points her finger at several hundred Madaerka resisters. They begin to be slowly ripped apart. The Madaerka stand in fear and watch.
One Madaerka steps forward before his people and speaks 'We have been given a chance to survive. The great queen Lokunae, mother of the Mondeo, save us. Save our children.'
Many of the Madaerka begin to agree, but there is the absent presence of the Madaerkakai. Most of them have fled and joined other Madaerka in resistance against Lokunae and the Mondeo. They hide in the far reaches of the Gallatar layer.
Lokunae says 'So be it. The Gallatar is now the layer of the Mondeo. We will remain here.'
One of Lokunae's most trusted advisors asks her 'What is so important about this place? What is here?'
Lokunae then looks down on her and says 'This leads to beyond, to what I truly desire. To be Mother of all. To be Omega Supreme. That is the reason I am here.
This layer leads to many others, we shall go to them all. Until I have become what I am truly meant to be. The Omega herself.'
The advisor bows to Lokunae and says 'So be it.'
Lokunae says to her advisor 'Find the rest of this resistance. Find this one they call Ahmaklear, and the one called Govendar. They have secrets and knowledge that I wish to possess.'
The advisor replies 'It shall be done'
The advisor turns to the army of the Mondeo. They are accompanied by other creatures from their layer that resemble large red plants.
They spray the Mondeo toxin everywhere that the Madaerka try to resist or hide. This toxin is lethal and can kill with nothing more than a breath.
Govendar and Nerradid continue their travels. The young girl with them has not spoken a word. She is very small, no more than two or three years of age.
As they travel, Govendar and Nerradid begin to see the settlements that have been consumed and taken by the Mondeo and the ones that have resisted.
They make their way through these settlements acting as normal as they can, Govendar always hiding his face.
He has heard that he is being sought after by Lokunae, who now claims to be the new Commander of the Gallatar, the ever present great Mother.
Statues are erected for the many forms she takes. There is deity worship and there are offerings. Those who cannot pay tribute are taken away.
The Madaerka themselves do nothing when they witness their own kind dragged into the streets, nor when they are taken to meet their unknown fate.
Govendar says 'What have we become?' Nerradid looks down at him.
Govendar replies 'Yes, we have given up all that we have. We live in fear now. Whatever has happened to the Gallatar must be undone. I must find Ahmaklear.'
As they make their way towards the edge of the settlement, a Madaerka who is relaxing with two Mondeo looks at Govendar strangely. Govendar takes a quick glance before turning his head.
The Madaerka stands and yells out 'It is Govendar! The traitor! There he is, I recognize his face!'
Several of the Madaerka guards loyal to the Mondeo begin pouring into the streets. Govendar scoops up the young Madaerka girl accompanying them into his arms and begins to run, Nerradid following close behind. Several of the guards close in on the party.
Nerradid turns around. His eyes flash brightly with silver light. He smashes his hands into the ground.
It sends a shockwave of energy towards the loyal Mondeo guards, knocking them back against the walls of the settlement.
Nerradid then turns to catch up to Govendar and the young girl who continue fleeing from the settlement.
Just over the horizon, there is a large reddish plant-type creature and several other Mondeo. The creature begins to open its petals and sprays its toxin forward.
Govendar uses his cloak, which was given to him by the former Gallatar Commander to protect him from anything. He holds the cloak around him as the toxic gas swirls all around.
Nerradid rushes forward and leaps into the air. His massive hands wrap around the viney stem that holds the petal high. With all his strength he snaps it and rips it apart. The creature falls limp to the ground.
The other two Mondeo begin to change their forms. Taking on their red blob state. They get ready to strike Nerradid as Nerradid's hands begin to form into large silver blades. He cuts through the Mondeo and as the pieces fall, they begin to melt away. Nerradid looks over at Govendar.
Govendar replies 'Yes, I am alright.' He looks down and notices that the child begins to cough. Her eyes begin to change to a different color.
Govendar, in horror, says 'No, little one! No!'
He places his hand upon her head, trying to withdraw the poison from her. He can only take a little before it overwhelms him and he falls backward.
Nerradid picks up the child in his massive hand, and lifts his friend who is weak, and places him upon his shoulder. He begins to carry them off into a forest up ahead.
When Nerradid finds a suitable place, he lays down his friend Govendar who has been fading in and out of consciousness. He is weak from trying to withdraw the poison from the young Madaerka girl.
Nerradid begins to search around the forest. He finds a strange bush covered in bright pink berries. He collects these berries in his hands and crushes them. As the juice flows, he gathers it into a small cup.
Nerradid places the small bowl to the child's mouth and helps her drink it. The changing color in the child's eyes begins to fade and she falls fast asleep.
Govendar then looks over at Nerradid and asks 'How long will that nullify the poison?'
Nerradid lowers his head. Govendar replies 'Then we must find what my master sent me for.'
Govendar rests only shortly before the three continue on their journey. The child still remains unconscious.
Nerradid has only been able to find a few more of the bright pink berries to make the elixir that could nullify the poison for a short time.
They come upon a hill and begin to see things that are familiar. They have been gone such a long time, searching.
Govendar says 'Yes, I remember this place.'
As he walks forward there is a large black tower within the center of a settlement. All around it has been devastated and destroyed.
Govendar says 'I'm back where I started from. I don't understand.'
He begins rushing down towards the tower. The large black tower used to be the center of the Gallatar Commander, Govendar knows it well.
As he enters the settlement he is cautious, but he only finds decaying carcasses of Madaerka. He sees that there must have been some type of battle here. All those who stood against the Mondeo had perished.
Nerradid follows Govendar down to the settlement. Govendar begins to run, rushing towards the large black tower. There the gates are knocked from their hinges. He steps inside and there is nothing but silence.
Govendar wanders around for just a short time inside the large black tower, the place that he used to call home. The place that he remembers where the Gallatar Commander was still alive, and how the Gallatar was free of the Mondeo.
Govendar then hears a whisper, a voice that he cannot make out. He listens closely and hears it again.
The whisper says 'Free me.'
Govendar asks 'Free you? Where are you?'
The whisper replies 'I am here. I have always been here.'
Govendar begins to follow the voice and makes his way up the large black tower. The voice guides him.
The voice says 'Closer... hurry. There is not much time, they come. They will find you, you must awaken me.'
Govendar makes his way up to the central chamber where the Gallatar Commander used to sit. There he listens as the whisper speaks 'You must send me through. You must awaken me.'
Govendar looks around puzzled, he cries out 'But how? I don't understand!'
The voice says 'Sit where your master has sat. See what he has seen.'
Govendar turns around and notices the throne of his former master, the Gallatar Commander. He stares at it for a moment thinking back to long ago.
The whisper says again 'Sit where your master has sat. See what he has seen.'
Govendar then places himself upon the throne and sits. He rests his head against the throne. Flashes begin pouring into his mind and his body becomes tense.
Govendar sees a being, a pink silhouette standing in an array of light. She places her hand over her chest and from it pulls a small black object.
Govendar has seen a similar object before, but of a different color. As he watches, the flashes become more intense and stronger.
The silhouette of the pink being closes her hand around the black object and when she opens it again, there stands a black being.
His mind begins to flash with images as these two similar pieces, one black and one pink, begin to spin so fast that it becomes overwhelming to him. The black one then shatters.
Govendar says 'I hear you. I have seen. I ask you now, be reborn. Live again.'
From behind Govendar, the walls begin to crack, revealing a secret door leading to a large pinkish white hole.
In front of Govendar, rising from the floor, is the strange pink object.
A light flashes from behind Govendar into the object, which rises high into the air and then falls to the ground and shatters.
The portal behind Govendar begins to close and the walls begin to crack. As Govendar regains himself he looks down and there upon the floor lays a female. He makes his way down towards her. He helps her up and wraps his robe around her.
Govendar looks into her eyes and asks 'Who are you?'
The female stares at him for a moment then replies 'I am Ahsvnay. I have been reborn. This is the Gallatar. This place, it is dying.'
She then notices across the room that Nerradid has entered holding a small child in his hands. The child is coughing violently and trembling.
Ahsvnay makes her way over to the child. She looks at the child and says 'This child is of Gallatar. She is special, beyond all. But she is dying.' The child takes her last breath, and her eyes then fade to gray.
Ahsvnay then places her hand upon the child 'You will be reborn today as well. You will be my daughter.'
Energy then flows from Ahsvnay's hand into the child. The child takes in a breath. The child looks up and smiles at Ahsvnay.
Ahsvnay says 'There, that's my little girl. You'll grow strong again. And one day you will rise above any other. I will watch you grow.'
Ahsvnay then turns to Govendar and says 'And you, if it wasn't for your sacrifices, I would not be where I am now.'
Govendar replies 'You must understand the danger of the Mondeo.'
Ahsvnay nods her head in agreement 'Yes I do.' She raises her hand and her form changes to that of a Mondeo female.
Ahsvnay says 'This will hide me for some time. There is much that will need to be done. The Gallatar will be free again, and those who are out there hiding will stand with me. I will drive the Mondeo from this layer and restore order to the Gallatar.'
We Shall Rise...
Ahsvnay and her daughter Avaxa make their way up to a hill. There Ahsvnay sees Ahsurim laying next to Govendar, crouching and looking down into the settlement in the valley below along with Nerradid.
Ahsvnay and Avaxa join them, and together they watch as many Madaerka are gathered, prisoners to be executed.
They watch as several of the Madaerka, and one Madaerkakai are brought before several large red X shaped crosses in the ground. The crowd snickers and sneers at them, shouting curses.
Avaxa looks down upon them in disgust and says 'How could they? We are here to help them. We are here to set all of them free.'
Ahsurim then places a hand upon her shoulder and says 'Do not trouble yourself with this daughter. They are led astray, and they are blinded. But it is fear, fear of Lokunae and the Mondeo. This is why they do as they do. Out of fear.'
When Ahsvnay was first reborn and was awakened, Govendar took her to a Madaerka known as Ahsurim who was leading the resistance against the Mondeo.
Ahsurim took them in and there Ahsvnay began to learn everything about how to resist the Mondeo invasion. Over time their affection for each other grew. Ahsurim even declared her daughter to be his, and together they shared a love.
Under the Mondeo law, there was no love. There were no marriages or unions. Anyone at any time could be picked to serve the pleasures of any Mondeo.
All children were bred accordingly. According to Mondeo law, any children who did not meet the standards were euthanized.
Ahsurim led a small band of Madaerka and Madaerkakai. They performed terrorist attacks against the Mondeo occupying the establishment, freeing others sentenced to die.
The resistance began to grow strong. But it was Ahsvnay who lit the spark which would spread the fire that would bring down the Mondeo.
Ahsvnay revealed herself to those of the resistance and Ahsurim. She came in her Madaerka form, her skin and her eyes glowing a bright pink and her hair rose gold.
One of the Madaerka who was an apprentice to Govendar said that there was a legend. That after the Gallatar Commander was gone, a time of great suffering would come upon them.
It was said the Gallatar Commander would rise again and she would drive out those who invaded and restore order to The Gallatar. Many of those in the resistance believed this to be true, this prophecy. Ahsurim encouraged it.
Ahsurim then says to Ahsvnay 'They have brought many prisoners today. It seems that they plan to execute them.'
Ahsvnay replies 'No Madaerka shall die at Mondeo hands today. Is everyone in place?'
Ahsurim says 'Yes, we're just waiting on your command.'
Ahsvnay says 'So be it.'
She looks over Nerradid and asks 'Are you ready my friend?'
Nerradid bows his head in a gesture of acknowledgment. He turns to Avaxa for a moment and looks at her. He reaches down with his large hand to touch her face and she wraps her hands around his.
She looks into his eyes and says 'Don't worry, I will see you soon.'
Ahsvnay then tells her daughter 'Be ready, be swift, and strike with all the vengeance of the Gallatar.'
Ahsvnay and Nerradid then leave the party, heading off in a different direction than the others.
As they move, Ahsvnay looks back and says to Nerradid 'You feel much for my daughter. You love her and she loves you. When this is all over, I will see the two of you married. There is no one in the Gallatar that I would be more honored to have take my daughter's hand in the sacred bond.'
Nerradid bows his head. The two continue on. They hide behind a hill close enough to the settlement that they can see the loyalists to the Mondeo, and also the Mondeo themselves.
They see the large plant-like guards and the half-breeds that have been birthed from the Mondeo and the Madaerka. Mindless creatures that obey all the Mondeo commands.
Ahsvnay looks at Nerradid, who gives her an unsettling glance. Ahsvnay says 'Yes, there are more than we expected. Nevertheless, no Madaerka blood will be spilled today by the Mondeo.'
She reaches into a satchel on the side of her belt and pulls out a small pyramid shaped object. She opens her hand and the pyramid flies into the air above the crowd creating a bright flash of pink light, blinding all those beneath it.
Just then the sounds of an attack can be heard as the Madaerka resistance begin attacking the Mondeo and try to free their prisoners.
The Madaerka crowd begins to scatter and flee back into their dwellings. All around, the Madaerka resistance and Madaerkakai begin to battle with the Mondeo and their loyalists.
They begin to free their prisoners. Ahsvnay's daughter is trying to free one when several Mondeo loyalist guards begin to surround her.
As the fight proceeds she is able to overcome a few of them, but more and more begin to surround her.
A prisoner tied to the X shouts out 'Is it Ahsvnay? Has she come? Are you her?'
Avaxa replies 'She is my mother.'
The prisoner then says 'I have a message for her of great importance. I am an apprentice, a servant of Ahmaklear. He sent me with a message to find her. To find Govendar. You must free me.'
Avaxa says 'I'm a little busy at the moment. You're going to have to hang tight. Just be patient.'
Two large plant-like creatures begin to bear down upon Avaxa. Then from behind, they are torn apart by Nerradid who attacks from the rear.
The loyalists cannot move quickly enough. Nerradid comes down upon them. Avaxa takes her chance and frees the prisoner, then joins the fight with Nerradid.
When the battle is over and the prisoners are freed, the three Mondeo rulers of the settlement are brought forth. They each appear in Madaerka form with reddish skin.
They are bound and sent to the ground, restrained with shackles that will not allow them to change their form.
Ahsvnay and Govendar step forward. Govendar says to her 'We should keep them as hostages, make negotiations and prisoner exchanges.'
Ahsvnay replies 'No, they would never free our kind. It does not matter. This has gone beyond negotiations. My dear Govendar, they must be driven from The Gallatar completely. Unshackle them.'
Several of the Madaerka resistance look strangely at each other. Ahsurim who joins them says 'You heard her, Unshackle them.'
Several among the Madaerka resistance begin to unshackle the Mondeo then quickly draw back.
Ahsvnay whose back is turned to them looks over her shoulder 'Show me your true forms, creatures. Show me your true power.'
One of the Mondeo says 'Little bitch, you will pay for killing the children of Lokunae, the supreme Mother. You will feel our power and you will serve us.'
The Mondeo creatures change into their blob-like red forms and begin to strike forward.
Ahsvnay bows her head 'Your power here in the Gallatar is at an end and mine will rise.'
With that, Ahsvnay turns around. Three pink coils come from her hand and pierce into the Mondeo creatures. They crystallize and shatter.
Govendar says 'I have seen this before, long ago. You are the Gallatar Commander. The power is within you.'
Avaxa and Nerradid then join up with Ahsvnay, Govendar, and Ahsurim. They bring the freed prisoner who drops to his knees and bows his head.
The apprentice says 'Ahsvnay, I bring you a message of great urgency from my master Ahmaklear.'
Ahsvnay replies 'I have heard of Ahmaklear. What message could you bring from him? It is he whose voice speaks to the people and urges them not to rise up against the Mondeo. To wait, to be patient. Claiming that in time all things will resolve themselves.'
The apprentice answers 'My master only speaks those words to calm the people of their fears. To give them hope, but you are their hope Ahsvnay.'
The apprentice looks at Govendar and says 'Ahmaklear sends his greetings to you. He says you have found what the Commander sent you to find and now it is time for her to rise. But I must warn you, Lokunae has begun the process of moving beyond this layer to the next. If she absorbs the power there, she will become unstoppable.'
Ahsvnay replies 'I will bring the end of Lokunae and I will drive the Mondeo from the Gallatar.'
To be continued in Gallatar Laws of Blood...
True Self Connection...