Reckoning of the Gallatar

This is a combined origin story with those from another layer. The layers I know of in order are Existence, Outside Existence, Non-Existence, Infinite, Anti-Existence, Mondeo, Keyfashanar, Gallatar, and Voxdayin. There are 15 layers in the puzzle with the Gallatar at the center. We are all within a great puzzle.
First I shall share some facts about the Gallatar. The Gallatar is the Command Center for the entire puzzle and all its layers. You could consider it the mind of the puzzle.
The population is 8 trillion Maderka and 60 trillion shadows. The Maderka are different colored with flames and shadow. Like I have shared before the archtecture and sky is very much like Suramar in World of Warcraft.
You know how in Midgard in the Army has ranks and a chain of command. That is how the entire society here works. All of it operates as chain of command. All have a rank and status based by birth father.
It is like being conscripted into the military at birth. That is how it is here. All follow the chain of command. Male and female. Young and old. This is a very disciplined society.
When two Maderka come together in union they get a symbol upon their forehead. The female takes upon the symbol of the male and vise versa.
So if you see a Maderka with a symbol you know who their life mate is. If they don't have a symbol then they are single.
When a Maderka dies they go to the Great Collective Mind. Every Maderka is an intricate part of this.
What you need to know before you read the Origin Story...
Rurxaxia is Veskian the daughter of Avaxa. Asteria is a projection of Avaxa. I find it interesting that Rurxaxia was also born to Astiera.
Set is Nunetian. He was the Minister of Shadows before he went to Existence.
Avaxa was High Chancellor. 2nd in command after the Gallatar Commander. She had to take on the role of Minister of Shadows.
So there is the High Chancellor, Minister of Shadows, and Minister of Gallatin.
Mevinah is Iveskin. He was the Minister of Gallatin. This basically means Minister of Affairs.
When Ahsvnay became the Gallatar Commander she established high born and low born rank. What she calls the Blood Law of the Gallatar. This did not sit easy with the low born. She did what was called the Reckoning.
The leaders of the dissenters were old elder Madaerka that were with the Alpha projection GC. Ahsvnay decided who was high born and low born and she placed them and their bloodlines in low born ranks.
Avaxa is still the High Chancellor and also Minister of Shadows. Under the Alpha projection GC it was Govendar as High Chancellor and Ahmaklear as Minister of Shadows.
The Origin Story begins... A low born graffitis a statue of Ahsvnay. It says ‘Never forget Ahmaklear.’
Never forget Ahmaklear…
Nunetian makes his way followed by the royal guard. These are large shadowy looking beings. There before him stands the Gallatar Commander Ahsvnay, and Iveskin the Minister of Gallatin. He listens in to the conversation before he makes his final approach.
Ahsvnay says ‘And how long has this disgrace been on my statue? Can you answer this? You are the Minister of Affairs. You should know of these things and the goings on of the Gallatar. Is that not what your position requires you to do? So tell me. How long?’
Iveskin says ’Not more than a day, your grace.’ He bows his head.
Ahsvnay has a disgusted look on her face and says ‘Not more than a day? Do you know what could happen in not more than a day? This vile plague of filth upon the low born. This ideal of them being elevated to a position that they are not born into. Look at where it has driven them. To defile the one who saves them. To defile me, their grace.’
Iveskin bows his head and says ‘I understand, your grace. This is a crime, and it is a defilement of one who vanquished the Mondeo. And one who had set up the laws and brought prosperity to the Gallatar.’
Nunetian intervenes and says ‘And they will be punished accordingly, your grace.’
The Gallatar Commander returns the gesture and says 'Tell me, Minister of Shadows. What have you found?’
Nunetian replies ‘We have found the perpetrators of the defilement.’
Nunetian motions his hand backward, and the shadowy guards bring forth two young teenage Madaerka. Low borns.
The Gallatar Commander says ‘So these are the two? These are the two who wish to defile an honorary statue of mine.’
Nunetian then replies ‘Yes. It is their job to maintain and polish the statue, and instead, they have chosen to defile it.’
One of the teenage Madaerka begins to speak ‘We were not defiling it. We were only speaking the truth.’
With that, Nunetian smacks him across his face and says ‘How dare you speak to the Gallatar Commander in such a way. How dare you speak before Ashvnay. What shall I have done with them?’
The Gallatar Commander Ahsvnay replies ‘Imprison them.’
Iveskin then says ‘But they are so young. Wouldn’t a reconditioning program be better instead of just laying out eternal imprisonment for them?’
The Gallatar Commander turns to him and says ‘This would not have been on display for less than a day if my Minster of Affairs would have seen to it right away. And if my Minister of Affairs would not allow these what I hear are secret meetings. If he would not allow them to happen then such propaganda among the low born would not spread.
They have places of meetings set up by the Gallatar system itself. The laws that I have placed. That is why we have prosperity. These two take it for granted and take my generosity for granted as well. They are employed. They have jobs.
Everyone has a place within the Gallatar. There is no starvation and no famine. The low born should know their place as the high born know theirs. These are the laws that keep our system prosperous. But I see that the affairs of the Gallatar much exceed my expectations for you.
I understand that there is so much to do within the day so I am going to relieve you of this task. You will continue on with the other Gallatinian affairs, and the Minister of Shadows shall root out this dissension.
Bring the perpetrators and the ringleaders before me, and we will have no more talk of this low born propaganda. Now bring some of those workers to remove this “it should not be seen for more than a day.” Return to your duties.’
They both bow, and at the same time say ‘Your grace.’
As the Gallatar Commander leaves, Nunetian walks closer to Iveskin. He says ‘It’s gotten a bit out of your hands I see. No worries, I will take care of this, and we shall not hear about it anymore. I am very honored to relieve you of such a heavy task.
I know being a Minister of Affairs… it’s a job I wouldn’t want to wish on anybody. A job that is too overwhelming of a task for myself. I currently in my position feel I am better off.
I could not take on such a heavy load as you do. But I am here to help you, my friend. I will handle this propaganda being spread among the low born. I will root it out, find the perpetrators and the ringleaders, and they shall be sentenced to the prisons.’
A disappointed look crosses Iveskin’s face. Nunetian then says to him ‘Oh, do you not agree?’
Iveskin replies ‘Maybe you don’t remember too much. You were very young then. But I remember a time when things were different. Though there was much despair, and the Mondeo that came. With us being without a Gallatar Commander, all hope seemed lost.
Now our grace came. She saved us. She restored order and vanquished the Mondeo, driving them from the Gallatar. All of us here are forever thankful for that. But there was a time when things were much different.’
Nunetian says ‘Oh I remember a time very, very well. I may have been young, but my memory serves me correctly. I wouldn’t be in the position I am in now if it wasn’t for the former Minister of Shadows. The one whose name defiles the statue of the great Gallatar Commander now. I remember him. I was his student.
Do you think me so naive to not remember the way things were? I remember Ahmaklear doing nothing. I can remember her coming to him and searching for answers to vanquish the Mondeo from our system from our layer. He did nothing, and now the low born speak his name as if he is the Gallatar Commander himself. Well, those who did nothing during then… why should their names be remembered? And that is my job now as the Minister of Shadows.’
Iveskin replies ‘A job I’m sure you personally enjoy.’
Nunetian replies ‘It does have its perks, let me tell you. And if you will excuse me, I will have to go now and enjoy some of those perks. Oh, I have a message for you.’ Nunetian hands over what appears to be a silver looking scroll. Iveskin opens it and reads it.
Nunetian says ‘So tell me. Is that your ultimate plan? This little romance that you have with the Chancellor’s own daughter. Tell me. Will you both become life partners? Mates for eternity.’
Iveskin then says to Nunetian ‘If you will excuse me, I have to go. I do not have time to sit here and gossip with you.’
Nunetian says ‘Then see to it.’ He bows his head.
Iveskin makes his way to Veskian’s villa. Veskian and Iveskin have had a romance for some time although have never consummated it. As he enters the villa, he sees Veskian. She is out on the patio in the garden. She turns to him and smiles. Iveskin bows and returns the smile.
Iveskin says ‘My lady, I have received your message, and I have come as you requested.’
Veskian replies ‘Must I send a carrier and a message every time to have you come see me?’
Iveskin says ‘I received it from the Minister of Shadows himself. No carrier.’
Veskian’s face kind of frowns. She says ‘Hm. I see that he still chooses to intervene between what you and I have. Something that he’s always wanted. Something that I could never give him.’
Iveskin says ‘But you share it with me, and that I am thankful for.’
Veskian says ‘Me and the Minister of Shadows, we are of two different worlds.’ Veskian walks over to Iveskin, and the two place their arms around each other and embrace. She moves back for a moment, and looks in his eyes.
Veskian says ‘Tell me, what is troubling you?’
Iveskin then replies ‘Ah, you even know the way I feel. There has been a lot on my mind. This propaganda among the low born. I have dealt with a lot of flak from the Gallatar Commander herself for it.’
Veskian steps away and goes to gather a drink with them both. She says ‘Yes, my mother as Chancellor speaks of it all the time. Low born and their unhappiness in their positions. But they are the low born, and it’s only a small fraction of them. I tell my mother that.
Most of the lower born are happy where they are. There is never any need nor want. The children are fed, taught well. They have everything. The Gallatar Commander provides for them, and plus they have so many other things that are provided from the Gallatar Commander.
In fact, the Great Games! All the low born pay no admission to enter, whereas high born, for our seats we… they’re… well hah, we have been there before you and I. They’re not cheap.’
Iveskin then nods, smiles and replies ‘No they aren’t. But they are worth the price.’
Veskian then looks at him for a moment and says ‘However, you feel differently.’
Iveskin then replies ‘I just remember a time long ago. I know that there was strife, I know that… there was much suffering. But there was a different feeling and I can’t quite put my finger on it. The way I felt back then and the way I feel now. I am thankful for the Gallatar Commander and everything she has done, and I will always serve her loyally. But something inside me, something I just can’t figure out. A feeling.’
Veskian says ‘A feeling? Hmm. Well, can I share a feeling that I have deep inside?’
Iveskin smiles and then replies ‘Of course. You may share any feeling you wish with me. But right now the positions, the Minister of Shadows, even the Gallatar Commander herself, they may not agree with that.’
Veskian says ‘The Minister of Shadows may try to make you look out to be anything that he can use against you. But I know what is inside you. I know you loyally serve the Gallatar Commander. I know you would never ever undermine her.’
Iveskin says ‘I wouldn’t, and I’m glad that you know this as well. But still, I sense and feel something is not right.’
Veskian smiles and embraces him. She kisses him upon the lips. She then says ‘Maybe you and I are of two different worlds, but it is one world that we will share together here. I know that in time.’
Avaxa the High Chancellor, and Iveskin the Minister of Gallatin, are standing before the unfinished structure which is to be the main living headquarters of the Gallatar Commander.
Iveskin says to Avaxa ‘And have you spoken to them? They will not go back to work?’
Avaxa replies 'The foreman, Gauntian. It is he who has convinced all the other low born not to finish the work that is required upon the Gallatar Commander’s grand tower. It was his son who was the perpetrator and defiler of the statue of the Gallatar Commander only a few days ago.’
Iveskin then replies ’So because of his son’s arrest he is protesting, and others are choosing to follow him.’
Avaxa replies ‘Yes. I cannot convince them to return to work. They wish to speak to the Gallatar Commander. And you know where that will get them. However, she is already on her way here.’
Iveskin then replies ‘I must do everything I can to defuse this situation.’
Iveskin hears a voice from behind him. It is the Gallatar Commander. She says ’There will be no situation to defuse. Tell me exactly why they refuse to finish the work that has been so graciously given to them?’
Avaxa replies ‘It is the foreman, Gauntian. It was his son who was arrested and imprisoned.’
The Gallatar Commander says ‘And then why do the others refuse to work?’
Avaxa replies ‘I do not know, your grace. Maybe Gauntian has convinced them of his plea, and his anger. Maybe they share it. I would suggest the wisest course of action, your grace, is to possibly release those from prison. And then the work upon the tower can continue.’
Iveskin then says as well ‘And it would defuse any further situation, and would show that your grace is very merciful.’
A stern look crosses the Gallatar Commander’s face. She says ‘Merciful? It would show that I am lenient to those who I provide so much for. And this Gauntian. Is he not a foreman? Is he not in charge of the low born? He has been quite blessed by the system and laws that I have put in place. And this is how he repays me for his own son committing a crime against me and then paying the punishment for it?
No, my Minister of Affairs. To do this would show that I am not merciful, but that I am lenient and weak. There are laws that I have set in place that has maintained the prosperity of the Gallatar. Laws that are simple enough to follow, high born and low born both alike. I do not see the high born children defiling such things. Everything that I give to the low born.
There are many things that they share that is available to them without a cost. They enjoy the games and the events that are constantly put on throughout the Gallatar where the high born have to purchase the seats and have to take time out of their busy schedule even to attend such events.
Everything has been provided for the low born. There is none who have not a home to raise their families. All have sufficient amount of work to keep them busy. Their children have the finest free schools to attend, where the high born have to pay for their children to attend the universities. And here you are asking me to be lenient.
Have I not been lenient enough with them? No. They will not be released, and the workers will continue. Gauntian shall be brought before me. I will decide what to do with him. But because the low born seem to have an admiration for you, my Minister of Affairs, it is you who will deliver this message. I want them back to work within the hour.’
Another benefit that the low born have is that their children are never sent to war. If there is ever an invasion it is the high born who fight.
As she finishes speaking, Nunetian the Minister of Shadows arrives and says ‘I am here, your grace. I will disperse this rabble and arrest them.’
The Gallatar Commander raises her hand and says ‘Be patient. I do not wish to punish all of them just for one low born man’s anger against me and the laws that I have put in place because his son is a disrespectful, defiling little criminal. The Minister of Affairs shall handle this. If he cannot successfully then I will need your services in the matter.’
Nunetian bows his head and says ‘Your grace.’
The Gallatar Commander Ahsvnay now turns back on Iveskin. She says ‘Well now go. Bring Gauntian to me, and have the workers return to work within the hour.’
Iveskin bows his head and says ‘Your grace.' He turns to leave to go face the protestors and deliver the message of the Gallatar Commander.
The Gallatar Commander then leans over to Nunetian, the Minister of Shadows, and says ‘Go with him but do not make yourself known to the crowd. Just be there on standby. If there is any dissension, any questioning of the message I have had him deliver, arrest them all and imprison them.’
Nunetian bows and says ‘Your will shall be done, your grace.’
Veskian arrives. She sees her mother standing there with a concerned look upon her face.
The Gallatar Commander turns to notice her and says ‘Ah! There you are.’ The Gallatar Commander smiles and places her hands upon Veskian’s face.
Veskian bows to her and says ‘Your grace.’
The Gallatar Commander says to Veskian ‘Ah, I see you take after your mother here. So concerned with the affairs of the Gallatar and the goings on. Is that what brings you here?’
Veskian replies ‘Yes, your grace. I have heard of the dissension amongst the workers. There are rumors amongst the low born of secret meetings.’
The Gallatar Commander replies ‘Are there now?’
Veskian says ‘Yes. I have heard through many of my friends and many of the high born who have listened into the low born servants talk of…’ She leans in closer to the Gallatar Commander. ‘They talk of rebellion, your grace.’
The Gallatar Commander leans back from Veskian and says ’Oh do they now? When the Minister of Shadows returns, I shall have him search these secret meetings out. We shall see if the low borns wish to rebel.’
Veskian bows and says ‘Your grace.’ The Gallatar Commander leaves.
Avaxa stands in front of her daughter and says to her ‘You should not tell the Gallatar Commander of such things that are rumors. There is no evidence or proof that the low born would ever rebel. It is only but a few of them that believe this propaganda brought on by the elder lower born.
You must understand that when the laws were put into place, they wanted the high positions. High positions that none of them fought for against the Mondeo. That is why the Gallatar Commander has chosen who is high born and who is low born.
Those who fought with her and the families who did, and the men and women… they have earned their place. These other low born did nothing during that time. They hid. They did not choose to fight.
It is just this small rebel, most of the lower born are very very happy here amongst the Gallatar. But my daughter, I am disappointed in you. To come to the Gallatar Commander with just talks of rumors. You must understand that they can go from beyond just rumors.’
Veskian bows her head and says ‘I believe I understand, mother.’
Avaxa is speaking the truth when she talks about the low born. The low born elders in the centers actually did nothing when the Gallatar Commander was trying to vanquish the Mondeo. They did nothing and that’s how the high born got their rank. They’re the ones who fought with her and many families. The low born did nothing which is why they received nothing. Veskian’s father died during that time when she was very young, and he was really close to the Gallatar Commander.
Iveskin approaches the small crowd of workers. There is Gauntian standing before them. He is speaking. Iveskin listens in before he interrupts.
Gauntian says ‘How many of our children and our children’s children may never rise above cleaning the waste of the high born or serving them. Wasn’t always so. There are some elders who speak of a time when it wasn’t who your father was or the Laws of Blood applied, but anyone could rise to a high position, even beyond!
My son only spoke of what he knew, what he heard. He is a child. And we all know that young children’s mind especially amongst us, who are called the low born… they like to think of a better place. We look upon the high born and where they live, their position, and our children look upon them with envy. My child was only envious, was only guilty of being envious. Nothing else.’
Just then the crowd turns their attention towards Iveskin. Iveskin has come down. He speaks to the crowd 'The Gallatar Commander has sent me to speak with you. Gauntian, you should come with me to speak to the Gallatar Commander. She asks that the rest of you should return to work. This affair will be handled, and after that, there should be no more dissension'
The crowd notices the guards that are with Iveskin. They murmur and talk among themselves.
Gauntian then says ‘And the Gallatar Commander is ready to hear my grievances, or will I share the same prison fate as my son did?’
Iveskin then replies ‘You know the laws very well, Gauntian. I will stand beside you when you speak to her. I will do what I can for you and your son.’
Then one of the crowd cries out ‘And who’s son will be next?! Or who’s daughter?! No one is even allowed to think. Also the low born are not allowed to have an opinion of anything! We are just to work.’
Iveskin says ‘You are allowed to have opinion on whatever you want. It is that when you go and disgrace the Gallatar Commander and all that she has done for the Gallatar is when you have committed a crime. And the laws apply to anyone, young and old. We have known this for generations, but we have also known prosperity. Do not forget that when you speak so ill of the laws that have been placed.’
The crowd then begins to talk angrily amongst themselves. Many more shouts are heard ‘TO HELL WITH THESE LAWS!’
Another voice is heard ‘There was once a time when the laws did not pertain to one class or another!’
Another man cries out ‘There was another time when we were all free, all equal!’
Just then silver-like coils begin wrapping around those in the crowd. All around them they have noticed the giant rose silver colored guards. There they see the Minister of Shadows. Other shadowy guards then follow him down and approach Gauntian.
Iveskin says to Nunetian ‘What are you doing? This is my situation. This is my task set before me by the Gallatar Commander.’
Nunetian then turns to him and replies ‘And I am doing my task set forth to me by our great commander.’
The shadows then begin to wrap around Gauntian, imprisoning him.
Nunetian says ‘Take them all to the dungeons as well as this one. Make sure he is put into a pain cell.’ A pain cell is a cell meant to inflict pain. All the centers of the low born are taken away. Iveskin looks at Nunetian.
Nunetian bows to him and says ‘Your lordship, Minister of Affairs.’
Iveskin looks and says ‘You do not know what you have caused.’
Secret meetings…
A group of low born Maederka have gathered within a hall. There an elder who is a leader in the community, Bessin, begins to speak.
The crowd around him of low born Maederka seem angry. They talk of Gauntian and his arrest, and the arrest of the workers.
One of the females cries out ‘How much longer will we be subjugated to such laws?’
Another male cries out ’There is something that must be done. Too many of us have had family and loved ones imprisoned for the simplest offenses of speaking out. Of trying to explain to those of what us low born feel. How we feel inside. Why is it that we are never allowed to rise from the positions we are?’
Another female Madaerka cries out ‘Yes! Generations from now. Generations of the same thing. Are we no more than slaves?’
Bessin then raises his hands, his son standing next to him. He says ‘Listen please, listen. There is too much anger amongst us now. This anger can boil over and cause much worse outcomes. We must look at this. We must be able to come together to present our case to the Gallatar Commander. Simple things. I believe if we all come together and present this to her, she will understand.’
A female Madaerka yells out ‘Maybe it is time for more than just talk. Maybe it is time for action!’ The crowd then begins to agree with her.
Bessin raises his hands trying to calm them down. He says ‘Please, brothers and sisters. We must talk this through. We must not resort to violence. We must refrain from anger. It will only cause more problems for us, and there will be no solution to our cause.’
Then the chamber doors burst open. Shadows begin to fill the room, wrapping around everyone, restraining them. Some begin to move and escape the shadows. The Minister of Shadows Nunetian himself appears before Bessin.
Nunetian says ‘Bessin, leader of this community. You are all under arrest. The charge is treason.’
Bessin’s son strikes forward at Nunetian, almost hitting him. He says ‘You will not take him!’ The shadows restrain him before Bessin’s son can land a blow.
Nunetian says ‘How dare you. A low born striking out at a high born. Are there no laws amongst you anymore?’
There are laws for the low born and amongst the high born over disputes. Where one among the low born can challenge another among the low born to a trial of combat, a fight, or anything under the laws if there is a dispute over anything.
The high born can do the same thing, but a low born cannot ever challenge a high born. They are not even allowed to lash out and strike a high born.
Nunetian says ‘You shall feel the pain you wish to inflict upon me.’ Nunetian raises his two fingers and presses them to the head of Bessin’s son. Pain inflicts through his body. He yells out in agony.
Bessins stands and says ‘Stop, please. I will go willingly.’
The Minister of Shadows Nunetian turns to him and says ‘Oh I know you will.’
All of those within the meeting are rounded up. Their homes are then taken over by the shadows of the Minster of Shadows Nunetian. Their families are dragged out and imprisoned.
Veskian and Iveskin are standing upon his balcony at his villa. All through the night, many low born are arrested. The high born watch down at the valleys below as the Minister of Shadows and the Shadowy guards along with the Rose Silver guards round up many of the low born Madaerka and begin to imprison them.
Veskian places her head upon the chest of Iveskin. She says ‘I believe this will cause more pain and suffering than we have known in a long time here in the Gallatar.’
Iveskin says ‘I don’t know if things will ever be the same.’
My laws…
The Gallatar Commander is awoken by one of her court members. She asks ‘What is it?’
The court member bows and says ‘Your grace, the Chancellor wishes to speak with you.’
The Gallatar Commander says ‘Why? What has happened? Is there an invasion?’
The court member says ’No, your grace. It is the low born.’
The Gallatar Commander stands and says ‘So it has come to rebellion.’
The court member says ’No, your grace. They are not uprising in the streets. They have not resorted to violence. From what the Chancellor has spoken of, none of the low born have chosen to complete their work tasks.’
The Gallatar Commander then says ‘Take me to the Chancellor. I will speak to her myself.’
The Gallatar Commander enters her audience chamber. There Avaxa, Veskian, Iveskin, and Nunetian are awaiting her.
Avaxa says ‘Your grace, you have received my message and come with urgency.’
The Gallatar Commander cuts her off and says ‘Tell me. Are the low born refusing to work today? How many of them?’
Iveskin then steps in and says ‘Almost all of them, your grace.’
Veskian then says ’The whole system of the Gallatar will fall apart if they are not returned to the tasks that are set before them.’
The Gallatar Commander says ‘And what has caused this rebellion upheaval?’
Iveskin then looks across at Nunetian with an angry look upon his face. He says ‘The Minister of Shadows went around arresting anyone suspected of having secret meetings. Many of them are believed to be innocent and are not the centers of it, your grace. They work and live peacefully, and enjoy what your grace provides for them here in the Gallatar.’
The Gallatar Commander then turns her glance to Nunetian the Minister of Shadows and says ‘Is this true?’
Nunetian says ‘It is true, your grace. I have arrested those and the family members of those rumored to be involved in this propaganda and secret meetings.
We are just holding them now. We have not imprisoned them yet until the truth is known. However, your grace, the others have chosen on their own not to complete the task before them.
It is a rebellion. Although they have not resorted to violence, the system will collapse if the daily tasks are not completed by the low born. All of the high born are here completing their tasks set before them trying to restore order to their provinces.
News is coming in from all around the provinces. It is very difficult, but it is only a matter of time that the low born may rise up. And they may resort to violence and an open rebellion against your grace.’
The Gallatar Commander then turns her attention towards Avaxa and says ‘And tell me Chancellor. Is this true?’
Avaxa then bows her head and says ‘There is talk amongst many of the low born who have chosen not to complete their task for the day. But it is only a few numbers.’
Nunetian the Minister of Shadows then intervenes ‘For now, but like any fire, it will grow.’
The Gallatar Commander then rears back ‘Then arrest those. Bring in the rest of the ringleaders who wish to speak dissension and any of those who wish to speak open violent rebellion against me. All of them. It is my laws that have kept the Gallatar prosperous.
It is these ones who chose long ago not to abide by them because they did nothing. When the Mondeo came, they sat there and did nothing. They are still holding a vendetta against me that I put them into a low born position.
They chose that position long ago, and now they choose open rebellion against me. Minister of Shadows, bring them all in. And bring me these elder Madaerka who are the ringleaders.’
Nunetian bows and says ‘It shall be done.’ The Gallatar Commander leaves the audience chamber as well as Nunetian. Iveskin, Veskian, and Avaxa look long at each other.
Avaxa says ‘There is a reckoning coming. One that shall be remembered, but one the rest of us will soon forget.’
It’ll never end…
All across the Gallatar, many of the low born Madaerka are rounded up. The elder leaders are also captured. They are brought before the Gallatar Commander. Many are imprisoned. For the ringleaders, it has been decided that they shall join the great collective.
The Gallatar Commander has them placed upon a high platform. There a strange object floats up in front of the throne of the Gallatar Commander, and above the platform. Strange light comes from the Gallatar Commander into the object, out from the object, and into the elders.
After it is done, lifeless grey corpses fall to the ground. The object then floats back beneath the chamber where it came from. The Gallatar Commander slumps within her throne.
The Gallatar Commander says ‘Chancellor,’ she looks over at Avaxa. Iveskin, Veskian, and Nunetian are also present. She continues ‘Release the others. All those who had been rounded up. Gauntian and his son shall stay within the prison. The rest shall return to their task. I will be merciful. The Gallatar itself has lost much this time. Now we must all restore prosperity, and move forward.’
Avaxa bows and says ‘Yes, your grace.’
The Gallatar Commander then says ‘I have a task. It’ll never end. It may come around again, this propaganda and talk. Long ago it is known that Ahmaklear left the Gallatar. I need you to find him. Bring him back here. Let him explain the time before. Ahmaklear will let the low born know of how the Mondeo came and the Gallatar almost fell to them. Then they would see. They would understand why my laws are in place. Minister of Shadows, Minister of Affairs. I shall grant you permission to leave the Gallatar.’
Avaxa steps forward and says ‘And I shall go with them to see that this task is carried out, your grace.’
The Gallatar Commander says ’No, I cannot send you. Your task here is too important. Plus your eyes already stretch beyond the Gallatar. I need you here to tell me what happens.’
Veskian then steps forth and says ‘I shall take my mother’s place then. I shall go with both ministers to assure that they find Ahmaklear and bring him back here.’
The Gallatar Commander says ‘I understand, but I also understand that you do it out of love for the Minister. I admire that between you two. So go, and go together. Work together. Bring Ahmaklear back.’
The Gallatar Commander then rises from her throne. A strange light then begins to surround her. It pours into Nunetian, Veskian, and Iveskin. Their images begin to fade as the light fades.
Avaxa steps forth and says ‘They have gone beyond the Gallatar now. Into existences, places, and layers unknown to us.’
The Gallatar Commander then replies ‘And may all my love go with them. Protect and watch over them.’
The Gallatar Commander turns to Avaxa and says ‘You will assume all their titles. You will be the Chancellor, Minister of Shadows, and Minister of Gallatin Affairs. I need you here for your eyes have already projected out beyond the Gallatar.’
Avaxa bows her head and says ‘Yes they have. And I know that my own daughter as well as Nunetian and Iveskin. I know what awaits them. They have many trials before them, and they may never return home.’
The Gallatar Commander places her hand upon the shoulder of Avaxa and says ‘That may be, but only time can tell that.’
Note: Avaxa knew what awaited them because she already had projected as the Aspect of Truth. That is how she remains in the Gallatar as Avaxa but is also in Existence as Asteria.
Rurxaxia, Set, and Mevinah are NOT projections but are Veskian, Nunetian, Iveskin directly. They are from the Gallatar yet are here in Existence. They are no longer in the Gallatar system.
After the Post...
I think many are not commenting because they are looking at it from an Existence point of view. They do not realize what the Gallatar actually does. It is the command center for the puzzle.
If it falls into chaos then the entire puzzle falls including all the layers. It is upon the shoulders of Ahsvnay the Gallatar Commander to make sure that the functioning of the puzzle remains as it should.
It is not just a layer, it is not to please the low born. The entire puzzle depends upon it. The Alpha projection commander was kind and compassionate and that is what was about to cause the downfall of everything. She changed his policies to protect everyone.
The low born got their positions because they didn't do anything when the Mondeo invaded and could have ruined the entire puzzle. They would rather hide and let everything and everyone else fall. Why should they hold the high positions that we all depend upon?
The high born fought and sacrificed themselves and their families to save and protect the Gallatar and the puzzle itself.
So you may dislike Ahsvnay all you want, but she keeps the puzzle functioning. You continue to exist because of what she does. If the system falters then we all do. She is harsh because she has to be. It is what works.
True Self Connection...