Gallatar Laws of Blood

This is a continuation to Mondeo Invasion of the Gallatar...
Govendar asks 'Are the people ready? Is it time for us to rise again and take what is ours?'
A crowd of Madaerka who had fled to their dwellings begin to reemerge. They look around. The village elder steps forward.
The elder says 'You don't know what you have done. You will bring the full force of the Mondeo down upon all of us. They will kill our children, and most likely all the rest of us. This has brought about our end.'
Ahsvnay turns to the village leader and says 'Remember this Madaerka. You will carry on and pay the price of your fathers here and now and for generations to come. When I have driven the Mondeo from the Gallatar, remember that I spoke of this. Spread the word.
Rise with me against the Mondeo and drive them from here, or let your name be that of the low ones who stood by and did nothing. Let it carry on through generations. This is the choice I leave with you.
When I have driven the Mondeo from the Gallatar remember what I have spoken here today. Now let the word spread, rise with me and we shall all rise together.'
Several of the Madaerka begin to speak quietly amongst each other 'We must flee. There is no time. The Mondeo will come and we will all die. Gather your things.'
Most of the Madaerka begin to gather their things and make ready to flee. However, there are several who step forward to Ahsvnay and drop to their knees.
They say 'I am willing to give my life to return The Gallatar to the way it was.' One by one they speak the words 'I will serve you with all that I am.'
Ahsvnay says 'Remember what you have vowed here today. If you should die, your sons and your daughters and your name shall carry on throughout The Gallatar for all of time.
Your children will always be raised to be the ones who stood high and rose with me to drive out the Mondeo.'
Ahsurim then says to Ahsvnay 'We should go. The Mondeo will soon send reinforcements to find out what has happened to the settlement and the Mondeo here. All of the Mondeo are connected to Lokunae, when they die she knows.'
Ahsvnay turns and places both her hands upon the face of Ahsurim and says 'Do not fear my love, nothing will ever tear us apart.' She kisses him on the head.
Ahsurim replies 'I would give my life for you. I would give my life to see you rise.'
Ahsvnay, Govendar, and the rest of the Madaerka resistance then leave the settlement and head back to their main base of operations to plan the next assault against the Mondeo.
On the way back, the apprentice of Ahmaklear begins to speak. He tells them that his master has found a way to open places beyond The Gallatar, even beyond the Mondeo.
He says his master must meet with Ahsvnay. There is something she must do for him and then she will rise to her greatness and become the Gallatar Commander.
Rebirth of Lokunae into Tokunae...
Where Lokunae has set up her palace in the Gallatar can be screams heard within her chambers. She cries out 'Bring me the host! Bring it to me now!'
Lokunae is in her humanoid form, laying nude upon a bed. A young Madaerka female is brought in.
Lokunae looks at her and says 'Come, come closer child. I will not harm you. I am here to love you and you to love me. Come closer.'
The Madaerka female seems entranced and steps forward. The guards around her undress her.
She walks forward towards Lokunae. Lokunae then extends her foot out. The Madaerka female grasps it and begins licking, caressing, and kissing it.
Lokunae says 'Ah, you're perfect in every way.'
Lokunae then spreads her legs, and a red flower appears. She says 'Come closer child. Taste my nectar.'
The Madaerka female places her face between Lokunae's legs and the nectar flows from the flower into the Madaerka female's mouth. She swallows it. She is intoxicated with lust, but then something strange happens.
Her stomach begins to protrude outwards and move. She then begins to choke violently and red ooze begins to pour from her eyes, mouth, and nose.
The Madaerka girl falls to the floor and out of her is birthed a reddish blob. Lokunae rises from her bed and picks up the small Mondeo blob in her arms.
Lokunae says 'Our true forms are so beautiful, yet so misunderstood. My little Tokunae. Take her to the Mondeo. I will never die. I will always be part of the Mondeo and exist within it and beyond.
Once I have figured it out... and I am so close, I am so close to it now. Extending myself beyond this layer. Closer to becoming The Omega. I will rule over all. All will lust for me, all will serve me.
Now go and take me. Take myself, my daughter. Rise and grow within the Mondeo, then from there outward as I go upward through the layers. All shall call me Mother Supreme Omega.'
One of the Mondeo speaks 'Mother, but what of this Ahsvnay? It is said that she holds power beyond all Madaerka. That her resistance grows and that Govendar is there guiding her.'
Lokunae then grins and chuckles 'I know where to strike her. I know what she loves. She has taken children from me. Now I will take from her. It has already been done.'
She raises her hand and the Mondeo leave. Lokunae is standing in front of what appears to be a large unopened portal.
Lokunae says 'I want you to come to me Ahsvnay. You are the key to the next layer and beyond and I will use you as one. When I am done, I will discard you like the garbage you are. Only one can be The Omega, and it will be me.'
Joined Together...
In the main base of the Gallatar resistance, there is a celebration. Ahsvnay has decided not to wait.
She brings forth her daughter Avaxa and the Madaerkakai she has known since her rebirth, Nerradid.
As they join together in the middle, Ahsvnay speaks the words 'Your love for each other is unbreakable. No matter what, the bond will always remain. Let it be here now and forever. Govendar, bless them.'
Govendar steps forth 'Your bond of love is strong and I bless this. All the Gallatar shall remember the love that you both have.'
The two embrace and then Ahsvnay says 'By the laws of old, by the laws of the Gallatar, my daughter, and my friend. You are joined as one.'
Ahsvnay then moves her hand into the air as if drawing. Symbols begin to appear upon Avaxa and Nerradid's foreheads. All around cheer.
Ahsurim then moves to stand beside Ahsvnay and says 'Maybe one day I will be honored to wear your symbol upon mine.'
Ahsvnay smiles 'One day soon enough, when the Mondeo are gone. I would be honored to join as one with you.'
Govendar then steps in to speak 'Ahsvnay, we should go. Ahmaklear's assistant says that time is running short.'
Ahsvnay makes a gesture in agreement to Govendar. She looks at Ahsurim 'I will return soon. Please, don't have any fun without me. I don't want to miss anything.'
Ahsurim replies 'The only fun I'm going to have is the celebration of your daughter... my daughter.'
Ahsvnay presses a finger to his lips 'Our daughter. And yes, enjoy the celebrations. I will return soon.'
Avaxa and Nerradid then retire to their marital chambers. The other members of the Madaerka resistance continue to celebrate.
Meeting with Ahmaklear...
Ahsvnay, Govendar, and the apprentice of Ahmaklear travel far across the Gallatar layer. They are traveling to where Ahmaklear has remained in isolation and exile.
When they reach the destination where Ahmaklear has hidden, Govendar, Ahsvnay, and the apprentice enter the chamber where Ahmaklear is sitting in front of a black mirror.
Ahmaklear speaks 'I knew you would come. Govendar, it has been some time. But I see that you found what the master sent you to find, and here she is.'
Ahsvnay steps forward 'Tell me Ahmaklear, why would you have me come here? You speak against everything that I do. You say that the Madaerka should not rise against the Mondeo, to be patient.'
Ahmaklear replies 'And they have been patient. I have told them to wait, and for good cause. You are here now, and I can go, go beyond.' Ahmaklear leans forwards stretching his hand toward the black mirror.
Ahsvnay says 'Go beyond, leave the Gallatar behind, everything. Where will you go, Ahmaklear? What is out there beyond it? Other layers such as the Mondeo?'
Ahmaklear says 'The one I am meant to find. The one you will find again in time. But you must endure first. You must suffer, you must know pain. If you are to rise, this is the only way.
You will and it is the only way that you will be able to drive the Mondeo from the Gallatar and slay Lokunae. First Ahsvnay you must suffer, and when you have, return to see me. Now go.'
Ahsvnay steps forward 'This is all you have brought me here for? To tell me that I must suffer in order to rise? Well, there will be no suffering. The only suffering that there will be is amongst the Mondeo. When I and those around me drive them from the Gallatar.
And where will you be Ahmaklear? Here. I will come back to you on that day when Lokunae is dead and the Mondeo have been driven from the Gallatar. That is the day we will speak again. Now I shall go.'
Ahsvnay and Govendar turn to leave. Ahmaklear says to Govendar 'She will understand, and it will make her who she is.'
Govendar looks back at Ahmaklear 'And you?'
Ahmaklear replies 'My fate lies beyond, far beyond here.'
Ahmaklear bows his head and remains silent as Govendar, Ahsvnay, and Ahmaklear's apprentice leave the chamber and return to the Gallatar resistance base camp.
Reclaiming the Gallatar...
Ahsvnay and Govendar have returned from their visit to Ahmaklear.
Ahsvnay's daughter Avaxa confronts her. She tells her that Ahsurim has gone out with a rescue party. They were ambushed as though it were a trap. All were captured or killed.
Avaxa tells her mother that Lokunae herself plans to execute Ahsurim in front of all the Madaerka.
Ahsvnay then says to her 'I will not let that happen. I will bring down Lokunae now and set the Gallatar free of Mondeo rule. Ahsurim will not die at her hands.'
Govendar then steps in and says 'This is a trap. This is for her to lure you out. You cannot go.'
Ahsvnay looks at him angrily 'I will not let her kill him. He will not fall.'
Govendar replies 'You are making a grave mistake.'
Ahsvnay responds angrily 'There is no mistake here. The only mistake was made by Lokunae when she decided to put on her grand spectacle and tried to execute my love. This will not happen. Today the Gallatar shall be reclaimed.'
Ahsvnay then turns to leave. Govendar stays in his place. Avaxa asks him 'Will you not go?'
Govendar replies 'I... So many will die. I will not be part of this.'
Nerradid looks down at his old friend. Govendar looks up at him in return and responds 'Then we will meet again.'
Nerradid departs with Avaxa. They themselves and the Gallatar resistance follow Ahsvnay.
In the former capital of the Madaerka where the Mondeo rule, there is a grand spectacle. Many of the Gallatar resistance have been captured and placed upon X shaped crosses and torn apart. There in front of them all, on the main platform, is Ahsurim.
Lokunae turns to address the crowd 'Look before you. Look at he who defies me. All of those who follow him have given their lives for a worthless cause, a cause that I intend to end today. The Gallatar is part of the Mondeo now, and shall forever be.'
The crowd turns as they notice Lokunae looking off into the distance at something. There they see upon the hill Ahsvnay and the Gallatar resistance along with her daughter Avaxa and Nerradid.
Lokunae smiles and grins 'Good, she has come. Now it is time. Time for me to claim what I have come here for.'
Lokunae yells out 'Listen here! I have your love! And you shall witness him being ripped apart! Once I am done I shall decimate those who follow you and stand against me. They will all die before your eyes.'
Ahsvnay looks down angrily and speaks 'The Mondeo shall die here today... and you with them.'
Lokunae smiles and laughs 'So be it.' She raises her hands. Ahsurim who has been chained to the large X begins to feel it tearing him apart.
Ahsurim yells out 'Ahsvnay my love. Become who you are and remember all that we have given. Know that I shall forever love you. You are the Gallatar.' With his last breath, he is ripped apart.
Ahsvnay screams in anger, crying out Lokunae's name. The resistance begins to attack. They rush forward towards Lokunae and the Mondeo and those who guard them.
The battle ensues, Ahsvnay making her way ever closer. Cutting down Mondeo and those that serve them alike. Making her way closer to Lokunae.
Lokunae stands unphased looking down at Ahsvnay coming across the field of battle. She says 'You come this far, but you are a naive girl.'
She raises her hand, and from behind the resistance, more Mondeo and those who serve them begin to attack from the rear.
Nerradid who is close by the side of Avaxa begins to telepathically speak to her. Avaxa replies to him 'You are right, my love. We must retreat. We are overwhelmed.'
Ahsvnay looks around and sees her comrades falling. She notices her daughter signaling to sound a retreat. Ahsvnay has no choice, she nods her head.
Avaxa then sends a light flare into the air. It explodes high above like a silver firework. Those fighting for the resistance begin to retreat but are slowly cut down, many do not make it.
Avaxa, Ahsvnay, and Nerradid begin to flee, trying to hold off their enemies while their comrades escape.
Lokunae laughs 'Now there is no place to run girl. You will unlock what I have come for. Now I will take everything from you. This is where you break.'
Lokunae changes into her true form. She is a large reddish colored blob. Many tentacles come from her and pierce through the resistance. They begin to melt away.
Lokunae says 'Now girl, all those you love and care for, your entire resistance, will die.'
Lokunae begins to charge forward towards Ahsvnay while she is distracted and does not notice her closing in from behind.
Nerradid jumps before her as Lokunae attempts to strike with her tentacles. They pierce through him as Avaxa cries out 'No!'
Ahsvnay turns to see the last look in Nerradid's eyes. As he begins to melt away, he reaches his hand towards his love Avaxa, but it is too late.
There is a blinding silver light that flashes from behind Avaxa and Ahsvnay. It seems to be a type of silver fire. It burns the Mondeo creatures nearby, but it only blinds Lokunae.
From behind the silver flames, Govendar cries out 'Quickly Commander! This way, hurry!'
Ahsvnay takes her daughter by the arm and says 'We must go. We will avenge him, I swear to you. But now we must go.'
The two run past Govendar. With one final burst of energy, Govendar lets out large blades of silver fire.
Then they escape to the forest, into a hollow and down a secret passage. Here they meet with others who fled from the battle.
Ahsvnay looks at them 'This is not over. It will never be over until Lokunae is gone and the Mondeo are vanquished.'
Avaxa begins to weep. Ahsvnay places her hand on her daughter's shoulder and looks her in the eyes 'We will avenge him. I swear to you, we will avenge him...
I swear to all of you. Those who have stood by me and those who have fallen, your names will be carried on forever. Your sons and your daughters will live upon high when I finally drive the Mondeo from this layer.'
One of the Madaerka replies 'And how will you Commander? There are only but a few of us left.'
Ahsvnay bows her head and looks at Govendar. He says 'Because the Commander now knows true suffering.'
True Suffering...
What is left of the Madaerka resistance has gathered at the base camp. Ahsvnay begins to tell them to prepare for the final battle against Lokunae. She will draw her out and she knows where to do it.
Ahsvnay tells Govendar 'Take them all to the place where the Gallatar Commander once stood, where he once presided over the Gallatar.
Wait there for me to return. Tell them, let them know that the Gallatar Commander shall rise again and that the Mondeo shall suffer.'
Ahsvnay looks at her daughter. She takes her hands in hers and says 'I wish you would go into hiding, but I know you will not.'
She then places her hand upon her stomach and says to Avaxa 'Even with child, you choose to live free or die. You are the best daughter a mother could ever ask for.'
Avaxa replies 'And you are the best mother any daughter could have. But I do not plan to die. I plan to stand next to you and watch Lokunae and the Mondeo pay for what they have done to the Gallatar. And if not, then we shall all be together in the Great Collective hereafter.'
Ahsvnay then touches her daughter's face and says 'If that is to be our destiny then we will be reunited with the ones we love.'
Ahsvnay departs, returning to the place where Ahmaklear resides. She steps into the chamber.
Ahmaklear is before the black mirror kneeling. He says to her 'You have returned, Gallatar Commander. Tell me, have you learned of suffering?'
Ahsvnay replies 'I have lost almost all that I have loved. I know suffering now.'
Ahmaklear then rises and turns to face Ahsvnay 'Then you are ready, ready to claim the Gallatar.'
Ahmaklear reaches into his robe and pulls out what looks like a black crystal shard. He says 'There is one more task you must do before you can drive the Mondeo from the Gallatar, before you can kill Lokunae.'
Ahsvnay then replies 'What is it I must do?'
Ahmaklear says 'You must send me. Send me beyond this layer. There are things, places beyond here that await me. I still serve my master and I always shall. In time, he will rise again. But never in the Gallatar, for it will become yours.'
He places the black shard in Ahsvnay's hand and then exposes his chest. He says 'Now, send me where I need to go.'
Ahsvnay hesitates for a moment, but then looks into the eyes of Ahmaklear. She raises her hand and upon bringing it down, uses the black crystal shard to pierce his chest.
Ahmaklear and the black mirror behind him shatter. A voice is heard 'Now go and rise. Reclaim the Gallatar.'
Ahsvnay bows her head 'I shall do that and more.'
Ahsvnay then makes her way to the old capital inside the great black tower where Govendar and the rest have been waiting. Outside Lokunae and her Mondeo have gathered around.
Lokunae cries out loud 'The time has come, little girl. The time has come for you to give me what I have come here for. What I desire. You have nothing left to fight for and only a few stand with you.'
She then looks down at the remaining resistance forces, less than five hundred Madaerka and two hundred Madaerkakai. They are outnumbered by an army of thousands.
Avaxa is at the front of the formation. She raises her hands and looks up at the black tower where Ahsvnay looks back down upon her. Ahsvnay nods her head.
The Madaerka and Madaerkakai begin to clash their weapons and shields together as they all sound their battle cries.
Lokunae grins at them all 'So be it.' She gives the command and the Mondeo army rushes forward. Lokunae then begins to float herself into the air towards the dark tower. She says 'I will have what I came for.'
Ahsvnay watches and then steps inside. When Lokunae arrives, she lands upon the top platform of the tower which leads into the chamber where the throne sits.
Lokune says 'So child... you willingly give me what I come for.'
Ahsvnay turns and says 'I have come to give you nothing. I have come to offer you a quick death. You and your Mondeo will never return to the Gallatar. I will slay you all.'
Lokunae grows angry 'You do not understand the power I have. But now you will feel it for yourself.'
Lokunae turns into her blob form. Her tentacles lash out everywhere within the throne room, striking at Ahsvnay as she dodges them. The tentacles wrap around the gates.
Lokunae says 'Now watch foolish girl, as I go beyond.'
Lokunae begins to tear open the gates to the portal to the layer beyond that sits behind the throne.
Govendar off to the side surprises and ambushes her with silver fire. Her tentacles snap free.
Lokunae exclaims 'I have grown tired of you, die!'
Her tentacles wrap around Govendar. Stingers like thorns protrude from the tentacles, piercing into Govendar's skin.
Govendar then bursts into bright silver flame burning them, but he falls to the ground. His bright silver form turning gray.
Ahsvnay turns and charges towards Lokunae, a black shard in her hand. With one swift strike, she pierces deep within Lokunae.
Bright pink light begins to surround Lokunae who begins to scream and cry out 'This cannot be! What is happening!?'
Lokunae starts to harden, turning to reddish crystal along with all of the Mondeo outside. Those who serve them begin to stop fighting and stand still in a trance.
The light coming from Ahsvnay and inside Lokunae begins to grow brighter. Outside all of the Mondeo shatter. Lokunae herself begins to crack.
Lokunae says 'This is not the end. I will be reborn. I have been reborn, and I will continue beyond here. One day I shall return.'
Ahsvnay replies 'And if you do, in whatever form or rebirth, I will be waiting.' She then concentrates a full burst of energy. The pink light shatters Lokunae.
Ahsvnay falls to the floor unconscious. Govendar regains himself and picks her up. He places her upon the throne.
The gates open from behind and the black shard crystal floats up. It begins to spin rapidly and there is a flash of black light. The crystal is gone.
Ahsvnay regains herself and looks down upon Govendar. She can tell that he is weak and that he may be dying. She helps him and places him upon the throne.
She looks him in the eyes and says 'Be well, my friend. Never leave here. For if it wasn't for you, none of this would be possible.
You have raised me and awakened me. You brought me to my rebirth. Go now beyond the layer until you must return one day. Where I will be waiting.'
Ahsvnay places her hand upon Govendar's head. There is a bright flash of pink light. Govendar's form sits motionless in the chair of the old Gallatar Commander.
Ahsvnay kisses him upon the forehead 'Until you awaken again, my friend.'
The Madaerka who were under the influence of the Mondeo begin to regain themselves. The yellow in their eyes fade away.
Outside what is left of the resistance begins to cheer as Ahsvnay joins them down below before the black tower.
Ahsvnay speaks 'I am the Gallatar Commander. Today is a new dawn for the Gallatar. Let those of you who have stood beside me, those of you who have lost most of what you have loved know this.
There will be peace within the Gallatar. You will be the high born. Loyal to myself and the Gallatar. Always to rise if it ever comes under threat again.
As for the other Madaerka, they will be the low born. Everything will be provided for them by the Gallatar.
These will be my first laws of blood. Let the fathers that have paid the price, the sons shall then follow. Those fathers that gave everything for the Gallatar, their sons shall be placed high.
For the fathers of those who wished not to fight. Who ran, or were scared, collaborated with the Mondeo... they shall be placed low for all generations. But there will be peace amongst the Gallatar and there will be balance.
These are my first laws of blood. This place here will be sacred. Only those chosen who have stood beside me today may come here.
For Govendar who brought me to my rebirth, awakened me so that I may rise and reclaim the Gallatar, rests here. Remember his name. Remember what he sacrificed and it will remind you of everything that you and the Gallatar have sacrificed.
I will always protect you. I will always uphold the Gallatar. I will rule as its Commander.'
All the Madaerka, Avaxa included then bow to Ahsvnay. She walks over to her daughter and places her hand on her chin and raises her up.
Ahsvnay says to her 'I will need a chancellor and I can think of no one better. This is a new dawn.'
She places her finger and traces the symbol upon her daughter's head, which disappears.
Ahsvnay says 'Remember your love for him. You will not be joined here. Only when you meet again in the Great Collective beyond. For now, you are here with me.
If it is true what Lokunae says, that there are places beyond these layers of the Mondeo and the Gallatar, then we must find a way to see beyond them. We must travel there. We must see.
If there are any threats that lay beyond, we must be ready. If the day ever comes when the Gallatar is threatened again, we will rise. I will rise as its Commander. Now let there be peace.'
True Self Connection...