How the Vanatorin Became the Anti-Existence

We are all within a great puzzle. Some of you may know that I have been on a journey through the puzzle layers.
The layers I know of in order are Existence, Outside Existence, Non-Existence, Infinite, Anti-Existence, Mondeo, Keyfashanar, Gallatar, and Voxdayin. There are 15 layers in the puzzle with the Gallatar at the center.
This is a combined origin story for the survivors from the Vanatorin layer. Doumarae who was Olkia Father of Seas, Aeveron who was Versis Mother of the Lands, and Tia-Nan who was Kinetta Mother of the Skies.
Lavingos are land dwellers. Kalsavauts are sky dwellers. Ceanusikaia are water dwellers. Though there are many different kinds among them.
It was once a layer of Natural sentials. This is how it became the Anti-Existence. The origin story begins...
The waves crash upon the shores and the rocks. There upon a small beach many Sakwandenondopok have gathered.
They await the arrival of their mother, Versis. There several of them look down upon a strange being that they have never seen before.
Their kind are the wisest among all of the land dwelling Natural sentials that dwell in this layer before it became the Anti-existence.
They are almost primate looking like monkeys with long tails, but yet they are more reptilian in shape. They have shiny green skin, yellow underbellies, and large black eyes with antennae coming from their head.
One of them asks the others ‘This is a strange being. I have never seen a creature like this before.’
Another one says ‘It must have come from the sea. Mother will know. Mother will know everything about it. Once she has its scent she will know if it is from the land.’
The others lift their heads and their antennae. They smell the air. They can sense that mother is coming. Making her way through the shrubs and down towards the beach is Versis, the one they call mother.
She was born long, long ago and she carries the mark of one chosen to become the mother of all upon the land. Her skin is a blueish color. Her underbelly is a light blue. Her large eyes are not black like the others, but a teal green. She works her way down to the shore. Several others of her kind greet her, and they lower their heads.
One says ‘Mother, this strange creature that came from the sea, it is unlike any others that have ever washed up on the shores of any of the lands.’
Versis makes her way down to the body of the sential being. It is long, silverish color in skin but yet sparkling. There are two eyes, two slits for a nose and one seems to appear for a mouth. The being is wearing tattered rags, they are blueish in color. The being is dead.
Versis sniffs, smelling the beings scent. She pauses for a moment and says “This is strange. I have never had this scent of the being like this upon land. Nor have I ever smelt the scent of any that has ever washed upon our shores. Only the Father of the Seas would know. He would know this being’s scent. I must call upon him.”
Versis then tilts her head up. From underneath her neck forms what appears to be like a large plume. It looks like a cobra plume. Her eyes close and would appear to be like gill pores open up on this plume that has come from her neck. A large high pitched sound begins vibrating from her.
Versis was born like the Mother of all upon the Land before her with the same abilities, the same unique scent, and this same unique ability to call the upon the Father of all Seas.
The other ones of her kinda stare at her for a while and then they look out across the water. The song that is vibrating from her plume then silences. The flaps closes around her neck again and she looks out across the sea.
One of her kind asks her ‘Will he come?’
Versis then looks down and says ‘I know he will. He will never never not come when the song has been called from land.’
As they watch out across the waters there begins to appear a wake within the waves. There is something approaching towards the shore. It is a large being. A large shadow of a large creature. It rolls in with the tide.
This looks like a large octopus looking creature. He is red in color, and has two huge yellow eyes. It has many, many arms. What looks like one hundred arms. There is a horn within the middle of its head. A black horn.
This is Olkia, father of all the Seas. He speaks in a low, low tone ‘Versis, I have heard your song upon the waves. You have called for me. What is it that I may assist you with?’
Olkia is unique amongst his kind. They are the wisest of all the creatures that dwell within the seas. He himself is unique. Like the father of seas before him, he has many, many arms. More than what is usual for his kind. And a large black horn. This represents the father of all seas.
Versis replies to Olkia ‘There is a strange creature that has washed upon our shores.’
Olkia looks down at the strange sential being, then looks back at Versis.
Versis continues ‘Have you ever seen one of these within your seas or the rivers that flow from them? I have taken in the creature’s scent, and it is not known among those of us who dwell upon the lands.’
Olkia’s tentacle goes forth and places itself upon the creature. Olkia’s eyes begin to close.
Olkia says ‘This is no creature from the seas. If it is not from the seas, or from the lands, maybe it has fallen from the great skies.’
Versis then asks ‘Then maybe Kinetta knows of this being? Maybe this is a creature that has fallen from the great skies above.’
Olkia then replies ‘I will call to her upon the storms. If this is a creature that dwells within her great skies then she will know of it.’
Olkia then rolls back into the ocean. He begins to spin very, very fast. The horn upon his head begins to glow. Above him storm clouds gather and lightning strikes.
Above the storm clouds, a large Pokwok is flying. A Pokwok looks like a large turtle shell with huge wings, but with no turtle head. There are two large eyes coming out of it that look almost crab-like.
Among the Pokwok have always dwelled the Hiunervastjudeh. These are the wisest among all the beings that dwell within the skies.
One of them notices the thunder clouds below, and they listen. They begin to sniff the wind that is blowing.
He says ‘Ah the father of all seas calls! I must go to mother.’ He lifts his large wings up and begins to fly.
These kind look almost dragon-like, but with more of a reptilian bird kind of mixture. They have large black feathers. Their heads look almost like raptors except with a beak. They have large talons and underneath claws that are black in color. Their eyes are black.
As the Hiunervastjudeh flies across the sky, there are large rock formations and land formations floating high above the clouds.
As he begins to get closer, others of his kind join him. He shares the news with them that the father of all seas is calling for the mother of all skies. He lands upon one of the high floating land formations.
There sitting in a large nest is the mother of all skies. She is larger than the rest of her kind, and her feathers are a pure white. Her eyes are a sky blue, and the tip of her beak seems to be silver. Her underskin is a light blueish color. Reptilian looking.
Kinetta speaks to him as he lowers his head. She says ‘What is it that you fly with such urgency, my child?’
He speaks to her ‘Great mother of all skies, I have watched the storms gather upon the seas, and I have listened upon the wind. I have heard that the song of the father of all seas is calling to you.
Kinetta rises from her nest. She makes her way to the edge of the floating land mass. She looks down, and can see the storm gathering. She then raises her large white wings and flies off the land mass down towards the storm.
Below her she can see Olkia and Versis. There is also a strange sparkly silver type looking creature laying on the sands where the land meets the sea.
As she lands, Versis and Olkia bow in a fashion towards her. She returns the greeting.
Olkia says ‘Mother of all skies, I have called to you as Versis has called to me. There is a strange creature. It is not of the land or of the seas. We were wondering, did it fall from your skies?’
Kinetta leans down towards the dead creature. She sniffs at it. Her eyes close for a moment.
Kinetta says ’No. I have never caught the scent of this type of creature before. It is not from my skies.’
Versis asks ‘If it is not of the land, and not of the sea, and not of the skies… then where did it come from?’
Kinetta says ‘Wherever it has come from, it is dead. We should leave it to the Watiwondun.’
Creatures are already beginning to feast upon the limbs of the dead sential being.
Olkia looks at Versis and says ‘I agree. The creature is dead. We shall leave it to the natural ways of things as all things are here. Let those feast upon it so that its flesh may feed them and their young.'
The natural order of the Vanatorin layer is that they know no war. They do not know vendettas or conquering. They are natural sential beings. There are certain laws.
The duties of the mother of all lands, mother of all skies, and father of all seas is to ensure that no creature or species here begins to overtake another. There is a natural law and a natural order of things here.
Versis then says ‘But if there is one then maybe there is more. It had to have come from somewhere. Is it a male or a female?' She then begins to lean down and sniff the creature again.
She rears her head back and says ‘I cannot tell, but its death is beginning to be bloated and foul. The stench of it has become putrid.’
Olkia then says ‘If there are more then they may come, but if they do not come from the land, or the skies, or the sea, then that means they come from somewhere else.’
Kinetta says ‘And what will we do when more come?’
Olkia replies ‘We should watch them and see what kind of creatures they are. What do they hunt? What do they eat? How do they run? Do they live in packs and colonies, or are they solitary? Maybe this one is just a solitary one.’
Versis then says ‘I would agree. Whatever these creatures are, they must be solitary. For this one has traveled alone and has died alone.’
Olkia then says ‘Yes for all creatures who dwell alone always die alone.’
Kinetta then says ‘So it is agreed. Let this creature undergo the natural order of things. Let his flesh feed those who feast upon it and their young.’
Versis then says ‘Agreed.’
Olkia then acknowledges it and says ‘Agreed.’
Kinetta then spreads her large white wings and flies back up to the skies. She says ‘Until next time when we must speak again.’
Olkia says to her ‘Until next time. And to you, mother of all lands, if any more shall wash upon the shores, let us know. Call to me again.’
He turns away and disappears beneath the waves. Versis looks at the others of her kind, and they look down at the little crabs that are feasting upon the body of the sential being.
They turn and begin to move away and head back to the forest where they live within the trees.
As the others leave, Versis then turns her head and looks back at the sential being. She says ‘Wherever you come from, if there are more of you… I wonder if they will come too.’
They multiply fast…
Many years have passed. There upon the shores where the land meets the sea, there are three of the silver sparkly type sential beings. They are dressed in blue attire. They have come from another layer.
One of them tells the others ‘This is a place. Look at the resources here. There are none who will hunt us here. We have found a home. Bring the others here, and we shall start building a colony.’
The sential being’s name is Comon. As he looks around he hears rustling off in the tall grass a little ways from the beach.
He tells the others that are with him ‘Bring the activation devices through and the first of the settlers. We shall establish a Goshia site colony here. I want to explore a little bit.’
Comon then begins to walk towards the grass. There he looks down and sees these strange little creatures. Reptilian primate like with very silky green skin. They look up at him.
Comon looks down and says ‘And what are you little fellas?’ He kneels down towards them.
These creatures unbeknownst to him speak to each other. They begin making what appear to be chirping sounds to him. But this is their form of communication.
One tells the other ‘What is it? What is it? It is tall and large.’
Another one tells the other ‘We do not know. Is it harmful? Did it come to hunt us?’
One at the far back then says ‘Mother knows. Mother knows of these things.’
As Comon reaches his hand down to touch one of the creatures, it begins to chirp louder and they run off into the brush.
Comon looks. He sees a very large lush forest off in the distance.
Comon places his hands upon his hips and says to himself ‘I’m going to like this new home.’
The others of Versis’s kind run back to her. She is gathered in a burrow underneath a large tree. As they scurry in, many of their kind are within the burrow itself. Their heads tilt up and they notice the ones running in. They begin to sniff the air and can sense urgency, and that their brothers and sisters are frightened.
The creatures make their way down to Versis who is laying in a nest upon many eggs. There young ones of her kind are all around her. She raises her head and looks at those who have entered.
They kneel before her. One of them says ‘Mother! Mother, a strange creature. It is upon the shores where the land meets the sea.’
Versis raises her head and says ‘Oh? Tell me of this. What does this creature look like?’
Then one of her kind begins to describe the creature that they saw upon the shores. As he is describing it, Versis’s eyes light up. She pulls herself from her nest, and the young ones gather upon it.
Versis says to the messenger ’Take me to this being. I wish to see it.’
One of the other smaller female creatures says ‘They are not alone, mother. There are more of them. Two others.’
One of the other creatures says ‘They may be a hunting pack.’
Then another male creature replies 'No. It looked at us with curiosity. It didn’t seem like it wanted to do us harm.’
Versis says 'I wish to see these creatures. Take me to them. Lead the way.’
They scurry out of their burrow, and head high into the trees. Versis and the others climb the tallest tree. There she looks out. Her eyes then flash from the color that they are into a more glowing green.
The frills from under the neck unfold. Versis is looking out upon the shore. There she is observing three beings. Three creatures that she has not seen in a long time, but she recognizes them. She can remember the scent as she breathes it in on the wind through the frills on her neck.
As she gazes down at them, she sees some kind of strange shimmering. What appears is a portal, but her kind do not know what portals are. She watches as several other beings begin to step through. There are many of them. Her eyes widen.
The others around her ask ‘Mother, what is it? What do you see? Do you see the strange creatures?’
She says ‘Yes I do, but there are more of them. They multiply fast.’
One of the other females then says ‘Mother, shall we call upon father of all seas, and mother of all skies?’
Versis says 'No, not yet. Let us watch them for a while. Let us see what these strange creatures do.’
All of the others agree. They scurry back down the tree except for Versis. She stares for a while watching the creatures as they bring through strange objects that seem to create other strange objects.
Strange like rock looking buildings. She has never seen things like this before. What the sential beings are making are homes for themselves.
She then notices the silver shimmery portal glow larger, and a large object comes through it. This object places itself upon the waters, but does not float out or swim. She does not understand what it is. Is it a creature that lives upon the water? It does not seem to go beneath the waves. It is strange. She does not understand it.
As a few months go by, Versis and others then move closer and closer to the sential beings settlement. They see them as they begin to clear the grass around the shores, and then dig up the dirt there. The ground beneath it.
Versis watches as they plant strange plants that grow into silver shimmering trees. She watches the large object upon the water leave daily, and then return.
They are carrying large silvery cubes, but she does not know what is in them. She sniffs the air and she can only smell the scent of creatures from the sea, but they smell of death.
Versis then works her way down towards the large shimmering trees. She sees one of the creatures. It seems to be gathering a fruit from them. She raises her frills beneath her neck and begins to smell to pick up the scent of the creature. She also smells the scent of the blossoms upon the silvery trees and the fruit that it produces. She wants some of it. It smells delightful to her.
She notices that one of the fruits has fallen from the tree. She scurries over to it. There she picks it up within her two little claw-like hands. She takes a bite of it. It is sweet. It is like no other fruit she has ever tasted. She then hears a noise, but she cannot make it out. It is coming from the strange creature.
Comon laughs and says ‘Little one. I have not seen one like you before little scurrier lizard. Do you like that fruit? Would you like to have another?’
Versis looks at the strange creature and the noise it is making. She does not understand if it is trying to speak to her, or if it is calling for others.
The creature reaches into the strange silvery bag that it is carrying on the side. It pulls out and produces one of the fruits in its hand. The creature then makes a strange noise.
Comon is saying to Versis ‘Come little one. Here. I will not harm you. Come. This is for you.’
Versis then sniffs the scent of the air again around her with her frills. She is trying to pick up what the sential being’s body language is. Is it aggressive?
It doesn’t appear to be so. It appears to be more gentle. More welcoming. She crawls forward and takes the fruit from Comon’s hand. She begins chewing it. Comon reaches down with his other hand and pats her head.
Versis rears back for a second, still holding the fruit. She looks up at the being. The creature then begins making more strange noises she does not understand.
Comon is saying to her ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. You’re just so fascinating. Where I come from, most of the animals and plants there are dead. Taken over by the Matawan. They hunt my kind now. We have come here to make a new home. Do not worry, little one. I am your friend.’
Versis senses the body language of the creature. She knows it does not wish to cause her harm, but yet she is still weary from totally approaching and getting closer. She scurries off with the fruit back to those of her kind. She tells them of her encounter with the strange creature.
They drowned them…
Upon the great sea, a strange silvery looking craft speeds along the top of the waters. There beneath it many strange type fish begin to scurry away.
One of them is a large looking goldish, reddish color shark with long dorsal fins, and large rose teeth. It swims down. As it goes more towards the depths, it begins to vibrate a noise. It is calling out to the father of all seas.
Far beneath the waves in an underwater cave, the father of all seas rests. He opens his eyes slowly, and his black horn on the center of his head begins to glow. He is sensing the calling. He removes himself from his lair and swims upwards where he greets the goldish reddish shark-like creature.
Olkia then says to him ‘What is wrong? Tell me. Something has startled you. What is it?’
The shark-like creature makes a series of underwater vibration noises almost like sonar.
Olkia’s eyes grow wider and he says ‘So they have returned. Show me where you have seen this strange creature that crawls upon the surface.’
Olkia follows the shark-like creature. They swim faster and faster. As they approach the surface, the shark-like creature begins to draw back. Olkia can see something above the waves. It seems to be almost standing upon it.
It is a large silver looking object. Something that he has never seen before. As he draws closer to it, a strange bright blue jellyfish creature begins to swim towards him. It begins to emit the same underwater sonar type speaking.
It is telling him ‘They are drowning them. They are drowning all of them.’
Just then something splashes beneath the waves. It is a strange silver type looking object with many holes in it. It drops far, far down. There are schools of other creatures gathered around looking at it.
It is inviting to them. The strange glow of it allures them. Olkia focuses on the strange object beneath the waves. Then his eyes light up in fear.
He calls out to them ‘My children, flee!’
Before most of them can react, the large type object which is a silvery net closes around them, pulling them to the surface. Olkia can hear the panic of all those creatures, but it is soon silenced as they are pulled above the waves.
Olkia grows angry. He begins to swim faster closer to the strange object floating above the waves, but as he draws close the object moves away at fast speeds. Olkia begins to follow, but he cannot keep up.
Olkia then breaks off his pursuit. He says ‘You strange creatures. You take from my seas. You kill so many. I know where you dwell where the land meets the waters. I will find you there, and you will answer for what you have done.’
What is war…
Comon then is standing at the front of the craft speeding along the water.
He says to one standing beside him ‘It has been a good harvest this year, and the sea is plentiful. Our civilization grows, and we are happy. Our people have found peace, a new home where we can live without fear, persecution, and slaughter.’
The being next to him says ‘Yes.’ Comon then looks back out towards the land coming upon him. He says ‘I think I will spend time in the orchards today. Hopefully my little friend will return.’
The craft docks itself, and Comon and the other sential beings depart. Comon heads to his orchards where as usual Versis is waiting in the tall grass.
Comon reaches into his bag and pulls out a fish. He beckons Versis over. He says ‘Come little one. I have something special for you today. Try this.’
Versis notices Comon. She sees him holding something in his hand. She knows that when he comes to visit her here, he always brings her something good to eat. She walks over, but then she stops. Her frills lift up. She begins to sense the smell of death. This is a child from the sea.
She says ‘Olkia would not be happy by this.’ Versis rears back from Comon, and runs back into the grass.
Comon says ‘Strange. She must not like fish.’ He places the fish back in his bag, and returns to his dwelling.
In the great skies above the clouds, Kinetta flies with many of those of her kind. They are on their annual migration. Kinetta is happy. It is the ending of a season.
Here in their lair seasons can last for thousands of years. At the ending of a season, there is a long period between the next.
They are making their way home. The great cold song is upon them, and the time of the warm whispers is over. As Kinetta and them fly, something behind them begins to shake the skies.
Some of the others look back, and Kinetta then looks back herself. A strange glowing gold circle has appeared in the sky, and something is coming through it. It is a large gold metallic like flying creature, but it gives off no scent.
Many of Kinetta’s kind begin to panic. They cry out to her ‘Mother! What is it? What is it?’
The Matawan…
Aboard the gold craft, Ions says ‘Well look at these flying ones. Here’s your chance to get in a little target practice before the assault upon them. They are hiding here somewhere in this layer. We will hunt the rest of them down, and bring Comon back where he will be assimilated.’
Some of the other gold type sparkly beings in the bridge of the ship nod at Ions. They place their hands upon the controls of the vessel. They press buttons, and little levers with triggers on them appear in the consoles before them.
Kinetta and those are flying, but they are flying faster. It seems that the large sparkly gold object is following them. Just then strange flashes of energy come from it.
As Kinetta looks around she sees a few of her kind shriek and burn and fall from the sky. Something has hit them. Something has come from this strange object that is chasing them.
More and more energy flashes come from the strange object striking more and more of Kinetta’s kind.
Kinetta calls out to them ‘My children! Fly like you have never flown before. Faster! I will deal with this strange beast.’
Onboard the vessel, one of the beings says to Ions ‘Look at that one. The big white one. That must be the big male.’
Ions looks down and says ‘You fool. The females are always larger in any animal species. That must be the big bird herself. Hand the controls targeting to me. I want to shoot this one down.’
The other being aboard the ship says ‘Yes commander.’
In front of Ions, a console appears and the same lever with trigger appears upon the console. In front of them is a large screen. Upon it shows crosshairs. It is targeting Kinetta. Ions says ‘Time to put you down.’
Kinetta begins to gather some energy within her. Just then energy bursts come from the large goldish vessel towards Kinetta.
One of her kind yells out ‘Mother!’ and flies towards her. The energy blasts hit the creature and burn it as it goes falling to the ground. Kinetta can hear its shrieks as it disappears beneath the clouds.
Kinetta then grows angry. With all the energy within herself she lets out a loud shriek. The sound waves echo across the air and the sky, and turn into bright white blazing fire.
Aboard the craft the commander says ‘Brace yourself!’ The craft is struck by the fire, and burned some of the side. Alarms begin to sound upon the craft.
The commander says ‘Quickly! Head for one of those floating land masses. We must land there before we crash.’
The craft makes it way towards the large floating land mass and lands upon it. A hatch opens up, and several of the sparkling gold type beings depart from the craft including Ions himself.
Ions asks one of the other beings ‘Detach the smaller landing vessels. Have you picked up on their location?’
The other being replies ‘Yes. They are not very far from us.’
Ions says ‘Then we shall strike them now. Get everyone ready.’
A type gold craft detaches itself from the side of the wounded larger vessel. Many more of the strange gold beings begin to come out of the vessel, and take their place upon the other crafts. Ions himself is the last to enter upon the small landing crafts.
Ions says ‘Take us down.’ The crafts begin to fly away from the large floating land mass, and down through the clouds. Beneath them is an ocean and a shoreline. There is the settlement of Comon’s people.
The crafts begin to accelerate faster. Down below, Comon looks up towards the sky. He then sees shimmering objects. His eyes begin to widen with fear.
Comon yells to another ‘Sound the alarm! Get everyone away. Quickly! Aboard the ship.’
They begin striking the settlement. Many screams and cries are heard from Comon’s people. Many of them try to make their way to the floating ship on the waters, but then large energy bursts hit the ship and it explodes.
The landing crafts then land upon the shore, and the gold type beings disperse. They are firing energy blasts from what appear to be long spear type weapons striking down many of Comon’s people.
A female of his kind grabs his arm and says ‘We must run. Quickly, into the forest.’
Just then she is struck down by an energy blast. Comon grabs her and holds her in his arms.
As more energy blasts explode around him, he places his forehead against hers and says ‘Goodbye my love. I am sorry.’
He then runs through the thick grass towards the forest. Many more of Comon’s people are struck down. Comon himself is almost to the forest when he is hit in the back from an energy blast. It does not kill him yet he crawls through the forest. He finds a large hole beneath a tree, and crawls into it.
There within the burrow, he lights a small little light he takes from his bag. There all around him are the creatures, the ones he first saw. Versis’s kind.
They are all terrified why he has crawled in the hole. Then he sees Versis. She crawls down to him. Her frills open up, and she sniffs the air. She can smell blood. She senses that the creature is dying.
Comon looks at her and says ‘Oh my little friend. I envy you for you know nothing of war. You know nothing of slaughter. I have learned this all too well.’
With his last words, Comon dies. Versis looks at him. She begins to understand his words over many times of their interactions. She asks herself ‘What is war?’
At the end of all things…
Time has gone by, and more and more sential beings begin to appear upon this layer. As they expand and breed, and build their cities, more and more naturals begin to die off.
Kinetta is now the last of her kind. All the rest have been hunted and taken for their feathers and other things that they may provide. Meats for the sential beings who now rule the skies.
Olkia has watched his beautiful seas become overpopulated with the great floating cities. All the creatures of the sea have begun to die off from the pollution from the great cities.
The dumping of what is basically wasteful energy into the seas have poisoned many of them. Many of the other creatures of the seas have been taken by the sential beings, and used for food.
Olkia, now last of his kind, travels up the rivers. Many of the sential beings who see him try to hunt him. There is a legend of a great sea monster amongst them who scurries up the rivers and the lakes, destroying the settlements that they build.
Olkia has only ever destroyed one settlement. He tried to approach the sential beings that were there, and they attacked him. Out of rage he destroyed it. Now he is hunted.
Versis’s kind traveled far under the inlands following the great old beings the Noctrin. The Noctrin who are only few in a small herd for they only ever bred one every so many millions of years.
When Versis led her kind there to follow them among the great plains, they found the ancient beasts slaughtered by the sential beings.
Versis then continued to take her kind deeper and deeper into the great forests, but over time even then the sential beings came. She watched her kind die off. All her children hunted down for their skins.
The Great Song...
The Great Song was heard amongst the winds, and the lands, and across the seas. The layer itself began to react. Volcanoes, planets, and everything else began to break apart. Volcanoes exploded. typhoons, great seas, earthquakes, firestorms began to ravage the entire layer.
All the natural sential beings died off except for the last three. They met again at a great lake. There Olkia, Versis, and Kinetta all decided to go to where the Great Song could be heard the most. Where the sky, and the land, and the sea touch. They traveled far, avoiding the sentials as they could.
They watched their layer begin to crumble apart. All the natural sential beings within it died off. When they came to the place where the sky, land, and sea touch, they heard the voice of the Great Song. She is the Vanatorin Omega projection.
She says to them 'The layer is dying, and I am dying as well. Things have come to change, and what we know and what we have known is gone. You three must continue on.’
The storm clouds above the skies begin to crackle with lightning, and there a pink light shines through. Olkia, Versis, and Kinetta then feel a warmth within themselves.
The Great Song tells them ‘You are children of the natural layer which is no more, but you must carry on. There are other places that you must go where you will find new life. Where you will walk differently and amongst the sentials.’
Versis, Olkia, and Kinetta then lose their forms and appear within balls of light. One blue, one green, and one white.
The Great Song sings her last, and with that the orbs of light vanish. And the natural Vanatorin layer crumbles, reversing itself, and becoming the Anti-Existence.
Curious little creatures…
The Anti-Existence that was once the natural Vanatorin layer where no natural sential beings had survived except for the three, were sent by the great song into a new place where they, in time, would walk among the sentials.
Olkia opens his eyes. He is smaller now, almost into the same form. He looks above him and can see the water and the sky above the water. He swims towards the surface into a little pool. Shadow then cast over him.
As Olkia looks up he sees a strange black sential with red eyes looking down upon him. This is Atherak. There is another beast, a natural with him. It seems to be that of a canine. The black sential reaches his hand down into the water.
Olkia draws back looking at him, then begins to shine with a bright blue. The black sential being runs his fingers across the top of the water. He looks down as he places his other hand on the head of his beast, scratching its ears.
The sential being says 'I have never seen one of you, and I have traveled from one end of the Atheron to the other. Always a new discovery around every corner. Wouldn’t you say, my beast?'
The sential being scratches the beast’s ears and the beast lets out just a small dog-like whimper in agreement.
The sential being looks back down into the pool of water, down at Olkia who takes one last glance into the red eyes of the sential being and then swims away.
The being then looks at his beast and stands up, and glares out to where Olkia had swam away. He says 'Curious little creature.'
Origin Story Sessions...
There are some others here in existence who are from other layers. This is what we have just seen in this combined origin story.
Some are here directly themselves because they are exiles and others are projections with their original self still in that other layer.
This does not mean that everyone is from another layer. Most beings here are from existence itself. It is rare to be from another layer.
When you die here in existence and transcend you go to the vosmos and your core may return as another existence being.
It is only your core which is eternal. Not your form. That is why if your core is destroyed you are no more.
An Origin Story shall go to the first of your core so it may be different from what you are now. There are both new cores and ancient cores in existence.
The Origin Story goes all the way back to your very first beginning. Your origin where you first came to be.
So if your current true self form is not your first, then the Origin Story will be different than what you are now.
Length depends on what important details we feel need to be included. No guaranteed length amount though it averages 1,000 words.
This story was extra long so the story of how the Vanatorin became the Anti-Existence could be told. It is important to know.
True Self Connection...