Daughters of Shadow

This is the origin story of both Nemesis who was Raybemnesia and Maldee who was Moondeay. It also includes the formation of Vlackheim and the establishment of the Great Houses.
Vorkragen walks into the chamber and speaks ‘I’m sorry to disturb you, my lady. But the details of your plan have been set forth.’
Vorkragen appears to be an insect type sential who has a long black robe with a strange silver symbol upon it.
As he enters the chamber, Anega is standing beneath what appears to be a dark black swirling cloud. The cloud dissipates and enters through Anega’s mouth, and then her stomach begins to grow large.
Anega says ‘What I bring forth now shall cast its dominion upon all layers, but secretly. It will be unknown to most. It will go unnoticed as night and day passes by, but forever the shadows will be cast.’
Vorkragen bows his head and says ‘Let it be so then, my lady.’
With an exhaling breath, Anega blows forth a dark cloud which takes on a sential feminine form. The shadowy figure turns to Anega, and then kneels on one knee.
Anega says ‘Now go forth, my first daughter of shadows. Cast yourself upon all living things, natural and sential. Learn the truths of what they may keep from themselves.
You will be my eyes and ears throughout the layers. You will gather the truth. Let my presence be forever upon the layers, cast by the suns and the moons, in the darkness and the light. Let the shadows remain ever present.’
Anega’s eyes begin to glow bright with silver light. She says ‘Go now, Raybemnesia. Cast yourself upon the layers.’
Raybemnesia's form changes, and she begins to swirl. Dark shadowy energy radiates from Anega and into Raybemnesia.
Raybemnesia vanishes from the chamber where she was created. Upon the layers, upon every living thing natural to sential, elemental shadows begin to form. In the night-lit skies across the layers, and under the light of the many suns, the shadows are cast.
Anega watches and listens through the shadows of Raybemnesia, daughter of the first shadow. She watches as the sentials plot against each other.
She watches them deceive each other, and twist the truths into lies so they may gain power or other things that they desire. Forever cast out throughout endless time upon the layers the shadows are present.
Raybemnesia returns to Anega off and on, bringing her the insight of the dealings and happenings upon the layers. As Anega watches upon a certain young layer, there is turmoil and strife within only 13 existences upon that layer.
Truth is twisted into lies. Those who seek power prey upon those who live in harmony. The slaughter is endless, but Anega watches with her shadows still cast upon the living and the dead. Then something changes.
Anega observes within this layer and its 13 existences a rising of a strange powerful dark figure.
Anega notices how this figure draws its energy from the Layer of the Damned, and watches as it brings judgement upon those who desire power and conquer and butcher the innocent and the unknowing.
Anega’s eyes shine bright. She can hear the words of her first shadow Raybemnesia as she relays back of what is transpiring upon this layer. Anega looks into the eyes of the Lord of Judgement Atherak through the eyes of Raybemnesia.
With a whispered voice, Anega says a single word ‘Gallatar.’
She pauses for a moment as she realizes the form of this Lord of Judgement is the same energy sense of the first Gallatar Commander.
Anega whispers and it echoes into the ears of Raybemnesia ‘It is a return. You must take form there when the dust has settled, and this judgement has reached its final conclusion.’
Raybemnesia whispers back ‘I will do as you will, mother.’
Anega says ‘Create a form there. There is an object you must find. It will be abandoned and floating endlessly. Go within it. Use the power of it to cast my shadows upon this new layer and its ever extending existences.
When you have finished there, you will take upon a new form. A new identity. You will become my wrath against those who would twist truth for their own desires. Against those who would lie to the shadows. For we are ever present in the light and the dark, the night and the day. We are ever present, my shadows.’
Raybemnesia replies ‘It shall be done, mother.’
Anega watches still as the time of judgement upon this layer and its existences comes to an end. She watches as the Lord of Judgement burns away into ash.
Anega’s eyes grow bright with silver light and she says ‘Where will you go now, Gallatar Commander? Will you sleep for so long? Will you awaken once again?’
Upon the existences within this layer, Raybemnesia takes form. She is a feminine form of female with skin as black as shadows. Whispers from Anega come through her, and Raybemnesia carries out the orders of her mother.
The worst of those who twisted truth, she unleashes her shadow upon. And once the deed is done, those who have twisted her truth, who have lied to her shadows, their souls are sent within the borderlands to forever suffer.
Our Shadows Cast...
In the Veil Mist, shadows begin to form into a shape, the shape of a being. A sential being by the name Raybemnesia. She says ‘I am here mother. I await your instructions.’
Anega’s eyes glow bright with silver light and she whispers ‘It draws near. When it passes, flow into it. Let your shadows become a part of it. When this happens, you will begin anew.’
Raybemnesia says ‘I understand mother.’ She stands waiting within the Veil Mist.
A darkness begins to appear, and a sound can be heard. There before her spinning out of control is a large athranaak.
Raybemnesia says ‘This is what I have waited for. It has arrived.’ Her form breaks away and shadows begin to flow towards the athranaak as it’s spinning wildly through the Veil Mist, making its way towards a young new existence.
Raybemnesia’s shadows then combine with the athranaak. Inside, she takes upon her sential form.
In a chamber somewhere, Anega’s eyes glow again with bright silver light. As she begins to speak, her voice radiates down through the layers and into Raybemnesia.
In unison, they begin to speak ‘This object of death combined with shadow. Let it begin anew. Let it be of Vlacklien.’
The shadows that flow through the spinning athranaak now flow into Raybemnesia. As it flows, her stomach begins to grow. She speaks ‘Begin anew. Begin anew. Let the shadows cast upon death. Let it flow, let it grow, and create a place of Vlacklien.’
As Raybemnesia speaks these words, a black shadow comes from her mouth and begins to take form. It swirls and forms together into a shadowy orb.
Raybemnesia then speaks and far away Anega speaks with her in unison ‘When this puzzle breaks and moonlight is cast upon you, go forth, and Vlacklien will be born.’
Raybemnesia dissipates into shadows, leaving the spinning athranaak as it crashes down into the existence. The athranaak breaks apart, and moonlight is cast upon the shadowy orb.
The orb begins to swirl and form into that of a feminine being with dark skin. This is Moondeay.
Moondeay speaks in unison with Anega and Raybemnesia. ‘Shadows cast all around in the skies and within the ground. Go forth, and Vlacklien, let it be cast, let it begin.’
Shadows flow from Moondeay all around as the athranaak begins to create the realm of Vlackheim. The shadows flow with energy, for you see, in Vlackheim the moon forever shines and the shadows are alive.
The silver light within Anega’s eyes dissipates. ‘Watch over them, my daughter and granddaughter. Bring to me the truth of this new existence. The beings and sential beings that will arise. Ones who will desire to claim power for themselves. Watch them my shadows.’
Raybemnesia and Moondeay reply ‘We shall.’
In the first times of this existence as the realms begin to form, the sential beings were simple. More tribal like. It was considered the caveman era of this existence.
Norisin holds his new son tight. He looks down into his eyes. ‘Orion. You will be named Orion.’
Shadows cast all around them as the firelight glows. Anega watches from afar. The shadows of Raybemnesia flow around the tiny dwelling as Norisin holds his new son.
Raybemnesia can be heard whispering to Anega. ‘This one. This one will twist truth to his desire. It will fulfill his every need, and many will suffer. Though he may only be a child, he will grow and a desire for power within him will grow as well.’
Anega says ‘Watch this one. Let us see what he will become.’
As the first times go by and the realms begin to come forth and the beings within them, Norisin says to his fellow kind ‘The time has come to bring the learnings and discoveries of the other realms.
In time they may bind us together. I wish to be the ambassador that will bring us closer together with these beings that exist within these realms. To learn from each other. The exchange of cultures and ideas.’
The crowd cheers and claps, except for a young man, it is Orion. He whispers to a friend ‘Ha. Many of these realms are wild realms. Such as Jotunheim. Or Volheim where beasts run wild.
As beautiful as some of them are, they need to be subjugated. There are tribes within these realms that have vast powers above others.
They can be brought to the idea of a ruling council over the other realms. My father is a fool. He does not see clearly what needs to be done.’
The crowd continues cheering. Orion shouts out ‘And what of the Shadowlands, father? All of our emissaries that we have sent there have never returned.’
The crowd then draws silent and all eyes focus upon Norisin.
Norisin takes a moment and pauses. He places his hands behind his back and bows his head. ‘I must admit there are some realms where there may never be any kind of peace between, for those of the shadow realm wish to consume all.
But if we form stronger bonds with the other realms, then we may stand a chance if one day the Shadow realm ever decides to invade. We have the support of others, it has already begun. So let it thrive, and the future will be brighter for all kinds and all races from all realms.’
In Vlackheim, Moondeay’s shadows dance underneath the moonlight. A voice is then heard whispering.
Anega says to her ‘You must go now. Gather the moonlight of Vlackheim and take it to the shadow realm. You will walk and bring light to the darkness.’
Moondeay asks ‘How will I get there?’
Anega says ‘Speak the language you have learned when you were born inside this old object. Take its language and open up a place where you will walk through the layer of the damned and enter the shadow realm.
Be wary, there are beings of the dead who may try to intervene and stop you. If you are approached by any, speak the word I give to you now... Amler.’
Moondeay says ‘I shall do so.' Moondeay reaches out and gathers the moonlight of Vlakheim. When she is done she returns to the ruins of the old athranaak. There she speaks the language of thothilssin. A portal opens and she steps through into the borderlands.
As she walks through the borderlands, shadows guide her to where she will exit out to the Shadow realm. As she approaches what appears to be a black mirror, two Myrrdonite step out of the darkness.
One Myrrdonite says to the other ‘This one seems of the living. Let us taste its flesh and see if it screams.’
Moondeay bows her head and whispers quietly ‘Amler.’
The two Myrrdonite stop and a voice is heard all around. ‘Let her pass.’ The Myrrdonites retreat back into the darkness.
Moondeay makes her way to the black mirror. The voice of Amler is heard again ‘Tell Anega that Judgement still watches.’
Moondeay bows her head and steps through the mirror into the shadow realm. The shadows swirl all around her and voices can be heard.
The shadows all say in unison ‘You come from another realm and far beyond, but not of one we know. She is not of the filthy ones. The ones who fear the dark. What do you bring us? What do you bring us?’
Moondeay replies ‘A gift, from the mother of all shadows. It shall be yours if you stay within this realm. Only watch the others but do not try to absorb the realms. Let them be as they are. For the mother of all shadows has a plan.’
The shadows say ‘We accept. Now show us this gift.’
Moondeay’s head rises up and her eyes glow brightly with silver. From her, silver energy flows and silver light flows up high into the shadow realm. There it begins to take on the shape of a bright silver orb.
It casts moonlight, and the shadows look up upon it. They begin to dance in the light of this moon. ‘Thank you for bringing this gift from the mother of all shadows. Who are you?’
Moondeay waits for a moment. She hears the whispers of Anega flow into her. She begins to take form. She says ‘I am Maldee. I am the walker. Through the shadows I tread.’
Far away in her chamber, Anega’s eyes glow bright silver. Energy flows from them. A voice is heard extending far across and down into this existence.
As Orion is sleeping, he sees a vision. A vision of him ruling upon the Great Houses. But there is an obstacle in his way. It crashes down in the form of a mountain.
That mountain has the face of his father. Anega tells him of the ways to overcome this. To be given everything that he has desired. She whispers ‘Kill the father.’
Orion’s eyes snap open. He goes out to meet his father staring up at the moonlight.
Norisin says ‘My son, I know we do not always agree, but I have loved you since the day you have opened your eyes. I do as I do now because of that love for you.’
Norisin turns around and places his hands upon Orion’s shoulders. Orion embraces his father and says ‘And I do what I do because I love you.’ Orion plunges the blade into his father's chest. As Norisin falls to his knees, Orion cuts his throat.
Orion plays off the assassination as one that came from the Shadow realm and beyond. News spreads among the realms of Norisin's demise. The most powerful beings of those realms unite under Orion.
Anega and her shadows watch. ‘It is done. The Houses will be formed, and they will bring about their own demise.’
As Orion stands upon the hill and the great sential beings stand before him, he can hear the whispers of Anega in his ear. ‘Bring forth the Great Houses and all that you desire will be yours. All that you have put forth, you will have what you wish.’
Far away somewhere, the silver light in Anega’s eyes dissipates. Raybemnesia whispers ‘Why this one mother? Why give him such power?’
Anega replies ‘I despise these sential beings who twist truth. In the end, their lies will be consumed by shadows. I have another task for you. Come.’ Anega then dissipates and forms into shadows. Raybemnesia follows.
In a place upon a mountain, a young Olympian Zeus is born.
Anega says ‘Look at this one. We have walked through time to see the creation. Ones like these, those who desire power will come from all the realms, claiming to know the truths of everything. But only we the shadows know of it.
Watch him. Take upon that of a new identity as that of vengeance. You shall see me again. Although I may seem meek, know that within the shadows that truth is always present.’
Raybemnesia acknowledges her mother, and Anega’s shadows dissipate from within the walls of where Zeus is born.
Raybemnesia’s shadows then move away from the mountain of Olympus and down into a far field and plains. They form into that of what appears to be an Olympian with wings. This is the new identity of Raybemnesia.
The whisper of Anega can be heard all around as the sky begins to grow dark from the setting sun. Shadows cast, and the whispering grows louder. ‘Nemesis, you please me. So I will grant you a gift. A companion who will always serve you.’
Shadows form on the ground and as they do, they create Nemesis’ partner and companion, Varesis.
In the shadow realm, Maldee walks between there and the borderlands. ‘The shadows cast upon all the realms night and day, for there is truth within them. They see all and know all and are forever present. The shadows that are cast.’
True Self Connection...