Vanatorin Ballad of War

This is a short update about a meeting that took place today. As the new Lord of the Great Houses, Epimetheus had his first council meeting. King Yserah came up to him and bowed, but Epimetheus walked down and knocked his crown off his head.
Epimetheus: 'You are not the King of Alfheim, you are king of nothing. Your realm is split. You let a fairy become Queen. Now gnomes, fairies, and dark elves have aligned themselves with Mieraki. You need to get rid of her and take control of your fucking realm or else I will.'
The Gnomes went to join the side of the fairies so they would not be treated as servants anymore.
Epimetheus wants Volheim under control even if that means purging most of the volwynn. He says 'The realms need to be ready because I have insight of what is amassing in the Vanatorin. The Great Song and the End Song have begun to sing the ballad of war against the sentient layers.'
Someone stood up and said 'But no one can pass through the Veil Mist without burning away.'
Epimetheus says 'There you are wrong. No sentients can pass through the Veil Mist. The naturals can. This is why we need the volwynn under control.'
He looks over at House Drakon and says 'And I have your guarantee you are with us on this?'
They nod and Epimetheus says 'I have already taken the proper preparations to ensure your loyalty.'
The King of Jotunheim sits in a state of suspended animation as the mountain.
Epimetheus says 'Because he cannot perform his duties then they shall pass to his heir Kuluyaku.'
Epimetheus is sending buildings to build a new fortress where Kuluyaku will be king.
Epimetheus says 'Now it is time to hand down the proper punishment for cowardism.'
They drag in Apollo. He is in bad shape, they beat the crap out of him.
Epimetheus says 'Apollo will be sent to Tartarus awaiting execution.'
Then Epimetheus says 'Now to turn our attention to Muspelheim where a runt mad imp has become King. This cannot stand. Muspelheim will be reclaimed and a new reagent lord will be placed in command there.
Make no mistake fellow pantheons, we shall be ready and united for when the Vanatorin comes. And when they do, the Great Song and the Last Song will sing no more.'
Those in the Vanatorin are trying to awaken Pyrus to get the help of the Elementals on their side.
True Self Connection...