Secret of the Mountain and the Alluring Pool

The incarnation story for Anamenai begins... Anameanei and Tupatea make their way up the side of the silver mountain. There they will gather the energy of the aurora borealis that will soon shine down, as the setting suns as they creep behind the mountains drawing the last day’s light to them.
Anameanei speaks to Tupatea ‘These mountains are sacred, and our people have been coming here for the longest of times to gather the great energy given to us from the moonlight upon the silver mountains.’
Tupatea responds ‘We shall gather it and take it back down to them. The energy will sustain us and prolong our lives.’
Anameanei nods her head in agreement, and the two begin to make their way up the silver mountain.
Just as the last light of the setting suns shines upon them, the sky illuminates with beautiful colors radiating from the seven mountains in the unconquered lands.
The silver energy flows over the heads of Anameanei and Tupatea. There they reach out with their hands, and the energy flows down into them.
They gather it into orbs and seal it inside small jars. They then place the jars within a pouch.
Anameanei hears a strange whisper ‘There is a path through the mountain.’
The strange whisper keeps repeating itself over and over again, and Anameanei draws closer and closer to it. Tupatea is unaware that Anameanei has departed. When she turns, she finds her friend gone.
Tupatea calls out ‘Anameanei?’ But her friend does not reply.
Tupatea then begins to wander off looking for her friend. She finds the bag of jars full of the energy orbs. Anameanei is nowhere to be found. Tupatea then looks around again while calling out her name.
Tupatea knows that the great mountains hold secrets and mysteries. Many of the Oread have gone up into the mountains, and have never returned. She fears that her friend Anameanei may become one of them.
Tupatea gathers the two sacks full of jars. She makes her way back down to the settlement to tell the other Oread of Anameanei’s disappearance.
Meanwhile, Anameanei has followed the wisp and has found a hidden path. She travels the hidden path almost to the top of the silver mountain.
She comes through a clearing where a silver pool shines underneath the moonlight and the energy that flows above the silver mountain.
As she steps forth, she can hear many voices whispering from the pool. She looks down into it, and an image reflects back. It is of a strange world. A world that she does not know of.
As she looks, she can see the high mountain peaks stretch across the world. Different mountain ranges full of strange animals and plants.
Then Anameanei notices something. There are creatures there. Sential beings. She watches them as they travel around inside steel beasts. She also notices that the steel beasts fly high in the sky like metal dragons.
She can feel the energies and the power of the mountains here in this strange world.
As she looks further into the pool, she can see that these mountains stretch across a world full of many different types of environments from deserts to lush jungles. Deep forests and snowy peaks.
Anameanei wonders ‘What is this strange land? Who rules over them? For surely this is one of the realms that the Great Houses preside over. Or are they unconquered like the Oread who live here under the seven mountains?’
As Anameanei touches her fingers through the water, with each tap and rippling of the water the scene changes.
Anameanei sees great cities. Strange lights and full of noises, the bustling of millions and millions of these sential beings.
Anameanei thinks to herself ‘What a fascinating place this is.’
She touches the pool of water again, and as it ripples she can hear a whisper. A voice coming from the water. The whisper says ‘You can go there. You can have a place upon this fascinating world.’
Anameanei listens and then answers back ‘But how?’
The whisper continues ‘Come. Step within my waters.’
Anameanei is hesitant for a moment. She says ‘Before I decide to go there, may I see more of this world?’
The pool then replies ‘Why yes. Of course.’
Anameanei touches her fingertips to the water and it creates a ripple, changing the scenes and expanding all over Earth.
She watches scenes of the oceans, but most curiously she is interested in the sential beings who have built such marvelous grand cities.
Meanwhile, Tupatea has returned to the settlement of the Oread down below. She has said that Anameanei has gone missing.
One of the elders of the Oread speaks to her ‘She must have heard the whispers of the mountain. This may lead her to the place of the alluring pool. I have heard legends of those Oread who have stepped within its waters and never returned. We must be quick.’
Many of the Oread gather together, and head up the mountain in search of Anameanei.
Near the pool, Anameanei has delighted at the many things she sees upon this world called Earth. The pool whispers to her once again ‘You can go there. Just step within my waters.’
Anameanei, transfixed upon the voice of the pool and the images that she sees within it, begins to step within the waters. She feels strange and lightheaded.
When she closes her eyes, she sees herself flying over this vast place called Earth. She is soaring over the many landscapes. She further steps into the water. It begins to rise up around where her shoulders are.
As she closes her eyes and soars over the Earth, she can begin to see other things. Things that were unnoticed to her before.
She sees the sential beings waging war upon each other, committing slaughter, burning down forests, and destroying and blasting mountains.
Anameanei says 'This is not where I want to be. Let me free.’ She tries to move away, but the waters begin to swirl up around her.
Anameanei can then feel herself being separated from her body. As she submerges beneath the waters, she becomes very disoriented. She feels as if she is being pulled through an endless tunnel. There is blinding flashing light all around her.
Anameanei begins to open her eyes, and as she does, many of these sential beings which are humans have surrounded her. They are speaking in a strange language. She tries to talk, but nothing comes out except for cries.
Tupatea, the elder, and the others have found the pool. They see Anameanei submerged within its waters. Tupatea steps in to go to save her friend, but as she does she becomes transfixed upon the energies of the waters.
As if she is in a hypnotic state, she begins walking deeper and deeper into them. Just then the waters pull Tupatea under.
The elder steps into the waters, and grabs onto Anameanei. He pulls her back and out of the water as the water turns from a silver color to black, draining itself within the ground and disappearing.
Anameanei opens her eyes. She says ‘What has happened?’
The elder says as he places his hand upon her forehead 'You have been taken by the alluring pool, and part of you has been sent to a world unknown to us.’
As Anameanei closes her eyes, she can see through the eyes of the part of her that was pulled through in the alluring pool.
It is strange. There are these human beings around her. They are smiling and making strange noises at her, speaking in such a strange language.
The elder helps Anameanei back to their settlement and tells her of the loss of her friend as the pool turned black and then disappeared beneath the ground.
Every night that Anameanei rests, she dreams of this strange place and the strange people that surround her. She will regain her strength one day, and go back up into the mountain to discover the other secrets that it holds.
True Self Connection...