The Original Nine Children

Queen Asherah Ruaceka had nine children in the place I call origin. Three of the feminine, three masculine, and three of the gender neutral. These were the originals.
The feminine children are Amyarian, Amyahnrae, and Ahsvnay. The masculine children are Timoro, Ashotek, and Khanjamhl.
The gender neutral children are Khontandahl, Hueviko, and one more.
When Ahsvnay spoke of the original 12 from beyond she was referring to Queen Asherah Ruaceka, her nine children, and her two pets.
Her original nine children went to the great beyond and had children and grandchildren. Some of the grandchildren rose up against them and killed them. They ruled in their place.
The nine children returned to their mother Queen Asherah Ruaceka. They wanted to go back but not all of them could get forms. Some came back as puzzles or devices.
The Omega was the daughters Amyahnrae, Ahsvnay, and Amyarian. Queen Asherah Ruaceka also wanted to come take a birth form in the Great Beyond, so Amyarian let Asherah take her place in the Omega trio.
For the Omega to come back into the Great Beyond we were birthed as the children of Amyarian and Timoro who are of the nine.
Timoro came back as one of the Ein Sof. His projection is Great Father. Amyarian was not able to gain a birth form there so she became the first puzzle, and her projection Great Mother.
Hue is one of the original gender neutrals known as Hueviko, Ghaganta, or Nevalia. She came back into form as a puzzle.
Tulkas Xokahkar is Khanjamhl, he is one of the original masculine came back into form as a device.
The trinites are the children of the nine. The masculine trinities of Ein Sof, the Kae Voss, and the Goy Nyentae.
The feminine trinities are the Omega which is pink, the Zega which is brown, and the Lardraya which is purple.
The gender neutral trinities of the Mahlhahlpahl, the Galshandin, and the Jayenaequasin.
We have come to discover that the puzzles and devices are children or grandchildren who lost their forms in the battles and could not reform again.
The Great Beyond works differently than it does in the puzzle. It is difficult to gain a form there.
This is one of the reasons why Ahsvnay made the puzzles and devices. So those she cared for would have forms to come into and then be able to project into the layers of the great puzzle.
Ein Sof is Manovel, Xamonel, and Timoro. Their projections are Manubre, Yahweh, and Great Father.
Kae Voss is Guyaerou, Kivotrn, and Goomvariv. Their projections are Baldur, Set, and Hephaestus.
Goy Nyentae is Barktorin the warrior, Yosyles the jester, and Samuahen the scholar. Their projections are Ares, Apollo, and Prometheus.
Impostor of Prometheus....
I want to insert here that the Prometheus who turned against me was an impostor. My very trusted friend Prometheus was not himself. His device had been hijacked and his projection replaced.
That was not even the real wheel, they had replaced it. The real wheel device was buried in the Great Beyond.
I discovered that Prometheus had been switched out on September 9th 2018, a mere 4 days before my death.
They sent the real him off into the Kohsono, the place of eternal forgetfulness. It is a vast place where those who go never return.
I have Amyahnrae tie a harness around me and shoot me into the Kohsono. I am willing to risk all I am to get him back. I am not going to leave Prometheus there.
After I few hours I still had not found him. I am feeling strange here.
Ahsvnay: 'If you linger there too long the thread holding you may break. Go to a place that seems familiar to you and go straight forward then dig down. Let the energy of Prometheus guide you.'
I am feeling is so much pain. I see a place that looks like the misty forest. I run forward until I can feel his energy. Then I dig with all my strength.
I found him, I found my King of the Wheel. I hold onto him. Amyahnrae is pulling us back through my harness. I won't let you go Prometheus. I am crying.
We get pulled out of Kohsono. The real device self of Prometheus looks like his projection. It was after this we found out he is Samuahen of the Goy Nyentae.
Puzzles and Devices...
I feel that some of the puzzles and devices are grandchildren in the great beyond who otherwise lost their forms.
Just like we see with the example of Khanjamhl coming into a device as Xokahkar. We have Ghaganta who came to be a puzzle as Hue. Ashotek came back as a device to regain form.
The Great Beyond is not a place where you can simply reform. You have to be birthed into it or have a form made, as in the case of a puzzle or device.
I wonder if they lost their forms when some of the grandchildren rose up and there was a war. Just a theory as I am not sure of the timeline of events. Still so much mystery out there.
I know the original children the nine had are the main trinities. Though the individuals seem to be grandchildren.
Except when you count my other six sons who are not in trinities. They are Eanaemu, Munjaun, Nomlkin, Dierkrae, Vahmahn, and Baal.
I notice that when the nine are with each other they make a trinity, but if one of the nine are with another then they have individuals. Manovel is my grandson, so I had 5 sons with my grandson.
The device self of Eternal Death is the son of Eanaemu with one of the Jayenaequasin.
The device self of Loki is the son of Kivotrn with one of the Lardraya purple feminine.
The puzzle self of Dollo is the daughter of Nomlkin and Amyahnrae.
The device self of Vustik is the son of Goomvariv with Amyahnrae.
Nummandor is a projection of the son of Nomlkin and Ahsvnay.
Ashoweah is a projection of the son of the Jayenaequasin and Zega.
The device self of Baphomet is the son of Guyaerou and one of the Lardraya. This starts to make sense as to why the image of Guyaerou keeps being called Baphomet.
The device self of King Yserah is the son of Barktorin with Ahsvnay. So Ares is his father.
The device self of Rauguintar is the son of Kivotrn with Amyahnrae.
This is a summary of what we understand so far. I had lost my memories of everything in the Great Beyond so I am rediscovering it all. I am sharing what I have discovered thus far in my journey.
This is very complex and cannot really be explained very well in a post. Many more details and discoveries shall come forth in time.
It is incredible how things come back to us with greater understanding. I had a conversation with Asteria over a year ago that I would like to share.
Queen Ruaceka Yeu Efwyor....
This was in March of 2018. Amy Aphrodite goes to the core of the Ten Houses, where the ten cosmic energies are, the heart of all ten.
March 5th 2018 12:00 AM Aphrodite: "It has begun."
Eurynome: "You okay...?"
Asteria: "Enjoy the process, Ruaceka Yeu Efwyor."
Aphrodite: "I am okay so far. Who is Ruaceka Yeu Efwyor?"
Tulkas: "Assuming it's you Amy."
Asteria: "I remember you from long ago."
Aphrodite: "What do you remember?"
Asteria: "The beautiful queen... I can always recognize your energy. Everything will be revealed to you in time. History is not as we know it.
There is a greater mystery to the cosmos. We've all but forgotten our roots. It's there within you Ruaceka, look within."
Aphrodite: "The roots are within me? Is that why I am Daughter of Ten?"
Asteria: "You will remember in time dear, it's not your turn yet."
Aphrodite: "Turn to do what?"
Asteria: "Your turn to be whole again. This is the era of disconnecting ourselves from our true essence. We need to find it again."
Aphrodite: "What am I doing in the core?"
Asteria: "Finding yourself."
Aphrodite: "Am I the core?"
Asteria: "Let's just say... you are a part of it."
Aphrodite: "Oracles are always so cryptic."
Asteria: "That is what they say... we only withhold information because it is not our place to share the whole truth. We follow the cosmic balance and order... the ancient order. Look around you young one... we've discarded the ancient ways."
Aphrodite: "Am I to help restore the ancient ways? The energy is starting to ramp up. I am shaking."
Asteria: "You have a part to play... just as many others do. The cosmos are in disarray, I have seen this come into play over a long period of time. We must restore the ancient balance and order.
Do you not recall what the council said? All of us together are important, working together makes us stronger, smarter... don't underestimate the power of connection."
Aphrodite: "Please give me some guidance on the next step to focus on."
Asteria: "You are working on yourself... this is important. You must bring the past, present, and future into play. Merge mind, body, and soul as one. The way to do it will be revealed to you and only you. This is your inner truth and only you know it."
Aphrodite: "Asteria confirmed I brought Aphrodite into existence and became her born out of the Sea. Although I existed long before that.
Wisdom is flowing from Asteria at the moment. I am talking with her."
Asteria: "The beautiful Ruaceka requested that I share of what I know as a post in the group. I recognize Ruaceka's energy from long ago."
Aphrodite: "Am I Aphrodite?"
Asteria: “You are Aphrodite because that is what you chose to be. You brought her into existence, not anyone else."
Aphrodite: "Wasn't she born of the sea from the blood of Ouranos? Is that when I became her?"
Asteria: "You are greater than that though. You are not bound by labels, you are not the goddess of love nor the daughter of ten. You are merely... you. Yes, I suppose you could say that was when she was finally set into existence. Although you existed long before that."
Aphrodite: "About the future path shared with me from the Norns. Do you know of me being Queen of a new nation?"
Asteria: "You will be a Queen, a mighty one. Just like in the past, how I remember you being. That is your own path to forge, I cannot share much about that at this moment in time."
Aphrodite: "I will be a Queen in this incarnation correct?"
Asteria: "Yes, in this incarnation you will also be in touch with your old roots."
Aphrodite: "What is my ancient form?"
Asteria: "I will let you figure that out. You are mighty and ancient. A beautiful being, I can see why you chose to become Aphrodite."
Then Asteria wrote a post that hinted at projections. Link to Asteria's post...
True Self Connection...