Ashontrah in the Misty Forest

I have been in the Misty Forest for a while. Atherak was unable to do rituals on others while I was there. There is much focus on bringing all my forms here to the physical. This is why I went to the Misty Forest at this time... Ashontrah: "Can we win in the 3rd existence with what we currently have?" Atherak: "No and judgement cannot intervene. What you face is unlike Asherah and any of you have ever faced before." Ashontrah: "Could I die?" Atherak: "All of you could die. These beings have held onto these existences for a long time. You are a threat to what they have. They will throw everything at you." Ashontrah: "What about the Myrrdonite Hungali?" Atherak: "Judgement cannot intervene. However, I will give you my Athernites for this. As for myself and my Myrrdonites, they will not intervene. Everything has to play out in a certain order. We shall see if balance can truly be restored or if it will be crushed. You...