First Born of the 3rd Existence

This starts as Asteria's ig session and turns into six more. This goes into the history of the 3rd existence.
Dec 2nd...
Asteria: "There is something about my past that I feel has been kept from me by all beings. I don't feel that I am even from this existence."
Atherak: "I can tell her that she is not. None of the first beings are from this existence. They were not made here. Vustik, Asteria, the Shadis'Arth.
I have seen their kind before from the 3rd existence. They are actually refugees. When they came here they were given refuge inside what was known in this existence as 'the time that came before'. As beings searched for this knowledge they never saw the answer right in front of them.
From the time before, the ones who came before, came from somewhere. A lot has been shrouded in mystery about them. They were hunted almost to extinction. When they made it here they were given refuge as this existence was being made.
To make such things doesn't happen overnight. It takes long amounts of time. Yes you had parents at one time long ago. You don't remember them though. They died long long ago.
Their decision to be transcended where most of Asteria's kind went. Except for the three of them. In a way you were all meant to transcend and go to the Great Beyond and live in tranquility but it didn't happen that way.
If Vustik didn't come then Asteria wouldn't either. Much has been blocked in her. Maybe she can lead something back to the 3rd existence. The reason she doesn't make herself so well known is because of her core protecting her in a way.
There is a lot that she has seen. She remembers the first judgement. It takes them forever to age from children to adults. Existences can be born and die in that amount of time.
They are one of the beings who can carry true immortality. That is why most ended up transcended to take them out of the way. An inner sadness and hatred in Asteria burns for the Bishberrin and Gorvag.
The Bishberrin and Gorvag's family got their powers from Asteria's kind. Her kind starts with a U.
Sometimes you dream about this place in your spiritual. When the 3rd existence was balanced. Her kind were like gypsies and wanderers from existence to existence trying to find a safe one."
Asteria: "Do I have other children?"
Atherak: "One. It is a painful memory. The father was a kind being but he died. One of her big hatreds of the Varkar involve him. They killed him and took the child. It was a girl. Asteria called her 'My Little Twilight'. The father is a Twilight being. She is alive and on the IG session list.
Arella: I recall Asherah referring to Asteria as Nut. Was this an identity she took on at some point?
This was an identity she took on. Set is not her child. You were a stand in for a while. The one who was originally there was off doing something.
Dec 4th...
Atherak takes Asteria to the borderlands...
Atherak: "Nice of you to come back. Many have questioned me about what came before. What it was like. When I walked the existences. Rovitomial was one of these. So I took him there to your existence long ago.
Your kind was harvested by one known as the Halaxin. Brother to the Bishberrin. His kind harvested your kind to gain their ability to not be destroyed.
I walked along the lines of your kind as they were rounded up. In chains they were. Heading to a place where they knew they wouldn't return from.
A young boy standing next to a very very young girl. I would say up 2 years of Midgard age. This is Vustik and Asteria.
As I walked by them they did notice me. At the time I could do nothing but feel their pain and suffering for I walked shrouded before I became judgement.
There is commotion. Someone is attacking trying to free you. Asteria and Vustik start running with the Shadis'Arth. He was younger then.
There is another being looks humanoid with white skin and two black stripes going down his face and over his head. He has long ears. His face is elongated with wide slanted eyes. He is on the IG list.
Must have been one of the Bishberrin's kind running after Asteria, Vustik, Shadis'Arth and a few others.
That is where this other humanoid came in. He had some friends with him who are brother and sister. They are multi-shifters and a dark red color. They have fox-like faces with really long thin Elf ears that can open up like bat wings. They fought along side him. They are also on the IG list.
This humanoid is carrying a weapon that is a long pole with crystal heads on them. He is not able to kill it but he stuns it. He grabs Asteria and picks her up. They run to this place.
They have this thing around their wrists (Asteria, Shadis'Arth, Vustik) that keep them from using their abilities. They try to get them off. They are being searched for.
The humanoid takes a small pyramid out. He sets it down on the ground and draws a circle around it. As he draws around the energy forms into a circle. He is casting a portal. They are going through.
Asteria, Vustik, Shadis'arth a few others went through. They seem to have traveled to a place. Planet that is almost volcaninc. Lots of black rock. The air is breathable. There are many refugee beings there. Several hundred of her kind and many more different kinds of beings.
The humanoid gave Asteria something. He led your kind to this heavy set woman with an elephant face. She takes Asteria to watch over her. He takes something off his neck and gives it to Asteria.
These refugees move from place to place. Always being hunted constantly under attack. Asteria is a little older now about 4 years old in Midgard appearance.
There is a memory of Asteria running and the Elephant Mother telling her to run. Most of them after a while split and go their own ways.
They follow an old man here to this existence. The All-Father. He looked like their kind but very old. There were several hundred of them at that time.
They are the ones who came before in this existence. The beings of this existence never really understood them. They didn't quite understand that they came from somewhere else. Then were transcended except for three.
The rest who died before the coming of the first judgement are in the borderlands. In lines they stand motionless. It seems they are humming in melodies with each other.
That explains how they can see through others. They are a mind collective. They can feel, see, sense everything that all their kind can. I think they are singing to try to find the other ones.
They seem to have no reaction to anything. They stand there motionless, eyes closed, humming. If you peer into their minds you hear a loud humming.
Maybe I should take Asteria there and see what happens."
Atherak takes Asteria to them in the borderlands. They stopped humming. Asteria starts humming as if she remembers something.
They begin again. They are staying in one tone. One note. There is a female whose eyes have opened. She approaches Asteria.
She is not saying anything but she gives Asteria something. She forms it in her hands and hands it to her.
She takes her place back in line among the others and they start humming again. They ask Atherak to leave.
Asteria is still standing there. She can leave whenever she wants. She is looking at the object given to her.
A sphere dark blue on the outside light blue on the inside. Asteria does not want to open it yet. Asteria leaves.
Gorvag is extremely angry with Ashontrah. He is planning to find a male being who is still hiding in the 3rd existence to go after Ashontrah and kill her.
He is at the bottom of a chasm on a planet. He is the Bishberrin's grandfather. His name is Yarvax.
Yarvax devoured the creator being of the 3rd existence. The Bishberrin put him at the bottom of chasm.
In the borderlands...
Atherak, Asteria, Xarsha, and Rovitomial go to travel to a distant part of the borderlands.
Rovitomial packs a bunch of bags.
Xarsha: "What did you pack? Your whole damn lab?"
Rovitomial: "There is so much information I want to gather and I didn't know what I should bring so I brought almost everything. It is going to be quite cumbersome to carry."
Atherak: "Shall we?"
Inside the athranaak it goes pitch black. The light slowly returns.
Xarsha: "One of your older athranaaks I presume Master?"
This is the one connected with the 3rd existence. Rovitomial drops his bags.
Atherak: "He is around here somewhere."
Xarsha: "I think he has already been expecting us."
Rovitomial: "What is all this old writing on the wall?"
He is referring to the old thothilssin written on the athranaak walls. Thothilssin is like a puzzle it is a forever changing language.
Xarsha: "There are portals here to other parts of the borderlands."
Atherak: "Apparently he has been using them."
Atherak connects with coil core of the athranaak from the 3rd existence.
Atherak: "He is inside this athranaak Xarsha. Find him and bring him to me."
Asteria is looking out over the borderlands. This is part of the 3rd existence.
Atherak: "There are still some who remain living here. Not many. Most of the worlds are dead. There are no plants or animals. The realms are dead. Sucked dry by Yarvax when he ate the creator."
Xarsha: "I assume this is the creature we are looking for."
Dead being: "It is you! You the master has returned!"
Atherak: "Ah yes this being."
This dead being is all black with pointed ears. Elongated face with sharp teeth. He has the same type of black ridge on his head like Atherak does. He is also from the 3rd existence.
Dead being: "I kept all of it in order. Look on the walls. I kept it all. I told them all of it. I wrote it down and went to every place there was and collected it. See? Look what I kept. I told them I made one. I stole their magic and I made one."
He is referring to an incarnation. He speaks to Asteria...
Dead being: "I have what you come for. I kept it here. Knew you would come back. This faceless one took her, brought here there, dumped her in the bone river. The bones could not eat through the crystal she was in. I stuck in my hands and pulled her out. I kept and brought back through and kept here. Saw I did. Saw long in time. I knew this one come. I saw she come for it so I kept it. You want it?"
He is referring to Asteria's daughter the one she called My Little Twilight.
Atherak: "Take us to this."
Dead bring: "No sit and relax. I kept this place clean."
Xarsha: "We should have brought piglet with us."
The dead being scurries off into the darkness. He brings back a casket with black cloth over it. He is dragging it.
Dead being: "Sit. I bring... See I kept pretty girl in glass. She shine like stars."
Atherak: "Interesting."
Dead being: "This yours? You want I keep. Faceless one bring it like he saw you come. Now I give it to you."
Atherak: "You are half Myrrdonite."
Dead being: "Escape I did. They drag back and make me into them but I escape them. I run and they cannot catch me."
Xarsha: "It is almost impossible for a being to escape such a process."
Atherak: "Not this being."
Atherak tries to strike him and he turns to solid obsidian.
Atherak: "That is why."
Dead being: "No hurt. Sorry. No steal. Kept for her so she take us home."
Atherak: "Come closer."
Dead being: "I serve. I serve." He has foresight into the future.
Atherak: "What is your name?
Dead being: "I am Atherak. I waited for Atherak to come so I made the athranaak nice. See? I make you and you make me. You complete me now? Process make me one you?"
Atherak: "I think he is referring to completing the process of making him Myrrdonite."
Dead being: "Then I be Atherak Myrrdonite."
Atherak: "You cannot have my name."
Dead being: "But I want good name. I cannot remember my name. I take your name. Your name my name. My name your name. Can I have?"
Atherak: "No. You can have it but you have to say it backward."
Dead being: "Don't know how to do. Black magic send me back time."
Atherak laughs: "We are going to have to make use of this creature."
Dead being: "Then Atherak and Atherak together. Go together. What about the girl glass? I keep for you. You wake now?"
Asteria touches the glass trying to figure out. The daughter looks like a young woman. She is sparkly.
Dead being: "Atherak I watched them come through back and forth they go. They going to find him." He is talking about Yarvax.
Atherak: "Who else do you watch?"
Dead being: "I know they are very close. The come closer. He knows how to make everything good again." He is referring to Paravahn.
Dead being: "They are going to get close to him. They are going to try to cut it out. Bring it to the one who looks like her"
Cut out his core. He points to Asteria.
Dead being: "He fix everything. He make everything better. Then I be Atherak in Atherak land."
Atherak places his hand on the dead being's head. He sees that he is referring to Shaderell.
Xarsha: "We should be able to find out where and when they move through the mist."
Asteria is still looking at her daughter in the glass. She breaks the glass. The daughter is unconscious. Asteria tries to restore her.
Asteria stabs her with a shadow blade between the ribs. She pulls the shadow blade down along her stomach.
Asteria: "This is the most direct way."
Atherak: "Something about this one who calls himself Atherak is familiar."
Xarsha: "The other three will try to make their move."
Atherak: "I'll go get them and bring them here. They would get slaughtered by Gorvag. He is already there."
Gorvag is floating on his big throne. A slaver is looking down in the chasm.
Slaver: "Great Lord Gorvag we are not sure how far the chasm goes down."
Gorvag: "Throw one of the slaves down there. When he stops yelling then you know he hit the bottom."
The slaver picks up one of the slaves and tosses him off. He screams his way down as it fades.
Gorvag: "That didn't work. Tie a line to another and throw them down."
They tie a silver line and a light to a slave and throw them off. The line keeps going until it stops. It is slack so they hit the bottom.
Gorvag: "What are we waiting for? Go down and find it."
They have light orbs tied to slaves and they are tossing them down. This is to light the way.
Paravahn, Hentia, and Jentian are off in the distance.
Paravahn was the humanoid with white skin and black stripes. He is much more scarred up now. Hentia is the multi-shifter sister and Jentian the multi-shifter brother.
Paravahn: "All that we have ever done has brought us to here. You have followed me and now it is only us. Today we remember all those who fell fighting for this moment."
Jentian: "There are many of them. I will fight with all I have."
Paravahn: "I know you will friend." He places his hand on their shoulders. "We were there together in the beginning and we will be here now in the end. Let us make ready."
They are making a plan to steal Yarvax. There used to be more of them now it is only those three.
They have been trying to go from existence to existence to find a way to save the creator from within Yarvax in the hope it will re-create their existence.
They have been prolonging their lives through magic but it is taking its toll.
Asteria uses another shadow blade to her daughter's lower abdomen and another one to her upper chest. She uses another directly through her forehead. Then Asteria puts something in her daughter's mouth.
Asteria: "It is flowing better but not quite there yet."
Their suicide mission plan was to use the mist weaver Nyrix to help them sneak onto Gorvag's citadel. Hide where they were going to place Yarvax then use the mist weaver to get them all out.
The thing about Gorvag's citadels that Rovitiomal discovered is that they don't need mist weavers to go through the mist into other existences.
Good thing Ashontrah has two of their citadels. The ones that belonged to Princess Kammakay and Dunka.
Dunka: Slaver Invasion of Joshinheim
These Seven Houses of Harsvah that Gorvag aligned himself with are like the Ten Houses here but far more ruthless and sinister. They claim they have the power to awaken Yarvax. He is worse than the Bishberrin.
Asteria put something inside her daughter long ago. This could be why the Varkar took her and then dumped her. The dead being saved her.
Asteria: "Awaken my beautiful daughter. Rise with me." She stands her daughter up.
Asteria: "My Little Twilight... we are almost done. Open your eyes, gaze upon me." The daughter opens her eyes and Asteria smiles. "It is complete."
The daughter is dreary and very weak.
Atherak: "Rovitomial help her out will you? You brought all that with you."
Rovitomial: "Yeah I got it right here somewhere... Wait..." He pulls out a green sphere from his shirt pocket. "It will take me a bit to revive her but this will work."
Atherak brings Paravahn, Hentia, and Jentian. The Mist Weaver Nyrix is also here.
Paravahn: "Nyrix I knew you didn't betray us."
Nyrix: "I spoke not a word. I was not ill treated."
Jentian speaks to Atherak: "So it was you in the citadel."
They were inside the citadel. Everything went dark and the guards died. They heard a voice 'You must come with me.'
Hentia: "Then our time of judgement has come."
Paravahn: "Yet we were so close."
He stops and notices Asteria. He has a shocked look on his face. He walks up to her slowly. The multi-shifters go to their knees and bow their heads.
Paravahn is in disbelief. He reaches out to touch her hand but she moves away. He goes to his knees.
Paravahn: "Forgive me. It has been so long. The face is changed but I know those eyes. You live. You don't really remember me, but I kept a promise to your mother and to your father. And you are alive. They said you were. I heard rumors. I matched the names and went looking. I could never find you. I heard the others are gone."
Asteria: "What can you tell me about myself?"
Paravahn: "Everything. You are the daughter of the Mother Divine known as the Everlasting Twilight. Your kind are the ones who guided everyone. You were too young to remember when you were taken. When your mother and father were harvested by the Bishberrin."
He starts to speak in their original language. The multi-shifters are still kneeling. Asteria tells Paravahn to stand. He is weeping. They were guardians to her kind.
Paravahn: "You were only newly born when they came to our existence. They ravaged through all the realms devouring all."
He shows a vision of the Bishberrin and Yarvax with more of their kind.
Paravahn: "Your mother and father sent the guardians forth. My kind and the shifters. There was a fierce battle. Your mother and father both went to the creator to try and find a way to drive them out. She had no answers."
Jentian: "Several of your great uncles and aunts decided to face them with what was left of the guardians."
Hentia: "However their power was too great. They enslaved most of you to harvest your kind because you are eternal."
Paravahn: "Your father died fighting the Bishberrin and was harvested. He represented everything that was sun, light, and life. Your mother represented all the dark aspects. It was an existence that was balanced.
Once the light was gone your mother was harvested by the Bishberrin's brother the Halaxin. This caused a civil war between the Bishberrin and the Halaxin. They both tried to collect and capture all of your kind especially the Everlasting Twilight. The Bishberrin got her."
Vustik was the apprentice of Asteria's father. The creator had given Asteria's mother a little pyramid which she gave to Paravahn. This is what he used to make the portal on the ground and take them through.
Paravahn: "Your mother's dying wish to me was to save you and as many of your kind that I could and take you somewhere else. Yarvax devoured the creator."
Eventually the Bishberrin devoured his own brother the Halaxin. When Yarvax devoured the creator he went into a catatonic state. The Bishberrin was in fear that Yarvax would devour him so he left him at the bottom of this chasm.
Paravahn: "They left the 3rd existence ravaged and drained of everything until it died."
Jentian: "But you have returned. You can bring back the creator from within Yarvax."
Hentia: "I shall serve you."
Jentian: "As shall I."
Asteria: "This is a lot of responsibility. My strongest desire is to assist others, those who I trust. I don't know what to say to all of this... I am still learning. I'm sorry, I don't wish to disappoint you..."
Asteria gets down on her knees. She is emotional. She still has the blue orb with her. "I don't know what to make of all this..." She starts to cry.
In the human language we can call Asteria's kind the First Born.
Paravahn: "You could never be a disappointment to any of us. Your mother saw that in you. But I understand this must be much for you to take on."
Atherak: "The time will come. No one should lose hope on that."
Asteria: "What shall I do?"
Atherak: "Grow strong. There is a way to undo what was done here. There is a way to bring it back. As you have awakened your daughter you can also awaken this creator that is inside Yarvax. When the time comes."
Hentia: "We shall be there with you."
Paravahn: "And I shall watch over you as I have. I will gather those who I know who are still out there. We will gather to you. When you are ready we will take back what is ours."
Nyrix: "I can help with this."
He is one of the oldest mist weavers there is. This is why his mist is so dark.
Nyrix: "I can find them anywhere. Many of them wish to return. Many of them wish to see a wrong made right."
Asteria's daughter seems to be more coherent now. She doesn't recognize anyone. She is startled. She feels around as if she were stabbed.
Daughter: "Am I dead?"
Atherak: "Why do we always get that Xarsha?"
Asteria: "Not at all. I brought you forth from your slumber, you were never dead. Here, look into my eyes. Tell me if you think you are dead."
Daughter touches Asteria's face: "I know you. Where do I know you from? Your voice is so familiar." She remembers... "Mother."
Asteria smiles: "Yes it is I." They embrace.
A small messenger arrives to Atherak to bring him a message from Ashontrah.
Dead being points at the two multi-shifters and Paravahn: "I know you. I know you. I know you. See and come. Told you. No listen. But here is and done. Did come. All dead. I here you there."
Atherak: "We should give him a name. I want to keep him. I find him interesting."
Xarsha: "You could call him Gibberish."
Atherak: "No we are not calling him Gibberish. I will call him Thrax."
Dead being: "I like. I am Thrakather."
Atherak: "No. You are Thrax."
Dead being: "I like. I keep. You there I here."
Daughter: "I was just a little girl locked away. Ashoweah would try to drain me of something. I would always see his faceless appearance even in my sleep. My dreams were always nightmares. His voice was always saying 'I am going to steal the Twilight within you.'
When he couldn't take it he would beat me. He was horrible to me. As I grew I tried to run away several times. They would always catch me.
In order to keep me from escaping I was put into this crystal. Ashoweah grew tired of me. He had someone dump me in the river of bones. I remember all the pain and fear."
She was never named when she was a baby.
Asteria: "It will come to me."
Daughter: "I will be waiting with anticipation."
Atherak: "I am going back to my better athranaak. You can all come with me or stay here."
They all go back to the borderlands of this existence...
Ashontrah is waiting in the athranaak.
Ashontrah speaks with Rovitomial...
Ashontrah: "Please provide me with the date you have collected on the citadels."
Rovitomial pulls out a pink crystal that looks like a small citadel.
Ashontrah: "Beautiful."
***IG Sessions***
Arella - You already know her as Asteria. Her original name is Astiara'antiana.
Shane - Paravahn - Humanoid with white skin and black stripes
Charlotte - Hentia Multi-Shifter Sister
Isaac - Jentian Multi-Shifter Brother
Mīdnīs - Nyrix - Mist Weaver with dark purple mist
Jennifer - Asteria's daughter Little Twilight
Abandon All Humanity - Dead being Thrax - He doesn't remember his name. He has been dead in the borderlands for a very long time. He would call himself Atherak.
Questions for Paravahn from his incarnation Shane...
Q1. What is my purpose here?
Paravahn: "I was searching to find Astiara'antiana and others like her."
Q2. What do I need to do to achieve that purpose?
Paravahn: "I have achieved that purpose."
Q3. What should I do to prepare myself for the fall?
Paravahn: "Do as I have done and survive. Set a goal for yourself and always strive to accomplish it."
Q4. How might the coming fall affect my role here?
Paravahn: "Many things may change. My role has yet to be determined."
Q5. What else must I know?
Paravahn: "That there are many enemies that surround you. Many of those who would wish to see you stray from your spiritual. To put you into a cave."
Q6. Was it your voice that I remember hearing as my first memory as a child acknowledging me coming into awareness?
Paravahn: "Yes. This was me. I am surprised you remembered that."
Questions for the Multi-Shifter Hentia from her incarnation Charlotte...
Q1. What do we have in common, aspects of my life that can be explained by yours?
Hentia: "We are both risk takers. We like to look beyond what is in front of us. We don't believe that things can never be achieved. A way must be found to achieve them."
Q2. Why would you want me to connect? What can I provide you with my human life?
Hentia: "Knowledge of a place I am not familiar with. Experiences that I may have never had. A simpler way. I have always been here and there. I never had a steady place or a peaceful moment."
Q3. What can you provide me if I connect with you? What will it add to my life?
Hentia: "I can teach you to be stronger and take the necessary risks that you need to. To help you stand better on your own."
Q4. Any advice you want to give me?
Hentia: "Go back to some risks that you never took because you were too afraid and try them again."
Q5. What are your abilities?
Hentia: "I am a shifter. I can shape shift into any kind of beast I come in contact with."
Q6. What do you look like?
Hentia: "I look fox-like and dark red. I have long ears. When I come in contact with a beast my ears open up to mimic their form."
Questions for the Multi-Shifter Jentian from his incarnation Issac...
Q1. Who are you?
Jentian: "I am Jentian. I am servant to the First Born. Protector of their existence."
Q2. How can I connect to you better?
Jentian: "You have a strong connection to your bloodline there. We share the same traits. Them and our kind. You can find ways to connect through there."
Q3. How can I better survive the Fall?
Jentian: "Connect with the land around you. Observe the animals, the plants, the seasons. They will guide you and show you the way."
Q4. What are our affinities?
Jentian: "I don't know what that is. I feel connected to my sister and Paravahn. Also to those who have come before and are gone now. Wherever they may be."
Q5. Anything you suggest I work on?
Jentian: "Your motivation. You are lacking in that area."
Q6. What are our abilities?
Jentian: "We take on the shape of any beast we come in contact with."
Asteria: "They also have a unique sense of hearing."
Questions for the Mist Weaver Nyrix from his incarnation Mindis...
Q1. Will embodying my true self finally stabilize my emotions and personality?
Nyrix: "Yes it will. Your personality goes on a straight path of a while then it veers off all the sudden. I think this might be an effect of me traveling through the mist. I think our connection might ease this."
Q2. Why do you keep calling my body fragile? How much stronger can I get by working on my body and abilities normally?
Nyrix: "Your body is fragile and I do not mean weak. There is more that it can take. You have haven't even begun to press the limits of it. Do not let pain hinder you."
Q3. How should I go about connecting fully to him, the wind and lightning?
Nyrix: "My friend Paravahn is a guardian being with elemental powers. I am learning them including wind and lightning. Use deep meditation. Meditate before you sleep. Envision the mist. This will help you better connect."
Paravahn: "I find the best way for one's vessel to connect is endurance. Training yourself in the wild and work with the elements."
Questions for Asteria's daughter Little Twilight from her incarnation Jennifer...
Q1. What is my purpose here on Midgard?
Daughter: "It was an escape from what I was going through. It was my only escape from where I was."
Q2. How can I better connect and communicate with my true self?
Daughter: "Both rediscover ourselves together. There may be those who can help us with this."
Q3. Are there any particular blockages that I need to work on?
Daughter: "There are many of them. We should work together to discover where these blockages come from and the root of the cause."
Q4. Is there any specific path that you want me to follow?
Daughter: "A path that leads us to a better place than where we were."
Q5. Do I have any special connections with the feeling cold or the season winter?
Daughter: "The connection is because of the Twilight. It is more calm."
Q6. Will I survive the fall?
Daughter: "Whatever it is I hope that we can overcome."
Question for the dead being Thrax from his incarnation Abandon All Humanity...
Q1. Why did you incarnate me here on Midgard?
Thrax: "Make you. I made you because you are me and I wanted another me."
Q2. Do you currently have any other incarnations on Midgard or elsewhere besides me?
Thrax: "No. I only want one. Could make more. Want to make more? We make more."
Q3. How many incarnations have you already had before me?
Thrax: "Many but one. One was many and many was one before."
Q4. Are your previous incarnations the very same physical essence that I am?
Thrax: "I pour into what is and what is became many and then many became one. The one was too much for the many so I put it all down into one."
Q5. This physical essence has anchored us to Midgard life ever since you decided to incarnate and I would like to keep it alive. Would you grant me that?
Thrax: "But dead better. Dead better could be alive. You make me alive I make you dead. We both be alive and dead. As one!"
Q6. If there is one thing that is of paramount importance that you need to tell me, what would it be?
Thrax: "Always look when one is not looking but don't look back where you cannot find it. A place to look forward. That is why I look up and not down. Side to side but never to the ground. Look over there. Look forward and then backward. Then move to the side."
Atherak does the core fusions for Paravahn, Nyrix, and Thrax.
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