Midgard Cut Off from the Realms

Midgard was not originally created just for mankind. Beings of all kinds could come here. Where man, Gods, and mythological creatures fully interacted.
An Elf could come here from Alfheim and fully interact here in Midgard then go back to Alfheim again.
Before the Urthak War there was no barrier between the Midgard and the spiritual realms.
The Moon Tribe nature folk on Midgard are not incarnations. They are themselves in full.
This is how the humans during that period were able to look into the sky to see the Gods and others fighting.
The Hindu religion and many other regions speak much of it in detail. War in the Heavens.
The Urthak War caused Midgard to be sealed off. The Moon Tribes are the ones who were on this side when the separation happened.
This is why mankind has mythology of so many different kinds of creatures. These were the Nature Folk who were left behind from the Urthak War.
*Post picture: Pegasus by Jan Boeckhorst. Painted in the 1600s.*
This is why in most mythology these mythological creatures were rare and difficult to find. The number of Nature Folk was dwindling due to be hunted while mankind was increasing.
Earth is more special than you think. It is a planet that was created with aspects and environments of all the realms and even of other existences.
This is the planet that best represented what existence was like inside the Atheron.
You could explore this world of Earth for lifetimes and still not see and experience everything.
Well until humans started building their mega cities and destroyed many habitats, species, and environments.
The Moon Tribes started becoming hunted more and more. They went into hiding a long time ago and have been hiding rather well until modern times. Satellite tracking and the internet has made it far more difficult for them.
There is a Moon Tribe girl that was found by an old man. She looked to be about 2 Midgard years old. She had pure white skin, black eyes, black hair, and gills on her neck.
He took her in and kept her secret. One day a man came to steal from him. She shot these extremely toxic spores from her neck that infected him.
Her spores cause someone to become completely ravenous like a dog with rabies. The man becomes fully infected within seven hours.
Then he spreads it around to his village. It spreads through saliva and these infected beings foam and spit everywhere.
It only takes 7 minutes for someone infected by the saliva to start becoming ravenous themselves.
The government of that country came through and burned everyone in that village and killed anyone else speaking about it.
They killed the old man that was keeping the girl. They took her and have her imprisoned.
They are using her to make a biological weapon. They are also keeping her alive to make an anti-dote in case it gets out of their control.
If this got out it would be an almost zombie-like plague but worse. These ravenous humans would not be mindless.
The infected run a constant fever of around 106 to 108 degrees Fahrenheit. They feel like their brain is on fire.
The government of that country has many Moon Tribes. Including an 18-foot rock troll with two heads. They keep him in a cell with steel walls at least 10 feet thick.
What mankind calls Yeti are frost trolls. What they call Big Foot are forest trolls and brush trolls.
Hunters who go after Big Foot have difficulty because these trolls can disguise as rocks, trees, shrubs, and even logs.
Trolls really do turn into stone in the sun. They do this to preserve their energy. When the sun sets they are no longer stone. Trolls are nocturnal creatures.
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