Taking Down Gorvag and Yarvax

This involves several from the IG session list...
Bounty Hunter Stradith - He looks like a humanoid leapord but looks like he is made of citrine stone.
Kailia - Female purple humanoid, long ears, black bat wings.
Tytoae (Tie-Toe-Ay) - She has pure white skin and four eyes, long ears, fang teeth.
Gorvag used to hire those three to go after runaway renegade slaves.
Duwaiae - Male Centaur
Kahleekah - Female Centaur
Tusrelyn - Male Centaur
Flamebeard - Male Dwarf. Fogbeard's brother. He has been working on the citadels.
Greymountain - Female Dwarf
Brahasha - Male Savage Unicorn
Nexfei - Female Savage Unicorn
This is a continuation of First Born of the 3rd Existence...
The citadels we took from Kammakay and Dunka are sitting in Jotunheim.
This is where Flamebeard has been working on them and building other ships like what Blacklace has. They were only able to make seven of them.
The wild centaur tribes have gathered to join in with us. They are not associated with House Centaur who considered them savages.
This is where Duwaiae and Kahleekah come in. They are cousins and are the war leaders of this clan. It is a matriarch society. The chieftess is very old.
There are also some savage unicorns including Brahasha and Nexfei.
The Avnomar and the Blood Rose Vanguard are there prepared. The Nether Army has also joined in along with King Baradin. Dralaxin the God of Destruction is also there.
Asteria sends the Centaur Tusrelyn who was with her when she took down House Centaur.
Everyone is making final preparations while they wait on the arrival of Queen Ashontrah.
Doumarae, Lyindrinar, and Tenomachi are speaking with Greywillow, Greyoak, Flamebeard, and Fogbeard.
Flamebeard: "All the upgrades have been completed and all enhancements made on the citadels. It is taking me quite some time to figure out this form of technology, but I have to tell you... very intriguing.
It is unlike anything I have ever seen before. It is almost as if these citadel mountains are alive. As if they have a conscious of their own."
Greywillow: "It is as if they are living beings that came from somewhere else. I connected to these citadels. I have seen a past. They are conscious beings. They came from a world the slavers took over."
These citadels are one of the races that they enslaved.
Greyoak: "As if their spirits have been broken. When we connected with these great mountains we showed them an end to this slavers guild."
Greywillow: "This intrigued them. They also showed us that there is more to this slavers guild than Gorvag."
It is set up like a corporation. Gorvag is at the top but there is like board of directors above him. They oversee it all. They have enslaved thousands of existences. They work closely with the Dark Collective and the Purifiers as well as these Seven Houses of Harsvah.
Doumarae: "This means that our attention there against Gorvag will not go unnoticed. Hopefully it will cause a ripple effect that brings down the slavers guild."
Paravahn: "There is resistance from escaped slaves in these existences."
Doumarae: "I have provided the Avnomar with the names of these resistances... their leaders and fighters. The ones who are trying to stand against.
The intel that we have collected is that it is not really the slavers guild itself that keeps them in power.
When they went through conquering existences they had thousands of races which would support them in exchange for not becoming slaves.
Gorvag's race and many others who serve the slaver's guild live lavishly. Everybody works for the slavers guild. They look at the resistance of these escaped slaves as terrorists."
The Bounty Hunter Stradith hunts down these escaped slaves. Yet he lives a double life as a terrorist to the slaver's guild.
Tytoae has the ability to change anybody's DNA forms. So when they go after the slaves as the bounty hunter persona they copy the slave they are supposed to go after.
They take a slaver and make him look like the slave. She can change DNA and forms of anyone. Kailia can change the energy of anyone. The three of them work together.
Their own resistance is called Kahlutatientiega which means death to the oppressors.
Lyindrinar: "When can I speak to Stradith?"
Flamebeard: "He has sent a transmission orb. We will be meeting him there."
Lyindrinar speaks to Tenomachi: "Then we should probably sound the horns and assemble everybody."
Lyindrinar speaks to Greywillow: "Are you sure that Calabrin and Nyrix will have enough energy to bring us all the way through to their existence?"
Greywillow: "With the assistance of myself and Greyoak we should be able to sustain their energy long enough to bring us through."
Lyindrinar: "What about bringing us back?"
Flamebeard: "Well, we will have to calculate that when we get there."
Dralaxin: "That will leave us vulnerable if they decide to bring the full force of the slavers guild upon us."
Lyindrinar: "We will face that when it comes. Our main objective now is Yarvax and Gorvag."
A Volywnn messenger arrives...
Messenger: "All is being prepared now. Armies are loading up on the citadels."
Lyindrinar: "Good. We await the arrival of Asteria and Ashontrah to be on our way. Flamebeard and Fogbeard, oversee all the final preparations. We have to be ready to move at a moment's notice."
Lyindrinar starts to walk away but looks over his shoulder and says: "Oh and your cousin Blacklace, make sure she is prepared and not passed out drunk somewhere."
Flamebeard: "She has sworn off the liquor for 24 hours."
Lyindrinar: "And how long ago was that?"
Flamebeard: "27 hours ago. I will check on her."
Flamebeard goes up to a group of a few hundred dwarves. He speaks to Greymountain....
Flamebeard: "Cousin."
Greymountain straps on some armor: "Flamebeard. Cousin. I heard the horns of muster. All of us have been prepared. We await Blacklace herself to begin boarding these ships.
Blacklace however told us to wait here. She planned to give us an inspiring speech but she hasn't come back yet."
Flamebeard: "I will find her. Begin boarding. We must be ready to leave at a moment's notice."
The other seven ships are like Blacklace's but are all different elements.
Greymountain follows Flamebeard. He is speaking with Duwaiae, Kahleekah, Brahasha, and Nexfei...
Flamebeard: "You haven't all boarded yet."
Brahasha: "That is something we wish to speak to you about in regards to your cousin."
Nexfei: "Better yet, just let me show you."
She tilts her unicorn horn forward and it glows at the end. There is a floating image.
The vision begins...
Blacklace drunk on her ship: "You aren't getting on my ship crapping everywhere stinking up the damn decks. I don't have toilets for your fat asses on my ships. I ain't laying down straw for you either so you can take yourself a little weepy nap."
Kahleekah: "The war council has decided that our warriors will be aboard your ships. You will accommodate us now dwarf."
Blacklace: "I will accommodate you with a swift kick in your ass."
Duwaiae: "Speak of the Massiah again that way and I will put an arrow to your head."
Blacklace: "Oh yeah? Why don't you come up here and try? Oh wait. Ain't no damn ramp for you to get up here is there? I don't want to hear you running your mouth. Why don't you go dig in the snow over there for some grass and stuff something in it?"
Brahasha gets angry and his eyes glow red. He is black with red mane and tail.
Brahasha: "I grow impatient with you dwarf!"
Blacklace: "Well I don't give an eff. You can all take your four-legged asses and find another way there. You are not boarding my ship. In fact, you all got four legs why don't you run there?"
Nexfei: "I demand an answer for your rudeness to us."
Blacklace: "Here is my answer." She flips them the middle finger.
Then the vision ends...
Flamebeard is facepalming. Greymountain puts her hand to his chest.
Greymountain: "Let me take care of this."
As she walks by she twirls her dagger and snow comes up and grows a bigger and bigger floating snowball. She walks up onto Blacklace's ship. She goes over to the cabin and knocks on the door.
Blacklace: "Go the eff away. I am napping here. Ain't time to be doing shit and you are knocking on my door."
Greymountain knocks again.
Blacklace: "Whoever the eff you are. You are starting to piss me off. Knock one more effing time I am going to open this door and you are going to be pulling back a limb."
Greymountain: "So be it." She walks back a little bit then kicks the door open and sends this big snowball at Blacklace who was just lounging on a sofa. It smashes right into her.
Blacklace: "Oh now I am going to eff you up!"
Blacklace does a tidal wave punch which freezes when Greymountain grabs her hand. It stops her.
Blacklace: "Oh I didn't know it was you cousin. You should have told me."
Greymountain lets go of Blacklace's hand...
Greymountain: "Did you not hear the horns of war cousin? Here you are drunk again. It is time for action. Speaking of, the centaurs and the unicorns have not been boarded on these ships."
Blacklace: "Well I don't want them..."
Greymountain: "I don't care what you want. You are not running the show. They will be aboard your ship personally. This is my call. Unless you want to say otherwise." Her eyes glow with frost.
Blacklace: "Alright you have your way cousin this one time, but you owe me a drink after this. In fact, no, you owe me several." She gets ready to drink from a bottle again, but Greymountain freezes it and it shatters.
Greymountain: "There will be no more drink for you for a while cousin."
Blacklace: "Alright fine. I will stick with tea. Get the ponies aboard."
Greymountain walks away. Blacklace picks up the frozen alcohol and starts licking it like a popsicle.
Blacklace: "I don't want anybody in here slipping on a wet floor."
Greymountain walks back down to the centaurs and unicorns...
Greymountain: "My cousin will give you no more trouble. Begin boarding your warriors. We will need you aboard these ships for our first wave of attack."
Flamebeard: "Looks like you have it all under control here cousin. I need to board the citadel for final preparations."
Greymountain: "If you should fall before I see you again, then we will meet in the transcended realm on the great mountain."
The unicorn and centaur warriors board the ships with Blacklace. Bloodblade and Fiylin are with her standing on the deck of the ship.
Bloodblade: "Do you think they will let us ride them into battle?"
Fiylin: "Well I am not walking."
Bloodblade: "I bet you three barrels I see you walking."
Fiylin: "You got yourself a bet." They shake hands on it.
Bloodblade: "Find any prospects?"
Fiylin points to a female centaur warrior: "Her."
Bloodblade: "Here you go again."
Fiylin shrugs: "I like legs."
Draena Silverleaf speaking with Lyindrinar, Tenomachi, and Doumarae... Miuah Lunastar is also with Draena.
Draena: "All are boarded. We await Ashontrah and Asteria."
Lyindrinar: "They will be here soon. You seem disappointed."
Draena: "I was expecting an inspiring rallying speech from Ashontrah."
Lyindrinar puts his hand on her shoulder: "She will save those after we have brought Yarvax and Gorvag down."
Ashontrah and Asteria appear on one of the citadels. The one that belonged to Dunka.
Ashontrah: "Has all been prepared?"
Lyindrinar: "We await your command." Then he bows.
Ashontrah: "Then it is given."
Greywillow is standing next to Calabrin. They are in a round chamber. The walls are crystallized. There is a huge rainbow-like crystal in the center.
Greywillow puts her fingers to her temples and closes her eyes: "We are ready to leave brother."
In the other citadel is Greyoak with Nyrix. They are doing the same thing.
The Mist Weavers Calabrin and Nyrix put their hands on the center crystals. This mist swirls around it fills everything. All the chambers inside and goes outsides to all the ships. The Mist Weavers are straining themselves.
Greyoak: "Sister they need our assistance."
Greywillow and Greyoak form an energy in their hands. They pour it into the Mist Weavers. It surrounds the ships on the outside more and more.
Brahasha is on the ship deck: "Fascinating. I have never journeyed to another existence."
Kahleekah: "Neither have I. Let us hope we will return."
Blacklace: "Neither one of you shit on my ship."
More mist surrounds the ships as it gets thicker. They all disappear.
Everyone arrives in the 3rd existence. The mist dissipates. The Mist Weavers Calabrin and Nyrix collapse. Greyoak and Greywillow fall to their knees. Some try to give them aid.
Draena: "Have we arrived?"
Asteria's eyes are closed then she opens them: "We have."
Ashontrah: "This Bounty Hunter. Is he here? Can he be trusted?"
Paravahn: "He will be here. He can be trusted."
Greywillow: "I am sensing something."
A message comes in from Greymountain...
Greymountain: "I hope this object out here is friend and not foe. It came out of nowhere."
It looks like a black thin boomerang the size of a ship.
Paravahn: "That is them."
Ashontrah: "Then bring them aboard. I wish to hear what they know about this Yarvax and Gorvag. Where they are now."
Stradith, Kailia, and Tytoae come aboard the citadel...
Stradith: "Thank you all for having me at your service."
Asteria: "Your service is yet to be proven."
Stradith: "Very well then. Let me prove it. Gorvag has been making the final preparation to come back to your existence. Your attack on him has only briefly set him back. He comes with full force of his armada. He has 24 citadels, all his army, yet worse... He has awakened Yarvax.
Many have sought refuge here. Free slaves and others escaping the wrath of the slavers guild. Yarvax is not yet at his full power, but he has been crossing this existence hunting down those who he can find, devouring them. He grows stronger every hour. Your presence here will not go unnoticed. He will come for you."
Ashontrah: "Then we must strike him first."
Kailia: "Yarvax has returned to where Gorvag's army is massing. He is resting there now. There is no time to waste."
Tytoae gives an orb to Ashontrah...
Tytoae: "This will take us there."
Ashontrah: "Then we have the element of surprise."
Ashontrah gives the orb to Doumarae...
Doumarae: "We will have to move fast and get aboard those citadels so Greywillow and Greyoak can connect with them and set them free. My Queen we are severely outnumbered."
Lyindrinar: "Hopefully the ships that Flamebeard and Fogbeared have built will draw their attention away while we secure the citadels. This will not be an easy task. We must be ready here ourselves. They will fall on us with everything else they have to retake these citadels."
Fogbeard: "We have made all the proper upgrades and new defenses according to Ashontrah's design. We should be able to hold out long enough for my cousins to set the other citadels free."
Stradith says to Asteria, Greywillow, and Greyoak: "We can get you aboard Gorvag's citadel."
Ashontrah: "That will be the heaviest guarded one. I know that Gorvag will have his best aboard."
Greywillow: "It is the best chance we got to take control of all the other citadels. Gorvag chose that citadel for a certain reason. It seems to be a parent to the other ones. Like their leader."
Paravahn: "Gorvag will certainly be aboard that one as well as Yarvax."
Ashontrah: "Then we must take all precautions."
Lyindrinar: "You are coming with us?"
Ashontrah: "There are things here I must collect. Only Yarvax knows where to find them."
Lyindrinar: "Inform Tenomachi and Greymountain to prepare for the attack."
Lyindrinar turns to Calabrin: "When will you have enough energy to take us where we are going?"
Calabrin: "Soon. I am quickly regathering my strength."
The Mist Weavers are ready...
Calabrin speaks to Nyrix: "Are you ready brother?"
Nyrix: "Let's give it everything we got."
They touch the crystals again. Mist surrounds everything.
Aboard the ships the horn is blown to sound preparation for attack.
Greymountain gets ready to give the command but Blacklace steps in front of her...
Blacklace: "Alright you effing ponies. Time to see what you are made of. Let's stampede over these effers."
They all disappear with the mist and reappear on a nebula planet that has electrical storms everywhere. There are citadels floating all around with a huge one in the middle. That is Gorvag's.
Ashontrah: "That is our cue to leave and go aboard Stradith's ship. Are you sure you can get us to the center of the citadel?"
Stradith: "You will be amazed at what my ship and crew can do."
Ashontrah: "Then we shall see." Then she looks at Calabrin and says "Take us aboard."
Calabrin forms mist around Ashontrah, Asteria, Greywillow, Stradith, Kailia, Tytoae, Paravahn, Hentia, Jentian, Donha, Yonha, Valeyta, and Amerriah. They go aboard the boomerang ship.
Back on the citadel...
Lyindrinar: "There is no time. Sound the attack now."
On Blacklace's ship...
Blacklace grabs hold of the helm: "Alright laddies. That's our cue! Time to tear these bastards a new asshole. Let's get them cousins!"
Her ship does as it has done before. It turns into a big tidal wave. There are other elemental dwarves on other ships changing them into their elements. They are all going for the citadels. They hit a few of them knock them off balance. Some of them bump into each other.
Gorvag is on his throne sleeping. A slaver comes into the room and yells 'We are under attack!' Gorvag tries to wake himself up. He is groggy.
Gorvag: "Well don't just stand there. Sound the alarm! Get me down to the central nervous system."
He is hitting a button his throne and it barely moves him.
Gorvag: "Get slaves in here!" They try to push his throne.
He hears a voice booming through the citadel. It is shrieking voice. It is Yarvax...
Yarvax: "What is the meaning of this!? Who disturbs my slumber?"
Gorvag: "It is nothing. Meaningless terrorists. We will crush them."
Yarvax: "No. This is more than insignificant free slaves. I can sense her... I can almost taste her... She will be in my grasp. I have longed for true immortality." He is talking about Asteria. "I will devour her. Let them come."
Princess Kammakay: "Daddy!" She is running and the ground is shaking underneath her feet. She is dragging a slave with her. "Daddy!" She is crying. "They have my citadel!" She is swinging the slave around on a leash.
Gorvag: "What?! Let me see." There is an image projected. He sees the two citadels. He also sees ships hitting their own citadels and knocking them off balance. He is very angry. He roars.
Gorvag: "It is that Blood Rose Queen! You killed my sons! You steal from me! You steal from my Princess! I will personally have you sold to the highest bidder with a chain around your neck." He is exasperated and wheezing from yelling.
Kammakay: "I want my citadel! I want my treasures back!"
Gorvag: "Shut up! You will get new pets. You will get a new citadel. Now shut up! Daddy is busy!"
Kammakay starts weeping and runs out of the room.
Gorvag: "Get me my food. Bring me some food." He stuffs food into his mouth. He starts yelling at other slavers: "Why are you not attacking back?!"
Slaver: "We were waiting for you to give the order on what we should do."
Big chunks of chewed food come flying at the slaver from Gorvag's mouth: "What do you mean you were waiting on me?! I said attack! Get these citadels balanced. Kill them all!"
The citadels are starting to balance out again.
Greymountain: "There is no use trying to destroy those things. They regather themselves. Prepare to be boarded."
Blacklace: "No one is boarding my new armada. It is us who is going to be boarding them!"
She takes out a horn and blows it. It can be heard on the other ships. The other ships sound other horns. She places her hands on the helm.
Blacklace: "Alright ponies, hold on!"
She goes crashing into the side of one of the citadels. Slavers come out from different areas.
They start leaping off the ships and start attacking the slavers on the citadels. They knock many off. They are high up in the air. They fall into the electrical storm.
The other ships crash into other citadels and do the same thing. Dwarves, Avnomar, Vanguard, Centaurs, Unicorns, Nature Folk, and many others clashing against the slavers.
Apollo picks slavers up as he flies by. He drops them. Drakon are also attacking on the sides of the citadels. There is a whole big fight going on.
On Dunka's citadel...
There are five other citadels coming towards it.
Tenomachi: "Prepare all the defenses. We have incoming."
The citadels move in close to each other. They surround Dunka's citadel. Slavers move in.
Tenomachi is with Dunka's citadel along with many Volwynn.
Tenomachi: "We cannot let them get inside. Hold them off with everything we got."
Shaddaka: "None of them shall make it in. Not if I can help it."
On Kammakay's citadel...
Draena: "Tenomachi's citadel has been surrounded on all sides."
Lyindrinar: "Then we should be expecting the same."
Miuah: "They are already upon us."
Slaver citadels surround them and pin them in around the sides.
The Jotunn King Lemniskarun, Kuluyaku, Skadi, and many other Jotunn come out of Kammakay's citadel. The Tree Ents, Joukurbidan the Minotaur, and many others are also there.
Gorvag's citadel is moving forward. The boomerang ship is behind it...
Ashontrah: "We must act now while Gorvag is distracted. Get us to the center of that citadel."
Stradith: "It shall be done. Everyone hold on."
The ship spins like a boomerang. It is spinning really fast. Then it shoots forward and cuts into the back of Gorvag's citadel. It goes right to where the central nervous system is and stops. Then the bottom hatch opens...
Amerriah, Donha, and Yonnha jump out. Then everyone else comes out attacking the slavers in the area.
Greywillow goes toward the crystal at the center of the central nervous system.
Ashontrah does a pink mist cloud that burns slavers away. It surrounds Ashontrah and Asteria.
Ashontrah: "Protect Greywillow. Clear her a path."
Slavers are coming from everywhere. Greywillow is putting up her hands getting close to the crystal.
Greywillow: "Be calm friend. Let me set you free."
Princess Kammakay comes up and smacks Greywillow against the wall.
Kammakay points at Ashontrah: "You! You took my pets! You took my citadel! I am going to squash you!"
She charges at Ashontrah. Amerriah is shooting her with arrows but it doesn't slow her down. She smacks Hentia and Jentian out of the way.
Donha and Yonha try to take her down. They get a lasso around her neck and are trying to choke her. It is not stopping her.
Ashontrah does her pink mist and it goes towards Kammakay. She takes in a deep breath and blows it back at her. Ashontrah puts her hand forward and absorbs it back.
Kammakay comes up and tries to smash Ashontrah with all four of her arms. Asteria puts her hand up and places a field over them.
Ashontrah and Asteria are laughing at Kammakay as she tries to bust the field.
Ashontrah: "She is a whiny one." Pink spikes go through Kammakay's hands. This angers her even more.
Amerriah is next to Greywillow as she tries to recover.
Ashontrah and Asteria continue to laugh at Kammakay. This has her enraged.
Asteria: "Maybe a time out will settle her down."
Kammakay slams on the field again but gets stuck on it. She tries to use her feet to pry her off but they also get stuck. She tries to bite and it her mouth gets stuck. She is throwing a temper tantrum.
Ashontrah and Asteria walk out of the field on the other side while Kammakay is still stuck to it.
Ashontrah touches Greywillow on the head and pink light goes into her. This helps her regain herself.
Ashontrah: "Hurry my friend."
Then they hear a loud piercing shriek. This is Yarvax...
Yarax: "You have come! You will be devoured and you bring something else with you... another whose energy will empower me even more.
I will return to your existence Blood Rose Queen. With your power inside me and that of the immortality, pure immortality that I will take from you!"
He comes out of the of the room and grabs Asteria from behind. He grabs her by both shoulders. He bites down on her and devours her.
Yarvax turns toward Ashontrah...
Yarvax: "Now I live forever. True immortality. I know of you. Once I consume your power I will devour all existences and re-create them in my own. Return my kind back to where we were."
He grabs Ashontrah and it burns him. He laughs. He grabs Ashontrah again and bites down and devours her.
Yarvax starts glowing pink and other colors...
Yarvax: "Yes! I am all now! I am the only one who will decide the fate of everything. All existences are now mine!"
He turns toward the others who are there...
Yarvax: "Your plans have failed. Now come be devoured and join them. Become part of me with your powers."
He goes to bite down on Greywillow but is stopped. He backs up and starts hacking and coughing. He is down on his hands and knees choking. He is trying to hack something up.
Ashontrah's feet and legs come out of his mouth... He gags her out. She has Asteria grabbed by the waist. They are in a pink embryonic sack. Asteria is holding onto a glowing sphere with a black and red tentacle attached to it.
Asteria reaches up with her other hand and grabs onto the tentacle. It hardens and shatters.
Yarvax drops back after coughing them out. He is really weak...
Yarvax: "You! No! Give it back!"
The orb is the creator being that he ate. He is crawling toward Asteria. Both Ashontrah and Asteria get out of the pink sack.
Yarvax: "Give it back!" He comes up to Asteria's feet. She moves her foot back and steps on his hand. It shatters his hand and up his arm. He sits up a bit.
Ashontrah comes up and grabs his other arm by the wrist and shatters it off. He is groaning in pain.
Asteria hands Ashontrah the little orb.
Ashontrah: "Finish it."
Asteria walks up and places her hand on his head. Yarvax shatters and crumbles away.
Greywillow is with the crystal in the central nervous system of Gorvag's citadel. It starts to glow and she also glows.
The other citadels back off from Dunka and Kammakay's citadels.
Flamebeard: "Alright get back on board. Everyone hurry! Sound the retreat!"
Centuars, Dwarves, Unicorns, and the others get back aboard the ships fighting slavers along the way.
Blacklace: "Alright you effing ponies. Get your big asses aboard. We are out of here!"
The ships pull away. Nexfei is running to try to catch up and get on board. Bloodblade and Fiylin are trying to help her.
Brahasha: "Hurry! Run as fast as you can!"
Blacklace: "Ah eff, here I go having to be the hero."
She runs off the edge of the front of her ship and jumps back onto the citadel. She is knocking slavers out of the way. She runs up to Nexfei and grabs her around the belly and back.
Blacklace: "I hope you know how to land on your feet horsey!"
She throws Nexfei onto the ship. Nexfei lands, stumbles, and rolls.
Blacklace yells to Bloodblade: "Get the ship out of here."
Bloodblade: "Not leaving without you Captain."
Blacklace: "I said get the eff out of here! I can handle these bastards."
There are bunches of slavers coming. Many of them get burned by three Drakon including Urisia and Vahxiaiah.
Flamebeard is on the back of Vahxiaiah shooting flames balls at the slavers.
Urisia lands where Blacklace is. Greyoak jumps off Urisia's back. He hits his staff into the ground. It sets out shockwave cracks in the citadel ground. As it hits the slavers it goes up through them and melts them with blue fire.
Greyoak: "Climb aboard cousin. We are getting out of here."
Blacklace: "Ah hell, I effing hate flying." She jumps on Urisia's back. They fly off.
Flamebeard: "I have one more present for you assholes!" It is a big crystal bomb with all this fire inside. He heaves it down at this citadel. He leans in and grabs onto Vahxiaiah.
Flamebeard: "Fly fast!" Below them is a huge explosion.
On Gorvag's citadel...
Greywillow is still with the crystal of the central nervous system. She is speaking to it...
Greywillow: "All your children. Speak to all your children. Have them remove the ones who enslave them."
They start to turn themselves upside down and start to spin. Then they start rolling in different directions up and down and side to side. Slavers fall out of them.
The field that Kammakay was stuck to dropped. She got free. Now she is extremely angry.
Kammakay: "You don't put me in a time out! I am going to put you in a time out!
Greywillow speaks to the crystal: "This one. Take this one out."
The wall behind Kammakay opens and sucks her through. She goes out of the citadel and falls.
Gorvag is freaking out. He is getting a message. There is an even fatter female of his kind. Her throne is huge...
Female: "Gorvag! The board has decided that your recent actions have violated the rules and regulations of the slavers guild. Therefore I hereby revoke your slavers license. You are no longer allowed to enslave in any existences. Have a good day."
Then the transmission ends. Gorvag starts yelling. He falls off his throne. The slaves walk away from him.
Gorvag: "Help me!" He is wheezing and can barely breathe. His body jerks and his tounge falls out. He lets out a long breath of a death call. His heart explodes.
The citadels balance themselves back out.
Ashontrah speaks with Asteria...
Ashontrah: "Yarvax is no more. It is time to restore this creator to herself. Somewhere in this existence is the answer that you must find."
Asteria: "The answer is here somewhere. Maybe at the heart of where this existence began."
Paravahn: "There is a place that we should take you. A place that still exists. It is the old ruins of your kind. There may be answers there that can lead you to where the heart of this existence began."
Amerriah: "My Queen, Gorvag is dead. It seems that he died of some kind of heart failure."
Ashontrah: "Now his judgement will begin. Rest assured that the slavers guild has taken notice of what has happened. There are many enemies here who wish to invade our existence.
We must stop them here. The Seven Houses of Harsvah, the Dark Collective, as well as the Purifiers. The slavers guild must end. We must search for allies. They are here waiting for us to find them.
We must end the threats to our existence here and now. Inform Lyindrinar and Tenomachi that we will not be returning home right away."
To be continued...
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