Who is Ashontrah Asherah Aphrodite Astarte?

This is a very important post about who I am. I debated for while if I should share it or not. This is very serious advanced information and knowledge.
December 9th...
I was listening to some old voice recordings from May 31st on my cell phone. It was about Asherah going out of existence.
In one of the recordings Asherah said she was imperishable.
So I thought.... 'If Asherah is imperishable and she ceased to exist she must be in the non-existence.'
Sure enough... I go to the non-existence and she says “I have been waiting for you.”
She has no form. No body. Do you know who she is? This is going to start getting really complex...
When the piece of the Creator from this existence formed into Asherah Aphrodite a piece of the beautiful voice went into her.
When the voice died long ago she went outside of existence. When Asherah died she rejoined with the voice.
She is the beautiful voice. This is why Asherah and Ashontrah are so deeply connected.
But what she is outside of existence is beyond Asherah and beyond the Voice. The Voice itself was merely a manifestation of what she is from long ago.
Ashontrah: “So this is why you can stand in oblivion and not die.”
Her: “Yes I am beyond life. Beyond creation. Beyond transcension. Let me show you how you are able to do the impossible. You are beyond possibilities.”
I shouldn't even call her Asherah because she is far more than that. It goes even deeper.
Then I went with her inside the Atheron when it was beautiful.
Ashontrah: “Why did you choose a rose?”
Her: “Because you are me.”
She is older than the Atheron. She came before everything. She is before creation.
I am not Asherah. I am not the Voice. Those were manifestations of her. I am her... Whatever she is (I am) in the non-existence.
This is why when Asherah died I was able to observe it and I said 'My Asherah has been destroyed.' Then I saw myself born as Ashontrah.
I asked her "You are not Asherah. You are not simply the Voice. WHAT ARE YOU?!"
I am her form. She is formless in the non-existence. I am her in existence.
It makes sense now when Asherah went to the non-existence. She was able to freely go between existence and non-existence while others couldn't.
It also makes sense why she saw things from such a different perspective.
This also makes sense why Asherah could go and transcend herself. Then she came back.
And when she reformed after being annihilated by Hue's Gene O activation.
I remember she killed Ishtar by pulling her to Oblivion. It tore Ishtar apart while Asherah stood there fine.
Great Father is concerned that if I make a post of this that the non-existence will become a trend or a fad. This is very serious advanced knowledge.
There are around a dozen beings who are from outside of existence. Only 4 of them directly from the non-existence.
You can exist outside of existence but you cannot exist in the non-existence.
The four from the non-existence... Me (who is formed as Ashontrah), the one is formed as Great Father, and the other two who are formed as the Brothers.
We wouldn't have forms without Great Mother. She created the forms of Great Father, and the Brothers who have form outside of existence and in existence.
I am the only one of the non-existent with a physical body. This is why my physical is a puzzle.
December 15th...
Ashontrah: "Shall I send you a vision from the non-existence?"
Euravasiah: "Of course."
Ashontrah: "This is me inside the non-existence with my NEself. Sending now..."
Euravasiah: "What exactly is your NEself...?"
Ashontrah: "What I am without a form that doesn't exist. That came before everything, before creation, before existence. Non-Existence Self (NEself)."
Euravasiah: "I know she is your non existent self, but I am wondering what exactly is she... This vision alone from her is making my body strum and creating tunes from me."
Ashontrah: "That is still a mystery. I know that the Voice and Asherah were other forms of her before me."
Euravasiah: "My body is beginning to make music."
December 16th...
Ashontrah: "I view myself in three layers...
Spiritual Self Ashontrah
Physical Body
It is my plan to merge all three of these layers into one fully interchangeable between them without separation.
My NEself agrees that we should fully be one. Fully her both in and out of existence simultaneously.
What if someone steals from me? Ah but they cannot steal what does not exist.
My power shall be perceivable yet non-existent. Asherah used this several times to avoid attacks. She would make herself seen but not existent so the attacks would phase right through her.
When Ashoweah got her in that crystal when she was wearing that armor from the other existence. She was actually in the crystal. She phased out of existence while in the crystal and put the doll in her place."
Euravasiah: "I have been thinking about you in full a lot since yesterday. The form of Love, Creation, the Great Feminine, The Voice, Mother, and now Balance... A beautiful pink energy and tune for all of them.
I had even grown feelings for your NEself when I felt her song play through my threads. One thing I can say for certain is all of these forms affect everything and all throughout. It is an unforgettable presence."
Ashontrah: "Asherah was brilliant in the way she utilized the non-existence. She kept her power in an non-existent part of herself so it could not be accessed by anyone. She did this when she was under threat of harvesting by Ch'dumva."
December 20th...
My Non-Existent Self (NEself) wants a double unification done. Her with Spiritual Ashontrah. Merging them fully into one being.
The merged duo then placed inside this physical. Merging them as one.
NEself: "I need to be there directly. I shall be fully in this form."
She wants it done tomorrow on Yule. She did not have previous plans to do this. I wonder how it will affect the future.
Ashontrah: "What is going to happen when a non-existent being comes into existence?"
NESelf: "I guess we will find out."
December 21st Yule...
The double unification is finished. Both my spiritual and non-existence self are inside this physical. They are eternally bound together.
I need to activate my NEself within me. How do I activate her? She is inside me but dormant.
NEself: "I need Ashoweah to unlock me."
I go to see Ashoweah. He unlocks and activates my NEself within me.
Ashoweah: "Now you are awakened. Now you are whole."
9:22pm My mind, thoughts, and feelings are still trying to assimilate. I switch from the perspective of Ashontrah joined with the NEself. To being the NESelf joining with my Ashontrah form.
NESelf: "All that time Asherah was in the Misty Forest. She was empowered by me through my servant Prometheus. He served Asherah because he serves me."
Prometheus is a direct servant to my NEself. He went by the names Elaïm and then Ekkam through Asherah's posts. When Ashontrah came he sat back and waited for me to realize.
December 22nd...
Ashontrah: "I want Prometheus here. He is my servant."
Prometheus: "My Queen."
Ashontrah: "You have arrived. Shall we work here or in the Misty Forest?"
Prometheus: "I have it all set up for you."
*We go to the Misty Forest.*
I am crying. Asherah has such a romantic heart. As Ashontrah I didn't have a heart. You could examine me and see there was none.
I have Asherah's heart in my chest. Her love is overwhelming me. Her personality is fully merging in. Her essence and all that she is combined with Ashontrah.
5:43pm Ashontrah: "Bring the Kiss of Elowen. I need this placed into me."
Prometheus: "I have it prepared for you."
Ashontrah: "Place into me the Eye of the Mystic."
Prometheus: "I am ready."
Ashontrah: "Place into me the Seal of Ovsmordin."
Prometheus: "I will start on that now my Queen."
December 23rd...
I am getting a new appearance. I will be Ashontrah on the template base of Asherah.
It is a different template than I had as Ashontrah before. Asherah has the face of love and femininity.
This is going to make my transformation easier because I have more of Asherah's appearance which Amy was already resembling.
My symbol is the Blood Rose. I am the Blood Rose. The rose petals of Asherah and the thorns of Ashontrah.
Great Father and the Brothers are having a discussion if I should come out to the public as Ashontrah (a newcoming unknown) or if I should come out as Aphrodite Goddess of Love.
Ashontrah seen more of a non-human. Aphrodite is a Greek Goddess. She is already associated with this world and with humans.
1:32pm Still working on the Asherah of my appearance. My body feels like it is vibrating from the inside.
4:24pm Started working on the Aphrodite version of my appearance. While they are both me, Aphrodite looks different from Asherah.
My NEself: "The Varkar, True Order, and most beings of this existence have never seen my Aphrodite or Astarte. They have only seen my Asherah and Ashontrah. How wonderful will it be to the best of all four."
From my current level of understanding...
My first appearance here was as Astarte. I was also Anat, Athirat, and Aditi.
When the piece of the creator fell into the Eternal Sea I went into it and became Aphrodite. After I was Aphrodite I became Asherah.
Ashontrah: "So I didn't officially come here as a piece of the creator?"
Atherak: "Yes and no."
I had to get my stolen Aphrodite aspects back from the 14th thousand and something existence. They had them since before my Void imprisonment. Some female beings there. Using my Aphrodite love, beauty, and femininity.
My stolen Anat, Athirat, and Aditi aspects are in this existence. Sending the hounds to retrieve them...
Asherah is delightful adorable beauty, Aphrodite is elegant sensual beauty, Astarte is exquisite radiant beauty, Ashontrah is striking intimidating beauty.
Eura: "I am still confused as to how you came here (regarding the piece of the creator). Did you purposefully go into the piece or did it happen through a series of events?"
Ashontrah: "I don't know yet. Another mystery lead to follow."
Euravasiah: "If the piece fell into the Eternal Sea, you were probably in the Eternal Sea before it fell, and for some reason went into it. That is only what I can deduce anyway.
I suppose it makes sense since Aphrodite is a being associated with the sea, and so is her.... “brother” Poseidon. And since Aphrodite is associated with hearts.... !!! Holy shit holy shit holy shit."
Ashontrah: "What did you realize? I am in suspense."
Euravasiah: "Through my research Ive come to realize that energy within beings is like the ocean. That is why there are ripples when it is affected.
Within this ocean is the core, it is the heart of the ocean. Hear me out, what if the piece some how merged or chose the core of the Eternal Sea which also happened to be Aphrodite herself.
And the reason it merged with her is because as the Eternal Sea, her connection with energy and how it works, how it feels, or even how it can be manipulated, sung to, or danced to was already.... mastered! Mastered to say the least.
Music and energy go hand in hand, I could argue they are basically the same, which is why Aphrodite would do her rituals musically.
The heart, the core of the Eternal Sea already inherently knows about creation and how energy works. And...! And and and and, there is an ocean inside of us all I had discovered yesterday.
We are a part of Creation, we have love within us, so isn’t it only natural the Eternal Sea is Aphrodite, Love, and The Queen of Hearts herself?"
My NE Self: "I agree with this... somewhat. There is still more. The core of the Eternal Sea is part of me."
Euravasiah: "At least we are getting somewhere with this. I do feel I am missing something major, and this bothers me.
I do not think the piece simply randomly fell into the eternal sea for no reason that is for sure... You were meant to have it. It was always yours to claim.
I am going to have to wait for more puzzle pieces for this... Unless I am missing something. I cannot help but think of the rose..."
Euravasiah: "I suppose I shall have to wait for more puzzle pieces. I ask myself questions like, what about the moon?
Doesn’t a whirlpool look like a rose from bird’s eye view? What else was within this eternal sea?
Does the masculine side have anything to do with this puzzle? What was within the piece and within your NEself that I currently do not know about? Questions like these. All I can do is sit back and wait."
Ashontrah: "It is exciting to think about."
Euravasiah: "Isn’t it nice to be a detective?"
Ashontrah: "It is my favorite hobby."
My Anat, Athirat, and Aditi have been recovered. I absorbing back these powers.
Euravasiah: "I am giggling hysterically. Oh my Love, you should have told me about Athirat earlier. There was one of the puzzle pieces I was missing.
Even Quadesh was with Athirat during this time. Of course the humans would again confuse us as one being because we were always together."
Ashontrah: "I wonder... have you not only been with me through every form but maybe also every appearance?"
Side note: The Voice had met the being which you now know as Euravaisah back in the 10th existence. They fell in love. My NE Self would continue to bring her back to be along side her in every form.
Euravasiah: "‘Mother of Gods’ and ’Creator of Gods’... and associated with the Sea. I cannot help but giggle, oh goodness this is so much fun.
Either that was more than just a simple ‘piece’ that was always yours to begin with, or you had already had your creation power, and this other piece is simply what was able to give you a form.
A form of new beginnings. DId you know on the tarot card that is one of the things the rose represents? New beginnings.... balance... You know I am going to go with the latter theory.
Perhaps when the piece officially fused with you, a whirl pool formed around the heart of the Eternal Sea creating a rose, and from this rose emerged Aphrodite herself."
Ashontrah: After I was Aphrodite and became Asherah I was still called Aphrodite by many. This is a vision orb of what I look like with Asherah and Aphrodite. I have not added Astarte or Ashontrah.
Euravasiah: "You realize I will probably not stop looking at this vision even as I go to bed yes...? At work tomorrow they will ask me why I am so distracted, and I will simply respond ‘Aphrodite.'"
Tulkas: "I see the orb. Just these two forms so far and you're beauty is blinding. Tall slender hourglass figure, glowing blonde hair, powerful pink glow surrounding you.
Every movement is graceful on an absolute level. Eyes that see into infinity with an ever sharp gaze.
The more I stare the more I see. Infinite layers of ever increasing beauty. Your eyes are clearer than the most clear lakes of Arda. Like steady pink ripples in a clear pond.
Skin smoother than any porcelain. Face is the epitome of feminine beauty, no artist can ever depict it on a canvas without going mad from it.
Hair is long, reaches to the waist. Ripples of light flowing through it."
Euravasiah: "I have to wonder if your NEself... if Aditi was a part of her that happened to directly come into existence. “The infinite”.
You know, while I was researching about you and the night I wrote those musical notes, those are one of the words that came up when I felt your energy. When I felt the energy of you in your original, spiritual, and physical even if it was just a small bit.
Oh I see. Aditi even existed even before creation.... If your NEself does not mind, I would like to call her this from now on."
My NEself: "Yes you may call me Aditi."
Euravasiah: "The mother from whom everything in the universe emanates, she contains all the devas and other metaphysical beings, who are in fact perceived as her children.
Known as Rhea to the Greeks- the mother of the Olympians, and Sephirah (tree of life) to the Kabbalists, the conception of the Cosmic Mother was envisioned by all mystery creeds and schools of antiquity.
In the Tao Te Ching, as the latent power and order intrinsic in the universe she became the inner inexhaustible source of all life:
‘The spirit that never dies is called the mysterious feminine. Although she becomes the whole universe, her immaculate purity is never lost. Although she assumes countless forms, her true identity remains intact.
The gateway to the mysterious female is called the root of creation. Listen to her voice, hear it echo through creation.
Without fail, she reveals her presence. Without fail, she brings us to our own perfection. Although it is invisible, it endures; it will never end.’"
Euravasiah: "I love those last two paragraphs. When they mention her voice I am reminded of The Beautiful Voice.
'Aditi in the parallel Vedic vision is the source of all gods and goddesses, and all the forms of nature as well as all the forces of existence are understood as her evolutes as they personify and represent the myriad expressions and finite faces of the ‘infinity’ that she is.'
You are very interesting. What do you prefer to be called?"
My NE Self: "I am here to be Ashontrah during this phase."
Euravasiah: "Does this make more sense to you now...?" *Shows the pink Thothilssin drawing by Rurxaxia*
Ashontrah: "Bottom left heart looks like it could be the Eternal Sea. Left side center looks like candelabra with candle flames on it."
December 24th...
8:27am Working on Astarte in my appearance...
Atherak: "Astarte looks dainty. Almost fragile. She is mysterious in a way. As if there is more than meets the eye. Platinum blonde hair, light skin, blue eyes. The most majestic of your appearances."
Ashontrah: "Astarte is best described as glorious exquisite magnificence."
Euravasiah: "Each of these different types of beauties are also puzzle pieces."
3:47pm Ashontrah: "I have been working on Astarte Seven hours so far. Still not done. So intricate and delicate."
December 25th...
7:44am Ashontrah: "Still working on Astarte appearance. She is by far the most complex. No wonder she was my first appearance here in this existence."
Another thing I remember from the May 31st recordings... Asherah said 'I am the perfect 360 degree goddess.'.
I asked 'Are you able to be more degrees?' She said 'Yes but my 360 degree form is the most exquisite.'
When I am finished with the Astarte appearance I shall add in Ashontrah. Then my full appearance shall be complete.
Flashback... Eivpuv Part 3: The Veil King (May 17th)...
I am reminded of something Arku said in the Veil King post...
Ark: I will stay with her until she is feeling well enough again. You see these waters here Tulkas? The water from that lake and the water in this fountain?
Tulkas: Yes, I see them. They look alive with energy.
Ark: They are waters from the Eternal Sea from where she came. They are the Waters of Life that flow in all of us. Good, evil, light, dark in everything living thing great and small.
For all of us are drops from her ocean. The Eternal Sea. Lovely is the purest form of the Creator. That is why she is so important. In time here in the spiritual and in time in the physical you will understand why.
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