Still in the 3rd Existence

We are still in the 3rd existence so I cannot share what is happening with us yet.
We are up against the slavers guild of 17 billion. That is just their army. They also have billions of slaves.
They have ruthless generals that are extremely powerful. Like that bone skeleton general who was indestructible. They have beings worse than the Unseen.
They are backed by the Dark Collective, Purifiers, the Seven Houses of Harsva.
There is not much in the 3rd existence. Little bands of escaped slaves. It is easier to hide here because not many beings come here.
It has already gotten back to the slavers guild that we are there. It has put them on alert but they have not made their moves yet to attack us. They don't really care about the 3rd existence. It is just a wasteland to them.
Slaver board: "Maybe she just went there to get Gorvag. She may just leave. Put everyone on standby. If she makes makes a move against us then attack."
If we leave outside the 3rd existence to go against them to liberate the slaves they are going to retaliate with everything they have. They will come through and crush everyone. They are watching us.
Slaver board: "If she doesn't leave by a certain time frame then we shall send an emissary to see what she wants. She commands a powerful army that took down Gorvag. It is a waste of effort and resources to fight her even though we can crush her. We do not want to make her a martyr."
They are all worried what the costs are going to be. They are not stupid. They have a huge army but they know the slaves outnumber them.
If they make Ashontrah a martyr they don't want a repeat of the Garagee Slave Revolt. That was costly to them. It took them a long time to put that down.
Slaver board: "It was costly!"
I decided to go ahead and do the IG session questions for you...
Questions for the Bounty Hunter Stradith who looks like a humanoid leopard made of citrine from his incarnation Cameron...
Q1. Who are you?
Stradith: "I am Stradith of the Rikink clan. We are brave warriors. At least we were at one time."
Q2. What do you look like?
Stradith: "I look like me. Who am I supposed to look like?"
He has bat-like ears. Feline face. Humanoid body that looks made of citrine.
Q3. What do we have in common, what aspects of my life can be explained by yours?
Stradith: "I cannot tell you of your life, but my life has been one of survival. Knowing what need to be done when it needs to be done then acting on it."
Q4. What should I work on in order to survive the fall?
Stradith: "All things that fall have ways for opportunities for one to gain."
Q5. Are there any words of wisdom you have for me?
Stradith: "One that came to me by my Gurag... The many roads that you travel sometimes lead back around again."
Q6. How can I connect with you?
Stradith: "Open your mind."
Questions for Kailia the female purple humanoid with bat wings from her incarnation Alex...
Q1. Why did you incarnate on Midgard?
Kailia: "I sent out spores. You are one of many."
Ashontrah: "Many on Midgard?"
Kailia: "No. One there. Others elsewhere. Spores are children. They are me in different forms."
Q2. What are your abilities?
Kailia: "What does one mean by abilities?"
Ashontrah: "What is your special attack?"
Kailia: "Venom. I produce venom that controls others. Along with other things, but I don't like giving it away."
Q3. Who is your lover and does he have an incarnation?
Kailia: "Lover? I don't understand this."
Ashontrah: "Do you have a mate?"
Kailia: "No. I haven't seen one to mate with in a long time."
Q4. What should I learn to survive the fall and keep myself safe before it?
Kailia: "Know your environment. Know your limitations. Strengthen yourself."
Q5. Do you have any tips for me from the shifters?
Kailia: "I don't understand. What is to shift? Is that to change locations?"
Ashontrah: "She could be referring to Jentian and Hentia the multi-shifters who can change forms."
Kailia: "Ones who can change forms through manipulating their bodies? I would like to know. It would be good to do."
Q6. How am I doing so far on the druid and shamanic path?
Kailia: "You mean of Earth? I see you progressing."
Questions for the Tytoae the female being with white skin four eyes, long ears, fang teeth from her incarnation Lisa...
We have to get her form of communication. She does not speak verbally. She speaks telepathically in a way but it is not really telepathic. It is a light buzzing sound that comes from vibration.
Q1. Why did you incarnate here?
Tytoae: "To explore and to learn."
Q2. Why was I born with my disability?
Tytoae: "The way I made my incarnations from such a long distance didn't work out as well as I hoped. I wanted to make my incarnations exactly like me. I didn't understand the limitations of it."
Q3. Why is my physical often sick with kidney issues and hormonal issues? (i.e. thyroid)
Tytoae: "The same reason."
Ashontrah: "How many do you have on Midgard?"
Tytoae: "One. I only ever made one on Midgard."
Q4. What are your abilities, and how can I connect to them better?
Tytoae: "I am able to speak to all living things. Anything that has life within it or an essence. I can harm things or heal things with my mind. I use this. Use your mind."
Q5. I feel drawn to both the elf series and the superman sub. Which one should I do? Or can I do both?
Tytoae: "Whatever expands your mind."
Questions for the male centaur Duwaiae from his incarnation Kevin...
His skin is reddish but not bright red. It is dark red. He has ram horns. His horse-like body is dark-red and brown with blue and white war paint all over. His eyes are a red-brown color. His hair is the same.
Q1. Have you ever tried communicating with me?
Duwaiae: "A couple of times, but it is hard because of the lands that House Centaur made us live in."
It is kind of like House Centaur forced them onto reservations that they chose.
Ashontrah: "You could not live at House Centaur?"
Duwaiae: "No. We didn't share the same ideas they did. They asked us to fight for them during the Urthak war. We were given nothing. It is even illegal for us to make incarnations but we did anyway."
Q2. What powers and affinities do you have?
Duwaiae: "I am quick and silent. I have mastered Kahwookoo. (It is a long spear-like weapon with a spear tip on one end and a sharp half-moon on the other end.) I am very good with it. I am a fierce warrior."
Q3. What is my purpose for incarnating in midgard?
Duwaiae: "Because House Centaur would not let our tribes have incarnations. So we did anyway."
Q4. How can we better connect with each other?
Duwaiae: "Now that House Centaur's restrictions have hopefully been removed, then I shall be able to come to you in your dreams and teach you."
Q5. What should I do to prepare and survive during the fall?
Duwaiae: "Do as I have and survive. Keep you and your people safe."
Q6. Do you have any general advice for me?
Duwaiae: "Motivate yourself."
Questions for the female centaur Kahleekah from her incarnation Sasha...
She is of the same tribe as Duwaiae. She also has dark red skin. She wears dark red warpaint. She has no horns. She also has a reddish-brown body. Her hair is a bit darker than his. Duwaiae is her older cousin. She goes along with him everywhere.
*She does not have any questions*
Questions for the male centaur Tusrelyn from his incarnation Tusrelyn...
He has a blueish-grey tint to his skin. He has short cropped hair and a long goatee beard. His hair is dark blue-grey. His body color is like his hair. His eyes glow green.
Q1. What are some ways I can better connect to you?
Tusrelyn: "Study the lore and legends of centaurs. Understand that the horse and many other four-legged animals are kin to us. This is something House Centaur did not like. There are so many different kinds of centaurs."
Q2. Why is it so hard for me to learn new things?
Tusrelyn: "Because you have been suppressed as I have. Not being able to expand your mind. This may be your environment you have been placed in and those who rule over it."
Q3. How can I survive the fall?
Tusrelyn: "Learn on your own. Count on yourself. Use your mind and do not let others restrict you even if you have to study in secret."
Q4. Do you have any tips or anything you'd like to tell me?
Tusrelyn: "Even though it may seem now that the road before you is harsh because of the ones who rule over you, but time changes and those who suppress eventually fall."
Q5. Why did you choose to incarnate?
Tusrelyn: "I wanted to hopefully find other resistance against House Centaur."
Q6. Is there anything in particular you think I should do?
Tusrelyn: "Get out more away from the dominant society that rules over Midgard. You may find peace there. This will help you with your ability to learn."
Ashontrah: "Asherah had made you Keeper of the 5th Moon. Do you remember this?"
Tusrelyn: "Yes. It was something to do with the mistrust she had in the houses. This was a way of her knowing through me what is really going on. The messages were sent by the moon."
Questions for the male dwarf Flamebeard from his incarnation Roberto...
He is an elemental dwarf. His skin is flame yellow. He has glowing blue eyes. His beard and hair are fire red. He has a red tribal tattoo around his left eye that represents the fire element.
Q1. What's my purpose here on Midgard?
Flamebeard: "Well, I have come there to watch over the half-kin of the dwaven. As your simple description of human DNA is so similar to dwarven that we interbred.
Our DNA is kind-of how you say hereditary but it is stronger than humans. These are half-kin dwarves.
A lot of us dwarf kinfolk made incarnations to help watch over the Nature Folk half-kins that are still on Midgard. There are many of them. Half-kins are basically half Moon Tribe."
Q2. Is there anything important that you would like to tell me or anything important that you would like me to do?
Flamebeard: "Help Queen Ashontrah gather the Moon Tribes and help the half-kins too. There are things that are coming to Midgard that no human today alive even remember that happened the first time. Trust your dwarven kin-folk."
Q3. How can I help Empress Ashontrah and you?
Flamebeard: "Find as many of your kin-folk with incarnations here as you can. This will help us better to help her. As you know, dwarves are not a singular community. One dwarf does not make the decisions for all. We think better as a collective of minds and opinions. This is why dwarves have never warred on each other."
Q4. What can I do to better connect with you?
Flamebeard: "Connect with the element of fire. Connect with nature. Go explore the great places there on Midgard. You will find the connection there. I will be standing there waiting for you."
Q5. How can I prepare myself better for the fall?
Flamebeard: "Listen to others who would know and be wise. Listen to others who have wisdom and experience in such matters of uncontrolled chaos. They will know what to do because they have already written that chapter in their life."
Q6. For years I have done nothing but ruin my body, my mind, my spirit and every other part of me, I have done so many horrible and despicable things and I have wasted this life that you have given me, can you ever forgive me?
Flamebeard: "Why sure. Your life is not over yet. I am not one to hold grudges. Live it better. Do something worthy that will benefit you and your kin-folk."
Questions for the female dwarf Greymountain from her incarnation Dorothy...
She has grey skin and grey-silver long hair. She is really strong. She is a mountain elemental dwarf.
Greymountain: "Instead of sitting here and coming up with questions, let me just give my incarnation some advice. You want to connect better with me?
Find it within stones. Work with them. This should naturally flow through you. This will also help you prepare better. You will understand the importance of the element of earth. Study what grows from it.
Intrigue yourself in the life that it can give. If you wish to be strong, then train. You people on Midgard, I watch through your eyes all the stuff you have. You want to be a warrior like me then study.
I have incarnated there more than once. We know we have. You have seen it. There are wise men who are great warriors... and women. Many women.
You can go look on those flip open screen books that you have and find any information and any stories on these great warriors. I suggest you go read them. Then train yourself. Make yourself stronger. Don't whine and cry about the littlest things. Make yourself strong."
Questions for the male savage unicorn Brahasha from his incarnation Brax...
He has a black body. Red mane, red tail, red eyes. He has a black unicorn horn but it doesn't have a spiral. It is more like jagged obsidian. He wears red warpaint.
Q1. Have you been guiding me throughout my life?
Brahasha: "Yes. I have been trying to get you to where you need to go. Sometimes there has been setbacks. But Midgard is so unpredictable."
Q2. The gaze I had in my mind almost frequently, is that your gaze?
Brahasha: "Yes. I want you to see what I see."
Q3. I have been trying my hardest to connect with you, but they are ineffective, how do I connect with you in a much more effective way?
Brahasha: "The savage lands where House Unicorn has sent us has limited my connection with you. We have had to sneak outside the savage lands at great risk to try and connect. Maybe things will change in times that are coming."
Q4. Why did you incarnate here in midgard?
Brahasha: "To have a sense of freedom. To try and understand man and their ways."
Q5. What abilities, skills, weapons do you consider very proficient in?
Brahasha: "My horn and my breath are my weapons. I blow fire. I also kick with my back legs."
Q6. Any advice you wanted to share with me?
Brahasha: "Don't let others suppress you. Live free. Live with those who want to live free and not subjugate you by their meaningless prejudice."
Questions for the female savage unicorn Nexfei from her incarnation Xzana...
She has white and grey body. Her hair is a blue-silver. Her unicorn horn looks like a curved knife made of bone. She has dark purple eyes. She has white, blue, and green war paint on her.
Q1. How can I connect with you?
Nexfei: "Envision me running free. Open your mind so I can enter in."
Q2. What is my purpose here in Midgard?
Nexfei: "To find the ones that were left behind. I have family there that I am trying to find before mankind does."
Ashontrah: "Incarnations?"
Nexfei: "Physical unicorns. Not incarnations. I am not from the savage tribes. I was exiled from House Unicorn and sent out to the savage lands to wither away."
Ashontrah: "Why did they exile you?"
Nexfei: "Because I kept speaking of the unicorns that were left here on Midgard. That we should put in more effort to find them and help them before the humans get to them."
Q3. How should I prepare for the Fall?
Nexfei: "Find others who are preparing. Follow their example and make sure their example will not devastate you."
Q4. What are your abilities?
Nexfei: "To foretell impending doom. To walk unscathed in the natural world. Plants and animals won't harm me."
Q5. What should I work on?
Nexfei: "Finding others like you searching for a common goal. This will also help you survive."
Q6. Do you have any other advice for me?
Nexfei: "Do not let material things hinder you. Do not become too comfortable. This can be a weakness that can lead to your undoing."
The core fusions will be done later. We cannot pull the true selves from the 3rd existence to do them at this time.
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