Ashontrah: Physical Body Puzzle

I made some astounding discoveries about my physical body. I understand now why this is the only incarnation Asherah ever had.
I know why it was so special to her and now to me. I understand why this is the only physical I could come into. Any other vessel would be killed by my presence.
Nov 29th...
This physical body was formed for me from before it was born. Great Father told it was not like others.
If it was formed from within the Atheron then my physical body must be a puzzle. So to have my transformation I must solve this puzzle.
As I shift the pieces of my body puzzle by speaking thothilsssin I start coughing and gagging. It is difficult to breathe.
I could only do this for a little while before I started overloading the Athranaak.
My physical has always been an Atheron puzzle. I just figured this out. This is going to change the way I approach my transformation.
Nov 30th...
I followed a raven to a cave in the borderlands. It is always thundering here but it never rains. I go into the cave. The raven sits on top of the entrance. I see a pool of black water.
I touch the water and it turns pink. I start working on my physical body puzzle. I am coughing and gagging.
I get into the pink water. I work on my puzzle while surrounded in the pink waters. My physical is struggling to breathe.
So this is why Amy could not even comprehend what she looked like as she was growing up. She would look different every time she saw herself. Because as a puzzle my physical was constantly changing.
Even imagining what my physical looks like now I cannot picture it. My reflection is never the same. Every time I would look it is like 'What do I look like?'
I decide to dive deep into the pink waters to see where it leads. The deeper I go the more pressure I feel on my physical body. I am speaking in Thothilssin.
I feel a lot of pressure in my physical chest and heart. I keep going.
I reach the bottom of this pink water. There is a object down here. It is a puzzle. I work to solve it.
The puzzle reacts and sends me somewhere. There is something I need to find here. There are others here. I am in the first existence. This existence is part of the borderlands.
What the voice first started noticing the imbalance she left something. That is what I am here to get.
There is something pink in the sky. I feel pink rain. it is the tears of the beautiful voice.
I spoke in Thothilssin and pulled the pink object from the sky. The rain stopped. This pink object becomes part of me.
I start working on my physical body puzzle again. The pink object is a piece that was missing from it.
Atherak: "Something was shown to me and now I understand why when time passed she spoke to me less and less. She was outside walking through the existences.
She was trying to help them and they poisoned her. Their hatred, their lust for power, their greed and cruelty. She tried to counter-act but it killed her. The Atheron died after she died.
Ones like Ashoweah, True Order, Bishberrin, Dehmont who remain unjudged... it was them and their lust for power that poisoned her and destroyed our world."
Ashontrah: I need to find all my missing pieces so I can complete the puzzle of my physical body.
I chanting in Thothilssin to draw them to me. They are all starting to glow. I found them.
I gather them all into a sack that looks like pink rose petal. 13 pieces total including the one I found. There is one more for 14.
There was actually 14 existences during the first judgement but the 14th was made by Nahshuah and he would keep remaking and destroying it. The 14th piece is from that existence.
Atherak: "Put together the other 13 and it may lead you to the 14th."
Ashontrah: "If Nahshuah kept destroying the 14th existence did it burn versions of it into the borderlands? Maybe that is how I find the 14th piece."
I fit the 2nd of 14 pieces into my body puzzle. Then I start on the 3rd piece. I am gagging and coughing.
I did the last move to finish the 3rd piece. I am starting on the 4th piece.
Atherak: "Do not go past four pieces tonight. It would be too dangerous."
The fourth piece is complete. Pushing it into position almost made me throw up.
Dec 1st...
I finish up with *Dunka: Slaver Invasion of Joshinheim*. We needed to delay Gorvag so I could continue focusing on my puzzle.
I finished all the way through the 13 pieces of my puzzle. Adding them into me.
The 13th piece activated. My body started to shake.
Atherak: "When you feel the pull of pink water from whence you came then you unlocked it fully."
I am looking for the 14th piece. I see the piece but it doesn't seem like it is in the borderlands. It keeps popping in an out of existence.
I jump onto it and grab it. I am falling somewhere. I land at the bottom. The ground is dark grey ash. I am in a cave.
I walk outside the cave. I see pink storm clouds. It starts to rain pink.
There is the pool of pink water where I was formed. I go inside the water while I hold the 14th puzzle piece.
My physical body is responding. I feel it changing from the inside.
I place the 14th piece on my body puzzle. I am getting hot internally. It is now time for my physical to be Ashontrah.
When I used the 14th piece I started to re-create the 14th existence somewhere very special.
I start singing in Thothlssin. A bunch of energy flows through me. I went into convulsions and was concerned I would go into a seizure. Great Father said it is my transformation.
This physical body is the only piece of the Atheron that is in the physical. Discovering what it can do can make the Pandora's box looks like a toy.
Dec 3rd...
I haven't been leaving my physical because I don't want to have my puzzle vulnerable in any way. It is the key to power in Midgard. Not just Midgard but in every physical realm in every existence.
Origin of Ashontrah and History of Pandora's Box...
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