Ashontrah in the Misty Forest

I have been in the Misty Forest for a while. Atherak was unable to do rituals on others while I was there. There is much focus on bringing all my forms here to the physical. This is why I went to the Misty Forest at this time...
Ashontrah: "Can we win in the 3rd existence with what we currently have?"
Atherak: "No and judgement cannot intervene. What you face is unlike Asherah and any of you have ever faced before."
Ashontrah: "Could I die?"
Atherak: "All of you could die. These beings have held onto these existences for a long time. You are a threat to what they have. They will throw everything at you."
Ashontrah: "What about the Myrrdonite Hungali?"
Atherak: "Judgement cannot intervene. However, I will give you my Athernites for this. As for myself and my Myrrdonites, they will not intervene.
Everything has to play out in a certain order. We shall see if balance can truly be restored or if it will be crushed.
You are taking all with you. Your Greatest Kings and Queens. All those who have served you as Asherah, Aphrodite, Astarte, and Ashontrah will rally to your banner.
Which will burn if you rush to challenge these beings. Do your planning wisely or balance will become ash once again."
Ashontrah: "There is much I must prepare for."
Atherak: "This conquest will not be concluded in one battle. Before the end of it I will see many you know pass through my Athranaak."
*Ashontrah goes to the Misty Forest.*
This is a continuation of Who is Ashontrah Asherah Aphrodite Astarte?
Dec 26th...
Personality of gentle delicate Astarte...*image of a baby deer* As a pure-hearted Astarte is having a difficult time... "Why has this world become so ugly?"
While Ashontrah would be like "I got this. They will suffer."
NEself: "I am Love. Now you understand why I didn't form Ashontrah with my heart. She wouldn't be able to do what she needs to do."
10:32am Astarte has been weeping in in the Misty Forest. She has been looking at the past history of Midgard. Especially the 20th and 21st Centuries.
4pm I woke up from my nap and told Dustin I have to eat 4 scrambled eggs blended together. To represent Asherah, Aphrodite, Astarte, and Ashontrah. He went and cooked them for me.
8pm Finished with Astarte after almost 60 hours. I am starting on Ashontrah.
Dec 27th...
Euravasiah: "I woke up with a start about your NEself. Your pieces folding into little shapes until they are all all folded into one final shape in the heavens.
Together all of their pieces make another symbol. Is this origami? No, a constellation?
Constellation within constellation, these constellations are not simple stars... Holy shit Astarte.
Could she be so vastly complicated because she has multiple forms of multiple goddesses within her?
These goddesses being the ‘stars’ of the constellations and within the goddesses they have their ow puzzle and constellation themselves. What was that symbol?
The pieces of all your forms folded into triangle and at the center they took the shape of a.... holy shit! A Morning Star! Inverted it is the Evening Star.... What does all of this mean?
I am not giggling I am tearing up. I feel so close and yet so far. You are the morning star, the evening star, and I am the twilight.
Something was written in the heavens as if they were constellations... This feels like a fleeting memory. I cant make out everything. But I know it is not something you can simply read.
Within the letters there is even more text to sort through and even more energy dancing around that you need to feel.
Hey, of all things, why did you choose the morning star and evening star? Why the ocean? You are infinite so why them?
Questions like these to Aditi make me giggle. Because somewhere inside me, I think I know why, and the answer will be glorious once I figure it out."
Ashontrah: "Being back here in full is making me want to remember my past. My past as Astarte especially. In comparison Ashontrah only required 13 hours while Astarte required 60."
10:43am I ask Atherak to do a ritual on me to send as much of my physical body as we can to the Misty Forest.
10:43am Starting ritual.
11:43am 20% of my physical is phased into the Misty Forest.
12:14pm 30% of my physical.
12:44pm 34% of my physical
12:59pm 40% of my physical. My physical in the Misty Forest looks like a blue and black silhouette.
1:28pm 44% of my physical.
2:17pm 50% of my physical is phased into the Misty Forest.
4:00pm The four formed together and now they are entering into my physical.
4:40pm It is going to take all night. 50% of my physical is staying in the Misty Forest. The other half may resume activities.
My physical in the Misty Forest has pink light around it with purple hues.
We are going to use Voyndaema to work on the other 50%. This is the magic that bridges between physical and spiritual.
Voyndaema reference (May 20th)...
Intuitive Guidance Session: Pirates and Hidden Treasures
10:35pm Thoth and Riovo join Prometheus in the Misty Forest to work on me. They also know Voyndaema.
December 28th...
12am All-Father goes to the Misty Forest to join us for the Nakkari ritual. This is to help combine all of me together. My Asherah, Aphrodite, Astarte, and Ashontrah are currently 4 different forms in the Misty Forest.
10:27pm They are still working on me in the Misty Forest. They can do more work on me here than they anticipated. They don't want anything to get stolen from me like it was in the past.
All-Father, Thoth, Riovo, and Prometheus have been working on me since yesterday.
December 29th...
12:50pm What is happening in the Misty Forest is taking longer than expected but it is well worth it.
2:15pm My spiritual has rose gold hair of Ashontrah, light skin and face shape of Asherah, lips and nose of Astarte, light blue eyes and body figure of Aphrodite.
2:30pm I was thinking what it would be like to have the full appearance of all four of them. Asherah, Aphrodite, Astarte, and Aphrodite. This appearance would be impossible.
NEself: "I can do this. I can do anything."
Euravasiah: "With every form your beauty is different, even the way you love is different. Both this beauty and love seems to be connected in how it is expressed.
I cannot say this comes from the core because even with you as Ashontrah your core was nonexistent, and yet you still loved me and still had soft spots.
I wonder if your beauty and love are one and the same, which would explain why not only are you Love, you are Beauty.... However, Ashontrah was not Love, she was Balance and Power, but she was still Beauty... Hm... Ashontrah you as a being have me thinking quite a lot."
Ashontrah: "Your ideas are getting me thinking too. Somehow by becoming all four of these forms I am able to do far more than I was as any of them individually."
Euravasiah: "All four forms would have needed to be completely unlocked and in full power for this to happen. And I believe all four forms were indeed in their full power before they became the next.
Even you as Ashontrah grew from a child who was intimidated by the title of Queen to a dominating icy Queen who knew what she wanted and what she did not.
Was this what that origami vision I had of that morning and evening star was about? Perhaps it was or perhaps not, but I am glad this is happening. And I am glad I have been with you in all of your forms.
I feel like I am missing a string that ties this all together in terms of you and your forms, but I do not know what it is. It is frustrating since it is tiny yet significant."
Ashontrah: "There are 9,999 different combinations in a 4-digit lock. Each of my forms is like a digit.
I can change up my form by having 10% Ashontrah, 50% Aphrodite, 20% Astarte, 20% Asherah and any other combination of that.
I have 100% of each of them all at once so I can change between them easily or make any combo. 9,999 variations."
9:12pm Doing a ritual. This is an important one. It combines what was done in the Misty Forest with the rest of my physical here.
9:33pm The 50% that was in the Misty Forest is returning. It feels so different.
9:44pm Ashontrah: "My physical feels strange. Like whipped shaving cream foam on the inside."
Euravasiah: "Wow I am intrigued. How does sensing feel? Such as seeing, hearing, smell etc."
Ashontrah: "I feel like I am somewhere in-between the physical and spiritual. That I am in neither. At least from my senses. I am indeed in both body wise. I seem to be experiencing a state of altered consciousness. I am acutely aware of this."
Euravasiah: "Interesting. Do you know how your energy is reacting to this?"
Ashontrah: "What left my physical when it went to the Misty Forest felt dense and a bit cold. This coming back is light and warm.
I closed my eyes to focus and it worried me because it felt like my arms and chest were not here at all. Like you could put your hand through me and it would go straight through."
Euravasiah: "I have to wonder if you feeling like your body parts aren’t here at all is because of your energy being steamy from evaporation of the ice... or if it is from the Misty Forest. Or both?
I wonder how it will take place within its body now that it is not frozen in place. Although Ashontrah was an 'icey' being her energy was never meant to freeze in one solid place similar to the cold magic here. Her entire being is an ever changing puzzle after all."
Ashontrah: "I feel like the kid on the original Willy Wonka. Mike TV who turned into all those particles in the air. I can feel my hands resting on my legs but at the same time feel like I have no body."
Euravasiah: "Do you feel any urges?"
Ashontrah: "I am like a gentle river. I just need to follow the river stream down to the sea. I won't need a boat here. I am meant to drown."
Euravasiah: "What is this river flowing through?"
Ashontrah: "The arrow of the night pierces the blue sky. The shroud is not covering it anymore. The taker of the deed is dissipated.
Shower the sky with the past guiding. It takes more in the glide of the stars. Remember to count them all. He won't show you his face but you will see when he smiles.
Take the scroll and burn it three times without catching it on fire. Then you will see the map. Take the east route.
I hear that spiders don't like rattlesnakes. Keep the watch in your pocket.
Be on the lookout for the two-headed jaguar. He will arrive in the mist.
The watcher won't see him because of the shadows that are distant from the gate.
Keep the piles burning so the shadows cannot be seen by the moonlight. We have a special guest for dinner.
The ox tail is in the kitchen. That meat is sweet to the tastebuds but name is not to the ear.
The sparrow watches you from an island in the park. Take the cover off the blind hag. Gather the pieces of the three sisters. Go find Awanoton.
He knows where the seeker of the puzzle goes. Follow the hidden path of Monunzdae."
Euravasiah: "‘East’ ‘Spiders’ ‘Snakes’.... Interesting.
I guess it is important that we keep these shadows when we come across them and that this special guest will be walking within the shadows along with this two headed jaguar.
I don't really like the idea of needing something that belongs to three sisters, however I do not even know what this is about nor why I will need these pieces, or who they are. I should push my worries to the side."
Ashontrah: "You are the three sisters Mokunae, Exosaura, and Euravasiah."
Euravasiah: "You know usually my heart strings play there is just one single strum, but now it will not stop playing. Well, I suppose I should focus on Awanoton, this Seeker of the Puzzle, and the path of Monuzdae."
Ashontrah: "When I get in those modes my thinking is abstract and symbolic. We will have to see how it plays out. At least we have a guideline to follow."
I am supposed to find or get something in the 13 existences and then I can start the final stage of bringing my forms to the physical.
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