Dunka: Slaver Invasion of Joshinheim

Ashontrah with her Avnomar...
Ashontrah: Here is what we are going to do. Gorvag is going around preparing his vast armies. He is going around personally to them.
Instead of waiting for their arrival in our existence we are going to guerilla attack and sabotage them. I will be giving instructions to your spirituals directly but I will also keep you updated.
We need to stall Gorvag long enough for me to complete a puzzle.
Draena, Ammeriah, Pisch you are going to steal the playthings from Princess.
Euravaisah is going to Dunka. Doumarae and Eeaynna are going with Eura as her servants.
Atherak: "Ashontrah your disguises are good but Mevinah can make them better."
Eura can you pull off being male? Dunka only likes tough males.
Lyindrinar, Skadi, Set, and the others are hitting the supply lines.
Gorvag is going to be busy with what is known as the Seven Houses of Harsvah. They are like the Ten Houses here but in another existence.
Euravasiah Lustfire You have the biggest most dangerous role. Dunka is not fond of his father. You got to get him to trust you enough to take his army on a pre-emptive strike here in our existence.
Speak of a realm ready for the taking. You are going to bring him to a place called Joshinheim. I am going to give you something that will transport you, Dunka, and his slaver army there.
Sending the orbs. We are making our moves. Mevinah is working on the disguises now. In a bit a little athranaak will arrive to you which will disguise you as slavers.
Very good you are already in action. Calabrin is taking you through the mist to place you in the right spots.
Don't get caught. Hit hard and fast and then leave. Those going for Princesses' prizes and the supplies... don't mess around or get side tracked.
In the borderlands...
We are having Mevian build Joshinheim in the borderlands. When the slaver army arrives it will seen that Joshinheim is an underground realm and the main occupants are 3-foot mice-like people
Mevinah is going to make them from disguised Hungali Myrrdonite and their King and Queen are going to be Danaark and Dolloiandea.
Their brave sons are going to be Melkor and Epimetheus. Their trusted steeds which look like grubs will be Movia and Fenrir. Xarsha shall be the High Chancellor.
Supply lines...
Lyindrinar, Skadi, Set, Apollo, Horus, Rurxaxia, Donha, and Yonha. Mevinah made perfect disguises.
Lyindrinar led this mission he was a big crocodile-like being. He shows up with the group. They speak with a six-armed blue slaver named Davga.
Davga: "Oh the new piles of shit have shown up. Welcome to the shit house. This is where you start. Then if you prove your worth here to the Sergeant of Arms then you can work your way up to be in the main invading forces.
Then you will be privileged to take slaves. Until then you will be rounding them up and keeping them where they are. Making sure that all these supplies get to where they need. Come I will bring you to the Sergeant of Arms."
The Sergeant of Arms is Farlak. He is the cousin of Gorvag.
Davga: "Farlak these are the new recruits."
Farlak is sitting in a floating chair. He is eating food while watching a floating orb of slugs doing the nasty.
Farlak: "Oh good. They can take the first watch. Gorvag needs most of you to get most of the supplies and bring them in for this massive invasion. Put these new piles of shit on duty."
Lyindrinar is thinking: "This is turning out great."
Davga bows and then they all start to walk away.
Farlak: "Hey you! You come here." He is speaking to Set...
Farlak: "Do I know you?"
Set: "We have never met, but I am here to serve."
Farlak: "Come here."
Set comes closer...
Farlak takes his orb of slug porn and shows Set...
Farlak: "Look at this. What do you think huh?"
Set: "I've seen better."
Farlak: "You have?!"
Set: "Yeah I got a private stash."
Farlak: "You do?! Do you have it with you?"
Set: "I don't like carrying it all with me. That is why it is a private stash. It is so good that people would steal it if they saw it."
Farlak: "That's too bad."
Set: "But..." He reaches into his bag. "I do keep a couple with me just for on the go. Hold on it is going to take me a bit to find it."
Farlak: "You stay here. We are going to hang out. The rest of you go!"
Davga is jealous of this because he is usually the hang out buddy. Set grins at him. Lyindrinar and Set look at each other and nod.
Davga: "You new piles of shit. You are on duty! Make sure these slaves have their things packed."
He pulls out this nasty looking flog from the wall where they are hanging.
Davga: "If they give you any trouble beat them with this. If I come back and find trouble you are going to be on the other end of this. Do I make myself clear?"
Lyindrinar: "There won't be any trouble from these slaves or they will feel my cold wrath."
Davga: "Good." He takes the other slavers and leaves.
Lyindrinar passes out little black orbs to the other Avnomar with him. As they keep their cover they don't hit the slaves but they shove them a bit. They play their part.
Lyindrinar stands in the center of the supply camp. Slaves are loading supplies. He sees a white and blue boy with an elongated head.
Lyindrinar: "Boy. Come here boy! Be quick!"
The boy comes rushing up to him. Lyindrinar hands him a chest of black orbs.
There are assault citadels around as floating mountains. There is one main one and some smaller ones. These are used to store supplies.
Lyindinar: "Take this into the main supply citadel."
The other Avnomar and placing their black orbs around.
Lyindinar is thinking: "If I leave these slaves here they are all going to die."
He returns to the main supply citadel where Farlak is. Set is standing there with orbs in his hand. Farlak is looking at them while getting off.
Farlak: "Oh that was great. Do you have more?"
Set: "I got a couple more, but I don't know if I want to share them."
Farlak: "Oh come on friend! I'll tell you what, I got a whole bunch of pleasure slaves back there. You can have your pick. You can have them all! You can eff them or cut them into pieces. I don't care."
Set: "You drive a hard bargain." He gives Farlak another orb.
Lyindrinar walks in: "All supplies have been loaded. Unfortunately the citadels have been overstocked and we have no room for the slaves."
Farlak: "I don't care. Take them out and kill them. We can get more."
Lyindrinar: "As you command." Then he leaves.
Lyindrinar tells Horus: "Gather the Avnomar and have them round up all the slaves."
They round up the slaves into a group.
Horus yells at the slaves: "Get over there! Your time has come. We have no more use for you."
The slaves are frightened and trembling. They know they are going to die.
The Avnomar have these wand-like guns. They start pointing them at the slaves.
Lyindrinar walks up to Horus: "No not here! If there is a miss-fire it could set off some of these ordinances. Take them over the hill and kill them."
Horus and a few of the Avnomar take the slaves over the hill.
Lyindrinar is standing there as Davga returns.
Davga: "What are you doing with the slaves?"
Lyindrinar: "There was no room for them on the citadel so Farlak told me to eliminate them."
Davga: "You are not in charge here. Tell your men to bring those slaves back."
Lyindinar turns around and is holding a little black orb...
Lyindrinar: "I have a better idea."
As he closes his hand all the supply citadels start exploding. He has two short swords and cuts off all six arms of Davga then decapitates him.
The other Avnomar are taking out the other slavers.
Slaver: "Get to the command citadel! We must war Farlak."
A slaver is running and makes it to the citadel. He runs in there. Farlak is laying on the ground on his stomach. He is dead with his eyes still open towards the orb.
The throne he was on was broken in half. There is goo everywhere. The slaver is shocked.
Set is standing there with one of those orb. He is tossing it up and catching it.
Set: "Ahh, poor guy over-exerted himself." He throws the orb at the slaver and it explodes in his face.
Set casually walks out and gets further away from the main command citadel. He takes out a little black orb and crushes it. The main command citadel explodes.
Lyindrinar signals for everyone to go where Horus went. Horus has the slaves. He tells Calabrin "We are done here. Take us through the mist." They leave with the slaves.
Prizes of Princess...
Draena, Ammeriah, Pisch...
They arrive at the Princess Prize Palace. Kammakay is preparing to take her citadel with her to the invasion.
Draena, Ammeriah, and Pisch meet Princess.
Kammakay: "You three effing idiots, you make sure my precious prizes make it safe to the main attack force or I will put you in cages and give you to my little cousins."
The little cousins are disgusting kids and fighting each other. They are blowing snot at each other. They throw shit at each other. One took a skinny slave and started beating the other one with it.
Kammakay: "Shut up!" She must be babysitting them.
Draena, Ammeriah, and Pisch see a cage with a terrified serpent-like creature. One of the brat cousins has the cage and is shaking it.
Princess jumps out of her throne and comes up and grabs the cage and rips it from her cousin.
Kammakay: "That is my squirmy!"
Then she kicks her cousin like a ball. He lands and starts screaming and crying. All the others start crying.
Kammakay: "Shut up! Shut up!"
She tosses the cage at Draena...
Kammakay: "Here!"
Draena catches it.
Kammakay: "Make sure squirmy gets on my citadel with the rest of my pets. I am waiting for Aunty Baralgaga."
Princess stares at Pisch and puts all four of her arms on her hips. She has foul smelling breath. Pisch is trying not to puke.
Kammakay: "Now take all my pets and meet up with my father's main force. Make sure that none of them escape or I will use your hides to wipe my asses."
Pisch: "We understand. They will get there safe Princess."
Kammakay: "Who you calling Princess?"
She walks up and smacks Pisch.
Kammakay: "No one calls me Princess but daddy!"
The little cousins stop crying and start taunting: "Princess, Princess, Princess..."
This angers Kammakay even more. She yells at them to shut up and starts kicking them. Then she turns around and stomps over to Draena, Ammeriah, and Pisch.
Kammakay: "Do you see what you started?"
She gets ready to strike down on them but she yells instead and pushes them back.
Kammakay: "You get my pets to my papa now!"
They leave as Princess is chasing around her cousins yelling at them.
Draena, Ammeriah, and Pisch go aboard the citadel and they take out the guards. They are looking around at these poor creatures. Some of them are dead because she doesn't feed them. Others are half-starved. It is sad and disgusting.
Draena: "Let's get them out of these cages."
Pisch takes out a little orb and contacts Lyindrinar.
Pisch: "We have all of Princesses' prizes."
Lyindrinar: "Good we will bring you through now."
Mist forms around the citadel and all the pets disappear. Princess doesn't know that any of this happened yet. They don't even realize their supplies are all gone.
Eura with Dunka...
Eura is in a male disguise. She is with Doumarae and Eeyanna.
Slaver: "General Dunka there are three beings. They wish to see you."
Dunka: "I don't really have time right now. Not even for admirers."
Slaver: "Then I shall tell them to go." The slaver starts walking back toward Euravasiah.
Dunka gets curious. He looks over his shoulder and turns around. He sees Euravasiah as a male dominatrix. She looks like a True Order being. He can see the slaver telling them to go. Eura bows her head and then turn around.
Dunka: "Wait!" He motions for them to come forward.
Dunka: "I heard you come because you are admirers of mine."
Eura steps forward: "I am Haisavarue. I am the one who is the great admirer of yours Dunka. It is known among us of the True order of your courage, bravery, and strength. They also speak about your physique. But I see that what I've heard is not even in comparison to what stands before me."
Dunka walks down the stairs and puts his hand under Eura's chin.
Dunka: "I am the one who is impressed with what stands before me."
He is not fat like his father and brothers. He is well-built and chiseled.
Eura: "I also bring you a gift. I know of this realm in the existence you are invading. You can easily take for yourself."
Dunka: "My father may not approve."
Eura pours a drink for them both: "Your father. Hahaha."
Dunka: "What about my father?"
Eura: "Just True Order gossip."
Dunka: "I want to hear the gossip."
Eura: "I would tell you but I am not here to offend your family."
Dunka: "There are many in my family that I find offensive. Please, I am intrigued."
Eura: "It is known among the True Order who we really think should be in charge of the slaver's guild. Your father cannot even get out of his chair and is the most disgusting creature in all existences. He has already made several bad decisions that has cost the True Order including you precious time. This existence should be more than easy to subjugate."
Dunka: "What about Shaderell?"
Eura laughs: "Shaderell is a child. If it was me there we would already be sitting on the bones of the Kings and Queens of this existence. Ashontrah's head would be on a pike."
Dunka: "Yeah that is what I think. I like you. I think me and you should show them... my father and True Order, Shaderell... that we are the ones to conquer this existence."
Eura: "That is also why I have come. This existence..."
She shows him an orb of Joshinheim. It has little mice people who live underground. They have really big eyes.
Dunka: "But these beings look weak. This is no great victory. This would not impress anybody."
Eura: "Wait keep watching..."
They see this mouse king who is carrying this strange-looking ore.
Eura: "There is the true prize... Urthak."
Dunka: "I have heard of this."
Eura: "Yes if your blacksmiths and engineers had a limitless supply of this your armies would be unstoppable. Your citadels would be indestructible."
Dunka: "Yes. Then I would have the upper-hand in that existence."
Eura: "We would have the upper-hand. My company Dunka is priceless. Not for free."
Dunka is intrigued: "I want some of this priceless company. I am willing to pay a great amount."
They look into each other's eyes. She runs her fingers around his chin. Then licks the tip of his finger.
Eura: "Then let's spend some time together and discuss this alone. My magician here Earamoud is a fine entertainer. Let him entertain your army while you entertain me. Annyaee make your finest beverage for Dunka's great army."
Side note: Haisavarue is Euravasiah, Earamoud is Doumarae, and Annyaee is Eeaynna spelled backward.
Dunka: "You make good drink?"
Eeaynna makes something in a chalice and hands it to Eura. She presents it to Dunka.
Eura: "Here try it."
Dunka drinks it and feels euphoric.
Eura laughs: "Nobody fixes a drink like Annyaee."
Dunka: "I never had something this fine before. It is great."
Eeaynna presents another bottle to Euravasiah.
Eura: "Make more for Dunka's mighty army. Entertain them." Then she turns to Dunka "Let's see where this bottle leads us."
Dunka and Euravaisah go off to the bed chambers. Doumarae is entertaining the army with magic in the sky. He is actually mind controlling them. Eeaynna is lacing the drink she keeps giving them.
Doumarae: "And now for my next act."
He makes dancing comets in the sky that are drawing out battle scenes. The army wants more.
Doumarae takes a bow: "Then may I present my lovely assistant. Her enchanting voice is known throughout the existences. Please ladies and gentlemen, enjoy."
Eeaynna goes before the crowd. She is singing extremely beautiful and enchantingly. Doumarae sneaks off into the citadel and steals all the information.
Flashing forward... The army is groggy after partying. Dunka comes out naked onto the balcony of the citadel.
Dunka: "My great army! Gather yourselves. Time of celebration has ended. Now we take this realm of Joshinheim."
The army cheers. He gives an order to one of his commanders.
Dunka: "Get them mustered and ready to move out soon."
Then Dunka goes back into the chambers with Euravasiah. He is putting his armor on. She is helping him.
Dunka: "Today we make a name for ourselves."
Eura: "Today that existence will know the name of Dunka and Haisavarue."
The slaver army is loaded into the citadel. Euravasiah hands him an orb with coordinates to Joshinheim.
Dunka takes the misty orb and turns it. The entire citadel gets covered in mist.
They arrive in Joshinheim. It has huge caves and caverns underground. The citadel is there underground. A huge gate opens on the citadel and Dunka comes out with his army.
He sees an army of different colored mice creatures about 2-feet-tall. The King is with them. He comes riding out on a grub. They are speaking a little mice language. The slavers laugh at them.
Slaver commander: "They plan to put up a fight."
The see the little mice king ride forward on his grub.
Dunka: "Squash these rodents."
The commander walks forward. His slavers are walking as well. The slaver commander is at least 15 feet tall. He is a huge red rock humanoid.
The mice army is charging forward the king leading the way. As the slavers march forward they laugh. They see little tiny arrows shoot from the mice warriors. They bounce off the slavers.
They keep laughing as they move towards the mice people. Then both armies stop in front of each other. The mice king comes out forward and points at the commander with his sword speaking a high-pitched mouse language.
Slaver commander laughs: "I think they are telling us if we don't leave they will destroy us." They all laugh.
The mouse king looks up at them very sternly and seriously.
Slaver: "I think he is awaiting our answer."
Slaver commander: "I got my answer right here."
He crushes the mouse king with his foot.
Slaver commander: "Kill these effing things."
The mouse army backs up as the slavers move forward. Then the mouse army starts running in retreat. The slavers laugh.
The slaver commander is still standing there with his foot on top of the crushed king. He is laughing and then starts feeling something under his foot. He gets lifted up by black smoke under his foot.
The mouse king forms into Danaark who sucks the commander's soul from him. This catches the attention of the whole slaver army.
Slaver: "What the eff is that?!"
Then they notice this looming presence ahead where the mice were retreating.
The mice turn into the Hungali Myrrdonites. The slavers are getting slaughtered. None of their weapons work against them. They run back towards the citadel.
Dunka is standing at the citadel: "What the eff is this?!"
He turns around to speak with Euravasiah. She immediately cuts his throat with a rosethorn dagger. Then she cuts his stomach across and his bowels fall out. Dunka topples down the stairs of the citadel.
The slaver army rushing back sees his body fall down the stairs. They see Euravasiah, Dourmarae, and Eeaynna standing at the top entrance to the citadel.
Slaver: "Those traitors! They have taken the citadel. We must get inside."
Slavers are getting grabbed and taken up by Myrrdonite coils. As they run back toward the citadel they see Dolloiandea appear in front. Then they start getting hit from the side by Movia and Fenrir.
The slavers prepare to rush at Dolloiandea. She puts her hands out flat and they are burning up.
Doumarae controls their minds so they cannot stop themselves from running into it. There is nothing of them left.
Epimetheus joins Dolloiandea...
Dolloiandea: "Everything has gone according to plan."
Joshinheim fades. The disguises on the Avnomar fade.
Euravasiah: "The first part of Ashontrah's plan is complete. I will take this citadel to her now and we shall begin the next phase soon."
Euravaisah takes the citadel to where the Pleasure Palace is in Exoshantrah. The citadel of Princess is also there.
Lyindrinar, Rovitomial, and Doumarae...
Lyindrinar: "Find out everything we can about these citadels. Doumarae will help you. We must have them prepared for the next part of Queen Ashontrah's plan."
Rovitomial: "They look like a hard egg to crack but I will crack them and they will be ready."
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