Ravar of the Veil Mist and Eternal Sea

This true self past vision is for Ravar the Demi-Aspect son of Ashontrah and the Veil Keeper. This took place when Ashontrah was Astartiae.

The Veil Keeper stares through the mist out upon the Eternal Sea. There he watches Astartiae as she swims and sings.

This is a difficult time for the Veil Keeper. His beloved daughter Lyrix is dead.

As he watches Astartiae a calmness comes over him. He seems torn between mourning and passion.

He continues watching her as she swims and he always seems to forget the sadness which has overtaken him.

He knows much of Astartiae and she has brought him moments of calm and a little bit of happiness.

In his mind, he knows he will never have her. He longs to fill the empty void within him. He longs to fill mourning with love.

As he watches Astartiae swim, he notices a boat in the distance. The boat rows closer. There is an old man inside speaking to her.

The Veil Keeper recognizes this man even though he has many disguises and tries to seem who he is not. The Veil Keeper recognizes him as Great Father.

For a moment anger stirs inside the Veil Keeper. He watches the old man knowing that Great Father has power beyond most Aspects. Why is Great Father not stopping what is going on?

Veil Keeper says to himself 'I am not only to blame for those who cross the Veil Mist. What has Great Father done to try and stop them from ravaging and destroying places? He does nothing.'

Veil Keeper thinks for a moment. Is it jealousy? He continues to watch Astartiae and feels jealousy rage within him.

How could this old man just row in and act like nothing is going on outside the Eternal Sea? Does he lie to her? Does he tell her that things are in balance and harmony?

The Veil Keeper is filled with mourning again over the loss of his daughter. He walks away through the mist.

He goes to where Astartiae has her home in the Eternal Sea. He enters into her palace unseen by anyone. He drifts like mist on the wind. He goes into her bedchambers where he feels warmth and comfort.

The Veil Keeper looks around her room and notices the strange paintings on the wall.

These paintings are the dreams of Astartiae. He sees a familiar face in them. The face of Judgement... Atherak. Has she been dreaming about him?

The Veil Keeper remembers the time of the first judgement when Atherak went forth and judged the existences and all within them. It was that time Judgement decided he was going to destroy all the existences.

The Veil Keeper continues to stare at the paintings on the wall. He hears footsteps and voices coming in behind him. He recognizes them as Astartiae and Great Father.

If they catch him here it would be such a surprise and he won't have an explanation. The Veil Keeper forms into a mist and floats up into a dark corner of the ceiling.

Great Father and Astartiae go into her chambers. There Astartiae goes behind a curtain.

While she changes into a beautiful dress, the Veil Keeper is overtaken by her beauty. The Veil Keeper looks over at Father and notices he is overtaken by her as well.

Astartiae walks around the room and runs her fingers across the wall where she painted.

Father says 'It seems you have quite the mural going on in here.'

Astartiae says 'They are from my dreams. Places and things I have never seen before. Yet I feel them as if they were part of me.'

Father says 'Sometimes our dreams tell us of places we have been or have yet to be. Ones we have known and ones we are yet to meet.'

Astartiae stops in front of the painting of Atherak. She touches it with her fingertips. 'People we have known and those we are yet to meet. You know so many Father.'

Father says 'Yes, I have traveled far and I have met many on my journeys.'

Astartiae smiles 'It feels when I dream of these places that I have journeyed there too.'

She touches the face of Atherak again.

Astartiae says 'But this one here eludes me. It feels as if I have known this being or have yet to meet this one. Tell me Father, have you ever seen this being before?'

Great Father stands next to her and looks at the painting of Atherak.

Astartiae says 'In all your travels Father, have you ever seen a being like this?'

Father says 'No, I do not believe I have.'

The Veil Keeper looks down in anger. How could he lie? I remember and I know that Father does. How could he lie to her?

How could he not tell her that she herself alone is the reason Atherak did not destroy the existences? Her love for him is what stopped him from destroying us all.

The Veil Keeper continues to think. He should swoop down there right now and expose the truth. He feels himself floating forward. How dare he lie? She is Love and Beauty and yet he deceives her.

He decides not to expose it. This would play him no benefit. Astartiae does not even remember who he is. She would see him as an intruder in her sacred space. Father is welcome there by her.

Father says 'Come Astartiae, let us have something to drink. We can watch the sun go down on the sea. You can tell me more about your dreams. Maybe I will recognize some of the beings and places you dream of.'

The Veil Keeper watches Great Father and Astartiae leave. He floats down and looks at the painting of Atherak. He comes up with a plan.

He wishes to have Astartiae. Her Love and Beauty comfort him in his time of mourning. All that weighs upon him seems to fade when he looks at her.

As the Veil Keeper returns to the mist he wonders. Where has his son Nyrix gone? It is not only he who is mourning, but it is also his son Nyrix as well.

It is weary inside the Veil Mist. The Veil Keeper's thoughts go back to Astartiae and he feels comforted. She is fascinated by the dream of Atherak. This is how he could approach her.

An idea forms in the Veil Keeper's mind. He goes over to his bookshelf and pulls out a manuscript he has written in. He likes to write down his thoughts and everything he sees and make them into stories.

The book is old and he has not written in it for a long time. As he turns the pages, memories come back to him. Memories of the first judgement. He reads a few lines he has written down.

The Veil Keeper finds the page he was looking for. It is an illustration of Atherak the being of Judgement. He starts to think.

How could the Veil Keeper himself take upon the form of Atherak? He could approach Astartiae with this. He knows of one who could help him.

He has already asked for the help of a friend, who he no longer considers a friend. Ahkra could have returned his beloved daughter to him but he didn't.

Ahkra though is surrounded by other Myrrdonites. It was Ahkra who was entrusted with the care of the borderlands when Atherak burned away and the time of judgement ended.

The Veil Keeper continues to think. Yes, Amler the Cutter. He would know. He would be able to help him.

He needs to take on the appearance of Atherak and work his Veil Magic through Astartiae's dreams. There he should be able to call to her.

The Veil Keeper goes before his daughter Lyrix who is in a glass case upon an altar. He places his hand on the glass and a tear rolls from his eyes.

He says 'I am sorry I seek comfort elsewhere to endure the mourning of your loss. Forgive me.'

The Veil Keeper forms a mist rift that will lead him to the Cathedral of Flesh in the borderlands where Amler resides.

He approaches the entrance to the cathedral. There are many wicked sewn into the structure. They moan and cry out to him in agony.

The Veil Keeper goes inside and sees the Cutter Amler hard at work. Amler speaks in thothilssin to the one he is punishing and reforming into a flesh gollum.

Amler signals to another Myrrdonite and speaks to him. Although the Veil Keeper knows some of the thothilssin language, he can only make out a fraction of what is spoken. 'Bring another. This one is not yet completed.'

The Veil Keeper watches as a being is hoisted in by coils which pierce his body. The coils tighten and rip the being it half. It shrieks in pain. For there is no death in the borderlands but there is plenty of pain and suffering.

A being sentenced here could be cut into millions of pieces over and over again and feel every slice of the blade but he will not die.

The Cutter Amler continues his work as the Veil Keeper stands in silence.

Amler says 'You come seeking my services Veil Keeper.'

Veil Keeper says 'I come seeking what may bring me comfort in a time of mourning.'

Amler says 'Your time of mourning must endure. Ahkra has informed me that you came to him seeking the return of your daughter. Judgement you brought upon yourself.

Your acts are known to us Veil Keeper. The ones you let cross through your mist keep the borderlands full of wicked, but yet, so many have been placed here. They are unfortunates. The casualties of those who prey upon them.

If you ask me now to help you with your mourning by returning your daughter to the living world then you will find no comfort here. I will not help you with this.'

Veil Keeper says 'No, that is not what I seek. I know I brought this judgement upon myself. I only wish to find some comfort in this time of mourning.'

Amler stops his work and raises his head. He thinks for a moment. 'Comfort? If that is what you wish then what would you ask of me?'

Veil Keeper says 'I ask for a temporary appearance. An appearance I may use to approach one who I find comfort in.'

Amler says 'An appearance? You wish to undergo and change who you are?' He raises his blade. 'I can change you if you wish.'

The Veil Keeper starts to wonder what kind of deal he is making. He tries to diffuse the situation.

Veil Keeper says 'No. I do not wish to go under your knives. I only wish for a temporary image. One that I may only use once if that is the case.'

Amler asks 'Whose image do you wish to have temporarily?'

The Veil Keeper takes the old book from his bag and holds the illustration up to Amler.

Amler laughs 'You wish to take upon the image of the master? You do not know what you ask. There are consequences to pay from this, Keeper of the Mist. Are you willing to accept them?'

Veil Keeper says 'Whatever may bring me comfort from this mourning that I suffer. I am willing to accept any consequences that follow it.'

Amler says 'So be it. Step forward.'

The Veil Keeper steps forward. Amler grabs his wrist and slices it with his blade. He gathers the blood into a black vial.

Amler says 'When you go to see the one who comforts you, drink this. You will appear as the master once was. Fulfilling your desire.'

The Veil Keeper wraps cloth around his wrist and takes the vial. Amler goes back to his work. The Veil Keeper is about to leave.

Amler says 'Remember the consequences and price you will pay when the time comes.'

Veil Keeper says 'I understand.'

He leaves the Cathedral of Flesh and goes back to the Veil Mist.
There the Veil Keeper thinks and plans. He tries to remember all the paintings Astartiae has on her wall. He knows the powers of the mist.

When he is fully satisfied with his plan, the Veil Keeper casts a mist portal to the Eternal Sea.

Astartiae is dreaming while sleeping in her chambers. She hears a voice calling to her. In her dream, she can see the black object she painted upon her walls.

There standing beneath it is the figure. The one she dreams of. He raises his hand to summon her. Calling to her in a strange language.

Astartiae feels herself rise from her bed. Is she awake or dreaming? She wanders out onto the sea. She can hear the voices and singing coming from the mist and she enters into it.

The Veil Keeper is watching. The time has come. He opens the black vial and drinks the substance within.

He feels himself burning. Has he been tricked by Amler? Is this the consequence already to be paid? He worries and panics. If Astartiae sees him in pain, this will frighten her away.

The pain subsides and the Veil Keeper looks down at himself. All his skin has turned black. He looks into the reflection on the water. He looks like Atherak.

He senses Astartiae is getting closer. He intensifies the music and singing.

He thinks about the strange creatures Astartiae has seen in her dreams. He forms and casts images into the mist. This fascinates Astartiae and she follows them.

Songs, music, singing, and the shapes of Astartiae's dreams surround her. She comes to a figure standing before her. It is the figure from her dreams.

He holds out his hand and she takes it. They embrace each other.

Astartiae asks 'Am I dreaming?'

The figure looks at her but does not reply. His form flashes and seems to be almost mist-like. Yet they can still embrace. Astartiae can feel his touch even as his hands flow through hers.

Is she dreaming? This figure seems to be so much like the one she dreams of, but he is different.

Where are the tentacles that come from his back? This one is not as frightening or mysterious as the one in her dreams. There is something about him that seems darker. Is this the same being?

She feels so much attraction with the one she is with now. As if love is shared between them. They embrace again. There in the mist upon the sea, they make love.

The Veil Keeper holds her as she sleeps. He decides to return her to her chambers. He carries her across the Eternal Sea and places her in her bed where he covers her with a blanket.

In this moment there is no mourning and he feels comforted. Then burning pain flows through him. He leaves the room so he does not awaken her.

The Veil Keeper feels himself burning more and more. He looks down at his skin and sees smoke rising. He casts a mist and tries to return to the veil. As he steps through the portal he arrives in the borderlands.

There the Cutter Amler awaits him. Amler takes the Veil Keeper's hand and slices it. The burning pain stops as it is drawn out with the blood.

Amler says 'You found your comfort in this time of mourning. Remember there are consequences to pay. You tricked Love and Beauty. That is known to us. You should have told me about your desires. Instead, you decided to use trickery.'

Veil Keeper says 'I am sorry for that. You do not know what it is like to lose someone you love. You will seek comfort in those that call to you. Astartiae has given me that comfort. I do have love for her.'

Amler asks 'And the child?'

The Veil Keeper is puzzled 'What child? My son? Or my daughter who is gone?'

Amler says 'Oh yes, the son.'

The Veil Keeper thinks and wonders. Is this the consequence that will be paid for his actions? Will Amler demand his son?

Veil Keeper says 'Nyrix has nothing to do with this. If this is the consequence to be paid then I will not pay it. Nor will he.'

Amler says 'I do not speak of the son Nyrix. He already came here seeking justice for his sister. He has spoken to Ahkra.'

Veil Keeper says 'What son do you speak of?'

Amler says 'The one who will be born to Love and Beauty through you. The consequences of your meddling is you shall not see this son until the time comes. You will stay away from him. He is part of Love and Beauty and must remain protected within the Eternal Sea.'

Veil Keeper says 'Not to see the son that I will have with Astartiae? You cannot ask this of me.'

Amler says 'I am not asking anything of you. This is not my decision. It comes from higher up. You will not involve yourself with the child. If you do you will bring ruin upon him.

We do this to protect the son of Astartiae. Now go Veil Keeper. Take solace in your moment of comfort. Do not return here and never ask anything of me again.'

The Cutter Amler opens a rift behind the Veil Keeper and pushes him through. The Veil Keeper is back in the Veil Mist.

A son named Ravar is born to Astartiae. The Veil Keeper watches and as much as he wants to make interaction, he does not.

Amler and those know the workings of the borderlands. This is not a punishment for the Veil Keeper, Astartiae, or Ravar. This is to protect them from those who would harm them.

The Veil Keeper watches as Astartiae holds her son Ravar high. A tear rolls down his face.

Veil Keeper says 'One day my son, we will know each other.'

Flashing forward to the Lonely Palace...

Ravar stands inside the chamber of his mother. There he touches his fingers upon the paintings on the wall. This was the place of his birth and childhood.

He remembers the stories his mother told him of her strange dreams. When he was a young boy, he asked of his father. She told him that her father came to her in a dream.

This palace which was so full of love, beauty, and joy is now empty and lonely.

Ravar looks around and images flash before him of a time long ago. He sees himself with his mother. She would cuddle Ravar in her arms and sing to him.

He sees himself as a young boy. Bringing her things he would discover at the bottom of the Eternal Sea. He would dive down there every day to find the most beautiful shells to bring to his mother.

Images continue to flash and Ravar watches himself grow. Then it comes to the time of one of his most painful memories. The day he and his mother were separated.

Ravar is a young man with the appearance of 15 years old. He approaches his mother as she is getting herself ready.

Ravar says 'I look forward to today.'

Astartiae says 'You have grown so much my son. I wish to take you to a place far from here. The time has come for you to understand things. Father shall be coming with us. Has his boat arrived?'

Ravar says 'I saw him upon the horizon. That is what I came to tell you. He should be here soon. You look very beautiful today.'

Astartiae smiles and takes his arm. They walk together to the shore. Great Father pulls the boat up and helps Astartiae inside.

Ravar decides to swim along beside them. They travel far until they come to an edge where a great mist swirls.

There Ravar listens to Great Father and Astartiae speak of the mist and what is beyond it. They tell him the time has come for him to understand.

This is a place that leads beyond to others, but it is also a place of danger. It is a place he needs to be wary of if he ever journeys within.

After that, they enjoy the Eternal Sea. Ravar and his mother swim in the waters. Great Father is fishing but has fallen asleep with his pipe hanging from his mouth.

Ravar splashes Father with water and it startles him awake. Astartiae and Ravar laugh and Father joins in.

Just then the sky grows dark and the water becomes choppy. The mist itself seems to come alive with strange lightning as if something is trying to come through.

On the other side in the mist, the Bishberrin looks down upon Astartiae, Ravar, and Great Father. He drools and hungers for them but cannot break through the mist.

Ashoweah stands behind him 'This will do us no good. We should find another way. Our presence is made known.'

The Bishberrin says 'But I must feast. The hunger grows inside me.' He bangs more on the barrier of the mist.

Great Father notices this as the waters become more choppy and the wind swirls. A great storm arises and the boat rocks back and forth. He calls out for Astartiae and Ravar to climb aboard.

Astartiae struggles with the waves as if they are pushing her against the mist.

The Bishberrin on the other side is concentrating all his energy. 'Come to me oh beautiful one. I shall taste your essence.'

Astartiae cries out 'Help! Something is drawing me toward the mist!'

Great Father tries to row but the boat makes no movement. It is forced back by the waves.

Ravar swims as fast as he can toward his mother. He grabs her as she is about to sink beneath the waves into the mist. Ravar pulls her out and holds on to her as he swims with all his strength.

With his might, Ravar tosses his mother toward the boat. He tries to swim toward them but the waves keep pulling him back.

The Bishberrin gets angry 'You deny me what I desire to feast upon. I shall have you!'

Great Father dives into the water and swims to Astartiae. He pulls her back to the boat and puts her inside.

Astartiae looks out helplessly as her son is dragged beneath the waves. She cries out 'Ravar!' and then falls to her knees weeping on the boat.

Great Father mans the ores with all his might to fight the waves. Then he stands up and his eyes glow bright.

Father raises his hands into the air. He speaks an ancient incantation. Storm clouds gather around them and lightning strikes into the mist.

Ravar is pulled under the water as the Bishberrin reaches down to grab him. At that moment lightning strikes the Bishberrin and he is knocked back. He rages and screams.

Ashoweah says 'Father has taken notice of our presence. Come, we must leave here. The time will come when you will be able to feast upon them. I will take you to a realm where you may indulge yourself and feed your hunger.'

The Bishberrin and Ashoweah leave. Ravar is unconscious beneath the water. When he finally floats to the top, he is in the mist.

Ravar is lost for some time as he tries to find his way out of the mist back to the Eternal Sea. Much time has gone by. Ravar thinks of his mother and his home. This drives him on to find a way to return.

Ravar stands upon the shore of the lonely palace looking out upon the Eternal Sea. He remembers when he found his way back. What he saw here upon the shore when he finally got home.

When Ravar found his way out of the mist he was much older. He came into view of his mother's palace and approaches the shore. His heart is full of joy. He cannot wait to be reunited with his mother.

He submerges himself into the water and sees Astartiae on the shore. Then something surprising comes into view. She is there with a little boy who runs up and jumps into her arms. She hugs him and kisses the boy on the head. It is Vetian.

Ravar is a little saddened by this, but he is happy to see his mother smile again. He decides he will only watch. He did not want to intervene in his mother's happiness. After this Ravar never tried to speak to her.

He stands and stares out onto the sea. He remembers how he struggled so much within himself. Now he realizes that he should have emerged from the waves that day and embraced his mother to let her know he had finally come home.

Ravar says 'If only I could turn back time.'

He notices a strange presence behind him and hears a voice.

Xarsha says 'As so many others desire and wish to do.'

Ravar is startled and turns around to see a strange figure standing there with a rift behind him.

Xarsha says 'You come here much I have observed. This lonely place brings such sadness to you.'

Ravar says 'Whoever you are, you know of me apparently. Yes, this is a lonely place now. If you have been watching then you know that this will be my last time here.'

Xarsha says 'You desire to travel beyond the Veil Mist into other parts. What are you searching for, son of Love and Beauty?'

Ravar says 'Something to fill the emptiness inside me.'

Xarsha asks 'And you believe it is beyond here?'

Ravar says 'Yes, when I dwell here I can only think of what has been lost. I must go find my way now.'

Xarsha sighs 'If that is what you desire to do, but I must warn you. Even though this place may seem lonely and empty, you should remain here. Beyond the mist is your destiny.'

Ravar's eyes widen 'My destiny? Then why would I stay here if my destiny is out there?'

Xarsha says 'Ah, so driven by desire. So driven to become greater than what you are. Destiny, hahaha. All beings break to its will or what they believe is the will of it. Your destiny out there is not one of triumph or glory Ravar, but it is one of sadness and loneliness. More than what you would feel here.'

Ravar says 'I feel more sadness and loneliness than you could possibly imagine. If my destiny is out there I will find it and make it for myself.'

Xarsha says 'So be it, child of Astartiae. You will see in time.' He leaves through the rift.

Ravar thinks of the words said to him. He realizes that whatever is out there for good or bad is his destiny. Ravar steps into the waters.

He looks back and remembers. It was from here that he watched Great Father place his mother Astartiae into the waters of the Eternal Sea.

Ravar remembers when she sank beneath the waves. How he gathered her in his arms and swam her down to the bottom of the sea where he placed her inside a large shell. There his tears mixed with the waters.

He swims away and comes to the edge of the mist. Ravar takes in a deep breath as he looks upon the Eternal Sea once more.

Ravar says 'I shall always love you, mother. I shall always remember you. One day if I ever return I hope to find you here. If not, then let us meet again.'

He sheds a tear which mixes with the water of the Eternal Sea. He then goes into the Veil Mist.

True Self Connection...

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