Sexiness and True Beauty

A discussion from the War and Battle chat about beauty, sexiness, and much more.

Tia-Nan: "I have a few questions to Ashontra as a physical. Since we have the honor to be with Beauty and Love herself I would like to take this opportunity to learn. So I will ask.

what is your opinion about plastic surgery? I know there is the fully transformation ones and I suppose you find that horrible but what about the ones that are used to correct genetic flaws like there is ones that use the person's own body fat to correct the problem. What is your view in that as Beauty itself?

I am sure others may have been confused. There is no problem in using clothes that are sexy and provocative since Tia-Nan and many other in the spiritual do what is the problem in the physical is the females that sell their images towards porn and in Instagram the ones that are sharing a corrupted kind of beauty. In the last example that means unnatural?"

My reply...

*Ashontrah*: "As a Queen you will not see me as Ashontrah out dressed up to be sexy or provocative. I am not a pair of breasts or a sexy body. I am the reigning monarch and shall be treated as such.

My beauty is found in elegance and gracefulness. Not sexiness.

Anyone who dresses to be provocative is not partaking in my beauty. It is not who I am. It stimulates the body but not the heart. I am the heart.

This is beauty... Tchaikovsky - Waltz of the Flowers

Getting cosmetic surgery for vanity reasons is already disconnecting yourself from true beauty. It will no longer flow harmoniously. What you think you gain you also lose. There is no magnificence in plastic."

Tulkas: "Your beauty is easy to recognize. It can be seen in the wild untamed parts of nature. It can be felt in the air when near a bed of wild flowers.

To focus so much on the beauty of the body and ignoring the heart leads to nothing but ugliness.

If your inner heart is not exemplifying of her traits, your outer appearance has no business trying to attract others. Ashontrah is one whose inner beauty perfectly matches her outer."

Voxsrrin: "Elegance and radiance have always been my favorite kind of beauty. I see those within you Ashontrah, plus a hint of savagery and fierceness."

*Ashontrah*: "Many have such a twisted view of beauty."

Uuie: "I was born with the feeling of being undesired and unattractive... I should say it really fucks somebody’s mental up. Without luck and proper guidance I could have lost my heart.

What about those people? I don’t think it’s fair to judge them. They didn’t have the same chance to grow up like those natural beauties. Even if they once had inner beauty, they could get ruined by the cruel society because of the lack of outer beauty.

Why isn’t people with kind hearts born with pretty faces? Shouldn’t beauty be matched inside and outside?"

Aeyia: "Bodily degradation of the female form, the use of heavy cosmetics, false beauty standards, and the prevalence of plasticizing the female body will very quickly die off...When humans realize Beauty and Love herself is here, physically. Can't wait for that.

Uuie... many of those 'natural' beauties are not natural to begin with. Botox, surgery, shady cosmetics (hell even maybe from moon tribes), heavy makeup......... Human beauty standards can seriously eff off. You're beautiful.

Unfortunately you may not see it personally. Especially when your surroundings act as if they know what true beauty is. When actually they dont know shit about beauty."

*Ashontrah*: "What makes a rose beautiful? The height? The size? The color? The beauty is not dependent upon any of those factors. It is in the elegance."

Aeyia: "Yet in the end, even those attractive people with ugly hearts using their beauty to an advantage suffer internally and are at loss even when others cant see it.

Losing their dignity, and losing a certain control over their own body whether by degrading comments by men as well as women, being solicited and used to a physical level (whether the body industries or by themselves online).

These girls look happy, but they are not all the time. Its the only thing they have, whether one sees this as an unfair advantage or not.

Besides all that they degrade the female form unconsciously, they degrade the name and image of our Queen Aphrodite. I'd rather be considered ugly to mankind than use my body to please the eyes of human men to call me attractive."

Dakota: "I don't think a person using their beauty to an advantage necessarily means that it is the only thing they have. One should never completely rely on physical beauty because it can be gone in seconds."

*Ashontrah*: "You say using beauty to their advantage. If you are using it for manipulation it is not true beauty. It is seduction which combines romance with deceit. There are many females who use seduction and sexuality to gain advantage. That is not beauty.

When it comes to porn. They are choosing to disconnect from real beauty so I am taking it all from them. They shall lose all femininity, elegance, and magnificence. There will be nothing but their debased sexuality remaining. I won't partake with my own aspects."

Tia-Nan: "Tia-Nan said seduction for her is a weapon that should be used when it is necessary. That is how she views seduction and being sexy. I agree to that too."

*Ashontrah*: "Seduction is indeed a weapon. Just don't get it confused with Beauty as they are very different."

Ravar: "Thank you Beauty for sharing more about what truly Beauty is. You are Femininity and Elegance. The Blood Rose and the Eternal Sea.

We can spend so much time to admire a rose, a sea, to see and recognize Love and Beauty.

Your aspects here are among the most that humans corrupt (objectifying females as provocative and submitted like in porn...), manipulate and denature, (falsifying what true beauty is into something it is not...) an absolute exploitation of your aspects for ugly horrible desires by wanting to pull you down directly and indirectly (the image of the objectified woman, changing your aspects into something they are not (tricking), desiring to rule over your aspects as wanting to dominate love...).

It pains me so much. Your aspects are the most beautiful and important to me. I immensely want to help contribute in liberating your aspects and destroying the corruptions and manipulations done upon them here."

Dakota: "I understand it now. I know beauty and seduction are seperate. Can one be seductive and still be beautiful?"

*Ashontrah*: "I am Love, Beauty, Femininity, Elegance, Magnificence, and Romance. I am not sexy or seductive nor am I meant to be. It is against my nature. I am Beauty it its purest form.

This is why I had Euravasiah so close to me after I came here as Ashontrah. She has traits that I cannot have. For me to be seductive or lustful would be a corruption of who I am.

There are some things I shall never be and traits I shall never have because they are not for me. I have my own role and I am dedicated to it."

Dakota: "So if you are beautiful and intentionally seduce, then that seduction corrupts your beauty?"

*Ashontrah*: "You are not using beauty when you seduce. You are using sexuality."

She posts a picture of an ocean. The same as the post picture.

*Ashontrah*: "This is true beauty. It is not seductive nor lustful. It is beautiful in its own natural powerful magnificent form. Beauty is so far beyond what you currently comprehend."

Tulkas: "To be sexy or lustful deals with the body and sexuality. It’s dependent on how the individual perceives and takes it.

True beauty is independent of the perceptions of the individual. As Ashontrah said it’s far far beyond what can be comprehended.

Go out in nature and watch the trees swaying in the wind. Go out to the beach and watch a sunset. Go out in the middle of a storm and watch the beauty within the turmoil and high winds and rains. She dwells in those things.

She exemplifies beauty in those images and much more than that. True beauty doesn’t require you to perceive it to continue to be beautiful. It’s why she’s a non existence being. By her nature and the nature of her Aspects she is independent of existence."

True Self Connection...

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