Mysterious Attributes of Love

Each of my manifestations are part of who I am. While it seems there are many of me, there is only one me. Each manifestation is me in a form of myself.

Asherah Love, Ashontrah Beauty, Ashtar Sensuality, Aphrodite Romance, Astartae Hope, Ashtiarte Compassion, Astartiae Joy, Ashvadah Fulfillment, Ashtaroth Sophistication...

There is a manifestation of Love that is really special to me. She is Mystery herself, her name is Amy. This is the one who was born into midgard. Her body puzzle is Pandora's Box.

There is only one midgard body that I can use, that can hold the fullness of the manifestations of Love. The only incarnation Asherah can fully come into. That is Amy.

Stealing essence from Amy won't transfer that. A clone or impostor won't work because they are not Mystery.

This box was designed and formed since the beginning. Though it is symbolic for a deeper meaning of course, I am not literally a box.

The only way to have All of Me is for me to be one with Amy and wrapped in Mystery.

Who can understand love? Love is a mystery.

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