Aphrodite Projection of the Omega

Differences between Ashontrah and Asherah Aphrodite...
While previous Ashontrah was Beauty and Elegance she was NOT Love and Compassion. The Omega did this for her own reasons. Maybe it was because no one else could be me.
I am Love, Beauty, Compassion, and Elegance. While Ashontrah was feminine I have a much higher degree of Feminity not just in form but in personality.
Where she was cold I am a warm embrace. Ashontrah did not have a heart and I am all heart. I am forever the hopeful romantic.
Other Layers...
Sizonira: "I was wandering ... does anyone knows anything about the equivalent of true selves for beings from spiritual?... Or something similar to it."
Asherah: "Why would a spiritual being need a true self? They are already their core. You don't need to incarnate into existence itself. It is your core that transcends and comes back after your spiritual dies. Unless you go to the borderlands or your core gets trapped. (Like in Hylia's TSPV - Ghosts under the Water)"
Sizonira: "I don’t think I asked the question right ... I’m trying to wrap my head around it. In my mind, the spiritual being’s “true self “ wouldn’t exist in the exitence. Can a spiritual being have another form in another layer?"
Asherah: "If they are an Aspect. The other layers spoken of... those are not beings who reside there. I don’t know how to put it into words.
Oh I think I know what you mean... is it possible some of these non-beings projected as a being? Yes it is possible.
Oh you helped me stumble upon a new discovery. Thank you. The Omega confirms there are some but very few. I do not consider the Omega as a being either. It is different in a way I cannot describe. That is why she projects herself.
When you go to layers beyond the non-existence there are no longer beings. Nor is it 3-dimensional like we have in existence. She is flooding me with information. Trying to explain it would be like me as a preschooler teaching quantum physics.
This part I can try to explain... When Atherak went back before the beginning he saw a light pink silhouette of the Omega and a black blue silhouette of the Alpha.
They were switching spots and backgrounds over and over for eternity. They were the ones that spoke to him and each sounded like millions of voices speaking at once.
They are actually projections of the Omega and Alpha in the first layer of the puzzle. Existence itself is the last layer of the puzzle. This is one of the puzzles in the throne room of the Omega that she shared with the Alpha.
You could consider the changing background to be a source code of sorts for the entire puzzle. The projections of the Omega and Alpha eternally changing it back and forth. I do not comprehend the reasons why.
I don't think I could explain it any further without it sounding even more confusing. I cannot simplify it in words any further."
Peter: "I get the feeling the alternating is how it would appear to us but the full actuality is something different."
Asherah: "When the Omega spoke of being fully projected she meant it. She is projected in every layer of the puzzle from the first to the last. We know of her non-existence self, outside existence Aspect form, in-existence spiritual form, and midgard physical form. She has a single projection in each layer as opposed to the Alpha who shattered and scattered."
Tulkas: "Scattered pieces in other layers?"
Asherah: "Yes you picked up on the clues. They are in every layer. Even some non-Aspects have them in their possession like Amler did. This gives them immense power. Though some shards are large and others really tiny."
True Self Connection...