Book of Aphrodite Chapter 12 Part Two

The real history of Aphrodite setting the mythology straight. This is a continuation of Chapter 12 part one. Aphrodite and her friends return to Mount Olympus after being defeated by Moonstone.
The Council of the Great Houses has gathered upon Mount Olympus. There is much talk and much commotion. Many within the council chambers are arguing back and forth about what is to be done. Aphrodite and her party stand there in the middle of the chambers. Zeus stands beside them as well as Gabriel.
One of the Titans stands. He looks down and tries to gather order by raising his hands motioning for all to remain silent as he speaks. ‘Then there is no other choice. We must prepare ourselves for what is to come. I feel that all realms will be threatened. We must look to our realms and prepare our defenses.’
Zeus then steps forth and says ‘There is only one option left. Running to our realms right now and separating, dividing our forces and what we stand for will only bring destruction. I have a dreadful sense within me that Moonstone will devour our realms one by one. No, the time has come. We must awaken the Hungali. It is our only chance.’
There is commotion again among those in the Great Houses and the council. Many stand and say ‘But this will bring about the end of everything. The Hungali may turn upon all the realms.’
King Yserah stands ‘This would be a gamble and a risk not worth taking. For what if the Hungali may be corrupted by Moonstone? They may turn on all others and devour the realms themselves. I would suggest that we do not awaken them. I would suggest that we combine together and look to our own realms. We must strike first. We must go with full force and bring down Moonstone.’
A Griffin speaks. ‘But if we send all our armies and forces to the borderlands including ourselves and are defeated then what will happen to the realms? They will remain unprotected.’
There is silence as a Ourhkina enters the middle of the chamber and stands next to Aphrodite. It is Melek Taus. He looks around for a moment as all eyes stare down upon him.
Melek Taus speaks ‘Zeus is right and I shall accompany him. The Hungali must be awakened. We must go before them and bid them to awaken. To come forth and help us altogether combined with the forces of all the realms and the Great Houses. With the Ourhkina and the Hungali we should be able to push back this threat no matter what Moonstone may bring.’
The Titan representative stands and says ‘Then so be it, and go with haste. Awaken the Hungali. As for the rest of the Houses and Pantheons, we should look to our own realms and prepare defenses. The time will come.’
The council is adjourned. Zeus turns to Aphrodite and places his hands on her shoulders. He says ‘Wish me luck. And Aphrodite… I entrust the safety of Olympus to you. I know that you will stand tall no matter what threat may come. I will return soon. I look to you and my son Ares to prepare the defenses.’
Aphrodite smiles at Zeus and says ’Then go Great King. Go with haste, and may your journey return with the Hungali and the end to Moonstone.’
Zeus hugs Aphrodite and then he and Melek Taus leave. Aphrodite knows that the time has come, but yet she feels a great dread within her. That the power of Moonstone may devour all, and that even the Hungali and the combined forces of all the Great Houses and the Ourhkina will not be able to stop him.
Aphrodite leaves the council chambers and heads back to her villa. She hears a voice from the side area out of the darkness. The voice says ‘You should not fear, child.’
She turns and recognizes an old woman that she has almost seen before. She is hooded, and she looks decayed and decrepit.
Aphrodite says to her ‘I remember you. You helped me.’
The woman replies ‘Yes child, and I said that we would speak again. The power within you is greater than that of Moonstone’s. In time, through trials and imprisonment, life and death and then rebirth, you will understand.’
Aphrodite says ‘What must I understand? When? What is this power inside me you speak of?’
The woman fades away, but her last words are heard as she vanishes ‘You will know in time.’
Moonstone enters the chambers where the Count of Pain and Saurzon are waiting before the black portal of Ashoweah.
Ashoweah speaks ‘Moonstone! Once again you keep me waiting. Tell me what preoccupies you that is so important from your service to me?’
Moonstone replies ‘My service to you is over. For I have seen much oh great one. Or should I say “Ashoweah?” Oh yes I know. I know who you are. And I also know who you fear... Judgement!’
Ashoweah’s voice speaks again ‘How dare you threaten me, dwarf! I have no more need for you and your arrogance and your insolence. You will feel my power!’
Energy pours from the portal surrounding and engulfing Moonstone. When it dissipates Moonstone is still standing there. He laughs raising his hands. The piece from around the Count of Pain and head of Saurzon float to him.
Moonstone says ‘You underestimate the power of Judgement, Ashoweah. Begone now. This realm is mine!’ He combines the four pieces into one creating a small Athraanak which he holds in his hands.
The portal then closes, but Ashoweah’s voice is heard ‘I will return, and this realm and existence will be mine.’
Moonstone looks at the Count of Pain and then Saurzon. He says ‘And whom do you serve?’
The Count of Pain kneels to him and says ‘I have always served the master. And if you are the master now then I and all of my Myrrdonite and the borderlands serves you.
Saurzon then kneels and says ‘And I and those of the dark serve you as well. Guide us, master. Lead us to conquer these realms and judge them as you see fit.
Moonstone says ‘So be it. Ready yourselves. It is time that the realms bow and kneel before me. The prodigal son. I am Judgement!’
Awakening the Hungali...
In a dark place within a cavern somewhere in the realms unknown, Melek Taus and Zeus walk the dark corridors.
Melek Taus speaks ‘Since the beginning and the first times, the Hungali have risen against those who would bring destruction to our existence and our realms. They sleep until the time comes for them to be awakened.’
Zeus replies ‘It is that time now. Do you believe that they will awaken?’
Melek Taus replies ‘We can only see. We will speak with the one known as Danaark.’
Zeus says ‘Yes I have heard of him. Pestilence. Maybe that is what we need against Moonstone and his foul, vicious undead army.
Melek Taus replies ‘It would be up to them to decide whether to awaken or not. But we will speak to Danaark. We will present our cause to him.’
The two then continue down the corridor until they enter a large chamber. Inside are what appear to be gigantic stone figures. They are shrouded in almost dark robes, and are very tall like Giants and Jotunn. They have many different forms. None are like each other. They are things of the worst nightmares. The darkest and most destructive force in this existence. Melek Taus enter the chamber. There is a long silence.
Melek Taus then speaks in Ourhkina tongue. His voice echoes throughout the chamber. An eerie still silence sets upon Zeus and Melek Taus, and then a voice is heard. The voice of Danaark.
Danaark says ‘Ourhkina, you have come. What brings you to this place? Why do you disturb our slumber?’
Melek Taus says ‘I plead to you Danaark. And I plead to all the Hungali to awaken. The realms are under threat by a powerful one named Moonstone who brings great power from beyond this existence. He is set upon destroying all the realms. We need the Hungali to rise. To stand with us.’
There is a moment of silence and a pause. Danaark’s voice is heard again ‘All existences, all realms begin and end. Why should we rise if this is the end of the realms and this existence? It has been foreseen that a time will come when a great evil will spread upon these realms and hold them within its grasp. Pestilence is what you ask, but this cannot be done. If this is the time of ending for the realms so be it. All things come to an end.’
The voice fades. Zeus then steps forward. He shouts loudly and defiantly ‘Then you will not help us!? Answer me!’ But there is nothing but silence.
Melek Taus turns to Zeus and says ‘The Hungali have made up their mind. The realms will stand alone. We must return as quickly as possible. I fear Moonstone will make his move very soon.’
Before Zeus leaves he turns and looks at the frozen figures in stone. Zeus says ‘I vow that I will not forget this. This betrayal.’
At Mount Olympus...
Aphrodite is standing next to Poseidon, Artemis, and Ares. They are overlooking the final preparations for battle that is about to come.
Aphrodite says to Ares ‘Are all those who cannot fight safe in the catacombs below?’
Ares replies ‘Yes. Only those who chose to stay and fight are here. And let me tell you Lady Asherah Aphrodite, many decided to stand.’
Poseidon then says ‘That is good. Then we are stronger than we expected.’
Aphrodite shakes her head ‘I don’t know if that is a good thing. It will lead more to the slaughter. I hope that Zeus and Melek Taus were able to persuade the Hungali. If not, I’m afraid we all may end up in the ground by Moonstone.’
Just then a portal opens. Through steps Zeus and Melek Taus. The three of them gather around him with anticipation for his words. Aphrodite looks into his eyes, but there is a sense of disappointment upon his face.
Aphrodite asks ‘My King, Lord Zeus? What about the Hungali? Have they decided to join us?’
Zeus says angrily ‘They have not. They decided to let us suffer our own fate. They will not help us.’
Ares places his hand upon Zeus’ shoulder and says ‘Then we stand alone, father, against this. All the realms have been prepared. Reports are coming in from Alfheim and as far away as the Vetrioch realm.’
Zeus then places his hand upon Ares’ shoulder and says ‘And let us pray that it is enough. Come, we must make ready.’
All of them look to the sky at Mount Olympus. There is a darkness gathering. Zeus says ‘I fear that Moonstone is about to make his move.’
In the Borderlands...
Xarsha and EinossArku walk upon the gray dust before the altar where Amler once was, and where Moonstone’s power was awakened. Xarsha reaches down into the sand. There he gathers in his hands small fragments of what appear to be black crystal. They begin to crumble and fade. They blow away in the winds of the borderlands.
Xarsha speaks ‘Amler is no more. Moonstone has awakened the power within himself. The realms of this existence will come to an end.’
EinossArku speaks ‘But we cannot let that happen. There must be a way, my friend. We must find a way to stop them.’
Xarsha says ‘The Myrrdonite of the borderlands will follow the Count. As for the undead and the wicked that are punished here, they will be turned into the forces of Moonstone and unleashed upon the realms.’
EinossArku replies ‘But there still must be a way. There must be a way for us to bring about the end.’
Xarsha says ‘I will do my part. I will challenge the Count of Pain to the Trial of Blood for his position. If I am successful the Myrrdonite will follow me.’
EinossArku says ‘And what must I do?’
Xarsha says ‘There is a great power within you, EinossArku. That is why I permitted you to walk within these lands of the master. One who you do not yet know. But in time you will find out. For now awaken what is inside you, EinossArku.’
Xarsha places his fingers upon the chest armor of EinossArku. Coils pierce inside. A strange energy fills EinossArku. Xarsha then retracts his hand. EinossArku falls to his knees, but then regains himself.
Xarsha says down unto him ‘Get close to Moonstone. Tear what is inside him from him. That is the only way to bring about his end. You will have one chance, Ourhkina. One strike. Make it a good one. They are gathering.’ He looks up into the skies of the borderlands. A strange lightning begins to crackle everywhere.
Xarsha continues ‘Moonstone makes his move to take the realms. I must go. You, EinossArku, must go to Olympus. There is a power there you must protect inside a young Olympian. If Moonstone possesses her and the power within her, there will be no stopping him. You must go now. And remember, you will have one chance to end this.’
EinossArku stands. ’Then I shall end it, and bring about peace once again to the realms.’
There beneath the Athraanak at the Garden of Bones, two flesh gollums guard the entrance. Moonstone followed by the Count of Pain and Saurzon approach the gates. There an old woman shrouded in dark robes awaits them.
Layashien speaks ‘Who is it that approaches the garden of bones?’
Moonstonereplies ‘I the prodigal son. The one meant for the destiny of this existence.’
Layashien speaks ‘And whom do you serve?’
Moonstone replies ‘I serve the master. Atherak.’
Layashien bows and the gates to the Garden of Bones open. Moonstone turns to Saurzon and the Count of Pain.
Moonstone says ‘Ready your armies. The realms will fall this day, and a new beginning of this existence shall come forth. My new beginning.’
Moonstone enters the Garden of Bones and the gates close. Saurzon then casts his portal and heads to Alfheim where his army awaits to attack King Yserah and the Kingdom of Alfheim.
The Count of Pain stands there at the gates. He hears a voice that gets his attention ‘You are leaving so soon?’
The Count of Pain turns and says ‘Xarsha. What brings you here in this time? Have you come to see the conquering and extermination of these realms? The conversion of them into Myrrdonite?’
Xarsha replies ‘That all sounds grand, and yes I am anxious to observe it. But I have come for other reasons. I have come for a challenge.’
The Count of Pain laughs and says ‘You wish to challenge me in the Trial of Blood? You were defeated by me before. You come to end your existence at my hands.’
Xarsha says ‘I have come now in the end of all things. And if my existence will end at your hands then so be it.’
The Count of Pain replies ‘Have it your way, Xarsha. I accept your challenge.’
The Count of Pain raises his hands. Large black rock begins to pierce up from the ground. With it Myrrdonite rise upon the rock seated like an audience all around Xarsha and the Count of Pain. The Trial of Blood begins.
Underneath the Athraanak in the Garden of Bones, Moonstone raises himself. He then speaks in Thothilssin.
Moonstone says ‘Empower me. Make me what I am meant to be. Fill me for I am Judgement.’
With that, coils come from the Athranaak piercing into Moonstone. He speaks more chants in Thothilssin. The dead around the borderlands are enclosed by smaller Athranaaks which begin to spin turning them into creations of death. An army of the damned.
Moonstone says ‘Now has come the time for my judgement to spread upon the realms. This existence shall bow before me.’
He concentrates on the piece floating around him. A large rift begins to open, and then another one revealing the realms of the existences. The armies below wait, and begin to march through the rifts.
Moonstone focuses his attention upon the rift that is leading to Olympus. He says ‘Now I come for the final power that will serve me in my new existence.’
He floats from beneath the Athranaak towards the rift leading to Olympus.
Battle in the Realms...
Across the realms large rifts open. The armies of the realms make ready. There on Olympus, Zeus and Aphrodite stand shoulder to shoulder. Their allies and companions with them as they watch the large rift open and out pours the armies of the borderlands. The armies of the damned.
There is a call to action and the fighting begins. All of the realms are under siege. The armies that keep coming from the borderlands pushing back the armies of the realms and the Great Houses and Pantheons.
For everyone that falls and dies rises again in the service of Moonstone. The fight on Mount Olympus is fierce. Many of the Gods and Royal Army Myrmidon have been beginning to fall only to rise again as part of the army of the damned. There upon their high council chambers, Aphrodite stands with Zeus, Ares, Poseidon, and her other comrades fighting back the forces.
The Ourhkina have joined the battle. Gabriel flies down to where Aphrodite is standing and deflects a blow coming from an undead that is directed at her. With a mighty thrust, Gabriel pierces his spear through the undead and the creature explodes into dust.
Aphrodite smiles at Gabriel. He looks down and says ‘Are you okay?’ Gabriel reaches his hand down to help her up. Just then a coil hits him knocking him back. Aphrodite looks up to where the coils come from. There she sees Moonstone.
Moonstone peers down on her and says ‘No more hiding what is inside you. Join me now, and together we will create a new existence. If not, I will rip the power from inside you out.’
Poseidon and Ares jump in front of Aphrodite ‘You will have nothing, Moonstone. But you will die here today!’
Moonstone then laughs as Ares and Poseidon begin their attack. As quick and strong as they are, they are no match for Moonstone. A coil pierces Poseidon’s shoulder and he falls to the ground. Aphrodite rushes to his side. Poseidon lays there almost lifeless.
Moonstone says ’Now come and witness with me the end of your existence.’ Coils wrap around Aphrodite, and he pulls her closer to him.
Moonstone floats back towards the rift. ‘Now finish them, my children of the damned. Kill them all so that they may serve me.’
Moonstone with coils wrapped around Aphrodite begins to float back through the rift towards the Athranaak in the borderlands.
In front of the Garden of Bones a large black structure has risen. There he watches as the Count of Pain faces off against Xarsha.
Down below where the Trial of Blood commences, the Count of Pain looks at Xarsha and says ‘This time there will be no escape for you.’
Coils launch from the Count of Pain towards Xarsha. Xarsha stands motionlessly with his hands behind his back. As the coils strike forward, Xarsha then moves one arm producing a small blade. As the coils come near him it is almost as if he has vanished. He cuts through the coils moving closer to the Count of Pain.
The Count of Pain then says ‘No more tricks, Xarsha. This time you die and I will rip apart. Then even in time you will not reform.’
Xarsha replies to him ‘Then let us see if my time has come to an end, or if yours has.’
The Count of Pain grows angry. He pulls a blade from his side and strikes forward towards Xarsha. Coils come from all around him. As he is upon Xarsha, he begins to strike with his blade.
Xarsha vanishes. The Count of Pain stops. He seems to stagger. His blade drops from his hand. He reaches toward his throat. Xarsha stands a few feet away from him back turned with his blade that he sheathes back into the side of his belt.
The Count of Pain staggers and drops to his knees. His head drops clean off his body and drops to the ground.
Moonstone observes this and says ‘He was weak anyway. Now you shall serve me. For I have the power of the ancients in a time before time within myself. And within this one I will remake this existence in the image of my judgement.’
A voice says ‘You will make no existence in your image. Your time ends here now.’
Moonstone turns to see EinossArku floating beside him wings spread.
EinossArku says ‘Let her go, Moonstone. This is between us.’
Coils wrap tighter around Aphrodite. Moonstone says ‘She is mine and the power within her, Ourhkina. And you are powerless to stop me.’
Moonstone sends coils piercing towards EinossArku. He dodges them pulling his spear and slices a few of them. Moonstone then lowers himself to the ground and places Aphrodite down.
Moonstone says ‘I will return for what is inside you. It will be mine when I finish with this one.’
Moonstone then turns and attacks EinossArku. Coils wrap around to restrain him, but he slices through. EinossArku then attacks forward knocking Moonstone back.
Moonstone laughs ‘Ah there is a fight in you. Unlike any other Ourhkina, I sense power in you. Power that will be mine!’
A coil launches from Moonstone’s hand and pierces the breast of EinossArku pulling him to the ground.
Moonstone says ‘Ah I can feel powerful energy in you that soon will be mine.’ The coil begins to retract and pulls EinossArku towards him. ‘Now come and serve me. Serve me at my side in my new existence.’
Aphrodite is barely conscious, but she watches as she is phasing in and out of consciousness. She raises her hand and speaks strange words. None that she has ever known before. A pink light forms in her hands. Moonstone takes notice to this. As he turns, the light blinds him.
Moonstone then says ‘What is this? Ah my eyes!’
EinossArku grabs his spear in his hand as Moonstone is blinded by the light. ‘This is the end, Moonstone. The end of all things.’
With a thrust, EinossArku pierces his spear into the chest of Moonstone. With his other hand he drives it into his chest wrapping around a black shard embedded inside his chest. With all his force EinossArku pulls out the shard. Moonstone then falls to his knees and starts to wither.
Moonstone says ‘This is not the end, but only the beginning. There are those who come to take your realms. Your existence will fall into malice! I die, but I will be here forever. I am Moonstone the prodigal son. I am the borderlands.’
Moonstone then begins to break away. He decays and burns away to ash blowing away in the winds of the borderlands. Around the realms the rifts begin to pull back all the damned into the borderlands.
When the damned reach there the effects upon Moonstone’s power over them reverses and they are returned to their forms that they were in the borderlands. Saurzon in Alfheim then takes his army and makes a retreat. King Yserah and those cheer.
Upon Olympus, Poseidon has regained himself. He watches as the rift closes.
Ares then says ‘Aphrodite is in there. Moonstone has taken her.’
Gabriel regains himself ‘I will go for her.’ He flies up into the air and into the rift. When he enters on the other side he sees EinossArku holding Aphrodite in his arms. He hands her to Gabriel.
EinossArku says ‘Take her. She must recover. And she will recover for her destiny is not yet unfolded.’ He places his hand upon Aphrodite’s head and says ‘We will meet again beautiful one.’
Gabriel nods and flies back through the rift before it closes. He lands upon the council chambers where Zeus, Ares, and Poseidon are waiting. Aphrodite regains herself.
Aphrodite asks ‘What has happened?’
Zeus replies ‘It is over. The armies have been beaten back. Are you okay? Can you tell us what has happened?’
Aphrodite tries to remember what she has seen and says ‘There is a Ourhkina who came. He fought with Moonstone. I called forth a power within me. It blinded Moonstone, and the Ourhkina killed him.’
Zeus then says ‘Then it is done, and the realms are once again safe.’
Aphrodite looks on over Mount Olympus and she says ‘For now, but I sense others will come. And we may find ourselves torn apart.’
Zeus places his upon Aphrodite’s shoulder and says ‘And when that day comes we will stand together and face any foe. The realms will never be torn apart, and none shall ever have our existence. We stand together from now and for always.’
The object pieces that were combined by Moonstone now separate and fall to the ground. Xarsha, EinossArku, and Layashien pick them up.
EinossArku says ‘What is to be done with them?’
Xarsha replies ‘They must be taken to a place separated from each other. Kept safe. I will take one of them far beyond this existence.’
Layashien then gathers two pieces and says ‘And I will take these to a place that I know they will be kept safe. The final piece is left to you, EinossArku. Take it to a place within this existence. None will choose to pursue it.’
The piece in EinossArku’s hand begins to glow brightly with light.
EinossArku looks at it for a moment and says ‘I know just where to take it. There is one who will rise in the Light Realm. Under her protection this piece will never fall into the wrong hands.’
EinossArku then looks again in his other hand. There is a black shard. The one pulled from Moonstone.
Xarsha takes the black shard from EinossArku and says ‘This is Moonstone. He will forever remain here as those who have come before him. Shatter it.’
Xarsha hands the shard back to EinossArku who takes it in his hands and crushes it. The dust then blows away in the winds of the borderlands, and the Bentian War has come to an end.
True Self Connection...