Incarnation Story for Varekrin

Varekrin says ‘There I was right on the bow of the ship. As it veered closer towards the shore the Viking men and women readying themselves for battle. And here comes my moment. I turn around, let out a simple “meow” and the men and women bow before me. They thank Freya.
They pray to her and all the Norse Pantheon Gods and Goddesses. And then they thank me for seeing them along safely on their journeys. And then with a loud cry and a battle roar they make themselves ready. As the ships approach the beach the warriors jump and head towards the shore. I can hear the cries of the villagers and those that they have come to raid.’
Bast replies ‘And this didn’t trouble you at all, father? Sitting there listening to those poor helpless villagers being cut down by such fierce warriors.’
Varekrin says ‘Nah. Humans have their ways. Why do they do the things they do? It’s not for me to understand. I just like going along for the adventure upon the open sea. And plus the spoils they always bring back to me are quite delightful. I mean, I have walked many places amongst them. I just like watching them. They are interesting creatures.’
Bast says ‘You have never thought of incarnating as one, have you father?’
Varekrin sits back, laughs a little bit, and places his hands behind his head. He says ‘Oh dear daughter no. No, no, no. Humans have it so easy. There’s nothing within their lives that just even counts as being hard. I mean look at them now. Ha. They don’t even walk anymore from places, but yet have large automobiles to drive themselves around. I hear nowadays most of them don’t even know how to swim.’
Bast replies ‘Do you know how to swim, father? When you were on your many voyages across the sea with the humans did you ever fall into the water? Huh? Us cats are not quite fond of water or swimming.’
Varekrin says ‘I’ve fallen into the water plenty of times. You forget, dear daughter. I was in France during their revolution. I walked high upon the buildings and watched the squabbles below. I almost had a cannon take one of my many lives.
If I didn’t jump down into the river you know I could have been blown away by one of their cannonballs. I had to swim a good distance to find my way back to shore. So yes I have done my fair share of swimming. Human beings however… I’ve seen them drown.’
Bast then replies ‘I think you just like the attention that you get among them. Lavish affection, easy meals. I bet you wouldn’t find it so easy if you were one of them. And you’ve never tried to be one of them. Human beings have such hardships, but there is great learning when we live amongst them, and incarnate as one of them.’
Varekrin then laughs and says ‘What is there to learn? Human beings follow the same patterns as almost all the natural animals do. They find a mate, they take them for life, they create offspring, their offspring find mates and do the same thing. It’s just a repetitive motion that they’re in.’
Bast replies ‘That may be, father. But you seem to keep going back amongst them. And you seem to always find yourself in the most interesting situations among the humans. You can’t sit here and deny that you do enjoy their lavish affection upon you.’
Varekrin sighs and says ‘That I do. I remember the two little girls in the bunker in Germany.’
Varekrin leans back and his mind goes into daydreaming, thinking of past incarnations. Varekrin has always incarnated as a cat.
Bast sits back and sighs, ready to listen to another one of her father’s long stories. Varekrin however does not make this one as long. There is a sadness in his eyes. He remembers the two little girls in Germany during the great war.
Their father who was very close to the leader of that country at that time was known as the minister of propaganda. The two girls’ father gave Varekrin as a gift to them. The two girls lavished him with love and affection. They even brought him with them when they went to the bunker when all of the Red Army were surrounding those inside Berlin.
Varekrin remembers the two little girls taking him outside. There was sadness in their eyes.
They told him ‘You have to go now. You can’t be here, father says. We don’t want the Russians to come hurt you. They may eat you, and I don’t want that.’
Just then a woman enters out from the bunker. She says ‘Come my darlings. Your father awaits us. Say goodbye to your cat. He will be safe. He’s a very smart cat.’
The two girls hug Varekrin and then pet him on the head with tears in their eyes. They follow their mother into the bunker.
Varekrin sighs as he comes back from daydreaming into the conversation between him and his daughter Bast.
Bast then asks ‘Whatever happened to those two girls?’
Varekrin sighs and says ‘Well… they killed themselves. Their father had them drink poison along with their mother and himself. I found them laying there as the Red Army sieged the bunker. One of the Russian soldiers actually picked me up and pet me under the chin.
I spent the rest of my days living with him back in Russia. He was just a simple type man. Had a family and cut trees for a living. Ah, but I do miss those two little girls. However humans still have it so easy. All they have to do is not try to destroy one another. But it’s in their nature to do so.’
Bast then says ‘And do you think you could do it so easy if you were a human? Hm? Do you, father?’
Varekrin laughs and says ‘I could do it better than they do. I mean It’s simple. All they have to do is be wise. Be smart. Like cats are.’
Bast says ‘I still bet you wouldn’t find it so easy, father.’
Varekrin then leans in and grins at his daughter. He says ‘You wish to place a bet with me huh? Well then. I accept. I will tell you what. I will go ahead and make an incarnation. A human one. And I guarantee when I return here long after that incarnation is gone I will say the same thing. Humans have it completely easy.’
Bast smiles and says ‘We shall see, father. We shall see.’
Bast and her father Varekrin travel to the Norns. This is the place where Divine beings and other beings come when they wish to have incarnations made upon the Earth realm of the humans.
A place and a world once shared by humans, Nature Folk, and others. But now predominantly dominated by humans. Still many come to the Norns to create incarnations. There is a weaving of the threads. Varekrin himself has done this several times, but when he has come to them he has always chosen to come as a cat.
Varekrin and Bast enter the realm of where the Norns are under the Great Tree. As Varekrin opens his cloak, several kittens come running out. They are gifts to the Sisters from Varekrin for he gives cats to all those that he finds to be his friends.
The Sisters greet him for he is a familiar face. One of them speaks ‘Have you come to return and walk amongst the humans again?’
Varekrin says ‘I have.’
The Sisters smile at him ‘Oh what adventures you must want to see. You always tell the best stories of perspectives of the humans. Tell us, what kind of cat will you be now? Where will you go?’
Varekrin says ‘I’m gonna try something a little different this time.’
The Sisters look at each other almost puzzled ‘What do you mean one of others?’
Varekrin replies ‘I am going to choose to incarnate as a human.’
The Sisters almost seem shocked by this. Then one of them laughs a little and says ‘You almost got us there. You tell such great jokes as well.’
Varekrin smiles and says ‘I’m not joking. I want to make a human incarnation.’
One of the Sisters says ‘So you want to walk on two legs instead of four?’
Varekrin replies ‘Eh it may feel a little awkward, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it. I want to show my daughter here that humans have it simple and easy. Not as easy as natural beings do especially in the world they live in now.’
Bast then speaks ‘And I want to show my father that human beings have many great trials and it is not so easy as he thinks.’
The Sisters say ‘So be it.’
One of them approaches Varekrin. They tie a thread around his finger, and then another on his right hand. They begin weaving together a thread, and then this begins to go into all the Weaves of Fate and Destiny. Varekrin feels himself lightheaded for a moment. He looks down at his daughter.
Bast smiles and says ‘I will see you soon father.’
Varekrin then feels a blinding light and hears the noise and sounds of human voices. His incarnation is born in Midgard.
His TSPV session...
Varekrin the Very First Cat
Incarnation Story Sessions...
These sessions are a short story of what happened when your true self decided they wanted to incarnate and the process they went through. It basically shows how you came to be here in Midgard. Estimated word count is around 1,000 words on average. Length will vary depending on how many important details we decide should be included.
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