Your Spiritual True Self and Incarnation Story

I have spoken about this before but never actually made a post about the topic. I want to clarify what I mean when I say physical and spiritual.
You are a physical being here in Midgard. We usually refer to our true selves as our spiritual self or our spiritual form.
You should realize that your true self is not actually a spirit. They solid and tangible. They have flesh, blood, and bones.
If you have read the TSPVs you can see more realistically how they interact with each other in other realms. Their abilities and vulnerabilities. They are not super powered X-Men style fights.
The main difference between our realm and the other realms is that Midgard is much denser and has much less access to magic, energy, and power.
In a way Midgard is cut off from the other realms. So when your true self interacts with you they seem like a spirit because that is how they are able to interact through into this realm.
These spiritual beings we consider to be invisible and see-through to us are actually not. That is just how their influence interprets here because of how cut off this realm is.
Your true self can bleed, they can get injured, they use the bathroom. They can get fat if they don't stay in shape. They can get illnesses. They can starve. They cannot walk through walls. Most of them cannot fly. Portals are an advanced magic.
You are of your true self. They could not come to Midgard without an incarnation or vessel. That is what you are. Many wanted to try out this realm. It became quite a trend.
So when I say your physical self or physical form I am referring to you in Midgard. You have a human essence and also your own consciousness. That is what goes through the athranaak when you die.
The true self is judged by the deeds acted by their incarnation. That is why many of them choose to split away from their incarnation. Then only the incarnation essence is sent to the borderlands instead of them.
If you have had a core fusion and unification your spiritual and physical essence are one and both held accountable for your actions and deeds.
Midgard is not just the Earth. It is all of the solar system, galaxy, and universe around us. This entire physical universe is Midgard. So you are technically in Midgard instead of on Midgard.
When I say spiritual self or spiritual form I am referring to you outside this realm. The you that was before your time here in Midgard and will continue to be you after you are done here.
This is why I call them the true self. Your incarnation here in Midgard is but a small part of their overall life experience. It is up to you to connect with them if you desire to become one again.
True Self Connection...