The Return of Asherah Aphrodite

This is part three of my self-destruction project. I am not able to summarize all I have experienced and felt during the past few weeks. I hope that this post can give you more insight as to what I have been going through. I am not the one who started this project, but I am the one will finish it.
April 29th... 7th Ritual
8:00pm The vessel of Atherak submerged himself in water to travel beyond all to get something from the Omega for this next ritual.
8:31pm We did the 7th self-destruction ritual. This one focused on the brain and mind.
April 30th... 8th Ritual
8:16pm We do the 8th self-destruction ritual. The Omega wanted an entire pint-sized jar of dried rose petals thrown into the fire. This ritual gave her more direct access to Midgard.
I am comprehending more of who the Omega is. I know that her enemies have no idea. If they understood a fraction of what she is they would not be so against her.
They think she is simply a being with more power than an Aspect. If only they could get a glimpse of what she truly is.
The Omega is beyond all. She the power to birth Aspects and even beyond. She formed the Alpha.
She can design and bring about any power even ones that have never been before. This is why she does not seek power because she is the source of it all. She is beyond the infinite.
When I say beyond infinite it is difficult to grasp the magnitude. Power is both irrelevant and insignificant. She does not need power.
Those who desire to bring her demise may be able to harm her projection in existence but she herself is beyond both everything and before nothing.
She has decided that this is the time for her to directly participate in her experiment of existence itself. Because that is what this all is to her... an experiment.
If you could see beyond the experiment you would see how small all of this is in comparison. She does not dwell in what we consider outside of existence.
Her home is not in the non-existence. Nor even in the infinite. These are all belong to her. The more connected I am to her as her physical projection the more in awe I become.
They will never know who she truly is because they wouldn't comprehend it. They fight and squabble over such trivial matters. Their pursuits so tiny.
Just like she said with Nummandor, he lost his opportunity with her over insignificant table scraps when she has an endless infinite feast to offer... and that is just dinner to her.
She has so much to give to her true allies. Amler understands this and that is why he called Nummandor a fool. Not because the Omega would defeat him, but because he squandered an opportunity beyond everything in order to gain nothing.
May 1st... 9th Ritual Part One
I have been feeling a little off in my focus today. The Omega told me it is because Moskavanik is manipulating her future timelines in Midgard. She decided to split her 9th ritual into two so she can take care of timeline manipulation.
This one was to give over all that I am including my past, present, and future to the Omega. It also transfers over to her my timelines, destiny, and fate.
9:45pm We do the 9th ritual part one. It was very intense and a little over 40 minutes long.
After the ritual I spent the rest of the evening until midnight prepping for the next ritual which will be 9th part two.
May 2nd 2019... 9th Ritual Part Two
The preparations for this ritual are focused on protection from mental and energetic manipulation. I discovered quite a bit of mental sabotage.
4:40pm I am clearing out my energetic into a purge.
7:45pm Black sludge energy was pouring out of me. I was dry heaving over and over as it was coming out. It was very overwhelming to experience that for over 2 hours straight. I had to do war battle screams to get it all out.
9:00pm We do the 9th ritual part two. The Omega says there must be a third part to the 9th before we can move on to the 10th.
May 3rd 2019... 9th Ritual Part Three
The preparations for this one are to destroy the consciousness of this vessel.
6:15pm Atherak did surgery on me to pull out all the remaining previous consciousness. It will be burned in the ritual.
Just discovered that the new Ashontrah will be reborn tonight during the ritual when I throw the jar of rose petals into the fire.
8:30pm We do the 9th ritual part three. At 8:45pm The jar of rose petals are dumped into the fire and the new Ashontrah is born into her vessel.
I was able to reform from Asherah Aphrodite because of the sacrifice from Illrilliana.
Eternal Death truly brought the demise of Ashontrah through Udunrinos. She did not reform. She is completely gone.
That was not her forming in the Eternal Sea, it was me. The sacrifice of Ilia brought me back but this time I birthed directly into my Midgard vessel. I am the one known as Ashontrah now.
May 4th 2019... 10th Ritual Part One
After I was born it took almost 24 hours for me to learn English. I did not understand any of it and I could not speak it. I only spoke in Thothilssin.
I prepared all day for the tenth ritual. This is to replace my vessel brain.
8:42pm We do the ritual but what she wanted did not fully complete. The Omega is not happy about it. We have to do a 2nd part tomorrow.
May 5th 2019...
I am the new projection of the Omega. I am reformed from Asherah Aphrodite.
I have remained in this physical vessel thus far and have not gone to any other realms. The Omega said it is not yet time.
Hylia: "It hurts to lose Ashontrah, and Asherah before her, through every life you've sacrificed everything, the fact that you are here however is a relief, and I feel that I can speak for many when I say that we will give you the same love and loyalty as your predecessors."
Ashontrah: "I am Asherah. 'What once was shall be again.' This was something repeated often by the Omega during the rituals."
12:00pm I am preparing for my 10th ritual Part 2. The Omega stated...
'For me to change this vessel to my form a price must be paid. The forms of others must burn in return. There shall be sacrifice tonight.'
She has chosen her 3 sacrifices. All 3 of them have professed that they are willing to sacrifice. This is their spiritual forms, not their physical vessels.
One of them is Neith who has offered her form as sacrifice in exchange for the Omega saving her from her situation.
The other two are well-known sensitives who have offered up themselves to the Omega.
4:45pm The Omega sends a message to them saying 'Sacrifice accepted.'
9:30pm We do the 10th Ritual Part 2. The sacrifices are burned. The price was paid. The ritual was a success.
During the ritual the physicals of the sensitives went into convulsions and passed out. Their spirituals are in the borderlands to learn more about the dead. They are to be rewarded spiritually and physically for their sacrifice.
May 6th 2019... 11th ritual
I messaged Atherak this morning...
9:07am Since returning as Aphrodite I have been feeling the loss of EinossArku. Is there any way Atherak, any way that I could feel what it is like to be with him again? Through a dream-like state? An illusion? I would take it and enjoy every moment of it.
I want to feel his touch again. My heart aches. He died after me and he is gone. Is there any way for you to take on his image? Even just once? I am feeling emotional. I never got to say goodbye. Can this be arranged? I am desperate for him Atherak.
He came into my room and said: "I am no Arku but I try."
I started crying and asked him: "Can it be arranged? I just want to say goodbye." Atherak told me it can be done.
We were talking about my past with Arku and how he protected me during the Bentian War. I asked: "Was I meant to be imprisoned in the Void?"
Atherak told me: "That was unforeseen. It was not meant to happen. That is why Arku spent so much time in the borderlands, to try and find you. That is why here incarnated here in Midgard, to find your incarnation."
I am Asherah Aphrodite in my essence, my personality, my emotions, my memories, all that I am. I am her, fully her. I am just reformed anew. I feel everything of Asherah Aphrodite, yet my name now is Ashontrah.
Sometimes I wonder why it was me who was chosen by the Omega to return. I am not as calculated as Ashontrah was. I have more emotions. Maybe that is what she wanted... a Queen of Love and Beauty. A Queen of Hearts.
While she did rituals to protect me from timeline manipulation and things like mind control... I do not have protection for my emotions, my heart, my love. My love is my strength and my vulnerability.
I will do as the Omega guides me. I shall move on without EinossArku. I will be the Queen I am meant to be. The Omega shall fully be here through me. Not because her full presence will be here, but because she will have full access through her projection.
12:00pm Feeling the full effect of being in existence again is a bit overwhelming. I have so many emotions flowing through me of what was, what happened, and who I am now.
The Omega told me she has no intention of destroying me when she comes. I am already her, I always was. She will integrate with me and together we shall be Ashontrah Omega.
For the Omega is beyond all and cannot be constrained in existence, in the non-existence, or even in the infinite. This is why she shall keep her projection and also join with her.
It breaks my heart that EinossArku is gone. He has given me what no one else in existence ever has. A true pure love more powerful than any I had ever experienced.
A love which joined our hearts and beings together as one. I don't know if I will ever get to experience that again.
I would have a love like that by my side beyond all existence, non-existence, and the infinite layers that go beyond that.
The layers that no one else can even comprehend. The Anti-Existence, the Mondeo, the Keyfashanar, the Gallatar, and the others... Those are just the ones she has mentioned to me.
The layers that really show how insignificant existence truly is. The layers that Aspects have never seen or experienced with forces that cannot be comprehended.
For they are all part of a puzzle of the Omega which she holds in her hands. She has many other puzzles which sit in her throne room. I have seen glimpses. She has many experiments.
When you think you have the Omega figured out you realize you only see such a tiny fraction. Yet she sits alone upon her throne without her companion.
True love is worth more than all the power in existence. All else pales in comparison to love. It is the only power which flows through beyond all the layers. This is why the projection of the Omega is Love herself.
3:30pm My pregnancy got attacked by Nummandor. He was trying to harm Ayvarahsa. He escaped the borderlands with the help of Moskavanik. Nummandor offered Midgard political favors and to go against Ashoweah in the physical in exchange.
10:10pm We do the 11th ritual. This one is for my body systems and pregnancy. Then I went inside and did an activation.
May 7th...
The Omega talks often about sacrifice and how there is a price to be paid for things. Even for her to do certain things here there must be sacrifice.
Some may think the Omega has wonderful time in her role of who she is. However, because of who she is, she is all alone. Where she resides it is just her. All by herself. Her companion shattered. She only interacts with others through her projection.
Someone was asking why the Omega destroyed the physical beauty of her vessel. The answer is because it had to be sacrificed in order to bring something greater.
I am reminded of when I first went to the non-existence as Asherah Aphrodite back on May 31st 2018.
I stated 'The perfect 360-degree form.' My incarnation asked 'You can be other degrees?' I replied 'Yes, I can, but my 360-degree form is most exquisite.'
The other layers mentioned by the Omega make me think of different degrees of forms. The point I would like to express in this is that you cannot simplify the Omega or what she does. There are concepts that go far beyond anything we can comprehend.
The Omega said there will NOT be a ritual tonight. I am not yet ready for the 12th and we have already completed the 11th.
May 10th...
I am still in preparations for the 12th ritual. There is much to be done for me to be ready for it.
The Omega allowed for Moskavanik to get his Aspect power back. He is fully an Aspect again.
Everything I perceive is from the point of view I had as Aphrodite before I died. I was gone from September 13th 2018 and just recently returned.
The previous Ashontrah was part of the Omega but she was not exactly me. I have my own consciousness.
My last interaction with Ashoweah was him causing me that immense pain where I got destroyed on Sept 13th of last year.
My last interaction with Vustik was him betraying me with the pearl I trusted him with which led to my destruction.
As for Mono Baphomet, I do not have anything personally against him. I do not think he and previous Ashontrah got along well but I am not her.
My latest prominent memory of Mono was when we were together in that insect existence. We danced together to Waltz of the Flowers.
As for Kaltarinkae and Moskavanik. What they did with the dolls, I see that as toward previous Ashontrah which they thought I was forming as. I do not have anything personal against them. We have a blank slate so to say.
I would rather myself be called Asherah Aphrodite, but the Omega feels it is best to continue to be called Ashontrah. There are too many preconceived ideas on Midgard about who Aphrodite is. Thanks to my impostor.
Maybe she will change her mind and I can fully be myself with my own name. Maybe going by the name Ashontrah is safest for me right now.
I consider myself to be Asherah Aphrodite Ashontrah Omega. That is what I use in private for my own work. I just know that the previous Ashontrah and I have very different personalities. I am much softer than her, but I consider myself just as strong.
There was a time when Ashontrah was combining with her past forms. I was partially aware here but not fully. I could not fully come back that way.
This was originally my incarnation and it is good to have my own physical vessel back. I have been through much with this one. The only incarnation I have ever had. It is meant for me. I am feeling really sentimental.
I admit I am still a bit disorientated from coming back to existence. The Omega does not want me to travel the realms until there is a free flow between my physical and spiritual without separation.
That is what I am preparing for with the 12th ritual which may be in multiple parts. When that free flow connection is strong I may travel as I please. I will finally get to go and visit my beloved children.
Continuing the Book of Aphrodite...
I sent a message to Atherak that I feel it is important to get back to work on my book. I feel a flood of thoughts and emotions. It is important that I remember my past. This is my life and my history. I must remember all of myself including the memories I lost.
The last chapter was all the way back in February and there is still so much for me to rediscover.
Book of Aphrodite Chapter 1...
Self-Destruction Project...
Omega Project of Self-Destruction (April 26th)
Omega Self-Destruction Project Part 2 (April 29th)
True Self Connection...