Incarnation Story for Valkar Vala

Valkar and Tulkas sit together under a tree sharing just small talk, laughter… reminiscing of times that have come and gone.
Tulkas then lays down and looks up into the sky. He says ‘I’m going back again. I just thought I’d tell you that.’
Valkar looks at Tulkas again traveling in a vessel to Midgard. He replies ‘What for? I thought after your last journey there you decided you would never return there. Never have another incarnation there.’
Tulkas sighs and says ‘Yes, I know. But something. Something is drawing me there. I don’t quite understand what it is yet, but I feel that I must go back one more time. My curiosity keeps me awake at night.’
Valkar then turns his head and looks out towards the view. He says ‘Mankind. That of humans. I know you heard the stories. They have gone from what they started out as being simple sential dominant beings of the world of Earth. But have you heard the stories lately? What has been transpiring there amongst them. So much turmoil. So much anger, death.
It is like they have lost their ways and connection with us. With the Divine and so many others including the Elements and Nature. I have heard that the Earth cried out in pain as man raged fired down upon her. Their weapons are advancing every day. I don’t know, Tulkas. I don’t know if going back there would ever be a good idea for any Vala.’
Tulkas then sighs again and looks back up at the sky. He replies ‘You are right. So much has changed and the humans have lost their way. But there are still some. Some who are connected.’
Valkar responds ‘Yes there may be some. But it is the Ourhkina who handle them now. The Vala have all but slipped into legend and myth.’
Tulkas laughs and says ‘What is up with the Ourhkina? Human beings do not believe in such things nowadays. I have heard the stories. I have watched through the seeing bowls. I have looked upon the water and seen what mankind does. Yes they have lost their way, and there may only be a few that remain. But still my curiosity calls me and beckons me to return there.’
Valkar then replies ‘I sense something dangerous there. I sense an impending doom. If I cannot convince you not to incarnate there again then I shall go with you this time and be close to you.’
Tulkas then says ‘If you are to incarnate there brother there is no guarantee that you can be close. We may be miles apart separated by oceans. We may never even meet. I do not ask you to come with me to watch over me. We may never see each other.’
Valkar then replies ‘But there is a way. There is a way we can guarantee that we shall be born into the same family of humans.’
Tulkas eyes then widen with curiosity. He says ‘What do you mean?’
Valkar then replies ‘Do you remember Layashien? Long ago. Do you remember her after the Urthak War? Layashien.’
Tulkas replies ‘The dead Norn. But she is within the borderlands. She is no longer a Weaver of Fate and Destiny. How could she possibly guarantee and help us so that our incarnations will be there together upon Earth?’
Valkar says ‘I have heard things of her where she exists in the borderlands. It is said that she is still tied to the Threads of Fate and Destiny. That she can guarantee Weaving. That she has already done this for others I have heard.’
Tulkas then replies ‘I would not tread into the borderlands again. Not since…’ Tulkas then stops and looks down. There is a sad look in his eyes.
Valkar puts his hand on Tulkas’ shoulder and says ‘I understand. But there is a way to summon her to us. Do you remember Huen?’
Tulkas then replies ‘But he will want something in return.’
Valkar says ‘Well dear brother. I have something that he may like. Something that so many want to acquire.’
Valkar then looks around to see if anybody is noticing. He reaches into his robe in the pocket and pulls out a white cloth. When he opens it there is a ring inside. The gemstone is black and almost shines with a blood red color glow.
Tulkas looks down on this strangely. He says ‘It’s a ring.’
Valkar then says ‘Not just any ring. Do you know who this once belonged to?’
Tulkas shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. He says ‘I do not.’
Valkar then replies ‘Moonstone the Dwarf. It was once his ring.’
Tulkas’ eyes light up and he says ‘How did you acquire this? Where did you come by it?’
Valkar says ‘Do you remember our last crusade with King Yserah when we fought the band of rebelling Dark Elves? I found it on one of their fallen. It was just laying there in her hand. I did some research on it at the Alfheim Library and looked through the old books, and yes it is the ring of Moonstone. King Yserah himself even saw it. I brought it to him. He seemed not concerned that I had acquired it and so he let me keep it. But he did confirm that this was once a ring that belonged to Moonstone the Dwarf.’
Tulkas then replies with a stuttered voice ‘In the legends of Moonstone this ring possesses great evil. You should not have it.’
Valkar then replies ‘That is why it will be the perfect trade for what we need for Huen. I know that he will desire it. As for the the ring itself, just the legend is its power. I sense no great danger in it.’
Tulkas then says ‘So be it.’
The two of them gather their things and leave to find the collector Huen. When they reach his establishment and they knock upon the gates of his villa, a voice answers from behind.
The voice says ‘What do you want? I’m not doing business today.’
Tulkas then announces himself ‘I am Tulkas of the Valar here with my brother Valkar. We wish to speak to you.’
The voice from behind the door speaks ‘V-Val-Vala here? I have done nothing wrong. Please leave. There is nothing here.’
Valkar then replies ‘We are not here because you have done anything wrong. We are here to bargain with you. We have something that you may want, and you have something that we require.’
The voice from behind the door says ‘This is a trick. You just want me to open this door so you can arrest me. Charge me with some false crime or something.’
Valkar says ‘So be it. Have your own way then, and you will never get to see what we have brought to trade. It is a very nice ring. A ring that belonged to a certain “Moonstone.”’
There is a brief silence, and then the large door opens. A scaggily face elongated with long pointy ears and large black eyes, covered by a hood, wrinkled, bony fingers, and dark grayish skin. This is Huen the Collector.
Huen says ‘Ring of Moonstone you say? That’s impossible. Let me see it.’
Valkar holds out his hand and unfolds the white cloth wrapped around the ring. Huen then takes out a little glass monocle and puts it around his eye. He looks up and down the ring. He pulls out a book from his robe and begins reading, looking through it, comparing the ring to an illustration in the book.
Huen says ‘Come in. Come in quickly!’ Huen then leads Tulkas and Valkar into his Villa.
Huen then says ‘What is it you wish to trade for this?’
Valkar replies ‘The object you have that can open gateways and summon those from the borderlands.’
Huen then replies ‘Ahhh. That’s what you want. Well, even for a beautiful ring, and one belonging to someone so powerful as Moonstone… I would never trade such an object for that. However, if you give me the ring, I will let you use it to summon whoever you want from the borderlands. Here in the safety of my villa of course.’
Tulkas looks at Valkar for a long moment.
Valkar then turns his head to Huen and smiles. He says ‘Agreed.’ He hands over the ring.
Huen then leads them down a long hall to a secret chamber. Huen speaks an incantation and the door opens. Sitting in the middle of the room on an altar is a strange octagon object.
Huen says ‘The prize of my collection. Come, come. Come.’ Huen leads Tulkas and Valkar into the chamber and then closes the door.
Huen says ‘This may take some time.’
Huen removes his robe, and to the surprise of Tulkas and Valkar they see where he is self mutilated. He has stuck objects through his skin. There seems to be lashing, cuts, and stitches everywhere. This is almost a shock to the two Vala. They have never seen a being so mutilated outside the borderlands.
Huen says ‘Please relax. This will take me some time to prep. Who is it you wish to call from the borderlands? I need to know their name.’
Valkar replies ‘Layashien the dead Norn.’
Huen is over at an altar table gathering herbs and other things. Other incantations to pour use. Tools so to say. He pauses for a moment when he hears the name.
Huen says ‘Ahh. You wish for her to tie a thread. The living to the dead hehehe. And you are planning on traveling somewhere.’
Tulkas replies ‘Where we plan to go is none of your business. Now get on with it. We have paid you.’
Huen then laughs and says ‘Do not worry. I will not double-cross you. Now relax while I prepare for the ritual.’
The ritual has begun. Huen begins chanting in a strange language. Tulkas and Valkar watch as the piece floats up from the altar it’s placed on and it begins to spin and churn and change shape. Huen then cries out loudly in a strange language, but a name is heard that can be recognized. ‘Layashien! Layashien! Layashien!’
There is a strong sense of overwhelming energy from within the chamber. There a rift opens. Out through steps an old woman almost shriveled to the point of looking like a corpse. She wears a blackish robe around her.
Layashien says ‘Who has summoned me?’
Valkar steps forward and says ‘It is we who have summoned you. We wish to ask something of you.’
Layashien replies ‘What is it you wish from me, Valar?’
Tulkas then says ‘We wish to return together to Earth. To have incarnations there. But we wish to be together born into the same family of humans.’
Layashien replies ‘Oh, but such a price must be paid. What are you willing to pay?’
Valkar then takes the piece that is floating above the altar and says ‘I shall repay you with this.’
Huen turns and says ‘What are you doing? That is mine. That was not part of the agreement!’
Tulkas then says ‘Huen, you are wanted for crimes across the Realm. We will take this to make sure that it will not fall into the wrong hands. You have no say in this, Huen. We leave you in peace, or we will arrest you and bring you before the Great Houses to stand trial.’
Huen backs down and says nothing.
Layashien says ‘Ha. I knew one day it would return to me. And with this I will be able to leave the borderlands anytime I choose. Your offer is accepted.’
Layashien then reaches into her robe and pulls out two long black needles. She walks up to both Valkar and Tulkas. She pricks them both in the chest with needles. As the blood drips down she begins to wind it up and sew it into threads. She begins to wrap the threads around Valkar and Tulkas. She is chanting in a strange language of the Myrrdonite.
Just then the door opens to the chamber. There is a young Vala standing there. He says ‘What has happened? What is going on here? What have you done to my masters!?’
It is Belkas. He is a trainee of both Valkar and Tulkas learning his ways to rise up and become a Champion of Valinor. He has followed them here. The threads begin to react strangely and violently. Two of them lash out wrapping around the bottom legs of Belkas. They pull Belkas to the floor.
Valkar then notices this. He cries out ‘Let him go!’
Layashien then responds ‘He is now part of your destiny upon the Earth. The Realm of men.’
Valkar says ‘No! This was not what we agreed with.’
Valkar struggles. He begins to pull his hands away and grabs the two threads wrapped around Belkas’ legs. He pulls him towards him and says ‘If your fate is ours then you shall join us.’
The threads wrap tighter around Tulkas, Valkar, and Belkas binding them together. The threads then are weaved in through the rift leading to the borderlands. There floats the Athraanak.
Layashien then begins speaking an incantation as the threads wrap underneath the Athraanak. Just then Valkar, Tulkas, and Belkas feel themselves fading away. There is a blinding light, and then the sound of human voices around them.
Incarnation Story Sessions...
These sessions are a short story of what happened when your true self decided they wanted to incarnate and the process they went through. It basically shows how you came to be here in Midgard. Estimated word count is 500 to 1,000 words on average. Length will vary depending on how many important details we decide should be included.
True Self Connection...