Incarnation Story for Ufyea

A lonely buffalo calf cries as it stands next to the rotting corpse of its mother. Stripped of her hide she lays among thousands of her kind hunted down for their pelts. Off in the distance two Lakota Native Americans stand watching upon horseback.
Ufyea walks closer to the calf. She is in spirit. She places her hands on the calf’s head and pulls it close to her. She says ‘Do not weep little one. For your tears are not alone, but shared by all that is Natural.’ She begins to weep.
The two Lakota notice a sound upon the winds. The young Lakota warrior says to the other one ‘Wind Song, I hear a voice upon the wind of great sadness.’
Wing Song replies ‘It is the voice of the Earth and Spirits. The voice of the land. She weeps for what has been done here. Things are changing. You are young, and I am old. I have seen what has come of the land. How the Earth spirits that cry out in sorrow and sadness.’
Ufyea’s spirit fades from the plane, and the Lakota warriors ride off. The calf is left alone.
Ufyea asks herself ‘Why do the Naturals suffer?’ She then walks for many more years in spirit in places where the land and the Elements are being changed by that of mankind. She walks upon the seas and watches them as they pull the great creatures of the oceans, slaughtering them by the thousands, maybe the millions.
Ufyea then comes to a forest somewhere in Eastern Europe in a place of Poland. There it is sacred and quiet. Not many men wander into the forest for there are legends of a spirit that dwells there. She has come here many times before. She has found this place sacred to her and the creatures among it.
The local legends believe her to be the Spirit of the Woods. That even hunting deer there may bring her wrath. Time passes on and Ufyea can feel the changing of the elements and the natural ways in the world. And then the time comes when she feels that of great turmoils between man.
The Count of Pain Orgah says to Ufyea ‘Tell me more of this time in the forest.’ She stands before him. She has come to him in hopes of bartering something with him.
Ufyea begins to explain more of the story of the forest that she inhabited in Eastern Europe. The time of a second great conflict among men. There have been many, many disruptions within the elemental energy and Ufyea had once again retreated to her forest.
She remembers armies of men marching upon each other. The death and destruction, the fire and bombs that rained from the sky.
Ufyea then begins to hear that of many people running. She changes herself into a form of a rock, and she sees several people fleeing. There are a few men amongst the group of women and children speaking the form of man’s language. She has not heard it very many times before. For most hunters that dwell and come within her forest do not stay long.
A little girl collapses to her knees in front of her. Ufyea watches. A man then turns. He speaks to the little girl. Ufyea focuses to understand what they are saying. The man says ‘You must keep running Shashanna. We must go. If you do not then they will take us, and they will kill us.’
The little girl replies ‘I cannot run anymore papa. I cannot run. And the forest… the forest is haunted.’
The man picks up the little girl in his arms and says ‘Those are just bedtime stories. The real monsters are out there. They have already taken your mother and others. I promised her I would keep you alive.’
He carries the little girl off. Once the humans have left, Ufyea then returns to her spirit form. She is curious. Who would be chasing them? Most of the people and humans around here would never dwell so far into her forest.
Ufyea then hears the voices of others after some time. It is a different language of men. She looks down and sees soldiers, and what looks like one of the villagers. The soldiers are yelling angrily at the villager.
The villager replies ‘The forest is haunted. They will not live very long. There is an evil spirit here that kills any of those that dwell too deep.’
The soldier then says something to another soldier who looks to be in command. The commanding soldier then grows angry and speaks a language among men, shouting. The other soldier then translates into the villager’s language.
Ufyea listens as the villager says ‘Do not go into the forest.’ The soldiers continue on their way. The commanding soldier then turns to the villager, draws his pistol, and shoots him.
This startles Ufyea. She has seen the cruelty of man upon the natural beings, but now there is so much cruelty. Not only upon the naturals, but the humans upon themselves. She follows the humans as they dwell deeper into her forest. The canopy of trees cover the sunlight and the forest grows dark.
The soldiers wander through the forest at night, but they do not know what they are following. They can hear the footsteps and trampling of the leaves, but it is Ufyea. She is angry at these men. They are the men whose same machines rain fire from the skies and destroy the beautiful surroundings.
She is leading them to a place they will never return. She begins trying to speak the strange language of the one she heard earlier of the little girl. She mimics the voice, and the soldiers with anticipation begin to move faster to follow her.
Ufyea then projects her voice down into a small opening into the ground. What looks like an underground cave. They can hear the voices within there. The soldiers then begin screaming and shouting. One of them takes something from the side of his belt, pulls on it, and throws the object into the cave. There is a loud explosion.
After the dust has cleared, the soldiers begin to look shining lights down in. Ufyea then projects her voice again. The soldiers seem surprised and they speak in their human language. Then the commanding one gives them the orders to go in.
Many of the soldiers crawl down inside the cave. The commanding soldier is the last one to enter. When all are finally inside, Ufyea begins to concentrate and focus. The rocks at the entrance of the cave begin to crack and crumble, and the cave begins to collapse. The soldiers inside scream as they are crushed by the earth.
All Elementals have a Spirit form. She did NOT incarnate as a spirit. She as her true self was here in her Elemental Spirit form which all Elementals can do.
Orgah is the current Count of Pain at this time, but in life he was Adolf Hiter. He says to her ‘Those were my soldiers at one time, and you killed them. And here you come asking me to help you create an incarnation upon the Earth. An Eighth Elemental Nymph. Ahh. Those such things can be forbidden. Is that what you have come for seeking my help? Because no others would help you with this? What would you offer me in return, Elemental?’
Ufyea replies to him ‘I would see that Natural Ways would return among Earth. I would work my way through to connect with the incarnation I make. I could send many, many souls to you here in the borderlands. The humans. They have lost their way, and they need to be punished.’
Orgah says ‘You can assure me this? Because if not I will come for you and drag your soul here, and torture you throughout eternity.’
Ufyea then replies ‘The humans are poisoners of the beautiful world they were given. I wish to return there to see the Natural Ways make a comeback and overcome what the humans have done to the Natural and the Elementals.’
Orgah says ‘So be it.’ He then grabs Ufyea’s hand exposing her palm. He takes a blade from the side of his belt and slices it. He says ‘Follow me.’
The Count of Pain takes some of the blood into a vial, turns and heads towards the Athraanak floating high above the Garden of Bones. As they approach the gate of the Garden of Bones, two large forsaken looking creatures almost like flesh gollums rear up and begin aggressively moving forward to the Count of Pain and Ufyea. Orgah holds up his hand and speaks in a strange language. It is Thothilssin, the language of the Myrrdonite.
There in front of the gate rising from the sand is a figure. That of a very old woman looking as if she is decaying away. She speaks ‘You summon me, Count of Pain?’
Orgah replies ‘I need your threads. I need you to send this Eighth Elemental Nymph into the world of humans. She has promised me many of souls in exchange for her being permitted to make an incarnation upon the realm of mankind.’
The dead Norn Layashien replies ‘And what do you offer in exchange for this to sew my threads?’
Orgah grows slightly angry and says ‘I offer you nothing but to remain as you are instead of replacing you. Now let me pass and do as I say. I am the Count of Pain. I have earned my way to be such through the Trial of Blood and Pain. I rule the borderlands as I ruled the world in life.’
Layashien then replies ‘So be it, Count of Pain. But remember in life the world you ruled crumbled. And in time the world you rule here will also crumble.’
The dead Norn Layashien then reaches out her hand. The Count of Pain hands her the vial of Ufyea’s blood. She opens it and takes two black needles from underneath her old worn cloak. She begins sewing the blood into threads. She pricks Ufyea and pulls the thread through her like a stitch. She then begins sewing more, combining more threads.
Layashien says ’Return to the world of men and walk amongst them, Nymph of the Element of Eight.’
Ufyea begins to feel weary. Her eyes close, and there is a bright flash. Then she hears the sound of human voices. Her incarnation is born in Midgard.
Incarnation Story sessions...
These sessions are a short story of what happened when your true self decided they wanted to incarnate and the process they went through. It basically shows how you came to be here in Midgard. Estimated word count is around 1,000 words on average. Length will vary depending on how many important details we decide should be included.
True Self Connection...