Book of Aphrodite Chapter 12 Part One

The real history of Aphrodite. Setting the Greek mythology straight. This chapter leads to the ending of the Bentian War.
Moonstone is sleeping and having a dream. The sounds of tears fill the air upon a river in Jotunnheim during the First Times. Many of dwarves who have not yet become builders, who are just simple folk.
These beings have not yet built the great palaces and caverns and mountain kingdoms. Yet here in the First Times, they dwell deep within the forest and along the rivers.
It is a day of sorrow and sadness. A new born dwarven child has died, and the mother with it. The bodies are being placed upon a great river that the dwarves gather to where they bury their dead, sending them floating down a great river into the sea where their bodies and souls they believe will transcend.
Moonstone looks up helplessly. His body too small and feeble to move. With his eyes he watches as they wrap him in cloth and place him within the basket with his dead mother. Slowly they float down the river.
He can hear the weeping and wailing of his dwarven kin. But he can do nothing. The waters of the river become rough. The boat tips and capsizes. Moonstone sinks to the bottom into the darkness. Into the black.
As he feels himself fading away, he then begins to feel himself rising as if two hands had been placed upon him. A strange being shrouded in darkness carries him forth from the water and lays him upon the shore. The being speaks a strange language of Old Thothilssin. He places his hand upon the child’s head.
Moonstone while dreaming has flashes before his eyes. He’s now observing a scene there upon a cliff. There are beings who are standing, one holding an object within his hand. The others, two bound and set to their knees while others watch on. These beings look like Myrrdonite, but he can sense that they are far beyond.
He hears the voice of one of the beings speak out, and he recognizes it. That of the voice of the master he is serving. The one who has claimed to be all powerful beyond any, and the lord and ruler of many existences. But this cannot be. One so powerful kneeling bound at the mercy of another. Moonstone watches not with fear, but with delight.
Moonstone is awakened from his dream by a message at his chamber door. He is keeping place within the borderlands with Saurzon and the Count of Pain.
Moonstone replies ‘Ha! Enter already! You’re taking too long banging on a door like that.’
‘Is it?’ A dark elf enters and bows. She says ‘My lord, Moonstone. Your presences is requested.’
Moonstone gathers his robe ‘My presence requested huh? Very well.’
He leaves his chambers and heads down the Cathedral of Flesh. There the Count of Pain and Saurzon are waiting for him.
The Count of Pain then says to him ‘You keep the master waiting.’
Moonstone replies ‘I have been within deep meditation.’
Saurzon then says to him ‘You should hurry up dwarf. None keep the master waiting. He will not be pleased. He has been kept some time.’
Moonstone replies ‘Only fair in the end for what he desires. He needs not to worry himself so.’
They all enter the chamber. There before them is a dark portal.
They hear the voice of Ashoweah, the one they call master. ‘You have kept me long, dwarf. I have wished to speak to you of the affairs. What about the affairs that are going on? Why has Olympus and those not fallen yet? Why has the path not been laid for my coming? I have given you all great power and yet you keep me waiting. My conquest must be complete! Have I relied on the wrong ones? Have I empowered the wrong ones?’
The Count of Pain and Saurzon at the same time reply ‘No master.’
Ashoweah says through the portal ‘Good. And how about you, Moonstone. Do you not agree?’
Moonstone then replies ‘I believe you do have great power, master. But there is power out there that even surpasses yours, and makes yours even look insignificant.'
Ashoweah yells ‘HOW DARE YOU!’ Dark energy strikes forth hitting Moonstone and knocking him back.
Ashoweah continues ‘That is an example of my power. If you choose not to serve me anymore I will crush you like your little realm and your existence.’
Moonstone gathers himself ‘I still serve you, master. I was just informing you of a fact. You did not let me finish before you lashed out. There is great power even beyond yours. I do this as a courtesy to you, master. There are ones here who know of ancient powers back to the times of the greater existences even before this one. I just bring this forth to you as a precaution and also I have found the source of this other power. One that shines of a beautiful pink light. You know which one I mean.’
Ashoweah says ‘Well…’ he does not speak for a moment. ‘If that is true, Moonstone, then I command you to harness this power and bring it to me. Whoever this power lies within, I want them at my side.’
Moonstone replies ’They shall be, master. I have already seen to it. They will not even put up a fight. We will not have to waste any expenses on capturing this one.’
The Count of Pain and Saurzon look confused. They both stare at Moonstone for a second.
Saurzon speaks ‘If one so powerful you speak of would be so easily taken, they do not sound as powerful as you make them out to be.’
Moonstone says ‘All that they possess inside them would crush you and the piece you hold. But they are naive because they are so young and they do not understand what is within them. But I do. You see master, myself in my mind and my body, my own eternal essence has traveled beyond. I have seen times before. I have walked with the ancients. I know of the First Judgement. I know of the one they call Atherak.’
There is a strange turn of energy from the portal of Ashoweah. He says ‘You have seen much, little dwarf. And tell me, what does this all have to do with this power you speak of?’
Moonstone replies ‘I believe that the power that brought Atherak to his end exists here. In this existence within these realms carried by one so young and naive that she will not understand the power that is within her.’
The Count of Pain speaks ‘And you are sure of this, Moonstone?’
Moonstone replies ‘Ha. I am very sure of it. In fact, when I said we will not have to waste anything in bringing her to us. She is already on her way to the borderlands.’
Ashoweah then replies ‘Subdue her and bring her before me. I will have her at my side. And Moonstone, you will rule over many realms as a reward here.’
Moonstone bows and says ‘Oh master, my reward will be greater than anyone could give.’
The Mission…
Asherah Aphrodite awaits patiently outside the council of the Great Houses. There at her side stands Ares and her brother Poseidon. They wait for a moment. Then the grand doors of the council chambers open. There a servant motions them to step inside. Poseidon and Ares do not walk forward.
Aphrodite turns and looks. She says ‘You will not join me?’
Poseidon says ‘You have led us this far, sister. We trust in you to do what’s right.’
Ares places his hand on her shoulder. ‘I know when you step before the council and reveal your plan, we will be able to finally act and bring Moonstone and them to justice, and end this conflict. May the fate of Olympus be with you.’
Aphrodite smiles at Ares and says ‘When it’s decided I know that you will be at our side. You will defend Olympus along with me, and we together, all of us.’ She looks at Poseidon and smiles ‘We will bring this conflict to an end.’
Aphrodite then follows the servant inside into the council chambers. There the Houses have gathered. In the middle there is a strange image being formed. It looks that of humanoid. There another image floats beside it of one male and one female.
As the council notices Aphrodite entering, the images in the middle of the chamber disappear. Aphrodite takes her place beside Zeus as he is standing there waiting for her.
Aphrodite asks him ‘What was that?’
Zeus whispers to her ‘Oh a new design for a new world. A sential being, created amongst the Houses. It’s still in its first stages, but that is not our topic of discussion here today. I have called the Houses to your attention.’
Zeus waves his hand forward as for her to proceed to the middle of the chamber floor. Aphrodite walks to the center and all eyes are upon her. She clears her throat a little bit, and starts to speak.
Aphrodite says ‘Great Houses, fellow Pantheons. I come before you today to ask a request of the Houses and the Great Council. We have discovered that Moonstone and those of the Bentian have been hiding within the borderlands. I have also discovered through my studies that the pieces that they hold are not of this existence.
I have also had help from one who I do not wish to name. They have given me information that may help us enter the borderlands and retrieve, or at least find out more of what Moonstone and Saurzon and the Count of Pain’s plans may be. I ask your support in granting me and several of my companions your blessing to go into the borderlands and discover for ourselves what Moonstone plans.’
There is much discussion amongst the council. Then one from House Titan stands and says ‘If we may have a moment, Asherah Aphrodite, to discuss this.’
Aphrodite bows graciously, and then standing to the side is Zeus. He shows her outside the council doors. Before he closes them he says to Aphrodite ‘I know they will come to a good conclusion and agree with you. Do not worry, young Aphrodite.’
Aphrodite smiles at Zeus as he closes the doors. There is much discussion within the council chamber. Aphrodite stands quietly for a moment thinking, wondering what lies ahead.
Will she be successful or will it bring more harm to all those? Then she hears the chamber door open. Zeus is standing there again. He motions for her to enter. Aphrodite takes her place within the middle of the council chamber again.
The representative of House Titan stands. ‘The Houses have come to a conclusion. We will support you on this mission into the borderlands. But we have a more important objective that you must achieve.
You may select who will go with you, and we will also provide help. We will send several Ourhkina with you as well. The mission for you and your companions is to subdue and capture Moonstone, and bring him back here. For he may stand trial before the Great Houses and council.’
Aphrodite says to the Titan ‘This may not be an easy task. I fear Moonstone has powers beyond our understanding.’
Hecate then stands and says ‘We do understand this, young Asherah, and we have taken precautions. But if we do not capture Moonstone, his power will grow. We must bring him before us so that he may stand trial, and we must show the rest of the realms and those who would follow him that he is not all powerful. That he can face judgement of the Houses like any others for his crimes. We all trust in you to find a way. We know that you will not fail us.’
Aphrodite then smiles at Hecate and bows her head ‘Yes, there is a way.’
The Titan speaks ‘Then go with all our blessings and all our support, and return with the criminal Moonstone.’
All those of the Great Pantheon and Houses stand and bow to Aphrodite. She returns the bow. Zeus lead her out of the chamber where she meets Poseidon and Ares. She is smiling, but somehow she is a little bit worried.
Poseidon and Ares then say ‘So it is approved then?’
Aphrodite says ‘Yes, but the mission has changed. They want us to capture and subdue Moonstone. They’re willing to give us full support, even Ourhkina to help us with this task.’
Ares then replies ‘But it may take a whole legion just to bring him down. I hope we have a plan. Going in there in a small force will not bring about the end, and Moonstone will certainly have his undead army around him.’
Poseidon then interrupts and says ‘And the pieces that he has. Those are very deadly. They can wipe out entire armies.’
Aphrodite says ‘Yes, but there is one who can help us. One who has been helping me all this time. We must gather who will come with us, our companions. I have received the help of the Ourhkina.’
Ares replies ’The Ourhkina?’
Aphrodite says ‘Yes. Before I approached the council and Zeus with this idea, I had spoken to Gabriel of the Ourhkina. He has offered to help us. He would know the borderlands very well, the secret places. He has discovered where Moonstone is hiding. But there is another who wishes to meet us in the Underworld. She will lead us to someone. Someone who can help us overcome the power of the piece that Moonstone possesses.’
Aphrodite continues ‘Come now. We must hurry. There is no time to waste.’ She then looks at Poseidon and says ‘Gather our companions. We shall leave as soon as everyone is ready.’
They all bow to each other. Ares then says ‘I will be at your side and defend you with my life.’
Poseidon also says ‘As well as I.’
They hurry off to gather the rest of Aphrodite’s companions. She then heads to a place in Mount Olympus. A barracks. Standing outside is the Ourhkina Gabriel along with five other Ourhkina.
Gabriel turns to Aphrodite and smiles ‘So I see you have gotten the approval of the houses and the council. We are here to escort you there to the borderlands.’
Aphrodite says ‘We will be heading to the Underworld first.’
Gabriel replies ’The Underworld? What awaits us there?’
Aphrodite says ‘One who has been helping me. She knows of another being who can help us overcome the power of the piece that Moonstone possesses.’
Gabriel says ‘Then we shall go there at once.’
Aphrodite smiles ‘Yes, and may the faith and blessings of all the high council go with us. For this will be a dangerous mission that we may not return from.'
The Master Designer…
Aphrodite stands upon a bank of River Styx with her party which consists of Thor, Freya, Poseidon, Ares, Artemis, and Apollo.
Apollo speaks ‘Are we going to wait here forever? Who is this mystery person you talk about, Aphrodite? And is he or she even going to come?’
Artemis then says ‘Yes. What if they’ve been discovered? What if the enemy already has them?’
Aphrodite replies ‘Be patient. They will come.’
Just then there is a sound creaking upon the water of the River Styx. Out of the mist comes a boat. It is the boatman Charon. But he is not alone. On the boat stands a robed figure. The boat reaches the shore. A ramp goes down. Aphrodite steps aboard without any fear or worry.
The Ourhkina Gabriel and the other five Ourhkina with him accompany her. The others stand among the shore for a moment looking at each other. They have never walked on the boat of Charon who ferries the dead across the river.
After a moment of hesitation they join Aphrodite. When they’re all aboard the boat, Charon then waves his hand and the boat begins to move away from the shore down the river.
Aphrodite says to the hooded figure ‘You have come as you have promised.’
The hooded figure replies ‘I would not break my word to you. You have helped so much.’ She then lowers her hood and reveals the face of Hecate. The others are kind of surprised except for Aphrodite and Gabriel who knew her identity all along.
Poseidon speaks ‘So it was you who has been helping Aphrodite all this time?’
Hecate says ‘Yes, and it was I who persuaded the council to agree to let this mission go forth.’
Thor says ‘Then we shall bring down Moonstone and drag him back to the council where he will stand trial for his crimes.’
Hecate replies ‘It will not be that easy. If you go rushing in there right now, you will be part of Moonstone’s undead army. You do not understand the power that he possesses, and the pieces. They have power far beyond this existence.'
Freya says ‘What do you mean? Far beyond this existence?’
Hecate explains ‘The pieces that Moonstone, Saurzon and the Count of Pain possess came before this existence was even thought of. They come from a time long ago in the beginning of it all. The power is far beyond any that exist here within any realms.’
Aphrodite interrupts ‘Listen to her. She has told me many things about a time before this existence. That these pieces came from somewhere of a great power.’
Ares says ‘Then how will we stop them? If Moonstone, Saurzon, and the Count of Pain have them, we have nothing. Any power that we have, it will not be able to overcome theirs. The pieces that they possess. What shall we do?’
Aphrodite smiles ‘It is true. What Hecate has shared with me, and I reveal to you now that these pieces are very powerful. But they’re not the only ones.’ She looks at Hecate and smiles.
Hecate returns the smile and says ‘Yes, there is another and we go to seek it now.’
Aphrodite sits back quietly and begins writing in a journal of hers. Hecate is in deep meditation. She is singing softly. The others remain quiet looking around, wondering where they are going and how this journey will end.
They arrive at a shore. They all depart the boat and Charon then waves his hand and pulls away from the shore and vanishes back into the mist. Aphrodite is somewhere within the Underworld, a place that may have been forgotten by time.
In the distance Aphrodite can see smoke and what looks like some strange foundry, like a black smith's. The party all make their way to there. When Aphrodite enters it she notices a being sitting at a table hammering away.
He seems strange. He almost seems like an elf, but his ears are very elongated, and he is bald. His skin tone is grayish, and large yellow eyes. In fact just one large yellow eye. But the other half of his body and the side of his face looks like it is made of metal.
The being stops his work and his ear perks up. He says ‘You have come as you have said you would, and I am here busy at my work. Tell me, Hecate. What is it that you wish of me?’
Hecate says ‘We have come for something of great power. Something that will aid us in our conflict against Moonstone and the Bentian. I know it is here. We ask you, we plead with you. Let us have it. Let us use it.’
The being laughs ‘Hahaha! You do not know what you’re asking.’
Aphrodite steps forward ‘I do know what we are asking, and I know the dangers that come with it. But I can guarantee you and give you my word that if you let us use this piece, we will be able to subdue Moonstone and capture him, ending this conflict among the realms.’
The being then looks at her and says ‘I have heard of you. You’re the one that goes by Asherah or Aphrodite. Yes I have heard of you. I am Kalsenathrea. Something that you probably wouldn’t be able to pronounce right, any of you. But you can call me the Master Designer, the great builder.’
Aphrodite then says ‘Master Designer, I now plead with you then. Let us have this piece. Let us use it.’
The Master Designer then stands from his chair and says ‘Ha! Even with this piece you still are not fully understanding the predicament that you are all in. How much do you know of the dwarf Moonstone, and where he came from?’
Aphrodite says ‘His origin is a mystery. All that is known is that his mother died in birth and the dwarves mistakenly thought that he also had died. They placed him upon the great river. But then he was later discovered to be alive.’
Master Designer then chuckles a little bit ‘Ha! That’s only the icing on the cake. There’s a lot more to the story, and if you wish to use this object, piece as you call it, that I possess to hopefully subdue Moonstone, I will not stand in your way or deny you. But come, walk with me. Let me tell you the origins of the one you call Moonstone.’
Aphrodite and the others all follow the Master Designer as he leads her down corridors into his foundry. There is a lot of metalworking and forges going, but she does not see any beings who are working them.
It is as if the Master Designer is doing all the work from his mind. He is controlling the whole foundry through his thoughts, but up ahead she hears the rattle as if metal is clanking and falling to the ground.
The Master Designer stops. He sighs and says ‘Oh I forgot to introduce you all to my assistant. My apprentice. Where is he? Always making a mess around here.’ He yells out ‘Rovitomial! Your presence is required!’
Out from around the corner of a corridor steps out a smaller type being around 5’9" in height. You cannot totally see his face, but it looks humanoid. He is wearing a hood over his head and a brown cloak.
Rovitomial then speaks ‘Ah I’m sorry master. I was trying to move something, and everything was just placed, and it all kind of came down. I’ll put it back together. I’m working and cleaning up right now.'
The Master Designer waves his hand and shakes his head. ‘Do not worry about it. I have already reorganized. Instead, I need you to fetch something for me.’ He reaches into his robe and pulls out a strange looking key. He says ‘Go down to the inner chambers, and bring me object 437.’
Rovitomial’s eyes light up and he says ‘Did I hear you correctly, master? Object 437?’
The Master Designer nods his head in agreement and says ‘Yes you heard me right. Object 437. Quickly now. We have no time to waste, and I do not wish to keep them waiting.' Rovitomial hurries off to get the object.
The Master Designer then says ‘Now where was I? Oh yes, yes. Moonstone. You see, Moonstone is unlike any other dwarf. There was a time in the First Times when the dwarves did not dwell inside the mountains, and they did not build great fortresses and forges. The dwarves were more simple back then in the First Times, living among the forest, and the mountains, and the caves. So from what you know of the story of Moonstone is true, but it is his conception that is still a mystery to most.’
Aphrodite replies ‘A mystery to all but you.’
The Master Designer smiles ‘Yes. You see, Moonstone’s mother long ago was wandering the forest under the moon.’
Aphrodite looks forward and can envision what the Master Designer is saying. She sees it before her. A female dwarf wandering the forest in the moonlight. She looks up at the moon and notices something strange. There is a shine. A shimmer, and it is growing. She then notices something falling from the sky. It lands not too far from her. She goes over to where the object has fallen.
There laying on the ground in a small crater is a black shard type object. The female dwarf is curious. When she goes to pick it up, the object moves and reacts. It pierces into her hand, crawling down from her arm and into her stomach.
The female dwarf feels great pain and passes out from this. She is later discovered by her kinfolk. She regains herself and speaks to them of the strange object that is inside her. But the dwarves cannot discover anything. They believe that maybe she has dreamed it all.
Shortly after that, the female dwarf becomes pregnant. She speaks ‘I shall name you Moonstone because you came from the moon.’
The wiser dwarf shaman find this conception fascinating and wonderful, but they do not know what grows inside her belly. As the pregnancy furthers along, Moonstone’s mother is bedridden. She speaks in strange tongues and is delirious. She is hallucinating, speaking of things she has seen. Strange, powerful dark beings. Strange objects.
When the day of birth arrives, the labor is intense. When the child is born, Moonstone’s mother looks him last in the eyes and says ‘You will be the death of us all.’
Moonstone’s mother then fades away and dies. The shaman holding the young child notices the child is not breathing. The shaman then says ‘The child will be the death of no one but itself. We shall place it with the mother and sail her down the sacred river. She may join the ancestors in the great mountains beyond.’
Aphrodite asks ‘And what happened after that?’
The Master Designer continues. He speaks of how the boat that they were placed on to sail down the river capsized. Moonstone sank beneath the waves where a being found him. The being placed him upon the shore where Moonstone was found by his kinfolk.
Ares then says ‘Who was this being?’
The Master Designer replies ‘A being from beyond this existence. A powerful Myrrdonite known as Amler.’
Rovitomial comes back with a box. The Master Designer says ‘Ah here it is.’
He hands the box over to Aphrodite and says ‘I would not open it until you are in the sights of your target Moonstone. For what lies in here, these pieces can overcome the minds and souls of any being. It is best not to hold them too long.’
Aphrodite replies ‘I agree.’ She hands the box to Gabriel and says ‘I trust you to keep it safe until the time that we may use it.’
Gabriel nods at her and says ’No one shall touch it. Not even myself until you give the command.’
Aphrodite looks back at the Master Designer and says ‘Thank you. When we are done I give you my word that we shall return it to you.’
The Master Designer leans back and smiles. He says ‘We shall see what transpires. Until then safe journeys, young Asherah.’
Aphrodite and her party depart and again walk back to the shore where the boatman Charon is waiting. Hecate does not join them on the boat.
Hecate says ‘I must return to the council and the houses. I will be watching. I know Aphrodite, that you will achieve what needs to be done. May the grace and blessing of all the realms go with you.’
Aphrodite replies ‘Thank you Hecate for all you have done. We will return with Moonstone and we will end this conflict.’
They then bow to each other. Charon raises his hand, and the boat sets sail again.
Poseidon steps to Aphrodite’s side as she looks forward down the river. He says ’So we are going to the borderlands now.’
Aphrodite nods her head ‘Yes. And the fate of all the realms goes with us.’
Aphrodite’s party is weary. They struggle to keep up their strength. Where the boat is taking her into the borderlands, Aphrodite feels as if she has been traveling for days.
Gabriel and the other Ourhkina reassure the rest of her party to keep up their strength. To not slip away and to not wander off into the dark misty places of the borderlands. All listen and take heed, but still the weariness and dreariness of this place seems to be sapping away the strength from Aphrodite and her companions.
Aphrodite even notices that it is affecting some of the Ourhkina. When she sleeps at night she has strange dreams. The same reoccurring dream of two silhouettes. One of a a female in a soft pink light. The other of a male in black. The same dream of them floating side by side. And then the male silhouette shatters like glass, and she awakens from the dream.
She hears the voice of Gabriel ‘Lady Asherah, we must continue. It is not far from here now.’
Aphrodite stirs herself awake and gathers her things. She sees that the others of the party are also slowly stirring. It seems the effects of the borderlands have weighed heavy upon them. And yet she still has much that lies ahead.
Aphrodite asks Gabriel ‘Will we have the strength if we come into conflict and Moonstone notices our presence?’
Gabriel replies ‘If that is the case and we are overwhelmed by Moonstone’s forces then I have a quick getaway. It will take us safely back to the Underworld.’ He grabs a small black orb from his satchel and shows it to her. ’This will open a portal to the Underworld in case we quickly need to escape.’
When all have gathered themselves, Aphrodite sets forth again. There in the distance looks like black sand dunes. There also she sees also what appears to be a pillar of black rock.
Gabriel signals for Aphrodite to stay while he and two other Ourhkina scout ahead. She waits for a while. All with anticipation, but cautiousness. She does not know what lies up ahead. None of them know if their presence here has been discovered.
After a while Gabriel and the two Ourhkina return. Gabriel says to Aphrodite ‘There is no army in sight, but we did spot Moonstone high upon the pillars in the rocks. It seems that there is an inner fortress in those rocks. He is there. Now is our chance. We should go before any of his army or the Count of Pain or Saurzon might come.’
Aphrodite agrees. She turns to her companions and tells them ’The time is now. Gather all the strength that you have. We face a mighty enemy ahead.’
Ares says to her ‘And this enemy shall fall before us. He will return to the council in chains.’
Aphrodite looks at the box that the piece is in. One of the Ourhkina is holding it in his hands. She then takes it from him and says ‘And when the time comes we will be ready. I will carry the box from now on.’
Gabriel signals to the Ourhkina and says ‘Guard her with your lives.’
They all then proceed forth to the black pillars of rocks ahead of them. They see nothing. None of the guards, none of the undead creatures that Moonstone has created.’
They enter a large cave inside the pillars of black rocks and head down corridors. The air here is foul and all seems dreary. They head down the long corridors into a chamber. There standing in the middle of the chamber with his back turned to them is Moonstone.
They all enter, and then Moonstone speaks ‘I am delighted that you would join me all, coming here. Haha. Thinking that I would be so easily beaten. Thinking you would drag me back in chains to stand trial for what? Before the houses of who? This council and the Great Houses are nothing. They are corrupt within their own ways.’
Thor speaks ‘Listen here, dwarf. How dare you disgrace the Great Houses! How dare you disgrace the Pantheons! It is you who has disgraced the realms with your relentless killing and slaughter.’
Moonstone replies ‘Oh mighty Thor. I have only yet begun.’
Ares draws his sword and says ‘Your time ends now. Surrender, Moonstone.’
Moonstone says ‘Oh I will not be surrendering. You see, you brought me exactly what I desire.’ He looks over his shoulder directly at Aphrodite and says ‘Oh yes. All has been planned as I have made it.’
The doors to the chamber seal. Strange energy begins to flow around Moonstone. He says ‘Young Asherah, serve me. Serve true power, and I will grant it to you like you have never known. I will grant you power unlike anyone has ever known.’
Aphrodite replies ‘I would never serve you. A cruel, twisted being like you.’
She opens the box revealing the piece and says ‘You are not the only one who can possess power. There are those of us who stand on the side of good that also possess power. Power that can bring you down.’
Moonstone laughs ’Two presents and gifts in one day. You delight me, Aphrodite.’
He raises his hand and the piece flies from the box towards him. There it joins the other ones circling around him. ‘Thank you for this great gift.’
Everyone is shocked by this. Thor yells out ‘Enough, dwarf! I will bring you down!’
Thor leaps into the air and then smashes down upon Moonstone’s face with his fist. But Moonstone does not move or flinch. Thor hits the ground rolling, crying in pain. ‘My hand!’ His fingers are all twisted as his hand is broken.
Ares draws his sword. Aphrodite cautions him and screams out ‘Ares! No!’ She tries to grab him to halt him to stop. Ares slashes down upon the head of Moonstone, his sword cutting into the head of Moonstone.
Ares yells ‘You die here!’ But then the sword begins to melt away.
Moonstone laughs ‘Ahaha. Such fervor, little Olympian. You do not know the power that I possess.’
Coils come from Moonstone striking all in the party back, throwing them around the room.
Poseidon stands in front of Aphrodite. He beckons her and says ’Stand back!’
Coils strike from Moonstone wrapping around the arm of Poseidon. He struggles with them for a moment, but then he is lifted into the air and slammed hard into the ground.
Gabriel signals to his Ourhkina to attack. They slice through the coils coming from Moonstone. They then begin to fight a fierce fight against him.
Moonstone lands back in the middle of the room and replies ‘You will all die.’
Coils then strike forward killing the five other Ourhkina, piercing through them, and burning them to ash. Gabriel then lands on the ground barely dodging the coil that was sent to pierce through him. Another coil wraps around Gabriel's neck as he tries to reach for his spear that falls from his hand.
Moonstone says ‘Mighty Ourhkina. I will squeeze your little head off.’
Aphrodite draws her dagger from her side belt and rushes forward. She throws the dagger and it pierces into Moonstone’s eye. A coil knocks her back. The other coil releases from Gabriel’s neck. He falls to the ground trying to regain himself.
The coils retract back into Moonstone. He approaches toward Aphrodite as she is almost unconscious on the ground. Moonstone says ‘You will serve me, young Asherah. You will serve me, and you will watch your friends die.’
Moonstone raises his hand a coil comes from his palm. Aphrodite is helpless as the coil approaches her head. Just then something strikes the coil cutting it. Moonstone shrieks backs.
Aphrodite’s vision is blurry, but she can see that of another Ourhkina who is clad in black armor. She can barely make out what is being said. She is drifting in and out of consciousness.
Moonstone says ’Ah. You did not come alone, eh? Another one of you Ourhkina trying to stop me. Well I will claim more today.’
EinossArku replies ‘You shall leave this ground today, Moonstone. Retreat back to wherever you came from. You will claim no more lives here today.’
Moonstone says ‘We shall see, Ourhkina.’
Coils strike from Moonstone. EinossArku moves swiftly, cutting through some of them.
Moonstone says ‘Ah very clever. But try this.’
Moonstone floats slowly into the air. All black, dark energies surround him, and then the burst of energy flows from Moonstone straight at EinossArku. There is no place to move. As the energy strikes, EinossArku is engulfed within it.
Moonstone then relinquishes the energy and it fades. There is nothing standing there. He laughs and says ‘Destroyed. Completely.’
He then hears a voice from behind him. ‘Not this time, Moonstone.’
Moonstone turns to see Xarsha with his arm placed around EinossArku.
Moonstone says ‘Ah I have heard of you. The Time Walker Myrrdonite. Why would you help them? We both serve the same master, you and I. Join me, and I will give you power beyond your imagination.’
Xarsha replies ‘Ha. The power you offer, I know more of. I have served the master long than you, and still serve him.' Coils form around Xarsha.
Moonstone concentrates on the pieces floating around him, but they do not react. ‘Huh. I see. But I will have what is mine. This existence and all the realms within it.’
A rift opens up behind Moonstone and he goes through it. The rift closes. Aphrodite’s party members all around her begin to regain themselves. Artemis, Freya, Thor, Poseidon, Ares, and Apollo. Aphrodite however is feeling weak as if something is draining her.
Then she hears a voice from what sounds like an old woman. ‘I can help her. Her time threads. Moonstone has peered within them. He has taken something from you, and has almost changed your Fate and Destiny.’
Xarsha then speaks to the old woman ‘And can you weave her back into these threads, Layashien?’
Layashien says ‘That I can. But I will need to take her to another place. Here within the borderlands is too dangerous now.’
Xarsha opens a rift and says ‘I know of the place you speak of. Take her there. Do your work. Resew her threads into time.’
EinossArku picks Aphrodite up in his arms. As Gabriel recovers himself, EinossArku hands her over to him and says ‘Take care of her, brother. She is bound for great things.’
He places his hand on Aphrodite’s head. EinossArku then turns to Xarsha and says ‘We must follow Moonstone. We must find out what he is truly up to.’
Xarsha says ‘The time has come. One will fade, and one will rise.’
Xarsha and EinossArku vanish through a rift. The others follow Layashien. There they appear on the other side in the Underworld under an old tree where Layashien begins to sew all of Aphrodite’s body. When she is done she ties one last knot, and the threads disappear from around her.
Aphrodite awakens ‘What has happened?’
Layashien replies ‘Your threads in time were tampered, but I have restored them.’ She turns and walks off into the darkness. ‘I will see you again, child.’ Layashien fades along with her voice.
Aphrodite thinks ‘What has happened? What about Moonstone?’ She begins to ask many questions around her. Faces seem dreary.
Gabriel finally says ‘Moonstone got away, and he has taken the other piece. There is no telling what he will do now.’
Aphrodite sighs ‘We must return to the Great Houses and council, and let them know that our mission is a failure and Moonstone has obtained another piece. I will take full responsibility.’
Ares then stands and says ‘No. I will also take responsibility. It is I who had failed you. I tried to strike at Moonstone thinking I could bring him down and I only unleashed more rage into him.’
Thor says ‘We will all take responsibility and stand beside you in front of the Great Houses. Let them determine what should be done now.’
Gabriel looks at Aphrodite ‘Let us go before it is too late. A decision must be made.’
Poseidon says ‘And what decision can be made now? Moonstone is powerful, and whatever he has planned he will destroy all the realms. Who will stop him?’
Gabriel says ‘We must convince the council to awaken the Hungali. It may be our only chance. Let us go.’
Gabriel looks at Aphrodite and she nods in agreement. A portal opens, and she is returned to Olympus where the council of the Great Houses has convened.
Moonstone and Amler...
There is a cold chill, and the wind blows. Ash falls from above like snow and covers the ground. Moonstone steps forward. There only a short distance from him is an altar. A being kneels before it.
Moonstone approaches the being then he speaks. ‘I have traveled long and far to come to this place.’
The being kneeling before the altar replies ‘And I. I have awaited your arrival for some time.’ Amler then says ‘And whom do you serve?’
Moonstone steps forward and then kneels. He says ‘I serve the father. I serve Judgement. I serve Atherak.’
Amler then rises and turns. ‘So be it, Moonstone. Now awaken what is inside you.’
A coil comes from Amler’s hand and pierces the chest of Moonstone. Moonstone’s eyes glow with a bright dark blackness.
Amler then continues, saying ’Now go forth brother. Bring judgement upon these realms. Fill the borderlands with the wicked.’
Moonstone then rises and says ‘I shall, dear brother. I shall bring these realms to their knees, and I will bow before Judgement.’
Amler nods his head and says ’Then the time has come.’
Moonstone then replies ‘It appears so, brother. But I must ask you one thing.’
Amler then again nods and says ‘Proceed.’
Moonstone says ‘The power that brought about the master’s demise. Does it exist here? Is it inside the young Olympian? The one known as Asherah Aphrodite.’
Amler nods and says ‘It is. For Atherak loved no more and no other besides this power that came from a time before all. It had the power to bring him to an end, and end the First Judgement.’
Moonstone then replies ‘And the new Judgement has now arisen. Thank you dear brother. You have served the master well.’
Moonstone turns and a coil pierces from his hand into the chest of Amler. He then draws Amler forth piercing his hand into Amler’s chest. He pulls a black shard from Amler’s body as he collapses to the ground and burns away into ash.
Moonstone holds the black shard in his hand. He then says ‘There can be only one. I am that one. The prodigal son of Judgement.’ With his final words he crushes the black shard into dust.
True Self Connection...