Are You Ready to Suffer?

Based on a discussion in the War and Battle chat I want to make some things clear... There was someone who was previously in the group who was complaining that he was suffering from being connected with his spiritual.
So he is going to go the route that connecting to his spiritual has been making him 'suffer'. Blaming the group for what he is going through.
I am not saying this spiritual path is easy and comfortable. Some true selves have been through more seriously difficult shit than any of us could understand.
If you cannot take on your spiritual and their experiences then just stay your physical. I do not promise you happiness. I just give you what you are.
Voxsriin: "I would never give up my spiritual, I do not care how intense and uncomfortable things may get, he is who I truly am."
Ostara: "I had difficult times myself but I would never allow myself to blame you or others."
Nenlura: "You can't tote around your TS name like a trophy, then scream and cry that their pain hurts. Try and actually accept what you've gone through spiritually and work on feeling what your spiritual feels. Only then can you wear your spiritual name with pride."
Set: "You can't take the name if you can't lift the weight."
Uuieova: "This is exactly what I need... I don't need fake happiness. I just want to become who I truly am."
Ashontrah: "Many of you have had family killed in front of you, been slaves, been tortured, experienced wars and battles, been betrayed. Many of you are millions of years old and been through so much. Can you take that on? Are you strong enough? Ask yourself. It is not just fun and adventures. This is seriously real."
Crone: "But like isn't that a good thing because it prepares the people who are truly meant for this and disregards those that don't. I feel like it's just sweeping away trash and providing away for the people who are supposed to be here."
Uuieova: "I'm more scared to be naive. I feel naive as an incarnation. I need more experience, happy or sad; good or bad. They all help me grow."
Nenlura: "If you cant handle a memory of a battle, how are you gonna react when someone comes at you in the fall?"
Aeveron: "Either you accept all your True Self is, or you stay a human. You are not forced to anything, but you cannot change the rules. Either you take it or leave it."
Nenulura: "It's gonna take toughness to be here, and toughness to survive."
Voxsriin: "I see the way the people of this society live, living that way scares me more than the intense changes that I am going through. I will never be a part of the sheep, the lost flock."
Nenlura: "It may be comfortable now to sit on your ass and eat chips, but a while from now you're gonna wish you worked a bit."
Ashontrah: "Yes it is difficult to take on all of what your true self has experienced. Yet, it prepares you for so much here. You can view the little things here as insignificant to what you have already survived and made it through. Many of you have experienced far worse than what you go through here. Midgard will seem easy in comparison."
Arella: "I think that should apply to everyone as advice. I've seen plenty of cases of people expecting their progress to be handed to them. Whining and complaining when they don't get it in a day or two. Wanting it now now now. Well if you want it so fucking bad, work for it. We are not your pack mules."
Voxsriin: "When the Fall starts to happen, there will also be those who will regret being so lazy, yet they'd probably blame Ashontrah and her tools, as we have seen not too long ago."
Ashontrah: 'I got a session then sat around and I didn't become my true self. It is Ashontrah's fault.'
Voxsriin: "Especially now that The Omega has pushed the Fall back a bit, there will be those who think they are sitting well and will not put in the effort until the very last minute. The issue with that is, one cannot transform last minute, if anything the fact the we all have more time should be much more motivation to keep moving. I will not waste a moment."
Aeyia: "Well, those who sit around and do nothing expecting everything on a silver plate... they'll face the consequences when that happens. I'd like to believe there are beings who are salvagable. Given so many opportunities not available to the public only to do nothing with them and disrespect her work? Disrespect the legacy she is setting?"
Ashontrah: "I spent from 1:30pm to after 7pm yesterday pouring into a purge stick. Sitting in a chair by myself with no tv, no music, just me and focusing. I poured into it until my physical to spiritual connection was pure. It is common for me to spend hours a day focusing. I do not get sessions and then be passive."
Voxsriin: "I remember the human that through a little tantrum to Ashontrah a while back for the Indestructible subliminal not working. His idiotic self did not even put in the work. And even when these tools do work, some people complain about the uncomfortable side effects. Come on, give Ashontrah a break. It is not her fault that a person should work on their damn physical because it is too fragile."
Tulkas: "In this group, people of quality are what is needed. If you’re not willing to put in the work or don’t think you can handle it then it’s best you leave both this group and the spiritual path altogether. Those who sit around complaining about not getting results and waiting for things to happen to them piss me off."
Ashontrah: "Tulkas, you seriously impress me. I see you working constantly on your progress. You get home from classes and you get to work on yourself. I love it. You know what Tulkas does when he has set backs? He doesn't complain and give up. He moves forward and pushes through because of his immense willpower. He is unstoppable."
Hylia: "nods it has been amazing to witness, many people here have had actual reason to say they hae suffered through this process yet they never once complained and instead pushed forward. Or even when they did complain they picked themselves up and continued forward anyway."
Tulkas: "Treat spiritual connection to working out. If you never work out you don’t get the body you want. If you’re working out consistently you’ll get what you desire. Same exact rules apply for spiritual connection and abilities."
Hylia: "This path can be difficult for an incarnation, but in comparison to what you gain in return? It was nothing, and truth be told I suspect that he's only saying it to play the victim because suddenly people are calling him out on things."
Ashontrah: "Seriously though, no need to stay here and act like a victim. No one is forcing you to be in the group. No one is forcing you down this path. No one is forcing you to connect. If you desire to be out of this then by all means, go. This group is not doing anything to you. The posts don't overpower you, hold you down, and beat you up. It is not your prison. There is a simple leave group button."
Tia-Nan: "We all suffer and have bad days. Connection is not easy and there is a lot of pain not only mental but physical involved. The difference is how you face it. And that is how I deal with my own problems and walls. I scream, cry and feel everything and let that pain teach me. To make me grow. It is a difficult path. But that is my choice."
Beatris: "We all have our own battles to fight and we chose to do so; if we can't do it now we won't be able to do it when the fall comes or when we really need to step out... Complaining won't help but endurance and discipline day in and out. Thank you Queen Ashontrah Omega for showing us the door, providing us with the tools, but we have to open that door and step inside and taking responsibility for our actions who we are no matter how hard, we learn to accept ourselves to deal with our weaknesses to become stronger every day even if it takes forever."
Hylia: "I truthfully cannot imagine any path but this one, or going back to living a mundane life after experiencing this."
Are you going to allow yourself to be defeated or are you going to push to achieve what you are here for? Your state of mind when it comes to this is everything.
True Self Connection...