More About True Beauty

Personality of the Omega... She wants you to be beautiful. She wants females to be feminine. She wants you to be empowered as a female because they are all the design of the Omega.
She rejoices in beauty and elegance. She does not ever experience jealousy towards her females. She never wants them held back from their potential.
However, there are some females that take her aspects and basically spit on her gifts. That is what enrages her. Those who try to steal from her, who try to twist what she is, and who abuse beauty for corrupt purposes.
She really dislikes what she calls trashy females who bring her disgrace. Those are the ones she considers unworthy. As for the guys... All males are the design of the Alpha.
You are not alone in feeling insecure in your looks. This society thrives off insecurity. I am sure we have all experienced it. I posted that photo of when I first woke up in the morning on my profile so you can see what I look like when I roll out of bed. We should love ourselves at any time of day.
Beauty is not having every hair in alignment and flawless skin. There is beauty is scars. You do not have to be perfect to completely awe me.
We are not statues sitting on a shelf. We have personalities, we live, we love, we fight. Get out in nature and roll around in the dirt and yell out a war cry. You will be absolutely beautiful to me.
I think many would be surprised to find out that Aphrodite herself the Goddess of Love and beauty was not about perfume and makeup.
She got herself in the trenches with messy hair covered in dirt. She knew that beauty was not about going to the spa and looking perfect. She was always out doing her detective work putting herself at risk for others.
I am saddened by the impostor which ruined all she represented. What she truly is shall be restored.
People need to stop using these celebrities and models who have professional makeup, cosmetic surgery, and photoshop as the standard of beauty.
How many women wear makeup because they feel inferior if they don't? How many have to put on a mask to feel worthy to be in public? That is wrong. So wrong.
One of the benefits of the fall, no more cosmetic surgery. Makeup will become scarce and eventually fade away. Natural beauty will return.
With the pics I have been putting on FB, I won't even use filters on them. I couldn't do it without personally feeling like a fraud and hypocrite.
Not saying you cannot use filters. I just hold my own actions to an extremely high standard, especially when it comes to the aspects I represent. It is my duty to represent true beauty and not the illusion of beauty.
If they are wearing all that makeup is a compliment about their beauty truly genuine to them or is it on their makeup skills? Does it truly build their self-esteem or would it make them even more afraid to be seen without that makeup?
If you dating someone who only sees you with that makeup do you have a fear of what they will think when all that makeup is gone? How do you know it is true love if you have to wear a mask to get the affection?
I tried putting on mascara several months ago and washed it off within 5 minutes. It felt horrible to me. I felt like a clown even with just mascara. I don't think I could handle a whole face of makeup.
So it is just better to say now, don't get a beauty related chant if you won't respect true beauty. You are better off using that money on makeup.
The Omega really comes down very hard on those who try to treat her like a fool. So if you are getting a beauty chant then let it be in a way that will respect her aspects.
True Self Connection...