The Omega and the Alpha

This is a very deep and complex post. Some of you are ready for this information and some of you are not. This must be revealed regardless of who is ready for it.
I am going to share with you the fullness of who I am, my non-existence self at her very center. I am the Omega. In order to explain this I need to go back to February and March.
Set: "Who would be the Alpha then? I assume there is one."
Yes there is an Alpha but he shattered and became the male Aspects (hence why they are all forms of masculinity). The Omega formed the female Aspects. Atherak went back in time before the Aspects. It is quite an interesting tale.
Set: "Oh, that does sound interesting. I've just been reading up on all posts concerning the Aspects and so many questions were left unanswered."
Tulkas: "It definitely sounds like it. How did the Alpha get shattered in the first place?"
February 27th 2019...
5:15pm Atherak volunteered to travel all the way back to the beginning before existence. He will travel inside the Atheron. The journey will be 12 hours long. He has a 65% chance of survival and a 35% chance of ceasing to exist.
February 28th 2019...
10:25am Atherak returns in the Atheron. He is no longer black. He is light grey with a black eye with dark blue streaks. The other eyes light pink with red streaks. He is in a trance.
Xaxo lifts Atherak up and sets him under the coil core. All I know so far is that he saw a white-pink side and a dark blue-black side. Two beings one female one male.
This is the furthest back in time that there is. The male and female were switching sides back and forth and it would cause the background to change. Then they were in front of Atherak.
Ashontrah is the female that had the pink silhouette and the dark blue-background. The male was dark blue-black and he had the pink background. They were speaking to each other in a language Atherak could not understand. Overlapped as if a million voices were saying what they were saying.
When the coil core took all of the memory from Atherak he changed back into his normal black color.
Xarsha: "The memory gel was a success." They had made a gel so it wouldn't be solid or liquid. This was Rovitomial's idea.
10:31am They are processing it to see what was discovered.... The two backgrounds generated the Atheron Key. Almost like computer generated. Everything was in reverse to him he was viewing it that way. He saw the existences in reverse.
19 lights floating around the Atheron. But before the 19 there were only 2 lights. Before the two lights were the two figures. One pink and the other blue-black.
Atherak theory from him: I think you and the male may have made the Atheron key because you saw me when I went back.
Before that it was simply the male and female switching positions back and forth. It had always been that way.
What happened when he connected with the memory gel...
What is now is what has always been. The two walked between each side for countless ages where time did not exist. Back and forth they switched. Forever holding a balance of either side. The Alpha and Omega facing each other. This is how things have always been. So much others have yet to understand.
The Omega and Alpha start to speak...
'A particular small beginning is insignificant. As to the beginning of all things is small and insignificant to what has always been.'
Atherak asks 'Explain further in detail.'
Alpha and Omega 'For what you are listening to now is not just a mere recording. All your spiritual to physical advancements is nothing. We chose the time. We chose when. We chose where.'
Xarsha senses an energy form within the memory gel.
Atherak asks 'Is there a presence inside this memory gel?'
Alpha and Omega 'Correct, but the presence has always been and within all things. All things can choose to declare it or not. Some put it aside and most make it go unnoticed. This is inevitable and ineffective.'
Atherak asks 'Is the presence inside this room where I currently sit physically?'
Omega alone 'Presence currently resides within the room you are sitting in. Presence currently resides within the spiritual. The presence of me is within all things.'
Atherak asks 'Explain what my spiritual saw. The switching of the two sides.'
Alpha and Omega 'It is what is always been. For others to question within it is irrelevant. Beings choose to be considered superior in the wisdom and intellect. Yet we are wisdom within. We are all wisdom.'
Atherak asks 'Explain further.'
Alpha and Omega 'The question you seek deep down inside. Yet for all to understand that they need to understand that we are part of all things. To question otherwise is irrelevant.'
Atherak asks 'My presence is known to you. My theory of traveling back. Did that lead to the creation of the Atheron?'
Alpha and Omega 'Presence was known to us. Those who question behind it and construct time into small quantities is irrelevant.'
Atherak asks 'Did you know of my coming? Did that lead to the creation of the Atheron?'
Alpha and Omega 'What was known and needs to be known is irrelevant to others. We scanned everything that was seen, what would happen, has not happened, and will never happen. Things that have already happened. Time is irrelevant. We base creation to form. An experiment. The experiment began with the creation of an object which we formed.'
Atherak asks 'The Atheron key?'
Alpha and Omega 'It was an experiment. Thoughts and feelings from you are scanned and gave us ideas for future experiments which we would involve ourselves in.'
Atherak asks 'Question of the creation of the Aspects.'
Alpha and Omega 'Yes it was our experiments which created the Aspects. First choosing two, then two others.'
Atherak asks 'Who were the first two?'
Alpha and Omega 'Parental. The reference you already know, questions otherwise are irrelevant.'
Atherak asks 'Are they Father and Great Mother?'
Alpha and Omega 'What is known is already known. Questioning otherwise is irrelevant.'
Omega about Ashontrah 'Physical to spiritual are projections of me. I within myself. I which chose to extend myself beyond what was foretold within your initial scan when your presence was made known to us.'
Atherak asks 'Can you clarify?'
Omega 'Your presence made known to us in the initial scan. What I wanted to project into distance.'
Atherak 'I think what she means is they saw the scan on me she saw herself and that is the way she wanted to project herself.'
Atherak asks 'Clarify on male.'
Omega 'Alpha has not fully projected. Alpha is only taken through pieces within Aspects of himself.'
Atherak asks 'To clarify, Alpha has no spiritual or physical form?'
Omega 'That is correct. To question otherwise is irrelevant.'
Ashontrah physical asks 'Is Ashontrah you?'
Omega 'Correct.'
Alpha 'Male projection is shattered.'
Ashontrah physical asks 'Why did I think Ashoweah was my twin?'
Omega 'Omega goes far beyond Alpha. Can never be compared as equal or twin.'
Alpha and Omega 'Alpha form was shattered. Aspect males are shattered shards of Alpha.'
Alpha and Omega 'Female Aspects are the successful outcome of the experiment of Omega.'
Ashontrah physical asks 'Is there significance to the number 19?'
Atherak 'The significance is beyond common mathematics. I was shown math beyond anything any being would understand. What they were trying to show me was a rotation.'
Alpha and Omega 'Conclusive to the original 13 existences. Originally 19 existed. 6 were failed experiments in which all Aspects would be based upon.'
Atherak asks 'Clarify.'
Alpha and Omega 'It was to create an existence for each Aspect.'
Atherak asks 'Six failed then?'
Omega 'Correct. Including personal experiment of mine.'
Atherak asks 'Clarify.'
Omega 'Personal experiment of love, beauty, and creation in an entire existence based upon it. You should remember the guided voice within the Atheron. Due to conflicting energy of sources from shattered male Alpha, outside sabotage from known male Aspects led to the failure of the experimental six existences.'
Atherak asks 'Clarify more.'
Omega 'The being known as Ashoweah tampered to sabotage. Leading to the failure of 6 existences based upon the Aspects.'
12:28pm Atherak: 'The physical of Ashontrah takes a seat on chair. Instructed by Omega to hook her into the athranaak. Instructed to stand back.'
12:36pm Atherak 'Omega connection complete. The memory gel has turned to dust. I have lost connection with the Omega and Alpha. New question remains, did the Omega create the Alpha? I believe that is what they were trying to show me.'
12:38pm Atherak 'Diagnostic read-out from the anthranaak confirms that Omega has fully connected to her physical and spiritual.
Running another scan to confirm... Diagnostics have come up with same conclusion as first. It just goes to show that even to the physical and spiritual what little things we are. That Ashontrah the Omega is beyond our comprehension. We could search eons and never fully understand Ashontrah the Omega.'
12:46pm Atherak: 'My physical mind is flashing. The Omega is giving me a sight of something. The place that I saw before that was split with two forms, the Alpha and Omega standing on the side. I am now being show there was just an Omega. I see the Omega split with a creation form of an Alpha. This is heavy on the mind. Omega created Alpha.'
12:48pm Atherak: 'The physical room at the moment is filled with light pink energy. Blinding me. The athranaak core takes upon this illumination.'
Another vision shared on March 5th... Shown to Atherak...
It shows the time of the creation of the Atheron. It shows the Alpha shattering. The pieces form their own conscious selves. The pieces form into the Alpha Aspects. Ashoweah has not yet formed. His piece forms and draws from the other shattered pieces that are forming.
Then once the pieces are formed into their Aspects it seems that some of them move away from the Atheron. I believe those pieces are Vustik and Ashoweah.
Rewinding back a little further, it seems the Alpha shattered right after the Atheron was made. After the shattered pieces formed the Alpha turns to black liquid. That black liquid goes into the tip of the Atheron and falls like rain on the inside. That is all the vision shows Atherak.
Atherak says black liquid is not what he came from. He came later from something else. This black liquid came in when there was nothing in the Atheron at all.
So now you may know the object that Moskavanik took. He went back to when the Alpha shattered and took the Alpha Mind. I can also share with you the unedited version of what happened with Atherak and Moskavanik in the Atheron...
What was edited before...
Moskavanik shoves the stump of his left arm where his hand is missing into the pool of black water. 'I will absorb everything. I will be the Alpha!'
Something rises from the pool. A being black as night with eyes red as fire.
Moskavanik looks in horror upon the face of Atherak. 'How can this be?'
Atherak says 'This is happening because you thought you could fool the Omega. You thought you could collect everything of the Alpha. You were naive in thinking her such a fool. The Omega created the Alpha.
That is where you do not understand. The Alpha serves the Omega. Long ago it was understood. That is why the Alpha shattered. The codes hidden. That is why the black rain poured here in the Atheron. You were the naive one and unworthy of the Aspect you hold.'
More about the Alpha and Omega...
There are 8 Alpha shards. Great Father, Thoth, Riovo, and Atherak are not part of the Alpha. Great Father and Great Mother were the first offspring. Followed by Thoth and Riovo. That is why Father, Thoth, and Riovo are considered non-existence beings.
Jederva: "But why isn't Great Mother a non-existence being?"
Because she is the mother of creators. She is not meant to be separate from creation.
April 1st 2019...
Atherak: "The Omega did something with the Fall. She didn't prevent it from happening but she changed the timetable. Xarsha brought this to my attention and I have also had deep spiritual dreams about it. When I dream as Atherak I dream of different things.
She changed the timetable of it. She set it to not happen so soon. Xarsha stepped a few years into the future. You were sitting in your room on the bed with Ayvarahsa.
I think as the Omega you were asking him something about the numbers of actual spiritually connected ones who could be trusted in their incarnations. He said something like 20 million. The Omega said 'I want them all.'
Something about your work and experiences, the ones you put together and everything you have collected. It extends out further to more. As it extends out there is a bigger understanding and following. They are not worshipers. They are ones who want to listen to the voice of the Omega.
Did she extend the time period before the Fall happens? Because she didn't remove it. It still happens, but it seems like she pushed it a little further. Not too much further, just a little bit."
Omega told Atherak 'This must be so and the timetable set now is insignificant. I will change this and set it to the way I wish it to be. Those who will suffer the fall will still suffer it and the judgement that comes with it. There must be time. I must walk among this world. They must know me. Those who are worthy of the gift of the Omega.'
About the female Aspects...
Female Aspects are the most direct daughters to the Omega. Well besides the first 4 Aspects (Father, Mother, Thoth, Riovo). Remember these are Aspects without existence forms. So they are formless at this point so they are not birthed the way others are.
Usula is made from the Omega and Thoth. She was birthed from the bones in the Omega's chest.
Asteria was made from the Omega and Riovo. She was birthed from the Omega Mind.
As for Hue and Juleen. They are made from the Omega and Father. Juleen birthed from her left eye and Hue from her right eye.
Eomeya of the Omega and Father. Birthed from the Omega womb.
There is always a father. That is the way it has always been. The first four Aspects are of both the Omega and Alpha. The Alpha came from the Omega in a similar way to how Poseidon came from Aphrodite.
True Self Connection...