Sizonira: Vengeance of Eternal Death

The true self past vision begins as Eternal Death stands before the first Weaver of Destiny. Her name is Gierati. He is speaking to her.
Eternal Death says ‘Show me Weaver of Destiny. Show me what lies in my future. The thread that will bring about my master’s desire in the final judgement of all the existences.’
The Weaver of Destiny Gierati replies ‘You shall come to your master’s final judgement, but I do not see you completing the task which your master has set forth.’
Eternal Death rears back ‘How is this so? Who will stand in my way?’
The Weaver of Destiny then spins her threads. An image appears. ‘This is the one known as Ashontrah. She will bring about your end.’
Eternal Death watches as he sees himself ripped apart by Ashontrah, and his old adversary Ashoweah.
Eternal Death says ‘This cannot be. I will not fail my master. I will bring about his Final Judgement.’
Gierati says ‘It has already been woven. The Fate will be carried out.’ Eternal Death looks long and hard at the image of Ashontrah, and those celebrating after his demise.
Eternal Death says ‘Ashontrah. I will still bring forth the Final Judgement. If you do bring about my end, then I will make sure that your end shortly follows mine.’
Eternal Death turns to his trusted assistant Andrean and says to him ‘Go my loyal servant. Bring me the essence of Light and Dark.’
Andrean says ‘But those of Light and Dark have been cast away. They do not even remember who they are.’
Eternal Death says ‘That is just as well.’ Eternal Death places his hand in a fist towards Andrean and opens it. He sees two images, one of Light and one of Dark.
Eternal Death says ‘They still exist. Go to them. Gather for me some of their essence.’
Andrean bows his head and says ‘I shall do so master.’ Andrean disappears in a mist.
Eternal Death turns to the Weaver of Destiny Gierati and says ‘Show me more of this Ashontrah’s future after my demise.’
Gierati replies ‘That future is beyond anyone’s understanding. I cannot show you this future for it has already been woven and rewoven by powers you have yet to understand.’
Eternal Death grows angry and grabs the Weaver of Destiny by the throat, and pulls her closer to his face. His name is Kaltarinkae.
Eternal Death stares into her eyes and says ‘I will make the future of Ashontrah, and you shall weave it.’
The servant Andrean has gone to where the one known as Juleen resides. There she rests safely. She is dreaming deeply of strange dreams, containing things from the past that she does not yet understand. Kaltarinkae’s servant begins to steal her essence as she slumbers.
When Andrean is done, he then goes to where Hue is. She is also dreaming of things from the past which she does not understand. Andrean does the same thing to Hue and steals her essence. He returns to Eternal Death Kaltarinkae who is waiting with the first Weaver of Destiny Gierati.
Andrean says ‘I have brought what you requested, Master.’ Andrean holds his hands forward with the essence of Light and Dark. Eternal Death gathers them into one hand.
Eternal Death says ‘Soon this Ashontrah will bring about my end. If that is to be, then I shall bring about hers.’ The essence of Light and Dark begin to glow in his hand. He squeezes his hand tighter. A strange glowing orb appears.
Eternal Death says ‘Now witness my creation implanted with the power given to me by Judgement, and the power of the Seed of Life which no longer controls my every aspect. I am Eternal Death, and Ashontrah’s death will come at my hands.’
The first Weaver of Destiny Gierati watches. Her eyes are wide in shock, horrified by what she has seen. She says ‘I shall never weave this creation into any threads in time with Fate or Destiny.’
Eternal Death grins and chuckles ‘I don’t want you to weave this one in time. You will be its vessel.’ Eternal Death thrusts his hand into the abdomen of Gierati.
Gierati cries out in agony when Eternal Death removes his hand. There inside her, he has placed a child of his.
Eternal Death says ‘You will birth this child, and she will go forth unwillingly knowing that she serves me. I will put into motion what will become the death of Ashontrah eternally. If she is to bring about my end, I shall bring about hers and all who serve her.’
Eternal Death and his servant Andrean leave. They vanish in a black cloud of smoke. The First Weaver Gierati in a trance begins to weave again, unknowing of the pregnancy and the child growing within her.
In the place where the Weavers of Fate and Destiny reside, the Sisters as they are called, there are loud agonizing screams. The First Weaver of Fate and Destiny has broken from her trance in weaving the threads.
She is giving birth to the child that was placed inside her by Eternal Death. Many Sisters surround her chanting. As the child is birthed forth to the world, the First Weaver of Fate and Destiny Gierati dies.
The Sisters take the child as they look upon her. She is glowing brightly. There is a light coming from her which is not blinding, but more of a dark light. The Sisters decide to care for the child.
Sizonira spends her first few years growing up around the Weavers of Fate and Destiny. They keep her far from the Threads.
At a certain age, she watches and observes Eternal Death who has come there. The Sisters do not try to intervene. Kaltarinkae has come to see the child he placed so long ago in the First Weaver of Fate and Destiny.
As he stands before his small daughter, he kneels down to her, looks her in the eyes and says ‘You are the seed of my revenge.’ Eternal Death places his hand upon her head. Her eyes glow with bright darkness.
Eternal Death says ‘Awaken him when the time comes. He will enact my vengeance. If this Ashontrah will bring about my demise, then she will die for it.’
Kaltarinkae then removes his hand and Sizonira faints. One of the Sisters gathers her up.
Eternal Death stands and says ‘I shall wait until the time comes. This Ashontrah will not bring about my end. I feel that the master will return, and this will change the threads of everything. Will it not?’ Kaltarinkae stares at the Sisters and they bow their heads.
Eternal Death speaks again ‘I will carry out my master’s will, and when he returns he will praise me gloriously. Once again I will stand at my master’s side as we bring about the Final Judgement of all existences. This Ashontrah will never have a chance to stop me.
I do not trust you hags, you thread weavers. This child shall be taken from here If any are to try to harm her. Do you all understand? If you do not comply with my demands in protecting her, I will come back and rip your threads apart.’
On a distant world in a far off existence, there is a celebration going on at a grand palace in a beautiful forest. There resides the Aspect of Happiness. He sits upon a throne overlooking the festivities. Many are celebrating, dancing and singing.
He rules the people of this realm. He came to them long ago when they were in despair and sadness. He brought them joy and happiness.
The realm that he rules over, he shapes into his own design. There is no suffering or despair in this realm. All are happy. All live peacefully with each other and enjoy every part of their lives from beginning to end, birth to death.
There is much in this realm that these beings do not understand for they live always with joyous feelings and emotions. As the Aspect of Happiness watches over them all he looks down and grins.
He says to one of his servants who is standing there ’The time has come. Ready those who would serve me.’
The servant nods to him. The Aspect of Happiness stands from his throne. All turn to him and applaud him. Many yell out his name and praise him. He smiles at them all and then bows.
Happiness leaves the festivities and heads down a long corridor. There behind a door, he enters a chamber. He begins speaking into a strange dark portal in the center of the chamber.
He goes to his knees and begins crying out ‘Master. Oh Master. Come to me now. I have brought you so many I am willing to give to you as sacrifices. Come to me oh great master. Come see what gifts I have for you.’
A strange, deep, almost bone-chilling hum comes from the portal. The voice of Eternal Death speaks ‘Ah. You honor me with so many gifts. I shall come to you. I shall empower and reward you for honoring me in such a way.’
It begins to grow dark across the realm where the beings are celebrating and where the festivities are taking place. The beings look up, this is strange to them. They are curious. They have not seen such heavy darkness in so long. Thousands of different beings of all shapes, sizes, and variations begin to look up into the sky.
They notice something falling from it. It looks like millions of large pieces of bone material. When they hit the ground they crack and break open. Strange bone figures step out from them. These are bone warriors of Eternal Death.
A male being steps forward and smiles at one of them. He places his hand forward and greets them. He says ‘I do not know where you came from, but you are welcome to join in our festivities. We are celebrating, and it appears that we have more guests. Now come, join us.’
He turns around, and as he does the bone creature strikes, decapitating him. His body falls to the ground and his head rolls across the ground to the feet of the other beings.
The beings look up at the creatures. Something new has come over them. Something that many of them have never felt, and that the older ones have not felt in a long time. One of them cries out ‘Fear. Fear has come back!’
The others look at this older being who is shaking with terror. The bone warriors gather before them. As the beings look back at the bone warriors they are attacked and many are killed.
They realize that death has come for them. They panic and run in all directions. Eternal Death appears and walks through the slaughter towards the chamber where the Aspect of Happiness awaits him.
The Aspect of Happiness bows. Eternal Death motions for him to rise. Eternal Death says ‘You have done well my apprentice. Now let me give you your reward.’
Eternal Death places his hand on the head of the Aspect of Happiness whose eyes begin to glow. The Aspect of Happiness lifts from the ground as if he is in a trance then slowly floats back to the ground.
Eternal Death removes his hand from his head, and his eyes go back to normal. Happiness shakes his head for a moment then drops to his knees and begins praising Eternal Death.
The Aspect of Happiness says ‘Thank you for this gift, my master. I shall go forth and use it in your name. We shall bring about the end of all these beings. I’ve waited so long for this. So long.’
Eternal Death says ‘No. You will not join me at my side. I have other plans for you. You will remain as you are, unknown to anyone that you serve me. I have another task for you. A child of my creation will come to you soon. She is being hunted, and she will need your protection. She is of Light and Dark, and the Seed of Eternal Death.’
The Aspect of Happiness says ‘And what will her purpose be, great master?’
Eternal Death says ’You will know that in time to come. As for now, you will protect her. She is that of Light and Dark. My Light and Dark.’
The Aspect of Happiness asks ‘What of my sisters? The ones of Light and Dark. The first Aspects of it.’
Eternal Death says ‘They are separated. They won’t combine again for a long time, and when they do I will be there. But first I have a task for you. When this child of my creation comes to you, you must guide her.
She must form our own light and darkness that will spread throughout the existences. Hue and Juleen in time will reunite, and they will have what I need. I must make sure to obtain it when they do.’
The Aspect of Happiness asks ‘What must you obtain?’
Eternal Death says ‘The final piece that I will need. You will understand in time. Now go, you are needed elsewhere. Remember, protect and guide this child of my creation, or you will suffer the same Fate as all others when the time comes for the Final Judgement of all Existences.'
Eternal Death then casts a dark mist around the Aspect of Happiness. The Aspect of Happiness disappears. Pain, suffering, and death come to the existence where Happiness previously was.
Young Sizonira has grown and is around the age of 7 or 8 in Midgard years. There is commotion, many of the Sisters try to hide her. They shroud her in a robe and take her to a place. Outside she notices two beings who have arrived. The oldest of the Sisters approaches one of the beings. The one known as Xarsha.
She says ‘Your presence here Myrrdonite is unwelcome. We know why you have come.’
Xarsha replies ‘Then I shall save you the trouble. Where is the child then?’
The eldest sister says ‘She is here with us, but we cannot let you have her. For the vengeance of Eternal Death will come upon us, and we are the Weavers and Keepers of Fate and Destiny.’
Xarsha says ‘I understand your position. However, the child I have seen within the future. If she is not dealt with now, others will come. I will not bring about your destruction by taking her from you.
I know Eternal Death and his ways. However, you will not be able to protect her for long. Others, as I said, will come for her. Ones who do not care for your plight or your suffering that will be brought upon you by Eternal Death.’ Xarsha and the other Myrrdonite open a rift and leave.
The Sister says to the others ‘What the Myrrdonite speaks of is true. Others will come seeking this child. We must take her somewhere safe, and pray that Eternal Death will show us mercy for doing so.’
One of the Sisters then speaks ‘But where shall we take her? If other beings beyond Myrrdonites are hunting her, no place will be safe.’
The Sisters begin to speak loudly among each other, arguing back and forth over what to do with the young child. Sizonira watches and a tear rolls from her eye.
She thinks to herself ‘How can nobody want me? What am I? I do not understand. Why do so many wish to see me destroyed?’
As she thinks, she begins to weep. As the sisters discuss loudly among each other, a male voice is heard. A hooded figure appears. The hooded figure says ‘I will take her. I will be able to protect her.’
The figure steps forward. He lowers his hood, revealing his face. The Sisters recognize him as the Aspect of Happiness.
He kneels down to Sizonira and tilts her chin to look up at him and says ‘Such a beautiful young child, but yet so sad. I shall take her and care for her. I will show her happiness. I will show her joy and love, and she will be cared for.
Eternal Death will not come for any of you. He will know that his child is safe, and no others will come to try to harm her. This I can guarantee you. I shall take her to a place far away from here where she knows no pain, suffering, cruelty, or sadness.’
They look at each other and then at the eldest Sister. The eldest Sister nods her head in acknowledgment.
The Aspect of Happiness picks Sizonira up in his arms and smiles at her. ‘We have so much to do together. So much joy and happiness we will spread. You will see. Now don’t cry anymore little one. Your tears shall never fall again in sadness.’
Sizonira has grown. She is about 19 in Midgard years. She travels everywhere with the Aspect of Happiness who disguises himself in several forms. They journey from realm to realm where Happiness brings those who are in doubt, desperation and suffering true joy. They all celebrate.
Every time they move, they never return to the realms. Each time before Happiness and Sizonira leave, Happiness calls down Eternal Death who brings his judgement to these realms.
Sizonira is a young woman now. They are in a realm far off in a distant existence. She wanders through the halls of their palace one night and notices the Aspect of Happiness wandering the same halls. She follows him to a secret door. Happiness enters the door to a chamber containing the dark portal.
Happiness speaks through it ‘Master the time has come. This realm is ripe for your judgement. They are ready to face you.’
Eternal Death says ‘Very good my servant. Ah, but you are being watched.’
Happiness looks over his shoulder to see Sizonira staring at him wide-eyed, almost in amazement at what is going on. He raises his hand and speaks in a strange language. Sizonira’s eyes turn grey, then white. She enters a trance.
Eternal Death says ‘Her time has come. Bring her to me. I have a gift for her. Something that will further my conquest of spreading judgement throughout the existences. I have gathered ones of the same essence of the same Aspects that I made her from. Bring her to me.’
Happiness says ‘I shall.’ All around the realm they are in darkness falls, and the bone creatures appear. They spread suffering and fear as they slaughter the beings of the realm.
Happiness takes the entranced Sizonira to a different place where there is a wasteland. He places her on the ground. This place is unfamiliar to him yet somehow he knows it.
In the distance, he sees Eternal Death standing and looking out across a dark plane of barren wasteland. It seems as if the sand and ground is a greyish color almost like ash.
Happiness approaches Eternal Death and asks ‘Where am I? What is this place? It seems so familiar yet I do not know it.’
Eternal Death says ‘You are in the lands created by the one who I once served. The borderlands. I stood upon this hill and watched as the master would bring an end to the existences. Final Judgement of them all. All those who chose to escape their Fate. I stood here with the servants of the master.’
Happiness says ‘You mean Atherak? Judgement himself? What took place here?’
Eternal Death waves his hand across the plane and an image appears of long ago. There stands Atherak with an Atheron Key in his hand to bring about the end of the existences and his Final Judgement. Then a light shines above him. Words are spoken, and Atherak burns away. Eternal Death is alone, and the other beings with him are imprisoned. Ashoweah and the Veil Keeper are gone.
Eternal Death says ‘I still serve the master’ He lowers his hand and the images dissipate.
Happiness says ‘And I serve you.’ He kneels and bows his head to Eternal Death.
Eternal Death says ‘Do you truly serve me?’
Happiness says ‘Yes. Until my bitter end, I will serve you.’ Eternal Death turns around. A coil comes from his hand and pierces into the head of Happiness.
Eternal Death says ‘Then serve me. A time will come when I need you the most to bring about an end to an adversary who may undo all I have done in bringing about the master’s Final Judgement. If I am to be destroyed… destroy her.’
Power flows into Happiness. He changes form and then changes back. Eternal Death walks over to Sizonira and picks her up in his arms. He turns to Happiness and says ‘Come. I have a gift for my creation.’
A rift opens up. Eternal Death and Happiness go through. There on the other side is a world split by light and dark. Beings have gathered. One race of light beings, and the other of darkness.
Eternal Death waves his hand over Sizonira’s face. Her eyes open, and he places her gently to the ground.
Eternal Death says ‘Behold my daughter. The light and the dark which will serve you. The Purifiers and the Dark Collective. Now go forth and take them. Lead the way and clear the path for my coming to all the realms and existences. When you have completed this, I will set you to your final task.’
Sizonira says ‘I shall father. I shall bring forth the light and the darkness upon the realms and clear the way for your coming.’ She raises her hand into the air. Light and Dark power flow into her. The Dark Collective and Purifiers cheer her in an uproar.
Eternal Death turns to Happiness and says ‘And you who I shall call Moskavanik, you will watch over and guide her. The time will come when I will collect the final pieces. You must be there. The Aspects of Light and Dark are returning to a new existence. Within there lies the pieces I need.
Now go to this place, seek them out and watch them. Report everything back to me. Also what is above all most important, there is the Aspect of Truth. Find her there, I will need something from her.’
Moskavanik says ‘What will you need, my master?’
Eternal Death grows angry and says ‘That is not for you to know at this moment. When the time comes I will instruct you. This is all part of a bigger plan. The one who is going to destroy me and try to end my Final Judgement, she will be there.
The Eternal Seed will flow into this new existence. She will rise from it, this great being. Whoever she may be… she will not stop me. I will set in motion things that will come to pass in time. For if I am ever to be destroyed, I will be able to rise again. But first…’
Moskavanik looks on in astonishment and says ‘But first, master? Yes?’
Eternal Death says ‘But first I will devour these existences.’
Time passes on. The Dark Collective and the Purifiers move from existence to existence, realm to realm carrying out the tasks given to them. Sizonira still remains off and on in a trance-like state throughout this. She feels as if she is a prisoner, no more than a puppet.
She once felt safe as a child and the Aspect of Happiness who is now Moskavanik now seems more like a captor. She watches helplessly as so many existences fall to the Purifiers and the Dark Collective. Moskavanik has another place that has a chamber with the same dark portal in it.
Moskavanik kneels and says ‘Master I have come as you have requested. I am here to do your bidding.’
Through the dark portal Eternal Death speaks ’The final phase of my plan to ensure the destruction of this Ashontrah has now come to pass.’
Three strange ball objects float through the dark portal and pierce into Moskavanik.
Eternal Death says ’Now go to Truth. There you must create something that will sleep until the child of my creation shall awaken it.’
Moskavanik says ‘And what shall I do with what you have given me, master?’
Eternal Death says ‘Seek out Truth. Take her Aspect and create me a being. Place it where it may rest and be worshiped by those all around it. When the time comes, the child of my creation shall awaken this being which will devour this Ashontrah.’
Moskavanik says ‘It will not be easy to fool Truth into doing this.’
Eternal Death says ‘Where she is now her recollection is different. You still must go to her. She may not fully understand who she is. Take her. She lies within the new existence. Go there to her, disguise yourself. I will make sure everything else will happen. Once it is done then return to me.’
Moskavanik says ‘I will do as you command, master.’
Moskavanik leaves and travels to the existence that we are in now. There he finds Asteria who is fast asleep. He comes to her in a dream. It is a dream of them running wild as animals. It is strange to Asteria as she has never dreamed of stuff like this before.
In the dream, the other being that follows her appears to have a head like an elk or deer with long antlers. He grasps Asteria. She can feel his fingers piercing into her.
She awakes from the dream. She feels strange, but she does not understand what just happened. She wonders whether it was only a dream. Moskavanik returns to Eternal Death and reports the completion of his task.
Eternal Death says ‘Good. Within three moons, return and take what is within her. Bring it to a place that I have made ready. There ones will worship it as an Elder God. They will empower it until the time of its awakening.
Moskavanik says ‘As for this Ashontrah. What shall be done with her?’
Eternal Death says ‘Follow her. Manipulate her every step that you can. Make sure that she, when the time comes, will be in place for her own destruction I have set forth for her.’
Moskavanik bows his head and says ‘I will do as you command master’
Three moons go by. Moskavanik returns to the sleeping Asteria in a dream. He places his hand upon her stomach and withdraws a small creature that looks like an abnormal fetus.
He takes it to a place where several beings have been waiting. There on a great mountain is a cave leading below to an altar. Moskavanik places the creature on the altar.
Void beings and Light beings are brought forth in chains. The other beings of this realm are twisted looking and are blackish with large white eyes. They are the worshipers. They drag forward the Void and Light beings and sacrifice them. As they do this, the creature grows and becomes a monstrous form.
With the words spoken by Moskavanik the creature falls asleep. Moskavanik turns to the followers and says ‘Keep it safe. Guard it. Feed it. Bring those here to sacrifice so that it grows strong. When the time comes it must fulfill its task.’ They bow their heads and Moskavanik leaves.
Sizonira is sleeping, but she is within a deep dream. She is standing before a being. This is Eternal Death. He is not solid, but more spirit form.
Eternal Death speaks to her ‘Child of my creation. You have come now to serve your purpose which I have made you for. It is time to enact my vengeance. Go now. Awaken the one who will bring me this justice, and will judge the one who has destroyed me.’
Sizonira has awakened from the dream. She is surrounded by the worshipers of the Elder God. They place a robe around her and take her to the place where Udunrinos sleeps. Moskavanik awaits her.
Moskavanik says ‘Come forward and fulfill your destiny.’
Sizonira is in a trance again. She steps forward and begins chanting loudly. She approaches the sleeping creature’s head and pierces her fingers into its skull. She continues chanting loudly as Light and Dark energy pour from her into the creature. Its eyes open.
Moskavanik laughs ‘Your time has come Ashontrah. You shall face justice. You are not eternal. You will be nothing more once Udunrinos has devoured you.’
Moskavanik turns towards the entranced Sizonira and says ‘You have served your purpose. Now you shall be rewarded. You will remember nothing of this, and yet you shall find new happiness until the time that I will need you again. Go now.' Moskavanik opens a portal to Jotunheim. Sizonira in a trance steps through.
Through the portal she falls into an icy sea in Jotunheim. She is dazed and weary. She tries to swim, but she sinks beneath the waves.
Darkness surrounds her, but then she feels something grasp her. She notices a being who has grabbed her under her arms and begins to pull her towards the surface. This being is a Naga.
The being rises to the surface and Sizonira is no longer conscious. She is in a trance. The Naga places a field around her, and then drags her back down to the bottom of the waters of the icy sea. Here all the Naga have gathered. They place her within a chamber in what appears to be a sunken ruined city.
The Naga is speaking in an undecipherable language, but it seems they are worshipers of a strange being depicted in a carved statue. The statue is a creature’s head with glowing red eyes and wide open jaws holding a rose. The rose is being crushed by its bite.
They place Sizonira upon an altar and begin to bow and worship her. Here she remained under the protection of the Naga until she would be awakened and rise again. There is a prophecy among the Naga of Jotunheim that one would be sent to them by the Elder God who would secure their place as rulers of Jotunheim.
She was awoken. Someone else took her, and the Naga’s desires of conquest and all their hopes and dreams were gone. The Naga plot their revenge against the one who has taken her. The Naga desire to rise and take the lands of Jotunheim to rule.
First IG session for Sizonira...
The Awakening of Udunrinos (Dec 30th 2017)
The Demise of Eternal Death...
War of 13 Existences Part Three (Jan 21st 2019)
Udunrinos destroys Ashontrah as foretold...
The Destruction of Ashontrah and Udunrinos (April 3rd 2019)
True Self Connection...